البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجبنا

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03-08-2012, 06:28 PM

مكي ابراهيم مكي
<aمكي ابراهيم مكي
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب (Re: مكي ابراهيم مكي)

    Statement: by Hawaha Abdalla , Darfuri IDP Date:3/8/2012
    To: U.S. Secretary of the State Hillary Clinton and the First Lady Michael Obama
    To: President Obama, and to all members of the US government
    My message is to the United States government and the people of the United States, to the UN Security Council and all UN agencies, to the European Union, African Union, and all human rights and women organizations around the world and all of those who defends women’s rights worldwide.
    In the beginning on behalf of all the Darfuri internal displace people (IDPs) in the IDP and the refugees camps, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the US government and the people of the United States in particular for their distinguished effort in providing the lifesaving humanitarian assistance to us in Darfur since the start of the genocidal scorch earth campaign and until today. My special gratitude also goes to all of those who have advocated and campaigned for my release from the hand of the killer Sudanese security personnel the aide of Al-Bashir.
    “In 2003 my village Timna , in Tawila rural area was terribly attacked, destroyed and burned to the ground by the Janjaweed militias and the Sudan Arm forces, more than a hundred people from my immediate family were killed, several hundreds wounded and a few of us were able to escape after a long suffering. We walked for two weeks and finally we arrived to Abushouk camp in the outskirts of Elfasher, North Darfur state, where I have resided for nine years. Along the period we I have endured all kinds of bitterness, threat, torture and the dehumanization that no human mind can imagine. I have witness on myself and on many others all types of cruelty and oppression.
    I have been detained three times, constantly interrogated for no reason but because of who I am, because of our ethnicity, and because I was outspoken, and continued speaking for the voiceless to communicate our concerns and our suffering in the hand of the criminal Khartoum’s regime to the visiting international delegates and the UN agencies.
    We have been systematically oppressed and deprived from education but my determination was beyond the oppression perpetrated by the genocidal regime of Al-Bashir, I tried the impossible to learn English on my own and I became a spokesperson for women in the camps and was able to communicate the concerns and the suffering of our people to all of the international delegates. Because of my work in the camps I was employed by the AU/UN peacekeeping mission in Darfur UNAMID and I was able to help build the trust between the affected community and UNAMID Eventually the government targeted me for this reason, and falsely accused me with converting Muslim children into Christians, a crime that amounts to the death penalty according to the Sudanese law, in an attempt to silence me and to oppress my people’s voices. I was abducted at mid-night from my shelter in the camps and taken to unknown place where I was beaten, tortured and harassed and forced lie that I was doing so. I refused and was ready to die at any time, luckily after the
    intensive campaign by human rights group internationally, Darfuri Diaspora and American activists I was released with condition not to leave the country or go back to the camps even though I was extremely sick and week. I didn’t believe that I will be alive to stand before you today: I believe its God’s will and the just cause of my people have given me the life and the strength to continue what I have started”.
    Since 2003 as Darfuri IDPs we have been through unspeakable suffering with the deteriorating humanitarian situation and faced all kinds of human rights violation every day. The government and its apparatus from arm forces, police and Janjaweed has launched the campaign of destruction, killing people, raping women, burning villages and #####ng our properties militias. Rape has been used as a weapon of war, most women raped are under the age of 18 and in some cases girls as young as 2-3 years old were raped in front of their families in an attempt to terrorize, to morally and psychologically destroy our community and forced us to leave in the margin of the cities to further rule over us keep us in constant threat and fear.
    We the IDPs and refugees have lost everything and remain completely dependent on food aid for our survival, today the total number of the IDPs camps reached to 150 camps, the overwhelming majority are women and children and elderly, they are currently dying in slow motion and in silence.
    Dear Madam Secretary, the First Lady, Ladies and Gentlemen:
    Today, the situation in Darfur is really dangerous, still there are over three million IDPs in side Darfur, more than 500,000 refugees in eastern Chad, Central African Republic, Ghana and many more who have not been counted at all, lacking the minimum needs for their survival after the government expelled the most effective aid organizations . The targeted attacks on humanitarian workers have continued as have attacks on UNAMID which resulted in the death of about 36 deaths to date.
    As I speak to you today, the humanitarian access in Darfur is extremely restricted for most of the camps including those located near by the major cities in Darfur. Some areas are completely blocked by the government from humanitarian access as in the case of Jebel Marra. The death as result of disease and malnutrition is uncountable. The entire human rights defenders and activists who can speak for others are either killed, arrested or forced to leave the country for their own safety. By doing so the government is trying silence us to complete its final phase of genocide through its diverse modern genocide methods, if our people can’t die with bullets, they are forced to die from starvation, diseases, fear and trauma.
    Ladies and gentlemen:
    It’s morally imperative that you and the international community consider the seriousness of the current situation in Darfur that has awakened the consciousness of the world in its early stages. The history will judge us all with our actions, resolutions and statements without implementation will only allow the perpetrators to exacerbate the suffering of our
    people and not only undermine the ability of the UN Security Council and its members to fulfil its responsibility but will demonstrate its lack of commitment to the principle for which the Council in itself exist to protect the humanity.
    Since 2003, there has been about 17 resolutions on Darfur, unfortunately little has been done to implement those resolutions; this will further embolden the Sudanese government and its allies and consequently motivate them to commit more crimes not only in Darfur but in Sudan at large with total impunity. Evident is the ongoing bombing, burning of villages, attacks on IDPs in the camps in Darfur, forced displacement, and other varies tools of destruction and killing that Khartoum has invented to commit it heinous crimes including the ongoing aid expulsion to deprive our people from the limited services that they are receiving, humiliation of IDPs in the watch of the UNSC council delegates and the arrest and torture of the helpless IDPs. In addition what has been going on in eastern Jebel Marra where UNAMID has failed to stop the displacement of more than 150,000 and in the case of Tebera market where 100 people were killed most of whom were women and children among them was 25 children under 13, and nine pregnant women, were all buried in mass grave near the main market and about 180 were wounded. The case of Kamla camp in 2008 where some 190 people were killed and more than thousand were wounded and several women were raped inside the capital of the South Darfur State, majority of them were from Fur tribe the largest African tribe that is targeted for elimination by the current Darfur genocide, it has been witnessed by UN peace keeping missions and they could do nothing for fear for their own safety.
    The case of Derbat and Soni in Eastern Jebel Marra in 2010, some 300 civilians were killed most of whom were women and children and elderly, and about 130 villages were burned to the ground which resulted in the displacement of about 1500 families. 59 women were gang raped and NGOs were blocked to go in order to aid the needy. UNAMID, where I used to work, remains completely incapable and cannot even move to verify incidents without permission from the Sudan government evident by the attacks on Tebera and Tina where 130 villages were destroyed, in addition to the attacks on the rest of Shangle Tobai, Derbat, Soni, Fina, Golo, Rokiro .
    During a youth demonstration in Hamidia camp, a group of youth were brutally killed because of just raised their voices to express their concern, and again UNAMID has done nothing and the world is witnessing all of these crimes committed against us in the name of the state sovereignty at the expense of our dignity and our lives.
    Further Sudan has taken the advantage of its allies within the UNSC like Russia, China, and some of the African countries and the Arab League and its members, combined with the notion of issuing resolutions without follow up or implementation and the salience of the world community in the face of Al-Bashir’s brutality.
    And for these reasons IDPs are constantly arrested and tortured after any meetings with international including the UNSC delegates in 2010, and that is why until today there are many IDPs who are still in detention for more than two years in all of the three Darfur states jails and the Sudanese National Security and intelligent Services houses of torture,
    and that is why recently the government has extended its bombing , killing and force displacement to the other parts of the historically marginalized African regions of the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile.
    Madame Secretary, Ladies and gentlemen:
    My special concern is about the current situation of human rights particularly for women and children. Today, the worst human rights and humanitarian crisis exist in Darfur in particular and in Sudan in general, our people have been deprived from their rights for living , protection, their rights to food and water and shelter. The government practiced the most cruel act of violence as rape to destroy the dignity of women and the morale of their communities, massive killing and long term arrest without charges, extra judiciary killings and summary executions, the systematic targeting of students even in their struggle to go to schools and its even worse in the IDP camps.
    The situation for women and children particularly has extremely deteriorated after the aid expulsion and remains dire today. The aid organizations have been replaced by some national pro government NGOs, in reality they are working solely to implement Khartoum’s systematic plans instead of humanitarian assistance, serve as intelligence sources to spy on the people and collect information for the government, which has contributed tremendously to the deteriorating health and food situation and inflicted fear on the voiceless IDPs. Khartoum have also implemented the policy of killing with slow motion through starvation by reducing the individual and family food ratio, as in the case of Abushouk, Kalma, Garcella in West Darfur and Hamidia to force people out of the camps. In some instances they have distributed poisoned food for children that caused diseases and death for most of them.
    As currently ongoing from more than four months now they have (conducted a selective registration/counts for verification) for IDPs who are already registered and lived in the camps for several years, this resulted in suspension of food distribution which has left many people without food and has caused several death among children and elderly because of the food shortage.
    As of today there are about 10,000 children under five in the camps suffering from acute to severe malnutrition. Further the deterioration of health, environmental and hygiene situation resulted in more diseases such as malaria, diarrhea and night blindness has increased the death toll among young women living in camps.
    Today, it has not been enough for Al-Bashir after all the destruction in Darfur, yet he has further extended its attacks against the Africa Sudanese in the regions of South Kordofan where the humanitarian access is shut down, and deprived the thousands of innocent civilians from life saving aid while bombing is ongoing including to the bordering areas inside the new country of South Sudan.
    Madame Secretary, Mr. President, Ladies and gentlemen:
    I am also very concern about the systematic deprivation of our children and youth from both genders from education. As you all know education is the basic of welfare, betterment
    and advancement of all nations. However the current regime in Sudan and its predecessor has weakened the education system by directing it as a tool for discrimination, preaching religious hatred, intolerance, exclusion, lack of acceptance of others on the bases of ethnicity, religion and language. This has led to the deepening of the indifferences between the people of one nation has and caused Sudan to move backwards from achieving human and economic development and contributed in sustaining conflicts and wars for several decades.
    Today in Darfur the overwhelming majority of children are out of schools and have become street children which I consider the most dangerous trend of human distraction in the earth that reinforces the exclusion and furthering the establishment of historical and cultural genocide.
    Despite the fact that women have played greater role historically and in recent time in shaping the Darfur and the Sudanese people’s life, women remain the most marginalized of the marginalized groups, have been oppressed in many different ways, through intentional exclusion and deprivation from education. The Sudanese laws are extremely discriminative and reinforce violence against women particularly by the government apparatus including the judiciary system that permits the flogging of women in public because of their choice of their clothing and the use of rape as weapon of war is evidence of women’s oppression and violation of women’s rights in Darfur. In the camps, it is even worse because of the government restriction, most of women in the camp have never been to schools, only about 1% are educated. War, economic, cultural and social exclusion has contributed severely to the lack of womens education. 60% of school dropouts are women and there is no alternatives or vocational training for women in camps or cities. This exacerbated by the increase of load on women responsibilities as the result of war and displacement, where they become the head of household, responsible for every single aspect of their families’ life. This in addition to the traditions and the stigma from rape has left many women out of education within the very limited opportunities that are available.
    Schools are extremely overcrowded and normally in a class which is supposed to have about 40 students, currently have between 100- 120 students which is inhumane and infective. In addition there is school fee that is supposed to be paid by the families of the students, which made it impossible for most of the IDPs children to attend schools. The high rate of school dropout forced the student to be street children in Darfur and some exposed to harsh working conditions where they are constantly exploited and face inhuman treatment. Therefore women issues and the education of the IDPs children from both gender will remain the top of the priority concerns for me and I urge the US to support education in Darfur so that our people can have better future if they remain alive when peace comes.
    Women political participation, justice for women, women inclusion particularly in the decision making process at all levels will be my personal concerns that I will continue work to achieve.
    Women in Darfur and in Sudan, my country, should know that our equal rights and our dignity will not be restored without scarifies, therefore I call upon my sisters and mothers
    in the camps and in Sudan to continue the struggle and never give up fighting for our rights.
    Ladies and gentlemen;
    If you all believes that freedom has a price, our people in Darfur have already paid the highest prices ever for their own freedom that they deserve. Now it’s time for the women, men, and the children of Darfur in particular and to the Sudanese people at large to have their promised freedom that they already sacrificed to achieve.
    I am very appreciative to your award to me in this international woman’s day, it will never be for me alone, but for my suffering people, I look to you for a greater award to my people which is protection and unimpeded access for humanitarian access in order for us to survive.
    Finally, below are my priority recommendations for the United States government:
     To restore security in Darfur through strong protection forces or Nato to protect civilians, women and children.
     Replacement of UNAMID with competent troops that can protect rather than peacekeeping, as in reality there is no peace to keep currently in Darfur.
     International community should prioritize the humanitarian including of those can offer education to women and children while living in camps and when they go home
     Special consideration should be given to the refugees issue particularly in Chad, Central African Republic, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan and in Middle East to be relocated to peaceful countries to be safe.
     Implementation of all Security Council resolutions on Darfur including SCR 1706
     Place Darfur under internationally protected zone
     Accountability for those who committed crimes in Darfur, particularly crimes committed against women and children.
     Address the root causes of the Sudanese issues in general and Darfur in particular.
     Pressure the government of Sudan to immediately cease its aerial attacks against Darfur, Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile.
     Disarmament of the Janjaweeds as demanded by the UNSC since 2005.
     Unconditionally return the expelled aid organizations to Darfur.
     Removal of the new settlers/Occupier who brought by the government from the lands of Darfur IDPs and refugees to ensure voluntary return and rebuilding of the destroyed
     US to lead and coordinate an urgent effort for humanitarian access to Nuba Mountians, South Kordofan and Blue Nile.
     Stop supporting partial agreements and cease support the government of Sudanese’s new strategy for internal peace process for Darfur.
     Demand the release of all the detainees from Darfur, particularly IDPs and refugees’ leaders and the activists from all parts of Sudan.
     To lead Security Council to pressure Sudan to stop incommunicado detention and the degrading treatment for the detainees in Sudan.
     Press Sudan to cease targeting students and force them out of the educational institutions.
     Press Sudan to stop rape as weapon of war and tool for political gain.
    Hawa Abdalla Mohamed Salih
    Darfuri IDP and human rights activist
    Washington, DC USA

العنوان الكاتب Date
البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجبنا مكي ابراهيم مكي03-08-12, 06:10 AM
  Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-08-12, 06:23 AM
    Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-08-12, 06:34 AM
      Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب عبدالمجيد صالح03-08-12, 06:58 AM
        Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-08-12, 09:40 PM
      Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب عائشة موسي السعيد03-08-12, 07:07 AM
      Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-08-12, 07:09 AM
        Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-08-12, 07:39 AM
          Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-08-12, 07:57 AM
            Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب خالد خليل محمد بحر03-08-12, 09:19 AM
              Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب ذواليد سليمان مصطفى03-08-12, 06:59 PM
            Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-08-12, 09:31 AM
              Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب Mohamed Yassin Khalifa03-08-12, 11:39 AM
              Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب اسماعيل كردولي03-08-12, 12:46 PM
                Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب Abdel Aati03-08-12, 02:34 PM
                  Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب نجلاء قرافي03-08-12, 02:53 PM
                Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب Tragie Mustafa03-08-12, 02:47 PM
                  Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب عبدالمجيد صالح03-08-12, 03:56 PM
                    Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب Tragie Mustafa03-08-12, 03:57 PM
                      Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب Tragie Mustafa03-08-12, 04:40 PM
                        Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-08-12, 05:00 PM
                          Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب Tragie Mustafa03-08-12, 05:04 PM
                            Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب الصادق ضرار03-08-12, 05:23 PM
                              Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-08-12, 05:29 PM
                                Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-08-12, 05:38 PM
                                  Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-08-12, 06:20 PM
                                    Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-08-12, 06:28 PM
                                      Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب Amani Al Ajab03-08-12, 07:13 PM
                                        Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب Kostawi03-08-12, 07:18 PM
                                          Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-09-12, 02:20 AM
                                            Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب Amani Al Ajab03-09-12, 02:37 AM
                                              Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-09-12, 03:05 AM
                                          Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-09-12, 03:11 AM
                              Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-09-12, 03:18 AM
                                Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-09-12, 03:26 AM
                                  Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب Tragie Mustafa03-09-12, 03:38 AM
                                    Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-09-12, 04:08 AM
                                      Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب عبدالكريم عبدالله03-09-12, 04:33 AM
                                        Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب ايمان بدر الدين03-09-12, 06:04 AM
                                          Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-09-12, 07:27 AM
                                        Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب Tragie Mustafa03-09-12, 06:38 AM
                                        Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-09-12, 07:35 AM
                                          Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب عائشة موسي السعيد03-09-12, 08:25 AM
                                      Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-09-12, 05:41 AM
                                        Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب عبدالكريم الامين احمد03-09-12, 06:18 AM
                                          Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-09-12, 07:16 AM
                                        Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب عاطف مكاوى03-09-12, 06:30 AM
                                          Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-09-12, 07:10 AM
                                            Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب Amira Osman03-09-12, 10:18 AM
                                              Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب Kostawi03-09-12, 11:12 AM
                                            Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-09-12, 10:28 AM
                                              Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب Mohamed Suleiman03-09-12, 12:02 PM
                                                Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-09-12, 07:55 PM
                                                  Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-09-12, 08:22 PM
                                                    Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-09-12, 10:06 PM
                                                      Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب Mohamed Gadkarim03-10-12, 00:50 AM
                                                        Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-10-12, 01:45 AM
                                                          Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب Kabar03-10-12, 04:41 AM
                                                            Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مامون أحمد إبراهيم03-10-12, 09:33 AM
                                                              Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-11-12, 02:54 AM
                                                            Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب عبدالله الشقليني03-10-12, 05:08 PM
                                                            Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-10-12, 07:39 PM
                                                              Re: البث المباشر لتكريم ا مريكا لحواء (جنقو ) والسودان يقتل عوضية عجب مكي ابراهيم مكي03-12-12, 00:52 AM

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