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04-27-2006, 07:07 AM

حيدر حسن ميرغني
<aحيدر حسن ميرغني
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-19-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 26903

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: احذروا هذا النصاب (Re: adil rahman)

    Quote: Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 11:28:43 +0200
    From: "HILDA MUPESA" Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Subject: Pls Kindly Acknowledge !!!

    Private email contact: [email protected]
    Lawyer's contact : [email protected]

    Dear Friend

    Compliments of the season 2006.

    Forgive my indignation if this message comes to you as a surprise and
    may offend your personality for contacting you without your prior
    and writing through this channel.I got your contact from the
    database found in the internet when i was searching for a reliable
    foreigner who
    will assist me invest this fund.

    After series of prayers/fasting.i was divinely directed to contact you
    among other names found in the database.I believe that God has a way of
    helping who is in a problem and nobody on earth was born without
    problem.Every problem have a divine solution.In a brief i am Mrs. Hilda
    Mupesa,wife to Ndoga Mupesa of Chiweshe ward in Muzarabani, Mashonaland
    province, who was allegedly killed in cold blood on 5th april 2001 by
    Zanu PF militias and war veterans for supporting the (Mr Morgan
    Movement for Democratic Change, an opposition party to the tyranny
    of President Mugabe.Before my husband death as if he saw what is going
    happen to his life,he handed over to me all the documents of money he
    with private security companies in Africa and Middle East as personal
    effects in
    disguise Ranging from $25.5 Million United states dollars.I have
    decided to
    leave my country due to threats on me and my family and seizure of all
    husband property including my travelling documents by Mugabe

    I want you to contact with our family lawyer who is now in
    Cotonou-Republic Of
    Benin to furnish you how you can assist me pick up this fund after
    which both of us will travel to your country for my investment.I
    you on the following agreement;

    1.To keep this transaction confidential it deserves due to my condition
    right now.

    2.To assist me invest my share of the fund into a viable business
    venture as i have little or no knowledge on where to invest this huge
    of money with assistance of our family lawyer.

    3.To assist me and my children travel with you immediately this fund is
    out towhere you wish for the sharing of the fund according to the
    percentages and invest my share.

    4.To present yourself as the bonafide owner of the fund to enable the
    securitycompany effect the change of ownership for easy claim to avoid
    any trace of the movement of the fund.

    5. You will be transparent, honesty and diligence and will not be greed
    to divulge from the original percentage offered to you thereby
    for increase which might lead you to sit on the funds once it is under
    custody, or you try to blackmail me so you can take the money alone.

    6.Your percentage for your assistance will be 30% while 65% will be
    forme and my family including lawyer's compensation and 5% will be set
    aside to defray any incidental charges we may incurr in the course of
    transaction.And you will be of assistance to help me defray demurrages
    the deposit has already incurred after my initial deposit payment
    while i was waiting patiently for divine direction to whom will handle
    project without fear of betrayal.

    7.You are also entittled to manage my investment with me in your
    country for the period of Ten years after which my son would have grown
    to take care of the investment.For your assistance in this aspect,i
    offer you 20% of the company total profit though this is optional.

    Note:All the arrangement has been perfected with the security companies
    to deliver the consignment to their delivery office in Europe incase
    might not want to come to Africa.Rightnow,I have succeeded in
    out of that wicked country. i am now hiding in one of the
    Republic Du Benin in West Africa, where the fund is been deposited
    waiting for
    your response through my lawyer.This transaction is 100% risk free but
    utmost secrecy and confidentiality due to my condition.

    If you are interested to assist me.Contact my lawyer,Barrister George
    Collins ([email protected]),whom i have instructed to contact
    you on my behalf. If you wish to speak with me My lawyer will provide
    you with
    my contact number as soon as you show seriousness of assistance and
    forward to you all the relevant documents regarding to the deposit.If
    going through this mail and you are not interested kindly delete this
    and do not let anybody know about it due to the nature of this

    God Bless
    Yours sincerely,
    Mrs.Hilda Mupesa.

    الاخ الفاضل قرشو

    شوف الزولة دي عاوزة تديني 20% من اجمالي المبلغ 25 مليون دولار

    عندي رد جاهز لمثل هؤلا الاوغاد وهو GO TO HELL WITH YOUR MONEY

    وجزي الله اخونا زميل الدراسة الشاعر/ عادل عبد الرحمن على النصيحة التي تضمنت معرفته الدقيقة

    بخبايا الجماعة ديل

    شكرا لكليكما على اضاءة الجانب الخفي ده

    قرأت مرة انو في سعودي اتنصب عليهو بالطريقة دي مبلغ كبير من قبل صوماليين

    مرة في واحدة من حلقات طاش ما طاش السعودية تعرضوا للقضية دي بطريقة فكاهية


العنوان الكاتب Date
احذروا هذا النصاب قرشـــو04-26-06, 08:14 AM
  Re: احذروا هذا النصاب elhilayla04-26-06, 08:17 AM
  Re: احذروا هذا النصاب قرشـــو04-26-06, 09:15 AM
    Re: احذروا هذا النصاب garjah04-26-06, 10:29 AM
      Re: احذروا هذا النصاب عبدالمحمود محمد عبدالرحمن04-26-06, 11:35 AM
        Re: احذروا هذا النصاب قرشـــو04-27-06, 03:55 AM
      Re: احذروا هذا النصاب قرشـــو04-27-06, 03:51 AM
  Re: احذروا هذا النصاب قرشـــو04-27-06, 03:57 AM
    Re: احذروا هذا النصاب jini04-27-06, 05:53 AM
      Re: احذروا هذا النصاب قرشـــو04-29-06, 05:39 AM
  Re: احذروا هذا النصاب adil rahman04-27-06, 06:46 AM
    Re: احذروا هذا النصاب حيدر حسن ميرغني04-27-06, 07:07 AM
      Re: احذروا هذا النصاب قرشـــو04-29-06, 06:08 AM
    Re: احذروا هذا النصاب قرشـــو04-29-06, 05:51 AM
      Re: احذروا هذا النصاب Sobajo04-29-06, 11:34 AM
  Re: احذروا هذا النصاب almulaomar05-02-06, 06:02 AM

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