الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقيا"صور"

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10-29-2013, 04:57 PM

Zakaria Joseph
<aZakaria Joseph
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-27-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 9005

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقياandquot;صورandquot; (Re: Zakaria Joseph)

    و من جهة اخرى, فان الحكومة اليوغندية اعادت تاهيل خط خطوط سككها الحديد الى شمالها و لان القطارات تصل غولو التى تبعد 124 كيلو من نمولى على حدود الجنوب. و من المتوقع ان تصل هذه الخطوط الى داخل الجنوب خلال السنوات القادمة.
    من اساندرد ديجتال الكينية:
    New rail to ease cargo transportation in the region

    Trade between Kenya, South Sudan and the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC) is set to improve in the coming days following the opening of a cargo rail transport in Tororo, Uganda.

    The re-building of the Tororo Gulu-Pakach line by the Rift Valley Railway, RVR, will see Kenyan traders transport their cargo mostly through rail as opposed to road transport.

    Road transport is considered more expensive, cumbersome and time consuming compared to rail.

    The main road from Kampala via Gulu to Nimule, the border town in South Sudan, has for long been dogged by problems during the rainy season, making it unreliable and more expensive for cargo transport.

    The railway line, commissioned by Uganda President Yoweri Museveni, is projected to play an important role in promoting regional integration and trade. This is through working with logistics partners who will provide door-to-door delivery to customers in northern Uganda and neighbouring countries.
    Ngugi Kiuna, RVR chairman said that reopening the railway heralds a new beginning for the three countries teeming with possibilities for the people and economies.

    “A further Sh1.29 billion ($15m) will be spent to ballast the line in order to improve the line’s stability and load carrying capacity,” said Kiuna.

    Railway tracks

    A third phase with involve laying new, heavier gauge railway tracks, which deliver a step change in cargo transportation capacity. Kiuna urged the respective governments to help create a favourable environment for business to thrive.

    However, he urged the two countries to remove other bottlenecks that have hindered the movement of goods and people.

    Data from the Export Promotion Council indicates that Kenya’s exports to South Sudan stood at Sh18 billion while imports were valued at Sh14 billion.

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الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقيا"صور" Zakaria Joseph10-29-13, 04:04 PM
  Re: الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقياandquot;صورandquot; Tragie Mustafa10-29-13, 04:11 PM
  Re: الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقياandquot;صورandquot; Zakaria Joseph10-29-13, 04:13 PM
    Re: الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقياandquot;صورandquot; Zakaria Joseph10-29-13, 04:26 PM
      Re: الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقياandquot;صورandquot; Zakaria Joseph10-29-13, 04:39 PM
        Re: الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقياandquot;صورandquot; Zakaria Joseph10-29-13, 04:57 PM
          Re: الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقياandquot;صورandquot; Zakaria Joseph10-29-13, 05:13 PM

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