إضاءات خافتة على المكان في خطاب "عفيف إسماعيل" الشعري

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04-15-2014, 03:23 AM

osama elkhawad
<aosama elkhawad
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Re: إضاءات خافتة على المكان في خطاب andquot;عفيف إسماعيلandquot; الشعري (Re: osama elkhawad)

    تعميم صحفي بالانجليزية حول زيارة عفيف اسماعيل لنيويورك و واشنطن:


    New York University has invited Afeif Ismail and Jeremy Rice to give a presentation on Afeif’s children’s play, The African Magician, directed by Jeremy for Barking Gecko Theatre Company in 2010.

    The African Magician received rave reviews, rapturous audience responses and an Australian Writers’ Guild Award nomination. Described by critics as “engaging”, “faultless in tone” and “joyous”, it tells the story of three children growing up in an African village. The play needs more exposure, such as the Forum, to encourage a remount or new productions in Australia and overseas. The Forum is titled “Which Way TYA? Future Directions in Theatre for Young Audiences” and one of its themes is “Integrating and representing cultures” – a perfect fit for The African Magician.

    The Forum is a prestigious event with best-practice international TYA artists and companies, performances, presentations and networking events. We plan to meet with as many directors and producers as possible to build relationships and increase opportunities for wider translation and production of Afeif's work, especially The African Magician.

    “I believe diversity creates dimension in our world. I see myself as a bridge between two cultures. As a student of life I’m sure I will learn many things from this experience. I look forward to exchanging knowledge and cultural experiences with all the other artists involved and this will enrich my creative abilities and enable me to continue my mission in life which is writing.” said Afeif

    Afeif is a published poet, playwright and human-rights activist who arrived in Australia from Sudan in 2003. Afeif was short-listed for the inaugural Kit Denton Fellowship for Writers of Courage in 2007. He was selected to workshop this play, with co-transcreator Vivienne Glance, at Playwriting Australia’s Canberra Workshop in June/July 2008. Afeif was awarded the inaugural Australian National Playwrights’ Conference (ANPC) Bursary in 2008.
    In 2009 he was a recipient of an inaugural Western Australian Theatre Development Initiative for his play, The Shrouds or the Dead. In the 44th Annual AWGIE Award The African magician was nominated for Best Script for Children Theatre. Another of his children’s plays, The Son of the Nile, is scheduled for production at Nexus Theatre in Murdoch University, WA, from 28 May - 3 June 2012.
    Afeif collaborates with Perth writer, Vivienne Glance, to “transcreate” his writing from Arabic to English. “I’m very fortunate to work with such a multi- talented artist as Vivienne. Her understanding of diversity and her desire to explore the possibilities of multi-cultural theatre are a great asset. Together we have been developing a working style that is a unique cross-cultural experiment,” said Afeif.
    Jeremy has led three youth theatre companies: Barking Gecko (2006-11), Corrugated Iron (2003–06) and Shopfront (1996–99). He was a keynote speaker at the Australia Council Multicultural Arts Forum in 2008. He has worked in television as a director and is a full member of the Australian Screen Directors Guild. His most recent television credit was drama coach on the television adaptation of Tim Winton’s Cloudstreet.

    “Jeremy is a true practising believer in multiculturalism. As a newcomer, facing lots of barriers to my artistic practice in Australia, he opened up for me a rare opportunity. He introduced me to the Australian theatre industry by commissioning me to write The African Magician.” Afeif said.

    Afeif will be in New York from 26 - 30 of April 2012 ad in Washington from 1 – 6 May 2012.

العنوان الكاتب Date
إضاءات خافتة على المكان في خطاب "عفيف إسماعيل" الشعري osama elkhawad03-29-14, 05:00 AM
  Re: إضاءات خافتة على المكان في خطاب andquot;عفيف إسماعيلandquot; الشعري بله محمد الفاضل03-29-14, 08:15 AM
    Re: إضاءات خافتة على المكان في خطاب andquot;عفيف إسماعيلandquot; الشعري عبد الحميد البرنس03-29-14, 10:32 AM
  Re: إضاءات خافتة على المكان في خطاب andquot;عفيف إسماعيلandquot; الشعري Elmosley03-29-14, 08:41 PM
    Re: إضاءات خافتة على المكان في خطاب andquot;عفيف إسماعيلandquot; الشعري عبدالعزيز عثمان03-29-14, 09:13 PM
  Re: إضاءات خافتة على المكان في خطاب andquot;عفيف إسماعيلandquot; الشعري osama elkhawad03-30-14, 09:21 AM
    Re: إضاءات خافتة على المكان في خطاب andquot;عفيف إسماعيلandquot; الشعري osama elkhawad03-31-14, 00:12 AM
      Re: إضاءات خافتة على المكان في خطاب andquot;عفيف إسماعيلandquot; الشعري عبد الحميد البرنس03-31-14, 11:16 AM
        Re: إضاءات خافتة على المكان في خطاب andquot;عفيف إسماعيلandquot; الشعري عبد الحميد البرنس03-31-14, 11:31 PM
          Re: إضاءات خافتة على المكان في خطاب andquot;عفيف إسماعيلandquot; الشعري ibrahim fadlalla04-01-14, 10:01 AM
            Re: إضاءات خافتة على المكان في خطاب andquot;عفيف إسماعيلandquot; الشعري osama elkhawad04-02-14, 04:37 AM
              Re: إضاءات خافتة على المكان في خطاب andquot;عفيف إسماعيلandquot; الشعري osama elkhawad04-04-14, 05:44 AM
                Re: إضاءات خافتة على المكان في خطاب andquot;عفيف إسماعيلandquot; الشعري osama elkhawad04-06-14, 05:18 AM
  Re: إضاءات خافتة على المكان في خطاب andquot;عفيف إسماعيلandquot; الشعري osama elkhawad04-15-14, 03:23 AM

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