بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك "فضائح مشابهة" للشرطة الألمانية؟ DW

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Yasir Elsharif
<aYasir Elsharif
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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مش� (Re: Yasir Elsharif)

    Death of Sudanese Asylum-seeker
    LH 588 - Hörbildpräsentation Staatsanwaltschaft stellt Ermittlungsverfahren wegen Verdachts der Körperverletzung im Amt ein Diskussionsveranstaltung "Abu Ghraib lässt grüßen" Empfehlungen des UN-Anti-Folter-Auschusses an die Bundesregierung in Berlin diskutiert Neuer Prozess gegen BGS-Beamte nach Tod von Ageeb PRO ASYL erstattet Strafanzeige gegen vier BGS-Beamte Aktionsbündnis erstattet Anzeige gegen Kapitän „Fahrlässige Tötung durch Unterlassen“ Die Fesselung von Aamir Ageeb bei seiner Abschiebung ai: Prozessbeginn im Fall Aamir Ageeb Tod bei Abschiebung BGS-Beamte im Fall Aamir Ageeb wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagt Prozess gegen BGS-Beamte beginnt am 02.02.2004 Kampagne gegen Abschiebungen Abschiebehaft und Abschiebelager Dritter Todestag des bei einer Abschiebung ums Leben gekommenen Sudanesen Aamir Ageeb Fesselungen bei Abschiebungen Untersuchungsbericht der Staatsanwaltschaft Frankfurt zu Aamir Ageebs Tod Neue Erkenntnisse zum Abschiebetod des Aamir Ageeb Informationspolitik der Bundesregierung zum Todesfall von Aamir Ageeb Abschiebepraxis bei Suizidgefahr Trug das Land Baden-Württemberg Mitverantwortung am Tod des abgeschobenen Sudanesen؟ Rückführungen werden wieder aufgenommen Bundesinnenministerium: Bericht über den Tod von Aamir Ageeb Schily: Erlaß bleibt vorerst bestehen Abschiebestop für Aufklärung nicht nötig Menschenrechte beginnen zu Hause! Stellungnahme zum Gerichtsmedizinischen Gutachten Rechtsmedizinisches Institut Uni München: Obduktionsbericht ai: Jahresbericht Deutschland 2003 ai: Jahresbericht Deutschland 2002 ai: Jahresbericht Deutschland 2001 ai: Jahresbericht Deutschland 2000 ai: Jahresbericht Deutschland 1999 ai: Jahresbericht Sudan 2002 ai: Jahresbericht Sudan 2001 ai: ai: Jahresbericht Sudan 2000 ai: Jahresbericht Sudan 1999 Der Fall Aamir Ageeb Ärzte als Abschiebehelfer؟ Sudanese bei Abschiebung umgekommen Death of Sudanese Asylum-seeker Concerns in Europe - Germany Zur ewigen Ruhe gefesselt Tod des Sudanesen Aamir Ageeb Hilfsmittel zur Durchführung von Abschiebungen unter Zwang Online-Demonstration Vereinigung Cockpit: Abschiebungen Redebeitrag im Namen der Studentlnnenschaft der KSFH München zum 1. Todestag Gedenken an Aamir Ageeb am 28.5.2000 in München Rede zur Gedenkveranstaltung am 28.5.2000 in München Gedenkveranstaltung zum 1. Todestag von Aamir Ageeb DeportationClass Stop! Staub-Bernasconi: Gedenkveranstaltung zum 1. Todestag von Aamir Ageeb Interreligiöse Gedenkveranstaltung zum 1. Todestag von Aamir Ageeb Rückführungen auf dem Luftweg Zum 1. Todestag von Aamir Ageeb Erklärung des Fachbereichsrats zum Tod von Aamir Ageeb Abschiebung: Klare Verantwortung herstellen Rede bei der Demonstration in Hamburg Wir trauern um Aamir Ageeb!!! Wir trauern um Aamir Mohamed Ageeb! Der Abschiebetod von Aamir Ageeb hätte vermieden werden können Resolution der StudentInnen der KSFH München

    amnesty international, public statement, 3 June 1999
    Federal Republic of Germany
    Death of Sudanese Asylum-seeker

    Amnesty International today expressed concern about the tragic death of Aamir Ageeb, a 30-year old Sudanese asylum-seeker, who died on the evening of 28 May 1999 during an attempt to forcibly deport him from Frankfurt am Main airport, Germany. Amnesty International is extremely concerned that Aamir Ageeb may have died as a direct or indirect result of his treatment by three officers of the German border police.

    Amnesty International believes that it is the responsibility of the German government to ensure that deportations are carried out in accordance with international standards and in a manner which respects the human rights of the deportees.

    Aamir Ageeb was escorted by three police officers to Frankfurt am Main airport on the evening of 28 May, to be put on a Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to Cairo and then on to Khartoum. Before departure Aamir Ageeb’s arms and legs were reportedly bound by the police officers and a helmet placed on his head when he resisted deportation. After he was placed in a seat by the police officers, he allegedly continued to struggle. The police officers are then reported to have forced the detainee’s head between his knees and kept him in this position until the aeroplane had taken off.

    After take-off Aamir Ageeb stopped struggling and was pulled upright by the police officers. When the helmet was removed from his head the police officers noticed that he had stopped breathing. Several doctors on the aeroplane attempted in vain to revive him.

    Amnesty International believes that unless legislation and regulations are enacted to provide safeguards that a deportee’s inherent dignity is respected, there is no guarantee that deaths like that of Aamir Ageeb will not recur.

    The human rights organization has written to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany expressing its concern about the use of the restraint techniques used in the case of Aamir Ageeb. The organization is particularly concerned about the use of the helmet during his forced deportation and the force exerted on him during take-off.

    A spokesperson for the Ministry of Internal Affairs stated on 30 May that helmets are employed by the authorities to protect the deportee from physical injury during their forced deportation and to protect police officers from being bitten. Amnesty International has asked to be informed of the type of helmets employed during forced deportation and the guidelines relating to their use. The organization is especially concerned that the use of a full-faced helmet with a face visor could impede the breathing of a deportee. Similarly, a helmet strap could cause breathing difficulties if fastened too tight. The organization believes that breathing difficulties might be exacerbated in cases where a deportee struggles and resists deportation.

    Amnesty International is also concerned about the technique of restraining a deportee in the sitting position by forcing the upper body forward onto, and below, the knees. The organization believes that this technique may impede the breathing of a deportee, especially when pressure is exerted and other restraints are employed. The human rights organization has asked to be informed whether this technique is permitted as a form of restraint, and if so, under what circumstances. In addition, Amnesty International has asked to be informed what guidelines exist relating to the use of this technique and other forms of restraint.

    Amnesty International welcomes the announcement that an investigation will be held into the circumstances surrounding this tragic death and hopes that the investigation will be full and impartial. It has asked to be informed of the findings of investigation. The organization also welcomes the announcement that there will be a temporary suspension of forced expulsions from Germany.

    The death of Aamir Ageeb is not the first case of an asylum-seeker having died after being restrained during forced expulsion at Frankfurt am Main airport. In August 1994 a Nigerian national, Kola Bankole, died of heart failure during his forced deportation from Frankfurt am Main airport. He was restrained, sedated and gagged with a device made by one of the police officers at home from socks and a belt from a window blind.

    Source: Amnesty International, International Secretariat, 1 Easton Street, WC1X 8DJ, London, United Kingdom


العنوان الكاتب Date
بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك "فضائح مشابهة" للشرطة الألمانية؟ DW Yasir Elsharif06-08-20, 07:25 AM
  Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مشا� Yasir Elsharif06-08-20, 07:50 AM
    Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مش� Yasir Elsharif06-08-20, 07:56 AM
      Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مش� Yasir Elsharif06-08-20, 08:18 AM
        Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مش� Yasir Elsharif06-08-20, 09:02 AM
          Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مش� Yasir Elsharif06-08-20, 09:21 AM
            Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مش� Yasir Elsharif06-08-20, 09:31 AM
              Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مش� Maawya Hussein06-08-20, 09:38 AM
                Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مش� Yasir Elsharif06-08-20, 11:05 AM
                  Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مش� Yasir Elsharif06-08-20, 11:08 AM
                    Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مش� Yasir Elsharif06-08-20, 11:16 AM
                      Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مش� Yasir Elsharif06-08-20, 11:31 AM
                        Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مش� Yasir Elsharif06-08-20, 07:23 PM
                          Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مش� Yasir Elsharif06-08-20, 07:43 PM
                            Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مش� أمير فرح06-09-20, 00:18 AM
                              Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مش� أمير فرح06-09-20, 00:25 AM
                                Re: بعد مقتل جورج فلويد.. هل هناك andquot;فضائح مش� Yasir Elsharif06-09-20, 10:27 AM

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