(Sudan's Unbowed, Unbroken Inner Circle) مقال جدير بالإطلاع

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05-03-2005, 08:48 AM


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Re: (Sudan's Unbowed, Unbroken Inner Circle) مقال جدير بالإطلاع (Re: Enigma)

    Quote: The men who control Africa's largest country -- the key architects of the conflict in Darfur -- hail from two tiny, interwoven Arab tribes

    Quote: Despite their tendency to feud, the ministers and security officials in Sudan's inner circle form a tight web of power that combines tribal, religious and military elements. Its formal name is the National Islamic Front, but it is known in Khartoum as the "security cabal."

    Quote: the Khartoum government began fostering ties with China. Once oil production began in 1999, the government began collecting $500 million a year in revenue. This paid for Chinese-made tanks, guns and planes used to fight southern rebels, the group Human Rights Watch reported. Khartoum's military budget doubled, and the State Department described it as the richest government in Africa.

    Quote: For example, the government often sends out Foreign Minister Mustafa Osman Ismail to meet foreign officials and conduct tours with the news media. Ismail is known to foreign diplomats and aid workers as "Mr. Smile" for his ability to make dire situations sound just fine.

    Quote: It was the Bashir-Taha government that "introduced torture, executions and deliberate targeting of civilians to stay in power and achieve its military objectives,"

    Thanx Enigma
    It's a very arresting,luminous article that portraits the insane tribal Junta system,

العنوان الكاتب Date
(Sudan's Unbowed, Unbroken Inner Circle) مقال جدير بالإطلاع Enigma05-03-05, 06:26 AM
  Re: (Sudan's Unbowed, Unbroken Inner Circle) مقال جدير بالإطلاع أحمد أمين05-03-05, 07:39 AM
  Re: (Sudan's Unbowed, Unbroken Inner Circle) مقال جدير بالإطلاع Kobista05-03-05, 08:48 AM
  Re: (Sudan's Unbowed, Unbroken Inner Circle) مقال جدير بالإطلاع Enigma05-03-05, 10:30 PM
    Re: (Sudan's Unbowed, Unbroken Inner Circle) مقال جدير بالإطلاع Mohamed Suleiman05-04-05, 01:51 AM
      Re: (Sudan's Unbowed, Unbroken Inner Circle) مقال جدير بالإطلاع Mohamed Suleiman05-06-05, 10:30 AM

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