حول أصل الأزمة داخل إتحاد الجاليات و المنظمات

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12-02-2010, 06:58 AM

Mohamed Gadkarim

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-22-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 1112

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: حول أصل الأزمة داخل إتحاد الجاليات و المنظمات (Re: Abdalla Yousif)

    Dear Abdelrahim Mansour,
    First, thank you for taking the courage and time to respond to what Abd Alla Yousif has written about the Federation, and I would like to let you know the following:

    As Sudanese Americans, or Sudanese living in the U.S. we inherently deal with two cultures: our newly adopted culture, and our old native culture. Both, old and new cultures are diverse and complex. The first encourages individuality and enforces it, while the second is deeply rooted in communal tradition. The former is secular, and believes in separation of the church and religion, whereas, the latter is basically promoting monolithic faith, and enforces a particular type of religious belief. The effects of blending these contrasting cultures vary; some of us are more Americans than you think; others are still more Sudanese than you would ever imagine.

    Another factor is related to the type of education that each one has. In Sudan, there are basically two types of educational systems; the Arabic oriented type of schooling, with strong emphasis on Islam and Middle Eastern culture; and the western style of schooling with some exposure to western cultures and scientific thinking. In the U.S. there are numerous opportunities for the latter group to adjust with some struggle. The choices for the former group are anything but numerous.

    In addition, as Sudanese Americans, or Sudanese living in the U.S., we also interact with other communities and races, go to work or attend classes, worship, build our own small communities, and raise children. Through, such activities we also vary.

    Furthermore, we differ greatly when we are confronting identity issues or heritage: whether we are black or people of African origin; belong to Arab lineages; or other races.

    Our awareness of space, the way we handle scheduling events and our respect of time, and respect of privacy, are invariably different. Thus, every one of us falls at different spot along the spectrum of adjustment into the broader American community.

    The impacts of all these factors on Sudanese immigrants are complex and fascinating. The effects of such factors on building and organizing communities are also different. To illustrate these effects, please, look at FSAA umbrella organization’s by laws, Article 2, Section 2, “Goals and Objectives”. Hussein Abdelgalil originally proposed the first five objectives; Mohamed Gadkarim basically proposed objectives six through nine to the group. The discussion of empowering women, see objective 6, and the inclusion of the phrase refugees, see objective 9, took some time, back and forth emails, and later on adopted by the Representative Assembly after some struggle. Before, proposing the section about empowering women, the writer of this post consulted with at least two feminists. Similar consultation took place about refugees and their adaptation to into their new environment.

    Definitely, you may have noticed that I left the political affiliation aside. It is not my intention to address this issue at this time. I may address it later if needed.

    Last, based on meeting minutes, you attended only two meetings out of the first twelve meetings. If you want the exact dates of the two meetings, I will provide that. Therefore, it is advisable to let the real actors sign the press release. Simply, you cannot defend its content. See, the following example:

    • وفي إطار التعاون مع الجميع قدم الرئيس الحالي نسخة من الخطاب الذي أستلم من مصلحة الضرائب للأخ محمد جاد كريم لبدء صفحة جديدة من التعاون وهو خطاب عام يرسل لكل منظمة تقدم طلباً لمنحها وضع الإعفاء الضريبي كما أوضح المحاسب القانوني الذي يقوم بإجراءات تسجيل إتحاد الجاليات كمنظمة غير ربحية وكالعادة استخدمت أجزاء من الخطاب خاصة بالإرهاب وعدم التعامل مع الدول والأشخاص الذين يرعونه في خلق إثارة و بلبلة للرأي العام في محاولة لتشويه صورة إتحاد الجاليات ونسى أولئك الأشخاص بأن استفسارات مصلحة الضرائب كانت مستمرة حيث أن طلب الإعفاء الضريبي قدم خلال فترتهم.

    The above statement is a FALSE statement; please check with Yasir Hamed first, before writing such statement.
    Best regards,
    Mohamed Gadkarim

العنوان الكاتب Date
حول أصل الأزمة داخل إتحاد الجاليات و المنظمات Abdalla Yousif11-30-10, 05:11 AM
  Re: حول أصل الأزمة داخل إتحاد الجاليات و المنظمات Mohamed Gadkarim11-30-10, 05:47 AM
  Re: حول أصل الأزمة داخل إتحاد الجاليات و المنظمات عمر ادريس محمد11-30-10, 06:52 AM
    Re: حول أصل الأزمة داخل إتحاد الجاليات و المنظمات Abdalla Yousif11-30-10, 01:30 PM
    Re: حول أصل الأزمة داخل إتحاد الجاليات و المنظمات Mohamed Gadkarim11-30-10, 03:58 PM
      Re: حول أصل الأزمة داخل إتحاد الجاليات و المنظمات Abdalla Yousif11-30-10, 04:26 PM
        Re: حول أصل الأزمة داخل إتحاد الجاليات و المنظمات Mohamed Gadkarim12-02-10, 06:58 AM

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