شيخ(يوسف الهديه)(رئيس مركز الديمقراطيه والسلام و التنميه)يرد علي(اسحاق فضل الله)حول(تراجي مصطفي).

الفاتح جبرا .. في ذمة الله
نعى اليم ...... سودانيز اون لاين دوت كم تحتسب د. الفاتح يوسف جبرا فى رحمه الله
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12-20-2014, 06:37 PM

Tragie Mustafa
<aTragie Mustafa
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-29-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 49964

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
شيخ(يوسف الهديه)(رئيس مركز الديمقراطيه والسلام و التنميه)يرد علي(اسحاق فضل الله)حول(تراجي مصطفي).


    Yousif Alhadiya Center For Democracy, Peace and Development
    Hello Mr. Ishag Fadelallah, a successful journalist does not criticize, insult and accuse people without having any proof or evidence. It only shows that, you are a low level journalist and a disgrace to the profession of journalism.

    Let me remind you Mr. Journalist, by doing that, you are only giving Ms. Tragi Mustafa a boost, a lift and took her name higher and higher and did her a big favor. Ms. Tragi Mustafa the lady you have attacked and trashed in your article, is one of the most gracious and humble women in the history of politics in Sudan. Ms. Tragi Mustafa is a uniter and not a divider. She is a revolutionist and not an exhibitionist. She is not in this for her personal gain like you Fadelallah. Go back to your master Omer Albashir and inform him that you have failed in your mission.

    Remember Mr. Fadelallah you are talking about a devoted. loyal and honest lady who dedicated her entire time to Darfur and the rest of Sudan. She has been working hard on bringing peace and unity to Darfur and the rest of Sudan. Mr. Fadelallah as a journalist you should direct your efforts and your articles towards your master Omer Albashir who had committed the largest case of genocide in the history of our country.

    Ms. Tragi Mustafa is a well respected lady who is raising a family by herself. Mr. Fadelallah do not waist a breath of your time, because Ms. Tragi Mustafa has a lot of supporters who love her and stand behind her. Men, woman, young and old in Sudan and abroad appreciate her devotion to Darfur and the rest of Sudan and her efforts to change this current regime. We congratulate you and celebrate you sister Tragi Mustafa. Sister Tragi Mustafa you have become a celebrity and your name is now inside the history books.

    The dizzy journalist Mr. Fadelallah wrote about you and trashed you in one of his regimes main stream and daily newspaper which is owned by Albashir. We are proud of you sister Tragi Mustafa because you shock the regime and made them nervous with your sharp mouth and pen. The people of Darfur mainly the children and women love you and value your support, help and kindness. Fadelallah you are a great liar, you are trying to promote propaganda for your dying regime. Remember your regime has no credibility, nobody will believe you fool in Darfur or in the rest of the country. You and your regime are the ones who slaughtered, and destroyed their homes and created fear amongst them.

    Ms. Tragi Mustafa has always been calling for peace and unity in our country. Let me tell you Mr. Fadelallah one of these days, you will wake up in the morning and find Ms. Tragi Mustafa standing in front of you and will have the pleasure of slapping the handcuffs on your wrist and arrest you. Let us hope, this will be the last time, we hear your name around here. Go back to your master and tell him you have failed on your mission. My advice to you is to quit the profession of journalism and get a job as a professional hair dresser, and remember if you trash us again we will trash you back. Good luck.

العنوان الكاتب Date
شيخ(يوسف الهديه)(رئيس مركز الديمقراطيه والسلام و التنميه)يرد علي(اسحاق فضل الله)حول(تراجي مصطفي). Tragie Mustafa12-20-14, 06:37 PM
  Re: شيخ(يوسف الهديه)(رئيس مركز الديمقراطيه والسلام و التنميه)يرد علي(اسحاق فضل ا Tragie Mustafa12-20-14, 07:58 PM

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