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03-09-2007, 01:28 AM

ابوهريرة زين العابدين
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    عائشة ادم تحاول ان تطعم طفلها طعام الخواجات وتقول لا اعلم اذا كان يحبه ام لا ولكن لا يوجد لدينا اي طعام اخر نقلا عن واشنطن بوست

    Ashta Adam offers son Izzedine, 18 months, a taste of food. "I don't know whether he'll live or die," she says. "We have nothing to eat, nothing for him to eat."

    At a Camp In Chad, Hope Wanes
    Food Aid for Displaced Is Imperiled By Surge in Violence and Banditry

    By Travis Fox
    washingtonpost.com Staff Writer
    Thursday, March 8, 2007; Page A16

    DOGDORE, Chad The sun beat down on 18-month-old Izzedine Adam, who sat naked and crying on the floor of his roofless straw hut. His mother cannot afford a sturdier home or even clothes to protect him from the cold desert nights. For now, she is just trying to find enough food to keep him alive.

    "I don't know whether he'll live or die," said Ashta Adam, 24. "We have nothing to eat, nothing for him to eat. The most important thing is food."
    The Adam family fled to Dogdore, in eastern Chad, in October when Arab fighters burned their village to the ground, raided their food stocks and stole their animals. The attack was one of several during the last few months of 2006 that mirrored ethnic violence in the Darfur region of neighboring Sudan.

    Some of the 110,000 Chadians displaced by the mayhem traveled by foot to Dogdore, 20 miles from Sudan's border, many with only the possessions they could carry. About 230,000 Darfur refugees who have streamed across the border also live in the area in 12 U.N.-administered camps.

    Most of the displaced Chadians and Darfur refugees regularly receive food from several international organizations. But a surge of violence in recent months has forced groups to scale back their assistance, leaving the Adam family and 30,000 other people in the most volatile areas along the border largely cut off from aid.

    "We are waiting for the European people to give us something, but they didn't give us anything," Adam said, reaching for a cooking pot, one of the few possessions she brought with her. She scooped up some millet flour and prepared to cook for the first time in two days. The millet was of poor quality, typically used as animal feed, she said, but it was the only food her family had.

    "We've never eaten this kind of food, but now we are here and we have nothing except this," Adam said. She tried to feed Izzedine the millet mush, but after a few bites, he started to cry again. "Usually he eats so much, but this food is no good, so he stops eating."

    Food was distributed in Dogdore once in February, the first time in seven months, but aid workers say that if assistance is not delivered more steadily, the humanitarian crisis will worsen here and in similar settlements along the border.

    "If there is no food distribution, people will just be hungry. They'll start selling their belongings to get food," said Claudine Maari of Doctors Without Borders, a French aid group that runs a small field hospital in the town. "They'll work right and left to try to get some little work, and then most likely, we'll see the admission rate of children with malnutrition increase."

    When Maari arrived in Dogdore, most of her patients had injuries such as bullet and knife wounds, but an increasing number are malnourished children, a signal that food stocks are running low, she said.

    Most of the victims of violence on both sides of the border are black Africans, and they usually blame the attacks on the Janjaweed, an Arab militia backed by the Sudanese government. Observers here say the perpetrators are often members of Chadian Arab tribes aligned with the Janjaweed militia.

    At the same time, anti-government rebel groups, made up of both Arabs and Africans, have stepped up their efforts to overthrow the Chadian president, Idriss Deby. The government says the rebels receive support from Sudan and launch attacks from Sudanese territory. In return, Sudan's government accuses Chad of supporting Sudanese rebels fighting in Darfur.
    In November, the Chadian rebels took Abeche, the main town in eastern Chad and a hub for the humanitarian effort. In the resulting chaos, looters stole 440 tons of food and $1.3 million worth of relief supplies from a U.N. warehouse. The attack prompted aid groups to evacuate many of their staff members from eastern Chad.

    Banditry is also on the rise in Chad, and food aid convoys have been attacked as they make the long journey across the Sahara from Libya. In Bahai, another town near the border, aid groups have traveled only in convoys with armed guard since November, when a driver for the International Rescue Committee was shot and critically wounded.
    "Where there have been real atrocities committed by rebel groups, it is almost impossible to organize correctly food distribution," said Felix Bamezon, the U.N. World Food Program country director for Chad. "It has the potential of getting out of hand at any time."

    About 300 people in Chad were killed late last year, according to Human Rights Watch. In Darfur, as many 450,000 people have died from disease and violence and 2.5 million have been displaced since the fighting began in 2003. The United Nations reported that in the second half of 2006, 12 humanitarian workers were killed and 30 aid compounds were attacked.

    A U.N. statement released in January said, "If this situation continues, the humanitarian operation and welfare of the population it aims to support will be irreversibly jeopardized."

    The village of Dogdore is a good example of what could happen on a much larger scale if insecurity increases.

    The 18,000 people here have collected nearly every bush and tree branch to build shelters, leaving an eerily barren landscape and nothing for Adam to use to make a roof.

    "Deep inside, I'm very sad about this situation we're living in. This is not the kind of life we're used to living," she said.

    But food remains the most pressing need. Every week, Doctors Without Borders offers a clinic for malnourished children who live in the sprawling makeshift camp that has sprung up next to the village. Adam walks 15 minutes from her hut to the clinic, which is housed inside mud-brick walls.

    Under a shelter of straw mats held up by tree branches, dozens of mothers wearing bright flowing dresses cradle their skinny babies and one by one place them on a hanging scale. Izzedine weighed 12 pounds, about half of what is normal for a healthy baby his age.

    "He has what we call severe malnutrition," Maari, the Doctors Without Borders physician, said about Izzedine. She gave him two weeks' worth of Plumpy Nut, a nutritious high-calorie food that aid groups give to malnourished children.

    Maari cautioned that the emergency food is often just a temporary fix. "Then, they go home and have no food . . . [and] might get back in the vicious circle of malnutrition."

    With enough food for only a few more days, Izzedine's father, Mahamat, is trying to earn money by writing out verses of the Koran and selling them, but no one in the camp has money. Whatever money he earns, he must divide between his two wives and families.

    Ashta Adam said she might sell the straw mat that serves as the family's bed or perhaps the donated mosquito net that protects them from malaria.

    "I don't even have a penny, just this food," she said, pointing to her bowl of millet flour. "When it's gone, we'll go to bed hungry."

العنوان الكاتب Date
انظروا الى هذه الصورة ايها العرب المسلمون ابوهريرة زين العابدين03-09-07, 01:28 AM
  Re: انظروا الى هذه الصورة ايها العرب المسلمون ابوهريرة زين العابدين03-09-07, 01:39 AM
    Re: انظروا الى هذه الصورة ايها العرب المسلمون Salah Waspa03-09-07, 01:57 AM
      Re: انظروا الى هذه الصورة ايها العرب المسلمون ابوهريرة زين العابدين03-09-07, 02:12 AM
        Re: انظروا الى هذه الصورة ايها العرب المسلمون ابوهريرة زين العابدين03-09-07, 03:02 AM
          Re: انظروا الى هذه الصورة ايها العرب المسلمون ابوهريرة زين العابدين03-09-07, 03:33 AM
    Re: انظروا الى هذه الصورة ايها العرب المسلمون Ahmed Yousif Abu Harira03-09-07, 05:00 AM
  Re: انظروا الى هذه الصورة ايها العرب المسلمون Mahjob Abdalla03-09-07, 04:00 AM
  Re: انظروا الى هذه الصورة ايها العرب المسلمون ناذر محمد الخليفة03-09-07, 04:05 AM
    Re: انظروا الى هذه الصورة ايها العرب المسلمون ابوهريرة زين العابدين03-09-07, 04:51 AM
      Re: انظروا الى هذه الصورة ايها العرب المسلمون ابوهريرة زين العابدين03-09-07, 05:50 AM
        Re: انظروا الى هذه الصورة ايها العرب المسلمون ابوهريرة زين العابدين03-09-07, 07:41 AM
          Re: انظروا الى هذه الصورة ايها العرب المسلمون ابوهريرة زين العابدين03-09-07, 01:10 PM

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