سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا

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01-23-2013, 00:28 AM

Zakaria Joseph
<aZakaria Joseph
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-27-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 9005

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Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا (Re: Zakaria Joseph)

    US Government Awards South Sudanese Engineer A Patent For Inventing Oil Processing Technology

    29 August 2012—(Juba) —A South Sudanese Engineer has been awarded a patent for invention in the United States for designing a Canadian oil processing facility and Oil infrastructure equipment named as the ‘High Temperature high pressure Dehydrator.’

    Everett Kamandala Minga who is currently working for the Nile Petroleum Corporation is a South Sudanese from Yei.

    The Canadian oil is currently being produced with several techniques such as in situ Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage.

    Using drilling technology, steam is injected into the deposit to heat the oil sand lowering the viscosity of the crude oil.

    The heavy bitumen oil migrates toward producing wells, bringing it to the surface, while the sand is left in place.

    Due to the cumbersome and expensive processes involved in drilling Canadian crude oil, the Texas-based Cameron Oil Company tasked Engineer Minga and his American colleague with a 15-20-year work, aimed at devising a simpler technology.

    The technology Minga and Sams invented, Electrostatic Dehydrator, can now process the Canadian heavy crude oil without the use of Naphtha, saving the industry billions of dollars and saving the environment from the Naphtha chemical in the process.

    The invention will soon be made commercial Cameron company which specializes in Oil and Gas equipment’s based in Houston Texas.

    It took Engineer Everett Minga the principle engineer 2 years of hard work to perfect the invention.

    Speaking to SRS by phone from Juba on Wednesday, Engineer Minga said he dedicated his achievement to South Sudan.

    [Everett Minga]: “I feel very proud because to me, this is not something that I have done for myself; this is something for the whole nation of South Sudan. I know we have a lot of brilliant people, there are far more brilliant people than me but our problem is that we were not given the opportunity to highlight what we can do. Unfortunately, most of us had to go outside in order to be able to achieve or climb up very high. This is something I am very proud of and I dedicate to our new country, South Sudan. I am hoping that our government and our people particlulary in the ministry of education will be able to use my example, to be able to give opportunities. Our universities and even places of work should give room for people to innovate. This is something our country should be able to encourage because now if you do not produce technology, you will be nothing. So, this is something I hope our government will take seriously to encourage more young people.”

    Everett Minga is an Msc graduate of Chemical Engineering from the North Carolina State University and has worked for 12 years in the oil and gas industry in America.

    He is an expert specialist and design engineer on oil and gas infrastructure and facilities including pipelines.

    Currently he is the General Manager of Engineering and Infrastructure at the Nile Petroleum Corporation, the National oil and Gas Company of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mining of the Republic of South Sudan.

    Minga went to the US in 1993 after completing high school in Comboni college in Khartoum.


العنوان الكاتب Date
سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا Zakaria Joseph01-23-13, 00:26 AM
  Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا Zakaria Joseph01-23-13, 00:28 AM
    Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا Khalid Kodi01-23-13, 00:37 AM
      Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا بريمة محمد01-23-13, 00:45 AM
        Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا Zakaria Joseph01-23-13, 06:49 PM
      Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا Zakaria Joseph01-23-13, 06:47 PM
  Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا اسامة عثمان السيد01-23-13, 00:46 AM
    Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا Gaafar Ismail01-23-13, 00:50 AM
      Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا تبارك شيخ الدين جبريل01-23-13, 01:03 AM
        Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا د.نجاة محمود01-23-13, 09:14 AM
          Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا طلحة عبدالله01-23-13, 09:23 AM
            Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا Zakaria Joseph01-23-13, 06:59 PM
          Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا Zakaria Joseph01-23-13, 06:56 PM
        Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا عصام دهب01-23-13, 09:42 AM
          Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا سامى عبد المطلب01-23-13, 10:02 AM
            Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا Mohamed Suleiman01-23-13, 10:28 AM
            Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا Zakaria Joseph01-23-13, 07:08 PM
          Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا Zakaria Joseph01-23-13, 07:07 PM
        Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا Zakaria Joseph01-23-13, 06:54 PM
      Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا Zakaria Joseph01-23-13, 06:52 PM
    Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا Zakaria Joseph01-23-13, 06:51 PM
      Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا محمد نور عودو01-23-13, 07:47 PM
        Re: سجمكم يا جنوبين: مهندس جنوبى يحصل على حق الاخترع فى اميركا Zakaria Joseph01-23-13, 08:14 PM

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