وزير الخارجية الماليزي: الوضع في السودان تحت السيطرة ولا داعي لإصدار أوامر لعودة الماليزيين

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01-05-2019, 02:00 PM

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
وزير الخارجية الماليزي: الوضع في السودان تحت السيطرة ولا داعي لإصدار أوامر لعودة الماليزيين

      01:00 PM January, 05 2019

      سودانيز اون لاين
      Frankly-ارض الله ومعمورته
      رابط مختصر

      Quote: Saifuddin: Situation in Sudan still under control, Malaysians advised to avoid riots

      Published 3 hours ago on 05 January 2019

      Foreign Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah said it is still not necessary to issue an order to bring back Malaysians from Sudan at this stage. — Picture by Yusof Mat Isa

      KUANTAN, Jan 5 — It is still not necessary to issue an order to bring back Malaysians from Sudan at this stage, says Foreign Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah.

      He added that the situation in the country is still under control and hoped the unrest in Khartoum, Sudan would end and return to calm soon.

      He said about 150 Malaysians are still in the country including about 109 students and they have been advised to avoid visiting areas near the riots.

      “We told parents not to worry and panic with the situation there as the latest reports from representatives there said the situation is under control. However some students have returned to Malaysia.

      “It so happened, there is a university break now and those who came back had planned earlier...not because of the riots,” he said.

      Saifuddin who is also the MP for Indera Mahkota told reporters after visiting a dialysis centre operated by Pahang Islamic Religious and Malay Customs Council (MUIP) in Cenderawasih here today.

      Commenting on the air space dispute with Singapore following the landing of aircraft at Seletar Airport, Saifuddin reiterated that the issue would be given priority in his meeting with his counterpart in the republic, Vivian Balakrishnan on Tuesday.

      He said, Malaysia would be proposing that aircraft land in Seletar through another direction and not to use the air space of Pasir Gudang, Johor to resolve the situation.

      “Apart from the Seletar landing issue, other issues to be discussed are the agreement on managing airspace signed with Singapore in 1974, the Johor port limits and the water agreement which is now placed under the purview of the Attorney General.

      “The Attorney Generals of both countries have met last year and in the Tuesday meeting, I hope we could at least obtain a timeframe on the water agreement,” he said.

      Saifuddin added that issues relating to border could be protracted affairs between two bordering countries and hoped to find a win-win solution for both countries. — Bernama

    (عدل بواسطة Frankly on 01-05-2019, 02:04 PM)


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وزير الخارجية الماليزي: الوضع في السودان تحت السيطرة ولا داعي لإصدار أوامر لعودة الماليزيين Frankly01-05-19, 02:00 PM
  Re: وزير الخارجية الماليزي: الوضع في السودان � Frankly01-05-19, 02:06 PM

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