An Old Pending (yet confused) Apology

الفاتح جبرا .. في ذمة الله
نعى اليم ...... سودانيز اون لاين دوت كم تحتسب د. الفاتح يوسف جبرا فى رحمه الله
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11-05-2010, 06:40 PM

Adil Al Badawi

تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 1143

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
An Old Pending (yet confused) Apology

    it is high time we apologized

    that is more of a prophesy

    than a pathetic theory

    our field of visions is disguised

    integrity victimized

    thanks to an aging controversy

    we have vehemently promoted war

    testimonies are well engraved

    in slang, in refined oratory

    in vulgarity and stylish poetry

    hopes astray off the shore

    says a political sociologist

    but the gravity has been confirmed

    beyond live, dying and dead métáphor

    reports The Enigmatologist

    I agree, our world is so tight

    it drowns in a shred of tide

    a victim of some crushing fist

    is that the truth once caved

    now about freshly saved

    off the jaws of the dimming mist

    excuse me

    I hope you wouldn’t mind

    but what would it cost me

    say, approximately

    if I am to buy me a planet

    you know what, forget it

    no matter how costly

    it remains a pledge we signed

    a fantasy, fake and shabby

    boldly adopted as a Plan B

    a contingency designed

    to ease The Day of Shift

    métáphor is written this way to avoid having métá scrambled. Allah knows why

العنوان الكاتب Date
An Old Pending (yet confused) Apology Adil Al Badawi11-05-10, 06:40 PM
  Re: An Old Pending (yet confused) Apology Rihab Khalifa11-05-10, 07:13 PM
    Materializing Madness Adil Al Badawi11-06-10, 09:11 PM
      Re: Materializing Madness Rihab Khalifa11-09-10, 10:47 PM

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