انسحاب قطر من منظمة أوبك

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<aيحي قباني
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Re: انسحاب قطر من منظمة أوبك (Re: النذير حجازي)

    Qatar is pulling out of OPEC to focus on gas
    By Zahraa Alkhalisi, CNN Business
    Updated 6:46 AM ET, Mon December 3, 2018

    Dubai (CNN Business)OPEC is losing one of its oldest members.

    The small, gas-rich state of Qatar said Monday that it will leave the oil cartel on January 1 after nearly 60 years. The country's state oil company, Qatar Petroleum, made the announcement in a series of tweets.
    "The withdrawal decision reflects Qatar's desire to focus its efforts on plans to develop and increase its natural gas production," Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, the country's newly-appointed minister of state for energy affairs, was cited as saying in one of the tweets.
    Qatar has been under a diplomatic and economic embargo by its Arab neighbors, including OPEC members Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, for the past 18 months. In response, Qatar has been increasing gas production, the mainstay of its economy.
    OPEC has no role in the global market for natural gas. And Qatar made no reference to the dispute with other Gulf states in its announcement, emphasizing plans to cement its position as the world's leading supplier of gas. Its exports currently account for about 30% of global demand.
    "Achieving our ambitious growth strategy will undoubtedly require focused efforts, commitment and dedication to maintain and strengthen Qatar's position as the leading natural gas producer," Al-Kaabi said.


العنوان الكاتب Date
انسحاب قطر من منظمة أوبك يوسف الطيب احمد إدريس12-03-18, 09:16 AM
  Re: انسحاب قطر من منظمة أوبك يوسف الطيب احمد إدريس12-03-18, 09:19 AM
    Re: انسحاب قطر من منظمة أوبك يوسف الطيب احمد إدريس12-03-18, 09:45 AM
      Re: انسحاب قطر من منظمة أوبك النذير حجازي12-03-18, 12:44 PM
        Re: انسحاب قطر من منظمة أوبك يحي قباني12-03-18, 01:15 PM
          Re: انسحاب قطر من منظمة أوبك يحي قباني12-03-18, 01:16 PM
            Re: انسحاب قطر من منظمة أوبك عمر دفع الله12-03-18, 02:02 PM

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