الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية

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09-01-2009, 07:32 PM

Nazar Yousif
<aNazar Yousif
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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية (Re: Nazar Yousif)

    A return ticket for security chief Salah Gosh
    The 13 August move of Lieutenant General Salah Abdullah Mohamed 'Gosh'
    from Director of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS)
    to Presidential Security Advisor comes at a critical time for the
    National Congress Party (aka National Islamic Front) regime. President
    Omer el Beshir is fending off arrest for war crimes and crimes against
    humanity by the International Criminal Court and the party's leading
    tacticians are determined to secure total victory in national
    elections and a referendum on the future of the South, both due in the
    next two years.
    Cultivating Salah In the eyes of Western intelligence agencies,
    Salah Gosh was an important figure to cultivate. He was, according to
    British, French and United States officials, a source of valuable
    intelligence about terrorist cells planning to attack Western targets.
    This Western view of Gosh was based partly on his role as liaison
    officer to Usama bin Laden when the Al Qaida leader lived in Khartoum
    in the early 1990s and more generally because of his active role in
    Islamist politics in Sudan and the region (AC Vol 50 No 13).
    Gosh's release of selective intelligence about overseas Islamist cells
    to Western officials and his well-reported meetings with Central
    Intelligence Agency staff in the US and the Secret Intelligence
    Service in London were certainly approved by Khartoum as part of the
    elaborate chess game that produced Western backing for the
    Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005 and perhaps the latest
    calls by US Special Envoy to Sudan Scott Gration for the lifting of
    sanctions on Khartoum.
    Sudanese officers who have served under Gosh insist he is an astute
    and ideologically committed Islamist (albeit with a strong sense of
    self-preservation), however many technical intelligence skills he may
    have inculcated. They note that his ruthless pursuit of the relatives
    of those exiled Sudanese who were thought to have provided evidence to
    the ICC about the involvement of senior Khartoum officials in war
    crimes in Darfur marks him out as a core regime stalwart. Many go
    further and blame Gosh for the planning of the mass killings in
    Darfur, particularly in 2003 and 2004. Few people have a convincing
    explanation about why Salah Gosh's job was changed. He was chronically
    overweight and had a heart condition. It may have been poor health
    that made Gosh move to a less demanding post. 'He just worked too
    hard,' said one Western source.
    This did not still the febrile speculation in Khartoum, where there
    was more speculation about his politics than his health. Salah
    Abdullah Gosh was being sacked - no, his new job as Presidential
    Security Advisor was a promotion No, he was being kept in the Palace
    so that President Omer el Beshir could keep an eye on him No, he was
    being prepared to succeed Omer, probably at US instigation. However,
    few Sudanese expected Gosh's move to presage political change. Like
    his predecessor, Nafi'e Ali Nafi'e, Salah Gosh had survived sanctions
    against Khartoum and its security apparatus for planning the 1995
    assassination attempt on Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Addis
    Many believe he was shifted sideways to please the Sudan Armed Forces
    (SAF), which he had publicly criticised after the Justice and Equality
    Movement's May 2008 attack on Omdurman. NISS paramilitaries had won
    the glory for defending the capital (AC Vol 49 No 11), publicly
    confirming that the multiple security organs are at the heart of the
    Some in the SAF objected to Salah because he is not a military
    professional: until the NIF's 1989 coup, he rose through the party
    rather than security. His replacement and former deputy, Gen. Mohamed
    Atta el Moula Abbas, may not impress the army either. A couple of
    years younger than Gosh at 52, he did not join the security services
    until he was 35; his early career remains obscure. Like Gosh, he is a
    committed party man.
    Also like Gosh, Mohamed Atta el Moula is an engineering graduate from
    the University of Khartoum (his hometown). After two years in General
    Security, he joined Foreign Security in 1994, which gave him
    experience in the NIF's operations abroad. In 2000, he was in the
    Palace, as what the government's Sudan Media Centre called 'Secretary
    General for peace consultancy'.
    This was the year when US Senator John Danforth was negotiating the
    Nuba Mountains ceasefire, which preceded the Machakos negotiations
    leading to the CPA in 2005. Mohamed Atta el Moula saw it all, being
    'Peace Bureau Manager' in the Nairobi Embassy in 2001 and, after three
    years when he rose to Deputy General Manager of the NISS, headed the
    security dossier in the Kenya peace talks in 2004. Gosh trusted
    Mohamed and so does the NCP: he was at the Darfur peace talks in Abuja
    in 2006 and has attended the most recent ones in Qatar.
    Electoral expectations
    The same issues - Darfur and the South - still confront the new
    Security chief, plus a Northern opposition showing signs of resurgence
    in preparation for elections due in eight months. The elections follow
    the recent and disputed census and precede the 2011 referenda in the
    South and Abyei.
    Britain, the US (US$21 million last month) and the United Nations,
    back the elections as a means to restore democracy and human rights.
    Yet it is widely assumed that the regime will rig the vote, not a hard
    task for an oil-rich Islamist regime in power for 20 years.
    Since the CPA, the Sudan People's Liberation Movement has been slow to
    challenge the NCP. Instead, the SPLM has concentrated on protecting
    the Southern referendum on independence and consolidating its
    government in Juba. As one of the two parties to the CPA, a junior
    'partner' of the NCP in the Government of National Unity based in
    Khartoum and the dominant party in the Government of Southern Sudan
    (GOSS) in Juba, the SPLM wants to be seen to be sticking to the spirit
    of the CPA and following the rules. In October 2007, the SPLM briefly
    pulled out of the GNU to protest against the NCP's failure to honour
    the CPA - by, among other things, not fully withdrawing its troops
    from the South and withholding oil revenue.
    The SPLM says the census under-counted Southerners (affecting oil
    revenue) and over-counted people in Darfur (where most people were not
    counted). Several opposition politicians have said they and their
    families were not counted in the North. This prepares the ground for
    massive fraud in the electoral register and electoral boundaries,
    which foreign monitors will have difficulty detecting.
    Already 1,000-2,000 people have been killed in ethnic clashes in the
    South this year. The SPLM accuses Khartoum of fuelling this fighting,
    with weapons and money. Both independent and SPLM sources say they
    have seen weapons, seized by the GOSS, which were apparently supplied
    by Khartoum to its local proxies.
    Khartoum supplied and trained militias during the North-South war and
    some are believed to be involved in recent fighting. One obvious
    suspect is Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army, which operated out of the
    Juba garrison when it was in NCP hands.
    Many still believe that the helicopter crash which killed SPLM
    Chairman John Garang de Mabior in 2005 was no accident and there is
    fear that his successor, GOSS President and national Vice-President
    Salva Kiir Mayardit, could be the next target. The appointment of Gier
    Chuang Aluong as Internal Affairs Minister, replacing Paul Mayom
    Akech, in May's GOSS reshuffle reflects a tightening of security in
    Juba. An influx of Northerners with no obvious affiliations is also
    causing concern.
    Counting the conflicts
    Another looming dispute between SPLM and NCP is over the North-South
    border. The CPA accepted the colonial border inherited at Independence
    in 1956. The problem is, it has been moved. President Ja'afar Mohamed
    Nimeiri's regime claimed a chunk of the Southern region of Bahr el
    Ghazal for Darfur (around Hofrat en Nahas), and the NCP's demarcation
    is said to include part of the oilfields from the South.
    This is closely linked to the Abyei question which, despite the 22
    July ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague, is by
    no means settled. Although the PCA accepted the Abyei Boundaries
    Commission's (ABC) definition of Abyei's southern, south-western and
    south-eastern borders, the physical demarcation of the boundary will
    raise new problems. Due to start next month, this demarcation will
    depend on agreement on the precise location of the North-South
    boundary, both adjoining Abyei and beyond. There is plenty more scope
    for disagreement and delay (AC Vol 50 No 15).
    Equally explosive is the situation around Heglig, which the PCA
    declared was not in Abyei, as the ABC had determined. Khartoum
    immediately claimed Heglig for Northern Sudan, although historically
    it has been considered in the South. Heglig lies at the heart of an
    oilfield believed to have reached its peak; quality and output are
    declining. Khartoum's main oil partner, China, lacks the technology to
    extract the remaining oil but one of the troika watching over the CPA
    (Britain, Norway and USA) could help. Oslo has, we hear, offered to
    help the NCP regime with enhanced recovery techniques; this will not
    please Juba.
    In the North, the regime has launched a ferocious anti-SPLM campaign;
    it highlights corruption, tribal fighting, 'mass starvation' and
    inability to run a country. The head of the SPLM Northern Sector,
    Yasir Arman, a Northerner, has been declared an 'infidel' and
    'apostate', which for some Islamists is a licence to kill. The message
    for Northerners is: 'You thought John Garang was your saviour, but the
    SPLM now cannot save you.'
    The Sudan Communist Party has also been declared 'infidel', which
    could be awkward since it is a leader of the new opposition alliance
    that includes the man who established Islamist rule, Hassan Abdullah
    el Turabi. His Popular Congress Party is one of three parties in a
    still unnamed group, the other being the Umma Party of El Sadig el
    Mahdi, whom the NIF deposed as elected Premier in 1989.
    His traditional rival, the Democratic Unionist Party, plays a discreet
    role in the alliance: after nearly 20 years of exile, its leader,
    Mohamed Osman el Mirghani, quietly made peace with the regime this
    year. Many (perhaps most) in his party do not agree and, led by
    stalwart oppositionist Ali Mahmoud Hassanein, joined the new alliance.
    So have a couple of dozen other parties.
    The opposition insists it will boycott the elections unless 'laws
    opposing freedom' are repealed and the regime accepts that, under the
    CPA, it can no longer claim to rule Sudan after 5 July. Many
    Northerners are horrified about the prospect of more NCP rule but
    lament the failure of the mainstream parties, which have had the same
    leaders for three decades or more. They would back any promising new
    alternative but for now that is not in prospect.
    (*)The security service's plan was to suck JEM into an ambush and also
    uncover JEM sleeper cells. (JEM leader Khalid Ibrahim Mohamed was not
    an NIF Security Minister for nothing.) JEM's advance was certainly
    known to the regime, since a police statement warned two days earlier
    of an impending 'sabotage attempt' after fighting in Kordofan, on the
    Darfur-Khartoum route. Sudanese sources say that Salah Gosh and his
    colleagues, including army officers, watched the JEM advance on video
    screens linked to unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), which Sudan now
    assembles with Iranian help (AC Vol 49 No 18).


العنوان الكاتب Date
الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-29-09, 05:54 PM
  Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية عبدالرازق الطيب يس08-29-09, 06:09 PM
    Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-29-09, 06:32 PM
    Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية عمار نجم الدين08-30-09, 07:58 AM
  Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-29-09, 06:13 PM
    Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-29-09, 06:25 PM
      Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية عبدالرازق الطيب يس08-29-09, 06:41 PM
        Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-29-09, 06:47 PM
          Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية hamid brgo08-29-09, 07:11 PM
            Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-29-09, 09:44 PM
          Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Mustafa Mahmoud08-29-09, 07:12 PM
            Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-29-09, 09:48 PM
              Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية فتحي البحيري08-29-09, 10:09 PM
            Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-29-09, 10:08 PM
              Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-29-09, 10:22 PM
                Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Mustafa Mahmoud08-30-09, 08:14 AM
                  Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية حذيفه ابراهيم الكباشي08-30-09, 08:33 AM
                    Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية esam gabralla08-30-09, 09:14 AM
                      Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-30-09, 03:25 PM
                        Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-30-09, 07:06 PM
                      Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-30-09, 06:30 PM
                        Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-30-09, 06:59 PM
                          Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-31-09, 12:33 PM
                            Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-31-09, 07:40 PM
                              Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية عمار نجم الدين08-31-09, 08:38 PM
                                Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية علاء الدين يوسف علي محمد08-31-09, 08:59 PM
                              Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية علاء الدين يوسف علي محمد08-31-09, 09:03 PM
                                Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية عبده حماد ابراهيم08-31-09, 10:15 PM
                                  Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية عمار نجم الدين08-31-09, 10:30 PM
                                    Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-31-09, 11:49 PM
                                      Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif08-31-09, 11:58 PM
                                      Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-01-09, 00:06 AM
                                        Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية الطيب رحمه قريمان09-01-09, 01:24 AM
                                          Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-01-09, 07:37 AM
                                            Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية علاء الدين يوسف علي محمد09-01-09, 12:50 PM
                                          Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Mustafa Mahmoud09-01-09, 08:16 AM
                                            Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية الطيب رحمه قريمان09-01-09, 09:37 AM
                                              Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Hussein Mallasi09-01-09, 09:47 AM
                                              Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية عبده حماد ابراهيم09-01-09, 10:03 AM
                                                Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية NEWSUDANI09-01-09, 02:49 PM
                                                  Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية فتحي البحيري09-13-09, 12:05 PM
                                                Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-01-09, 06:59 PM
                                                  Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-01-09, 07:32 PM
                                                    Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-02-09, 07:13 PM
                                                      Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-03-09, 07:45 AM
                                                        Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-04-09, 07:18 AM
                                                          Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-05-09, 03:06 PM
                                                            Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-05-09, 03:10 PM
                                                              Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-05-09, 10:53 PM
                                                                Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-07-09, 07:42 PM
                                                                  Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-08-09, 07:15 PM
                                                                    Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-09-09, 10:11 PM
                                                                      Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-10-09, 07:43 AM
                                                                        Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية هشام هباني09-10-09, 08:03 AM
                                                                          Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-10-09, 07:21 PM
                                                                            Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية فتحي البحيري09-10-09, 07:41 PM
                                                                              Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Al-Mansour Jaafar09-13-09, 03:58 PM
                                                                                Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Al-Mansour Jaafar09-13-09, 04:08 PM
                                                                              Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-14-09, 07:40 AM
                                                                                Re: الفريق أول صلاح قوش تحت الاقامة الجبرية Nazar Yousif09-16-09, 03:25 AM

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