٧٧سنة وبكعب عالي ٤بوصة دون الذهاب للحمام أو الجلوس

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تاريخ التسجيل: 11-07-2003
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Re: ٧٧سنة وبكعب عالي ٤بوصة دون الذهاب للحمام � (Re: muntasir)

    WASHINGTON — Representative Nancy Pelosi, the House Democratic leader, took the House floor at 10:04 a.m. Eastern on Wednesday, intent on speaking about the young undocumented immigrants known as Dreamers.
    Eight hours and seven minutes later, she quit talking.
    Her marathon monologue — highly unusual for the House, which has no #####alent to the Senate filibuster — appears to have set the record for the longest continuous speech in the chamber, dating to at least 1909, according to the House historian. It tied up the House into the evening, delaying debate on a bill intended to spur competition in the mortgage market.
    It also demonstrated, yet again, why Ms. Pelosi, 77, of California, remains one of the most enduring — and to many, infuriating — figures in Washington.
    “I am reminded that there are members who come to this great chamber to make speeches, and there are those who come to make laws,” an irritated-sounding Representative Jeb Hensarling, Republican of Texas, said when Ms. Pelosi wrapped up. “When it comes to speeches, I would note that the Gettysburg Address came in at two minutes, and Americans may think it had greater eloquence.”
    Ms. Pelosi’s speech came as Republicans were scrambling to pass legislation to keep the government open. A short-term funding bill expires at midnight Thursday.


العنوان الكاتب Date
٧٧سنة وبكعب عالي ٤بوصة دون الذهاب للحمام أو الجلوس muntasir02-08-18, 03:39 AM
  Re: ٧٧سنة وبكعب عالي ٤بوصة دون الذهاب للحمام � امتثال عبدالله02-08-18, 04:33 AM
    Re: ٧٧سنة وبكعب عالي ٤بوصة دون الذهاب للحمام � معاوية المدير02-08-18, 05:29 AM
      Re: ٧٧سنة وبكعب عالي ٤بوصة دون الذهاب للحمام � muntasir02-08-18, 06:25 AM
        Re: ٧٧سنة وبكعب عالي ٤بوصة دون الذهاب للحمام � muntasir02-08-18, 06:27 AM
          Re: ٧٧سنة وبكعب عالي ٤بوصة دون الذهاب للحمام � muntasir02-08-18, 06:58 AM
            Re: ٧٧سنة وبكعب عالي ٤بوصة دون الذهاب للحمام � muntasir02-08-18, 07:01 AM

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