إسلام رائدة الفضاء الهندية الأمريكية سونيتا ويليامز

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11-09-2013, 00:19 AM

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<aابوعبيدة النعمان
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Re: إسلام رائدة الفضاء الهندية الأمريكية سونيتا ويليامز (Re: خليفة موسى حمدان)

    Quote: Conversion Claims:
    Total three different written materials are floating on Internet… which are as below:

    It has been claimed on various websites, blogs, forums, and in chain e-mails/mass sms texts, that Sunita Williams had converted from Hinduism to Islam on her return from the moon.

    Claim 1: “Sunita Williams (First Indian woman who went on a space journey few months back) accepted “ISLAM” Masha Allah, bcoz when they were on the moon, they saw towards EARTH, the entire EARTH looked dark, but 2 places on the EARTH GLITERED and looked like SPARKS (Roshni). They were shocked to see that and saw them with the help of telescope and came to know that those two places were “MAKKAH” and “MADINAH” Masha Allah!. Then they decided that after reaching to earth they’ll accept “ISLAM”. So be proud u’r a muslim. Allah Hafiz…!“

    Claim 2: “Sunita Williams, the 1st indian lady who went to the moon on 02/07/2007 said that from the moon, the whole earth looked very black and dark, except the two places which were bright and shining when she saw through the telescope. These places were MAKKAH and MADINA (Saudi Arabia). Also, at the moon all the frequencies failed but still she could listen to the AZAAN..s’allah.”

    Claim 3: “Encouragin news for Muslims….Sunita Williams the woman who went in space has converted to Islam because when they were in space the entire Earth appeared dark but only two places on Earth appeared like sparks. With telescopic view they identified the two places as MAKKAH and MADINAH and resolved to accept Islam upon reaching the Earth. Alhamdulillah the almighty brought them back safely, so subhanallah, be proud to be a Muslim.”

    Evidence of Hoax:
    Williams went to the International Space Station, not to the moon. The last moon landing (Apollo 17) was on December 7, 1972, and Eugene Cernan is, to date, the last person to have walked on the Moon.

    She is also not the “first Indian woman who went on a space journey”. The Indian-American astronaut, Kalpana Chawla, was the first woman of Indian ethnicity to fly in space.

    We have learned that Sunita Williams is not the first woman of Indian ethnicity to fly in space, and that she did not go to the moon. She also believes Lord Ganesha was looking after her in space, and even her visit to India upon her return to earth coincided with the Ganesh celebrations.

    After looking at the facts, we can rightly conclude that their is no evidence whatsoever to back up the claim that Sunita Williams, or any of the other unspecified individuals ever agree to convert to Islam upon their return to earth.

    When setting off toward the International Space Station, Williams had taken with her a copy of the Bhagavad Gita and a small statue of Lord Ganesha, and following [red/]her return to earth on June 22, 2007, she showed no signs of having converted to Islam.In fact, she claimed Lord Ganesha was looking after her.

    My Message:
    Alhamdullillah, Islam does not need a Sunita williams or anyone else to prove to theand#65279; World that Islam IS THE TRUE RELIGION. Allah has told us as Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) said WE ARE THE BEST UMMAH, ISLAM is a true religion.

    Spread this blog/Message and help us to stop spreading wrong Message related to Islam!!!!!!!!

    GOD Bless Islam!
    In the end there is a video as a proof of Sunita William addressing Indian Audience on her return to Planet Earth.


    ...................................................... دة من ناحية

العنوان الكاتب Date
إسلام رائدة الفضاء الهندية الأمريكية سونيتا ويليامز الأمين عبد الرحمن عيسى11-08-13, 11:05 PM
  Re: إسلام رائدة الفضاء الهندية الأمريكية سونيتا ويليامز munswor almophtah11-08-13, 11:14 PM
    Re: إسلام رائدة الفضاء الهندية الأمريكية سونيتا ويليامز خليفة موسى حمدان11-08-13, 11:56 PM
      Re: إسلام رائدة الفضاء الهندية الأمريكية سونيتا ويليامز Balla Musa11-09-13, 00:18 AM
      Re: إسلام رائدة الفضاء الهندية الأمريكية سونيتا ويليامز ابوعبيدة النعمان11-09-13, 00:19 AM
        Re: إسلام رائدة الفضاء الهندية الأمريكية سونيتا ويليامز سيف النصر محي الدين11-09-13, 01:37 AM
          Re: إسلام رائدة الفضاء الهندية الأمريكية سونيتا ويليامز Deng11-09-13, 01:44 AM
            Re: إسلام رائدة الفضاء الهندية الأمريكية سونيتا ويليامز Zakaria Joseph11-09-13, 04:41 PM
              Re: إسلام رائدة الفضاء الهندية الأمريكية سونيتا ويليامز الأمين عبد الرحمن عيسى11-09-13, 10:37 PM

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