أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح اتخاذ خطوات مشابهة في الدول الخارجية

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01-15-2019, 04:25 AM

ابوبكر عبدالله ادم
<aابوبكر عبدالله ادم
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Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� (Re: Yasir Elsharif)

    التحايا دكتور ياسرتقوم المنظمات المهنية والقوي السياسية بدور كبير لدعم الثورة السودانية.. ومنظمة الاطباء في بريطانيا ,برئاسة دكتورة سارة عبدالجليل وزملاءها ,لهم اسهامات كبيرة ومقدرة . العديد من المذكرات تم رفعها وعدد من الاتصالات تمت مع مؤسسلت رسمية ومنظمات مجتمع مدني داخل بريطانيا وخارجها غير ان التغطية الاعلامية للاسف ليست في المستوي المطلوب بعد. ادناه المذكرة التي رفعتها رابطة القانونيين والمحاميين السودانيين في بريطانيا للجهات الرسمية والمنظمات الدولية مع ملحق موثق باسماء الضحايا من شهداء ثورة ديسمبر 2018 .للاسف المذكرة غير مترجمة) :::::Memo and a Call for urgent action in support of Sudanese peopleSudanese Lawyers and Legal Practitioners in the UK (SLLP UK) have been closely monitoring, with great concerns, the rapid spread of the demonstrations in several cities across Sudan. The reactions of the Sudanese government use of excessive violent force against peaceful protestors is deeply worrying. As of the 14th of December, a wave of mass protests were carried out by a small group in the city of El-Damazin-Blue Nile province. On the following,Wednesday the 19th December, a wider anti-government movement erupted in the city of Atbra, where three civilians were shot dead.The demonstration spread from the 20th of December to several cities and areas across the country, including Al Qadarif where twenty people were killed. In the area of Karima four people were also shot dead. In reaction to the uprise, on the 22nd of December 2018, The president's' Chief Security officer Salah Gosh,has stated during a press briefing: “A group of 280 people recruited by the Israeli Mossad from members of the rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Army/Movement led by Abd al-Wahid Mohamed Nur and dispatched to Sudan from a neighbouring country were responsible for the burning down of headquarters of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in several towns. Traitors and foreign agents". On Tuesday the 25th of December, hundreds of protesters gathered in an organised mass scale in several cities, following the recently formation of Sudanese Professionals Association in alliance with oppositional political parties caling for an anti-government rallies across the country and abroad.In the capital city of Khartoum, protesters gathered in several locations across the city to march towards the presidential palace in an attempt to present a memorandum calling for President Omar Al-Bashir to step down. During the peaceful demonstration, protesters were chanting, slogans such as "The people want to overthrow the regime" and "Freedom, Justice and Peace!". The authorities reacted to the peaceful demonstration by using excessive violence resulting to the killing of four civilians with live bullets, hundreds were injured and many others were arrested including opposition leaders.On 25th of December, during his visit to Al Jazeera province President Bashir bellowing out about traitors and vandals whilst the the authorities claimed that a cell of members of Darfur armed movements were captured. The state television shows students of Darfurian ethnicities, with their faces battered and swollen to confirming the allegations broadcasted. SLLP UK has no information on the nature of the investigation and what led the students to appear on television to admit to the allegation. Nonetheless the SLLP contacted several people and gathered information lead to believe that the allegations have no grounds. The arrest of student from Darfur and the accusations, reveal the discriminatory nature of Sudanese government towards Darfurians. The protests in Sudan are still ongoing in several cities and further protests planned during the upcoming days. Sudanese opposition groups launched a call for a new peaceful demonstrations on Sunday 6th and Wednesday 9th January 2019 in pursuit of the Sudanese opposition groups ‘Declaration of Freedom and Change’ calling on al-Bashir to step down. It is previously documented that the Sudanese authorities have used deadly forces to break up protests in September 2013 resulting in the killing of an estimated of 300 protesters by live bullets. Authorities acknowledged the death of 19 people while the SLLP UK has verified and documented the killing of 46 of people, in addition unknown numbers of injuries. Thousands of protestors were being held by security forces and denied access to their families and lawyers. Detailed list of the victims are attachedThe information available for SLLP UK, has led us to believe that Sudanese government will continue the escalating violence against protester, unless urgent actions by international communities are taken. Due to the aforementioned reasons, the SLLP UK : •Supports the non violence demonstrations as a legitimate means to express people’s right and demands. The right to freedom of peaceful assembly is guaranteed by constitution of Sudan and International Human Rights Legislations which are integral part of the 2005 constitution of Sudan by virtue of s27 (3) of the constitution.•Condemns Sudan’s Government use of unlawful force against peaceful protesters. The government of Sudan must comply with its national and international legal obligations and take immediate measures to protect its citizens rights to express their views, through peaceful protests and demonstrations, and respond to their legitimate demands and grievances of the Sudanese people. •Call on Sudan’s Government to immediately stop arbitrary arrests and the deadly use of force and prevent more unnecessary bloodsheds. Sudan’s government must immediately and unconditionally release all those arrested for peacefully exercising their right to freedom of expression, association and assembly. •Request independent investigation into the death and human rights violation of protesters across the country. Lawyers from the opposition groups, human rights activists, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Human Rights Council should be participant in such investigations. •Urges the security services to exercise the utmost restraint to avoid the escalation of violence and refrain from using lethal force against unarmed protesters. Security services are under legal and moral obligations to protect citizen, not the regime lead by the only African president wanted by the International Criminal Court for all crimes of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. •SLLP UK stresses that an indiscriminately shooting of protester is unjustified and warns the security forces from following superior orders to commit crimes against peaceful demonstrators is not a grounds to escape criminal liability. The current reaction from media and international community to the situation in Sudan is extremely disappointing, SLLP UK, therefore: •Appeal to all human rights organisation, civil society organisations all over the world, the media and all friends of Sudan to support the legitimate human rights of the people of Sudan and condemn the Sudan government use of excessive force against non violence protesters. The silence and inadequate actions encourage Sudan government to continue in its violation of human rights;•Call on UN Human Rights Council to take all necessary steps to ensure the rights of Sudanese people and monitor the human rights situation in Sudan; •Urges the international community, especially EU countries and the USA to politically and diplomatically intervene to protect the lives and rights of people in Sudan. The current response from main international actors is shameful and add to international community and institution’s failure to bring president Al Bashir to account for their crime against humanity. We appeal to International community to send a clear message to Sudan authorities demanding immediately cease committing atrocities on peaceful protesters;•Emphasised our disappointment with the response of UK government to the Sudan goverment’s use of force against the protesters. The joint statement by United Kingdom, United States, Norway, and Canada on 24th of December is inadequate and disappointing. We call on the UK, where all of SLLP UK members reside and most of them are UK citizens, for a stronger response to prevent human rights violation in Sudan. The Executive officeSudanese Lawyers and Legal Practitioners in the UK.

    (عدل بواسطة ابوبكر عبدالله ادم on 01-15-2019, 04:29 AM)


العنوان الكاتب Date
أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح اتخاذ خطوات مشابهة في الدول الخارجية Yasir Elsharif01-14-19, 06:09 AM
  Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Abureesh01-14-19, 07:18 AM
    Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Yasir Elsharif01-14-19, 08:12 AM
      Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� حسن ادم محمد العالم01-14-19, 09:04 AM
        Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� علي الكرار هاشم01-14-19, 09:26 AM
          Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Yasir Elsharif01-14-19, 09:36 AM
            Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Yasir Elsharif01-14-19, 10:38 AM
              Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Abureesh01-14-19, 12:42 PM
                Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Yasir Elsharif01-14-19, 01:15 PM
                  Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Abureesh01-14-19, 01:26 PM
                    Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Yasir Elsharif01-14-19, 02:26 PM
                      Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Abureesh01-14-19, 02:53 PM
                        Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Yasir Elsharif01-14-19, 04:03 PM
                          Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� adil amin01-14-19, 05:04 PM
                            Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Abureesh01-14-19, 11:23 PM
                              Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Yasir Elsharif01-15-19, 00:06 AM
                                Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� ابوبكر عبدالله ادم01-15-19, 04:25 AM
                                  Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Yasir Elsharif01-15-19, 05:46 AM
                                Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Abureesh01-15-19, 05:03 AM
                                  Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Yasir Elsharif01-15-19, 06:03 AM
                                    Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Abureesh01-15-19, 06:07 AM
                                      Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Abureesh01-15-19, 06:28 AM
                                        Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Yasir Elsharif01-15-19, 07:52 AM
                                          Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Abureesh01-15-19, 08:08 AM
                                            Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Yasir Elsharif01-15-19, 11:10 AM
                                              Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� عبدالله الشقليني01-15-19, 11:29 AM
                                              Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Abureesh01-15-19, 11:33 AM
                                                Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Yasir Elsharif01-15-19, 12:15 PM
                                                  Re: أرجو الاطلاع على هذا الخبر المهم وأقترح ا� Yasir Elsharif01-19-19, 05:35 AM

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