تراتيل على أنغام سودانية في وداع وندي هسبند

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02-01-2012, 06:31 AM

الأمين عبد الرحمن عيسى
<aالأمين عبد الرحمن عيسى
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-25-2011
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Re: تراتيل على أنغام سودانية في وداع وندي هسبند (Re: الأمين عبد الرحمن عيسى)

    Golden Links: Mr. Usher and Dr. Husband….. Humane Touches (4)
    Oct 20, 2010, with Comments: 0

    Awad Salih Alkoronki

    One of the most rated, most precious moments in Mr. Usher’s visit to El-Obeid city was when he visited the house which was once the residence of Dr. Husband and wife Wendy. A tacit link of love knitted their relation to that city. Mr. Husband was one of the few British people working at Kordofan, when Mr. Usher came for the first time to Khor Taggat Secondary School as VSO English teacher in the early sixties of last century, and no wonder a close friendship grew between them. When he decided to come to Sudan, Mr. Husband was an experienced physician, particularly specialized in surgery, and Wendy, his wife, was a well loved nurse matron. They gave their lives to their profession serving the ones they loved. They had no children, so their patients were their most ever-precious children. They spent most of their time in El-Obeid general hospital, especially in, what came to be known all over the city and surroundings, as Husband’s Ward. It was the Ward where they gave their patients, especially bone-surgery patients their best care. We knew that Ward when our friend Ahmed Mohamed Ali Abdul-Jabbar underwent leg surgery at that hospital.

    Mr. Husband and wife came to Sudan from Ethiopia, where he worked with the Allied Army during the Second World War. A Divine Will led them to that remote part of the Sudan, which was in real need of their knowledge, efforts and services. He loved the city and its people, to the extent that he once intimated that he would prefer a tomb in Al-Obeid than the Luxurious life of his native country. People around him knew that he and his wife planned to enjoy their retirement days in Al-Delinj city in Nubba Mountains of Southern Kordofan. But unfortunately his wish was not fulfilled. He fell victim to Parkinson’s disease and was forced to leave to his native country, where he tragically ended his life. But his bereaved wife kept her friendly and motherly relations with the Ushers. She left her inheritance to their long life friend Mr. Usher.

    Mr. Usher planned to use the vast amount of money he inherited from Mrs. Husband in humane voluntary work, and part of that wealth would be directed to voluntary work in Sudan, the country he and the Husbands loved all: People, atmosphere and land. He said if it was not for the inheritance he got from Mrs. Husband, he would have been unable to fulfill his long awaited dream of visiting Sudan to enliven his life afresh again.

    In living some of the events of the Usher and Husbands’ story, one wonders how the world would have looked, if the politicians and military encroachers left alone the true basic nature that God has created in Man!

العنوان الكاتب Date
تراتيل على أنغام سودانية في وداع وندي هسبند الأمين عبد الرحمن عيسى01-30-12, 09:40 AM
  Re: تراتيل على أنغام سودانية في وداع وندي هسبند الأمين عبد الرحمن عيسى01-30-12, 09:44 AM
    Re: تراتيل على أنغام سودانية في وداع وندي هسبند الأمين عبد الرحمن عيسى01-30-12, 09:47 AM
      Re: تراتيل على أنغام سودانية في وداع وندي هسبند الأمين عبد الرحمن عيسى01-30-12, 09:54 AM
        Re: تراتيل على أنغام سودانية في وداع وندي هسبند عصام دهب01-30-12, 11:51 AM
          Re: تراتيل على أنغام سودانية في وداع وندي هسبند الأمين عبد الرحمن عيسى01-30-12, 06:37 PM
            Re: تراتيل على أنغام سودانية في وداع وندي هسبند الأمين عبد الرحمن عيسى02-01-12, 06:25 AM
              Re: تراتيل على أنغام سودانية في وداع وندي هسبند الأمين عبد الرحمن عيسى02-01-12, 06:31 AM
                Re: تراتيل على أنغام سودانية في وداع وندي هسبند الأمين عبد الرحمن عيسى02-04-12, 06:05 PM

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