Sudanese Doctor in Dublin apologises for sending texts to patient

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03-09-2011, 04:37 PM

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Re: Sudanese Doctor in Dublin apologises for sending texts to patient (Re: Deng)

    Latest News الصفحة العربية Last Updated: Mar 9, 2011 - 7:07:47 AM


    Doctor apologises for sending texts to patient

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    Doctor apologises for sending texts to patient
    Updated: 13:01, Wednesday, 9 March 2011

    A doctor has apologised to a patient for 'a misunderstanding' after he made a series of mobile phone and texts contacts to her after her treatment at the Hermitage Clinic in Dublin.

    1 of 1
    Medical Council - Inquiry into alleged professional misconduct
    A Sudanese doctor has apologised to a patient for 'a misunderstanding' after he made a series of mobile phone and texts contacts to her after her treatment at the Hermitage Clinic in Dublin.

    Dr Eltayeb Elkhabir, 40, who has worked at several hospitals in Ireland since 2001, was working at the Hermitage Clinic for a week in May 2010.

    He is facing a Fitness to Practise Inquiry by the Medical Council into alleged professional misconduct.

    The inquiry heard today that in June last year Dr Elkhabir telephoned Sinead Doyle, a 34-year-old patient from Walkinstown in Dublin, asking her to refrain from drinking alcohol for good.

    He also explained that he had a friend, a Muslim like himself, whom she might like to meet. He said it was difficult for Muslim men to meet Irish women as they did not drink to go to pubs.

    A series of further mobile phone calls and texts were made by Dr Elkhabir after which Ms Doyle complained to gardaí and the Medical Council.

    The inquiry heard today that Ms Doyle viewed the contacts as greatly distressing and an unwarranted invasion of privacy.

    In his response to the complaint, Dr Elkhabir said he was not trying to use his power as a doctor and was trying to help in keeping with his faith and tradition.

    Ms Doyle had been referred to the Hermitage Clinic after being violently ill and underwent a series of tests for her abdominal complaints.

    She subsequently had her gallbladder removed at Tallaght Hospital.

    Today's inquiry heard that Dr Elkhabir had conditions attached to his continued practice after facing a previous Medical Council inquiry in 2008.

    It followed complaints that he had told a patient that epilepsy was a 'spark in the brain' and could be considered 'to be the devil in you'.

    He was also alleged to have told the patient that epilepsy could be caused by sexual activity and that she could contact a friend of his if she wished to convert to Islam.

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العنوان الكاتب Date
Sudanese Doctor in Dublin apologises for sending texts to patient بكرى ابوبكر03-09-11, 04:10 PM
  Re: Sudanese Doctor in Dublin apologises for sending texts to patient Deng03-09-11, 04:29 PM
    Re: Sudanese Doctor in Dublin apologises for sending texts to patient الطيب رحمه قريمان03-09-11, 04:37 PM
      Re: Sudanese Doctor in Dublin apologises for sending texts to patient رشا سالم03-09-11, 04:58 PM
      Re: Sudanese Doctor in Dublin apologises for sending texts to patient عبدالله شمس الدين مصطفى03-09-11, 05:20 PM
        Re: Sudanese Doctor in Dublin apologises for sending texts to patient الفاتح سليمان03-09-11, 05:37 PM
          Re: Sudanese Doctor in Dublin apologises for sending texts to patient بكرى ابوبكر03-11-11, 04:24 PM

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