لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟

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11-02-2010, 01:39 AM

Abobakr Shadad
<aAbobakr Shadad
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Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ (Re: talha alsayed)

    الاخ طلحه

    تحيه طيبه وشكرا لسؤالك الذى حفزنى لاول مرة للبحث فى هذا الامر المهم
    وضعت سؤالك وحصلت على بعض الاجابات اختصرها فى الاتى (والكولا بالطبع)

    Quote: Caffeine dependence may also form as a result of drinking soda that contains caffeine. Some health care advocates assert that caffeine may interfere with brain development in children. So far, however, this assertion has not been proven. Research suggests that individuals can develop caffeine dependence as a result of drinking soda and may experience withdrawal when caffeine consumption decreases.

    Quote: Pop, soda, coke, whatever you call it there are three reasons why we should stop drinking it: Caffeine, Aspartame, and High-Fructose Corn Syrup.
    Never having been a coffee drinker, I used to pride myself in not joining the flocking masses waiting in line for their morning fix at the nearest Dunkin’ Donuts. It wasn’t until I started working at one of my clients where they provided all-you-can-drink free soda of your choice that I began my own hook. It was Coke
    At first I drank one a day. It was a nice way to get me over that afternoon slump. Soon after, I added one more in the morning. This felt great for a little while and continued to be the pattern until I switched clients. Unfortunately, I couldn’t carry the free soda machine with me to the new client. My habits, however, did not get left behind.
    High-Fructose Corn Syrup
    At that time I started reading about the effects of high-fructose corn syrup. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is produced by processing corn starch to yield glucose, and then in turn processing the glucose to produce a high percentage of fructose. It’s essentially a cheap substitute to beet and cane sugar.
    Here are some of the side-effects of a diet high in fructose:
    Converts to fat more than any other sugar. This may be one of the reasons Americans are continually gaining more weight not less weight. Dr. George Bray, principal investigator of the Diabetes Prevention Program at Louisiana State University Medical Center told the International Congress on Obesity that in 1980, just after high fructose corn syrup was introduced in mass quantities, relatively stable obesity rates began to climb. By 2000, they had doubled.
    Inhibits copper ####bolism. Copper deficiency leads to defects in the connective tissues and arteries, and bone fragility. As one chiropractor observed, “the bodies of the children I see today are mush.” The culprit is the modern diet high in fructose and low in copper containing foods, resulting in inadequate formation of elastin and collagen, the proteins that help hold our bodies together.
    After reading about these side effects I stopped drinking coke altogether, but replaced it with something probably worse: Diet Mountain Dew.
    About 2 months had passed since I cut out any intake of high-fructose corn syrup. But I noticed something…I had become an addict. It now took about three Diet Mountain Dews spread strategically throughout the day to continue having the same mental benefits I had had before. Anytime I had missed one, I got these nagging headaches and became fatigued. Although I felt alert, it was more difficult to concentrate and the energy I felt was more akin to an unnatural buzz than a true feeling of energy. Again I started to do some research on some of the ill-effects of caffeine. Here is a list of the top 10 caffeine-related health effects from teecino.com (where you can read more details surrounding these 10 points):
    Cardiovascular Problems
    Emotional Disturbances
    Blood Sugar Swings
    Gastrointestinal Problems
    Nutritional Deficiencies
    Male Health Problems
    Female Health Problems
    Adrenal Exhaustion
    So with this new-found knowledge I went cold turkey on caffeine and replaced it with my third and final soft drink:Fresca.
    Initially Fresca seemed like a great segue to becoming free of the caffeine addiction. There was no high-fructose nastiness to make myself fat or my bones weak, the caffeine was non-existent and best of all there were no calories thanks to a wonder-drug called aspartame. Things couldn’t have been better. I even found that I enjoyed drinking Fresca more than any of the other previous sodas. I liked it so much I drank 2-3 a day. But after two months, I felt worse than when I was addicted to caffeine. Weird symptoms began to pop up such as blurriness of eyesight and random headaches. I began feeling depressed, listless and was constantly fatigued. It was so bad that I wondered if I had developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Depression. My wife, knowing that I’m normally a very happy and energetic person, noticed that I was becoming irritable and argumentative. It just wasn’t me anymore and I couldn’t understand why I was feeling this way.
    Pulling out a notepad I began to do a personal inventory. It seemed that all of my areas of life were generally balanced except for diet. It was then that I questioned some of the ingredients in Fresca and began to study the side effects of Aspartame. There are over 92 different health side effects associated with consuming Aspartame! (For a complete list see, Sweet Poison)
    It has been over a half a year since I last had a soda of any kind. I feel worlds better now and would suggest to anyone to detox after they eliminate soda from their diet. The Master Cleanse being one of the best ways. The journey to becoming soda free has been long but well worth it. Since doing this, none of my previous symptoms have returned.

    وهذه دراسة واحده فقط من دراسات عديده نشرت فى مجلات كبرى تفيد بوجود رابط بين هذه المشروبات وزيادة ترسب الدهون فى الكبد والذى بدوره
    يعتبر من عوامل الخطورة لامراض شرايين القلب

    Quote: J Hepatol. 2009 Nov;51(5):918-24. Epub 2009 Aug 21.
    Soft drink consumption is associated with fatty liver disease independent of ####bolic syndrome.
    Abid A, Taha O, Nseir W, Farah R, Grosovski M, Assy N.

    Liver Unit, Ziv Medical Center, Safed, Israel.
    Comment in:

    J Hepatol. 2010 Jun;52(6):954; author reply 954.
    BACKGROUND/AIMS: The independent role of soft drink consumption in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients remains unclear. We aimed to assess the association between consumption of soft drinks and fatty liver in patients with or without ####bolic syndrome.

    METHODS: We recruited 31 patients (age: 43+/-12 years) with NAFLD and risk factors for ####bolic syndrome, 29 patients with NAFLD and without risk factors for ####bolic syndrome, and 30 gender- and age-matched individuals without NAFLD. The degree of fatty infiltration was measured by ultrasound. Data on physical activity and intake of food and soft drinks were collected during two 7-day periods over 6 months using a food questionnaire. Insulin resistance, inflammation, and oxidant-antioxidant markers were measured.

    RESULTS: We found that 80% of patients with NAFLD had excessive intake of soft drink beverages (>500 cm(3)/day) compared to 17% of healthy controls (p<0.001). The NAFLD group consumed five times more carbohydrates from soft drinks compared to healthy controls (40% vs. 8%, p<0.001). Seven percent of patients consumed one soft drink per day, 55% consumed two or three soft drinks per day, and 38% consumed more than four soft drinks per day for most days and for the 6-month period. The most common soft drinks were Coca-Cola (regular: 32%; diet: 21%) followed by fruit juices (47%). Patients with NAFLD with metabolic syndrome had similar malonyldialdehyde, paraoxonase, and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels but higher homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) and higher ferritin than NAFLD patients without metabolic syndrome (HOMA: 8.3+/-8 vs. 3.7+/-3.7 mg/dL, p<0.001; ferritin: 186+/-192 vs. 87+/-84 mg/dL, p<0.01). Logistic regression analysis showed that soft drink consumption is a strong predictor of fatty liver (odds ratio: 2.0; p<0.04) independent of metabolic syndrome and CRP level.

    CONCLUSIONS: NAFLD patients display higher soft drink consumption independent of ####bolic syndrome diagnosis. These findings might optimize NAFLD risk stratification.

    PMID: 19765850 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-01-10, 03:53 PM
  Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-01-10, 04:11 PM
    Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ Amani Al Ajab11-01-10, 04:14 PM
      Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-01-10, 04:18 PM
  Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ الطيب عبد الرحيم خلف الله11-01-10, 04:29 PM
    Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-01-10, 09:28 PM
  Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ Abdelrahim Elamin11-01-10, 04:30 PM
    Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ Amani Al Ajab11-01-10, 04:48 PM
      Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ Abdelrahim Elamin11-01-10, 05:07 PM
    Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-01-10, 09:38 PM
      Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-02-10, 01:06 AM
      Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ Abobakr Shadad11-02-10, 01:39 AM
        Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-02-10, 01:49 AM
          Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ Abobakr Shadad11-12-10, 10:53 PM
            Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-13-10, 00:53 AM
              Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ Abobakr Shadad11-13-10, 02:58 PM
                Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ Mohamed Suleiman11-13-10, 04:36 PM
                  Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-13-10, 05:17 PM
                    Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ د.محمد بابكر11-13-10, 07:37 PM
                      Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-13-10, 08:01 PM
                        Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-13-10, 09:58 PM
                          Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ نيازي مصطفى11-13-10, 11:41 PM
                            Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-13-10, 11:58 PM
                              Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-14-10, 05:59 PM
                                Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-15-10, 01:14 AM
                                  Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ ASHRAF MUSTAFA11-15-10, 02:11 AM
                                    Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ Amani Al Ajab11-15-10, 02:26 AM
                                      Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ Abdelrahim Elamin11-15-10, 02:41 AM
                                      Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-15-10, 11:14 AM
                                    Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-15-10, 10:59 AM
                                      Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-15-10, 11:24 AM
                                        Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ talha alsayed11-15-10, 06:37 PM
                                          Re: لعناية الاطباء... البيبسى والكولا... هل هما مشروبان قاتلان ؟؟ Abobakr Shadad12-15-10, 00:58 AM

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