Saddam Hussein executed

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12-31-2006, 11:01 AM

Mustafa Mahmoud
<aMustafa Mahmoud
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-16-2006
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Re: Saddam Hussein executed (Re: Mustafa Mahmoud)

    From a Tikrit boy to butcher of Baghdad

    Saddam's lonely childhood, bloody path to power and final, deadly miscalculation of his foreign enemies are charted by Peter Beaumont, foreign affairs editor

    Sunday December 31, 2006
    The Observer

    In Saddam's day it was done behind closed doors. The court hearing usually lasted barely a day. Then followed the secret bureaucracy of execution. First was the 'Red Card', the final formal order from a judge approving the death sentence. A number would then be recorded on a list against a name assigned to the victim. The number was often all that would appear on what would pass for a gravestone. Sometimes it would take years for the families to know the fate of their missing relatives.

    Article continues



    Saddam died under his own name in the full knowledge of the world, led to a gallows constructed for his execution, and killed in front of witnesses and an Iraqi government cameraman whose footage attested to his last moments.
    At the end he saw neither his wife or daughters. His feared sons, Qusay and Uday, were already dead, killed by US troops before his own capture. Saddam met only his two half-brothers, Sabawai and Wataban, fellow captives at the detention centre Camp Cropper, Baghdad. And finally he was alone, as are all condemned men, bringing to an end a tale worthy of Marlowe: full of visceral ambition, bloody ruthlessness and self-delusion. To a life lived in violent and unsettled times.

    And at the end what can we say about Saddam? That he was a monster? A madman? A malignant narcissist? All of these labels - and more - have been applied. In the run-up to the second Gulf War, the author and columnist Thomas Friedman framed the paradox of Saddam in a different and more subtle way, asking whether Iraq was the way it was because of Saddam? Or was Saddam the way he was because of Iraq? In reality there are no monsters, only men. And it was as a man Saddam went to the gallows, not as a cypher. Those who called him a 'madman' - as so many did - were lazy. He was too complex and contradictory a figure for that, as those who tried to profile him discovered. But if there are identifiable hallmarks of narcissistic personality disorder, then Saddam had them times over.

    There was the almost pathological lack of openness and trust. There was the grandiosity as he compared himself with historical figures such as Saladin, King Nebuchadnezzar II - both of whom captured Jerusalem - and even the Prophet Muhammad. There was also his marked lack of empathy and the insistence that others admire his solitary stoicism. Most of all there was the insistence that Saddam - the Great Uncle - was always at the very centre of Iraq's story.

    And if, as some psychologists who have studied his character have argued, Saddam represents 'malignant narcissism', then it is in keeping with the idea that such personalities are largely forged out of early childhood deprivation. For Saddam's childhood was one of multiple emotional removals.

    Born in the house of his maternal uncle, Khairallah Talfah, on 28 April, 1937 near Tikrit, Saddam was the son of a landless and impoverished peasant, who died shortly before his birth. His mother Sabha, doubly impoverished by the death of her husband, left her infant to be raised by the family of Khairallah.

    Another separation was not far off. Within four years - in 1941 - his uncle, an army officer and fervent Arab nationalist, would participate in the doomed uprising against the landing of British troops in Iraq and find himself jailed for five years.

    The young Saddam found himself with his mother who then married a relative of his father. According to biographies of Saddam, the only interest his new stepfather had in the boy was to violently humiliate him.

    Saddam grew up a lonely child, bullied at home and unable to read and write until he was 10. It was only then that he was finally reunited with Khairallah, now out of prison. Saddam's relationship with Khairallah - later to be a hugely corrupt mayor of Baghdad whom Saddam would be forced to remove - was crucial to his development as an Arab nationalist. He hated the British and their allies in Iraq's monarchy for taking his uncle away from him for five long years, and by the time he left school, aged 18, and travelled to Baghdad to continue his studies, he was moving rapidly towards the pan-Arab ideals of the Baath Party founded by Michel Aflaq.

    With its emphasis on modernising Arab society, on socialism and its rejection of colonial interference in Arab affairs the party was rapidly gaining popularity among young Iraqis, who by 1956 were increasingly angry at what they saw as the Iraqi monarchy's weakness in the Suez crisis when they did not support Gamal Abdel Nasser. Aged 20, Saddam joined the Baath Party.

    The Iraq of 1957 - the year Saddam joined the Baathis - was riven with deep political instability. The Hashemite monarchy, established under British tutelage in 1921 with King Faisal I, as Faisal himself was painfully aware, was a weak institution in the midst of a heavily armed population split by sectarian and tribal differences. What real power there was lay with handful of former Ottoman officers who had fought on the British side in the First World War, and who now slipped in and out of high office, one of them serving as prime minister some 14 times.

    It promised nothing good. And when King Faisal II and his family were machine-gunned trying to flee the palace by the troops of Brigadier Abd al-Karim Qassem in July 1958, it would usher in a decade of coups and violence that would serve as the background to the young Saddam's apprenticeship in the brutal business of Iraqi politics. They were events that would mesh the nature of the man with the nature of his country.

    Because of the childhood experiences of Saddam, biographers Efraim Karsh and Inari Rautsi have argued, he was emotionally well-suited to the vicious politics of that era. The few close ties he had in childhood, they suggest, had taught him the necessity to 'scheme and manipulate to survive'.

    At first an organiser and feared rent-a-thug for the Baath Party, Saddam's rise matched his enthusiasm. Within two years of joining the Baathis he was asked to join an attempt to assassinate the leader of the 'Free Officers' who had liquidated the monarchy - Qassem - who had fallen out with the Baathis over the issue of union with neighbouring Arab countries. On 7 October 1959, Saddam and his group ambushed Qassem's car.

    Qassem survived to order a violent clampdown on the Baathis, but in an instant the previously unknown Saddam Hussein became one of the country's most notorious and wanted figures. How Saddam would describe that event later in his life would be emblematic of his self-perception and the image that he would try to portray.

    In the idealised version presented in Baathist literature and film, Saddam is a would-be martyr injured in the attempt on Qassem's life, who then flees on his horse. In a series of dramatically embellished episodes, Saddam cuts out a bullet from his body with a knife. Finally the would-be killer swims the Tigris with a knife in his teeth to safety.

    Not much of it was true. In reality Saddam was not the principal gunman but was supposed to give covering fire to his companions. When the moment came he fired too soon and brought disaster on their . But in the cult of personality that Saddam attempted to build around him, it would become a defining personal myth, as well as central myth of the Baath Party he would slowly rise through and bend to his own ends.

    Which poses a critical question about Saddam: where were the demarcation lines between his attempt to create his own national narrative to unite the deeply divided Iraq, between finding a functioning party propaganda that required its own fables, and the delusions that he actually believed about himself?

    For later in life, as Iraq's totalitarian leader, Saddam would look to hugely symbolic historical figures on which to model himself. In particular, he would present himself to Iraqis as the 'successor' to Nebuchadnezzar and Saladin. Psychologist Erwin Parson has called the latter Saddam Hussein's 'Nebuchadnezzar Imperial Complex' - it saw him photographed in a recreation of Nebuchadnezzar's war chariot among many other self-comparisons.

    What is true is that Saddam's sense of his place in history - at least that available to scrutiny - underwent a marked change when he finally seized total power in 1979 after forcing out his predecessor, President Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr. By then Saddam had been running the show behind the scenes for years.

    But if 1979 marked the first intimations of the self-obsessive Saddam Hussein who would so vigorously mythologise his place in history - the Saddam who would embark on the vast architectural projects, the palaces, the recreation of Babylon and the vast mosques - there was another side to his personality.

    This was the ruthless and calculating Saddam, who had killed his first man in Tikrit in the squabbles between the nationalists and communists in his early twenties - the man who would engineer his emergence behind the scenes as the 'strong man of Baghdad'.

    This was the Saddam who had studied Stalin's quietly forceful ascent, rising before dawn most days and working his way through the Baath Party rivalries and purges to gather all the key offices of state to himself: head of the Revolutionary Command Council, Prime Minister, commander in chief of the armed forces, before grabbing the presidency.

    For all the grandiosity that he would later display, here was a man who was politically skilful in the lethal arena of Iraqi politics: tenacious, capable of great charm, calculating, often pragmatic and deeply ambitious. And by 1968, at the age of just 31, after a period of exile following the attempted Qassem assassination, Saddam was back and had manoeuvred himself into a position of such influence within the Baath Party that he played a key role in engineering the coup d'etat that would bring the party more than three decades in power and provide him with his own route to absolute rule.

    Former associates of Saddam from his hometown of Tikrit have described his way of ruling. It was, they say, the way his clan ran the town, and later the party. But after 1979 the Tikritis - and Saddam foremost among them - were running a country. And while the Baath ideology that Saddam had embraced talked about a revolutionary process which would modernise Arab society, in reality its most visible figurehead, Saddam, would behave like an insular and extremely brutal provincial tribal leader.

    Iraq's ever restless Kurds, the country's Shia majority and his political rivals, would all learn to fear a ruthlessness informed by a worldview that would have been paranoid if it had not contained an element of reality. He expressed it to a guest shortly after seizing the presidency in 1979: 'I know there are scores of people plotting to kill me and this is not difficult to understand. After all, did we not sieze power by plotting against our predecessors? However I am far cleverer than they are. I know they are conspiring to kill me long before they actually start planning to do it. This enables me to get them before they have the faintest chance of striking me.'

    Saddam did move to modernise some parts of Iraqi society - with his emphasis on education of the young as a national priority and his introduction of a new code giving more equal rights. But in terms of leadership, his efforts at modernity were focused entirely on how to control. So Saddam studied the rise of the National Socialism and how Mao and Stalin had both redefined socialism to bolster them in power.

    One of the earliest attempts to understand Saddam's psychology - rather than regarding him as a useful client - came in an unusually perceptive presentation to the US House Armed Services Committee in 1990 ahead of the first Gulf War by Dr Jerrold Post, Professor of Psychiatry, Political Psychology and International Affairs at George Washington University. It vigorously rejected the idea of Saddam as a 'madman'.

    Instead, Post ventured: 'While psychologically in touch with reality, [Saddam] is often politically out of touch with reality.' He added that he also regarded his worldview as 'narrow and distorted'. Saddam's reputation for brutality, Post argued, had 'deprived [Saddam] of the check of wise counsel from his leadership circle. This combination of limited international perspective and a sycophantic leadership circle leads him to miscalculate'. Crucially, he judged that the 'destiny of Saddam and Iraq are one and indistinguishable... His exalted self concept is fused with his Baathist political ideology. Baathist dreams will be realised when the Arab nation is unified under one strong leader. In Saddam's mind, he is destined for that role.'

    It would be the distortions in Saddam's worldview - not the enemies he feared within - that would lead to his downfall.

    Even before he seized the presidency Saddam was making clumsy errors on an international stage he barely understood. The first ally that Iraq sought as Saddam was rising to power, not unsurprisingly, was the Soviet Union, with whom Iraq signed a military aid pact in 1972. But the executions in 1978 of hundreds of Iraqi communists strained that relationship, forcing him to look to the US and France.

    A year later Saddam would be confronted by a far more fundamental crisis - the overthrow of the Shah of Iran in 1979 by Ayatollah Khomeini whom Saddam had agreed with the Shah to expel from his exile in Iraq in 1978.

    Khomeini and Saddam were bitter enemies not least over Saddam's fears over the growing Iranian influence over Shias in the region. And as the Islamic revolution proceeded in Iran, border clashes broke out over the disputed Shatt al-Arab waterway.

    While Saddam, a Sunni, argued that there was no interest in a war between the two states, the reality was that he planned to try to occupy a large tranche of Iran. The war that inevitably followed saw the estimated death of 1.7 million people. But despite the stalemate and attrition over the Iran conflict, Saddam was not yet finished with his wars.

    Rationalising that he had been fighting the Iranians on behalf of all of the Gulf states he attempted to insist that Kuwait forgive its share of Iraq's war debt. Kuwait refused. And it refused to Saddam's request to cut oil production to push up the price of oil. As tensions with Kuwait mounted Iraq sought to discover what the US - which had been funding Iraq for a decade - would do if Iraq annexed Kuwait. Mistaking a neutral answer for approval, Saddam seized his tiny oil-rich neighbour.

    It was an act that would mark the collision between Saddam and the US that would ultimately be his undoing. It also brought him up against the Bush political dynasty, father and son, the latter of whom would turn US foreign policy on Iraq, the country it had supplied with the materials for Saddam's worst atrocity - the gassing of the Kurds at Halabja in 1988 - into something not far short of a vendetta.

    While Saddam survived the first Gulf War despite a crushing military defeat in the liberation of Kuwait in 1991 - which he claimed typically as a victory - in 2003, confronted by the determination of the administration of Bush the younger to remove him at any cost, he was finally unseated.

    But it would only be with his capture nine months later, a dishevelled figure found hiding in a squalid hole in the ground, and with the trial process that followed, that the world would finally see Saddam the man with all of his pretensions stripped bare. And in the end he was what all dictators are: petulant, threatening sometimes and at other times sulking. But he was other things. He could be confused and cowed and oddly vulnerable. Finally as he made that last walk there was a muted dignity. For above all, despite his terrible deeds, Saddam in his last moments was still only a man.

    A dictator's life

    28 April 1937: Born in al-Awja, 150 km (90 miles) north of Baghdad. Aged 10 he flees an abusive stepfather to live with his uncle.

    1957: Joins the fledgling Iraqi Ba'ath Party. Takes part in unsuccessful attempt to kill the Prime Minister. Flees abroad to Egypt.

    1968: Helps plot coup that puts the Ba'ath Party in power.

    1979: Takes power after President Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr steps aside. Executes dozens of rivals within days.

    1980: Launches eight-year war on Iran.

    1982: Survives assassination attempt by Dawa activists. Allegedly orders a campaign of reprisals, which sees 148 Shia Muslims killed.

    February 1988: Start of campaign, allegedly ordered to depopulate northern areas which support Kurdish guerrillas.

    16 March 1988: Iraqi forces launch chemical attack on Iraqi Kurdish town of Halabja, killing approximately 5,000.

    20 August 1988: Ceasefire in Iran-Iraq war. Campaign against Kurds continues.

    2 August 1990: Launches invasion of Kuwait, prompting UN Security Council to impose sanctions on Iraq. Invasion forces ousted six months later by US-led troops.

    20 March 2003: US launches war against Iraq with strikes on Baghdad.

    7 April 2003: US forces take country. Saddam goes into hiding.

    14 December 2003: Capture by US.

    1 July 2004: First appears in court before the Iraqi High Tribunal.

    19 October 2005: Goes on trial with seven co-defendants charged with crimes against humanity over the 1982 killings. Pleads not guilty.

    2 August 2006: Second trial, on charges of war crimes against Iraqi Kurds. Refuses to plead.

    5 November 2006: Sentenced to death.

    30 December 2006: Saddam Hussein executed by hanging at 6am local time in Baghdad

    Linda MacDonald

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Saddam Hussein executed Mustafa Mahmoud12-30-06, 10:00 AM
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