تحرير الكتاب التوثيقي لثورة دارفور

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02-04-2004, 10:21 PM

خالد الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-21-2003
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: تحرير الكتاب التوثيقي لثورة دارفور (Re: خالد الحاج)

    Amnesty International is further alarmed at the extent of the killings amongst the civilian population, and the failure of the Sudanese government to make accountable the militia and its own soldiers who are killing in the name of "counter-insurgency". This can only increase among the population feelings of desperation, and the desire to take revenge for deaths of relatives, and possibly the joining of the armed opposition as the only perceived available option. The restrictions on freedom of expression, assembly and association in Sudan, and in particular in Darfur since the conflict started(10), do not currently allow civilians to peacefully express their ideas or speak out against the violence they are subjected to. On the contrary, they encourage desperation.

    The grave human rights abuses described in this report represent only a part of what is happening in Darfur. They are based on the testimonies of the Sudanese refugees who were able to cross the border, because they come from areas close to the Chadian frontier. Hundreds of thousands are trapped within Darfur. The few reports coming out of Darfur despite government restrictions on movement, communications and suspected critics are confirming the fears of a human rights and humanitarian tragedy in the region.

    2. Grave abuses of human rights and humanitarian law in Darfur

    2.1 Grave abuses by government forces and government-aligned militia

    2.1.1 extrajudicial executions and other unlawful killings

    Extra-judicial executions and unlawful killings of civilians in ground attacks

    Amnesty International obtained numerous testimonies of attacks on villages and killings of civilians being carried out either by the Janjawid, or by the Janjawid accompanied and supported by Sudanese government soldiers(11). In some cases, the soldiers would stay behind the Janjawid, cordoning the village and preventing people from fleeing. In other cases they would participate directly in attacks against civilians. The nature of the killings committed by government soldiers, and those committed by the Janjawid in the presence of elements of the Sudanese army indicates that they were extra-judicial executions. In other circumstances when the presence of soldiers in the attacks is not reported, killings by the government-aligned militia represent at least unlawful and summary killings, a grave violation of humanitarian law to which all armed groups in internal conflicts are bound.

    Typically, attacks on villages in rural areas or towns consist of the Janjawid, also called "Arab" militia, sometimes with government soldiers, surrounding the village, either at dawn or during the day, and surprising villagers who do not have the time to flee or defend themselves. Sometimes the attacks appear to be well planned in advance, and happen at market days, or during or after the prayer at the mosque, while people are gathered. Many villagers have also been killed in their houses.

    Erkuri Mohamed, aged 34, Koranic student, from the village of Abu Gamra, near Kornoy town, in North Darfur told Amnesty International delegates :
    « The Arabs and the soldiers arrived on market day in Abu Jidad (a nearby village). The soldiers cordoned the market and the Arabs got inside to take the money and the cattle. They killed several persons. I saw the bodies of those killed. Some were killed by the gun, others by bayonet. » He gave AI the names of 19 persons killed.

    Kaltuma Abdallah Issa, f, aged 15, from Abu Jidad near Kutum said : « I was with my father when the Arabs suddenly arrived in the village, at around 7am. They shot in every direction. I was scared and ran to find a refuge and I was shot in the left leg. My father Abdallah Issa was shot dead in our home, my maternal uncle Bahr Ahmed too. These Arabs were riding horses and camels and were accompanied by the government forces in vehicles. »

    Nur Ibrahim Aran, a chief in the Abu Jidad area, reported that Abu Jidad was attacked on 17 May 2003, by Arab militia on horseback and camels and government forces in vehicles. He claimed that in the region, 36 villages were burnt and at least 76 persons were reported killed. The villages reportedly burnt are Tabaldia I et II, Silah, Betenan, Gos Ajour, Naga, Abhournon, Mahamad Nar, Arajab Issa, Kerim Djame, Abakar Hamad, Musa Alil, Faki Abdel Karim, Massour Ismail, Jera Beth, Amsila, Musa Abderami, Mabouraka Arad, Tibez, Barh Mahamad Adam, Massour Ismail, Guiri Arad, Hamat Manant, Juma Adam, Madarassa and Shete Zakariya.

    Kutum, in North Darfur, some 80 km north of Al-Fasher, the capital of North Darfur, was the scene of repeated attacks in 2003. At the end of July, the town was taken by the SLA, who withdrew on 3 August. The town had been bombed by the government air force previously. On 5 and 6 August, the town was attacked by the Janjawid. AI delegates met a woman from Kutum in Tina Chad, who had travelled for 40 days on a donkey and by foot. She confirmed the reports of summary executions AI had previously obtained from other sources :

    « The Janjawid came in the morning, broke the shops and took the money, the sugar, and the goods. They killed 32 people in their houses. They came in the houses to find the boys and men and kill them. They also killed Ahmed Issa, my brother, a shopkeeper, aged 18 in the market. They cut the fruit trees in my garden to give to their camels. "

    Dahbai Mohamed Adam, aged 38, from Abu Gamra, a village near Kornoy explained that the Arabs came to steal in the village and burn the houses while the men were away.
    « My daughter's husband had stayed. He was sleeping in his house, they awoke him and beat him to death with a stick and a gun. »

    Aisha Ali, f, aged 23 from the village of Sasa, near Kornoy said:
    "The Arabs arrived and asked me to leave the place. They beat women and small children. They killed a little girl, Sara Bishara. She was two years old. She was knifed in her back."

    Zeinab Nayah, aged 25, from Nana, a village near Kornoy saw her brother being killed in his shop by members of the Janjawid in August. She stated that he was beaten before being killed. Gorsella village, near Kornoy, was attacked at 5am sometime in April 2003. 24 people were said to have been shot dead and some 80 houses were destroyed. Cattle were looted. In Kornoy, Helia Hardja, aged 37, reported the killing of her child, Abakar Yusuf, aged 4, and her nephew, Sadiq Ali Abdallah, 42 years-old, by Arab militia. "They were in the courtyard in front of the house when the Arabs came."

    On a Sunday in July 2003, at about 1pm, Adar, a village in North Darfur was attacked. A woman saw her son, Ishaq Jur Masarda, aged 35, being dragged out of his home by militia members.
    "They tied his feet and hands and slit his throat in front of people. The Arabs were dressed in military uniforms, they had weapons, guns, horses and camels. My son did not have any weapons."

    Tina was the scene of severe fighting between government forces and armed opposition groups several times in 2003. Zenaib Ahmed, aged 30 described an attack on Tina in July: « It was on a Friday, in July. There was a fight between the rebels and the Janjawid supported by government forces. I was going out for the prayer when I received shrapnel on my left shoulder and on the bottom. My brother was there to carry me to the hospital in town. I know certain people like Zeidan Omer and Adam Mohamed who were executed. When I was at the hospital the Arabs came in but they were looking for the men, not the women. »

    In August 2003, the village of Kishkish, in the Silaya area, was cordoned by the Janjawid who allegedly killed many of the villagers. Mohamad Ishaq, a Jebel farmer , aged 50, from the village of Kishkish reported the stealing of his cattle by the militia and the killing of his father, Ishaq Abaker, aged 70, in his own house, in August 2003. When his daughter, Aisha Ishaq, tried to intervene, the militia killed her too. Adam Mohamad, from the same village, had two relatives killed by the militia: Ibrahim Yahya Abdallahi, aged 60, and Ahmed Abakar Yahya, aged 37. Ismail Abu Ishaq, 50 years-old, Atum Khalif, 35 years-old and Dilak Mohamad Bas were also killed. Adam Abaker Adam, reported that four of his relatives were killed: Ibrahim Abdallah Adam, Omer Adam and Adam Mohamad Abdallahi. He said he had recently learnt that another relative of his, Abdallah Ahmed Abakar, who stayed behind after the attack, was killed in November in the village.

    Many villages around Silaya, a town under government control, where the Janjawid are said to be based, were attacked in July and August 2003. The village of Jafal, with around 250 inhabitants from the Jebel ethnic group, was attacked twice in August, once on a Sunday at 6am and once on a Saturday, a week later. According to an eyewitness, the militia accompanied by soldiers attacked people, saying « You are opponents to the regime, we must crush you. As you are black, you are like slaves. Then the entire Darfur region will be in the hands of the Arabs. The government is on our side. The government plane is on our side, it gives us ammunitions and food. » During the first attack, the militia reportedly circled the village and shot people, killing at least 25 persons, some in their houses. The villagers fled. During the second attack, there was barely anyone in the village. The militia reportedly burnt the village, after stealing the belongings remaining in the houses.

    Around the same time, Amir, a village near Jafal of about 350 people, was attacked. One of the villagers testified : « The day of the attack was the 7 July, a Saturday. They came. They were more than 200 and had 10 vehicles. There were soldiers from the army amongst them. We were surprised by the attack, because it was 8am. They had kalashnikovs, bazookas, guns, and a weapon mounted on a vehicle. They killed 27 persons. »

    On 16 August, Garadai, another village in the area was attacked by the Janjawid, during the day. One of the villagers told Amnesty International delegates :
    « It is the Janjawid who burnt our houses and stole our cattle and belongings. Cattle stealing has been happening for a long time but the burning of houses is recent. They came with camels, horses and a lot of weapons. They are composed of Arabs from the area and other Arabs. They attacked women, men and children even though they did not have weapons. I would say that at least 240 people were killed during the attack. This is more than half of the population of Garadai, which counts 400 inhabitants. They killed mainly the young men, although some old disabled persons were killed because they were not able to get out of their houses in time.»

    While the attacks target mainly people from the Zaghawa, Masalit, Jebel or Fur or smaller farming groups, sometimes Arab groups have been targeted, apparently because they refused to take sides in the conflict. At the end of July 2003, a group of Dorok, an Arab community living around Silaya, came under the attack of the Janjawid. Ahmed Issa Adam, aged 30, from Abu Jidad village, told AI delegates :
    « The Arab militia came to our village to invite the Dorok to join them. The Dorok refused and said that they shared the same religion with the people of the region and that therefore they could not fight their neighbours. So the Arab militia considered the Dorok as « Blacks » and shot at them. » The persons he reported were killed include : Adam Mahmoud Ali, farmer, aged 35 ; Fadl Abdel Aziz, herder, aged 58 ; Atiya Ibrahim Abdallah, herder, aged 27 ; and also Matur Abdallah, 45 ; Bahar Ahmat, 40 ; Idris Abdallah, 70 ; Adam Mohamad, 55 ; and Mohamad Abdallah, 35.

    In Birak, Amnesty International delegates met two brothers from Jizu, three hours' walk from Silaya, who had been wounded by gunshots during an attack in July. Their village was attacked on a Monday, market day, by the Arab militias, who killed 5 persons. They also met Zaghawa people from the village of Usha, just an hour walk from the town of Silaya, who reported being attacked in June. They claimed that at least 400 persons were killed in their village, out of some 1,700 inhabitants.

    Amnesty International delegates visited several sites around Adre in Chad where people from Sudan had taken refuge. The refugees were predominantly of Masalit origin and fleeing attacks on their villages in rural areas around al-Geneina, capital of West Darfur.

    The village of Murli, some five kilometres away from Al-Jeneina, was attacked twice between July and August. One villager told AI delegates:

    "It was early in the morning, people were sleeping. About 400 armed people cordoned the village, with military uniforms, the same ones worn by the army, with vehicles and guns. A plane came later, to see if the operation was successful. At least 82 people were killed during the first attack. Some were shot and others, such as children and elderly, were burnt alive in their houses."
    Another, who had a wound on his foot, said: "I stayed in the village after the first attack. Then another group attacked again on market day, at around 2pm, after the 1pm prayer. They had heard that there were people who survived the first attack. They cordoned the market on both sides and shot people. They beat those who tried to flee. They killed 72 persons. I was shot myself and came here to get some medicine. Around Murli, almost five other villages were attacked: their names are Kutumanda, Tandi, Kandale, Uchuka and Bertenyu."

العنوان الكاتب Date
تحرير الكتاب التوثيقي لثورة دارفور فتحي البحيري02-04-04, 12:56 PM
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                    Re: تحرير الكتاب التوثيقي لثورة دارفور خالد الحاج02-04-04, 10:19 PM
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                                  Re: تحرير الكتاب التوثيقي لثورة دارفور فتحي البحيري02-05-04, 09:48 AM
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                                                    Re: تحرير الكتاب التوثيقي لثورة دارفور فتحي البحيري02-06-04, 03:18 PM
                                                      Re: تحرير الكتاب التوثيقي لثورة دارفور فتحي البحيري02-06-04, 04:07 PM
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                                                          Re: تحرير الكتاب التوثيقي لثورة دارفور فتحي البحيري02-09-04, 03:50 PM
                                                            Re: تحرير الكتاب التوثيقي لثورة دارفور فتحي البحيري02-27-04, 02:03 PM
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                                                                          Re: تحرير الكتاب التوثيقي لثورة دارفور فتحي البحيري03-07-04, 02:37 PM
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                                                                          Re: تحرير الكتاب التوثيقي لثورة دارفور فتحي البحيري03-07-04, 02:55 PM
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