مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة (Re: مؤيد شريف)

    الحبيب مؤيد شريف..
    خالص الود...

    هذه نتيجة الترجمة الإنجليزية من موقع قوقل للترجمة...
    أرجو أن تديها قليل من التدقيق...واذا ما كانت قريبة للأصل،
    يمكن أن نتعاون على الترجمة العربية لاحقاً...

    Darfur crisis

    Testimonies from Eastern Chad

    AI Index: AFR 20/007/2006


    29 June 2006

    The following, provided by Chadians displaced within their own country, are excerpts from testimonies collected by Amnesty International in Eastern Chad in June 2006.

    "At around 10 hours, the population was in the village when JJ arrived, they were more than 300 and they were composed of three columns and were heading in different directions, they were pushing dinghies, they shouted:" We have come to kill the black slaves. "They went into houses and have people trying to flee. I was running next to the imam who was very old, he could not run fast, he was hit by four bullets, which hit the back and leg. They then set fire to the village, only 10 of the 100 houses were spared. "The people took refuge in the village of Muruske.

    A resident of the village of Bir Kedouas

    "When the Janjaweed came, I took my daughter in my arms to run a ball reached me in the right leg and I could not run fast, that's when my daughter Husna was hit .

    The father of a girl three years killed at Bir Kedouas

    "The village was attacked for three consecutive days in February 2006 (5, 6 and 7). During the first attack took place at Ferrick, five people were killed: Abaker Souleymane, Hassan Ahmat, Dehie Ibrahim, Abaker and Mahamat Abdoulaye Hassan. The other two attacks took place in the village. Upon arrival, they were screaming against the Dajos by treating them as slaves. They said: "Get out of your house slave, this is not your land!" The villagers went immediately to Koloy and following an attack against the village, they left March 30. Koloy has suffered three attacks between March 30 and April 5. "

    The village chief of Toror

    "On 3 March, around 5 o'clock in the morning, the Janjaweed attacked the pen where we keep the cattle [located 1 km from the village]. After three #####ng, we have decided to combine our cattle in the middle of three villages: N'Djamena, and Modaina Moukchacha. When people from other villages heard the noise of the attack, they came running to the fence. But the Janjawid had set up ambushes between the enclosure and villages. Many villagers were killed, we had to let the animals leave and return to the villages. But on the way back, we heard gunshots coming now that the village we had to leave. The Janjaweed had taken advantage of our absence to surround our villages and when we wanted to go, they shot at us. In villages, they killed as many men they could. In the days that followed, they have continued to return each time taking a little more things until it is nothing left to take away. "

    The village chief of Modaina

    "After us fled N'Djamena we settled with the cases that we were under trees at the edge of Koloy. When we reached the wadi [Wadi Kadjo, a seasonal watercourse] the Janjawid found us, they attacked us and killed three of us, they took the few animals that we still had. They it again every day. In the end, after almost 10 days, they came directly to where we were installed in Koloy and took everything that we had left: the beds, sheets, pots, etc.. It was everything we could win. We decided to leave for Goz Beida. Those who had donkeys went on a donkey, the others walked. The slowest of us four days to reach Goz Beida. "

    A resident of the village of Koloy

    "On 12 April, 2006, to 7 am 30, an armed opposition group [reference is made to the United Front for Democratic Change, FUCD] led by Dr. Hassan Al Djinedi [a leader of FUCD] attacked the garrison to weave, and after several hours of fighting, government forces withdrew from Tissi. The armed opposition group occupies the garrison then again the same day. To 14 hours, the Janjawid come to loot the barracks and took arms, ammunition, blankets and whatever they could carry. During the night, the armed group returned to occupy the barracks and left the next day. Villagers decided to leave Tissi for Bolong [Bolong is an area consisting of five villages]. After the departure of the armed group and the withdrawal of government forces, the Janjawid came back several times to loot houses, shops as well as Ferrick. They did the same with the neighboring villages: Birnahal (April 17), Harraza (April 18), Maguila (April 27), Eid al-Ghanam (April 18), Gozamimi, Amsisi. Eleven days after the big attack against Tissi, the Chadian soldiers have returned to stay for ten days and have launched attacks against three Sudanese villages [perceived as having sympathies to the FUCD]: Abarjaradil, and Gantur Garaï. Exchanges of fire took place with the Janjawid, three of them were killed and 20 others were taken prisoner, among them Arabs from Chad Salamat [Chadian Arabs who have joined forces with the Janjaweed of Sudan but which are now largely present in Chad]. On the eve of the presidential election, left the army and the Janjawid came back again to loot the villages. Maguila village was attacked and 17 people were killed. "

    An employee of the local administration of Tissi

    "I was present during the attack on my village 30 to 14 hours. A thick smoke emerging from our gardens, sugar cane, mango, banana and vegetable crops that are ten minutes walk from the village. We took our spears, arrows and our buckets. Once we arrived on site, we noticed the presence of Janjawid ahead before the fire. People from other villages who came to lend us a hand found themselves trapped. We used our our arrows and spears, but we could not do much. It lasted three hours, many of us have been killed. Janjawid pursued those who tried to escape. Djimeze includes 153 ######### of households. After the attack against Djimeze, villagers went to Dogdoré. "

    The village chief of Djimeze

    "One Sunday after the attack on Djawara, girls went to gather wood wadi when they fell on the Janjaweed. One of them managed to escape to warn. Upon arrival of parents and villagers, the Janjaweed shot at us. The four girls were raped. The girls here have an obligation to marry, celibacy is almost no one would want to marry these girls now. "The four girls are aged thirteen, twelve, ten and nine years.

    A resident of Djawara

    "Our village was attacked twice on Wednesday, April 12, they arrived in the morning and then returned in the afternoon to three hours. I was present. The Janjawid were supported by the Mimis and Ouaddaï, these are our neighbors, they lived with us for a long time. "

    The chief of Agogo village

    "The first attack against the village of Koloy took place on 20 September 2005 at 7 am, they returned the same day to 10 hours of the morning. During these attacks several people were killed, the Janjawid were many, they were around 50, in military uniform. They were supported by the Arabs of Ferrick [neighbors]. The day before the attack, the Janjawid had spent the night at ferrickdes Arab
      . The Janjawid were filled with children in the wadi, they were asking questions about cattle owners. Some children refused to answer their questions have been beaten, the hot mud has been placed on their #########. "

      A woman from Koloy

      "The day of the attack against Djawara, accompanied by a military commander
        I reported to the sub-prefecture of Daguessa. I put three hours to reach the sub-prefecture, I left an hour before the attack. I asked for help from the sub-prefect. He replied that he had not received orders from the top military command. I told him he had to do and he did not need to wait for an order. "

        A resident of the village of Tiero

        "My village was attacked on 3 March 2006 by the Janjawid. It was around 7 o'clock in the morning. They attacked the village from three different places and are left with 500 cattle after killing people [including Abdelkerim Issack, imam of the mosque]. The Janjaweed were wearing uniforms of a different color from that worn by the Chadian military, the uniforms are green with brown spots and white
          Apart from livestock, JJ also won our food. We could not bury all our dead and we left two days after the village of Koloy. Two weeks after our arrival, the village was attacked. Two people who were at the mosque were killed. From Koloy we went to Goz Beida,
            we were not far from the warehouse of the WFP [World Food Program] and the Sultan we found this site to Gourkouroun. "The witness goes on to say that after all This person does not give them rien.Ils can see the camp of refugees from Darfur, a few kilometers seulement.Tout as refugees from Darfur, they must flee the Janjawid and do not understand why these refugees are helped and not them. They are told it is because they come from another country, but why them Chadians in Chad, they do not receive any help? They arrived with nothing, and they can not return home because they may being re attaqués.Comment are they supposed to survive?

            A resident of the village of Moukchacha

            "The Janjaweed came to my village, Barungo [5.5 km north of Harraza], on Saturday at 16 hours. They had already attacked the village before, and stole most of our animals. This time, they took what was left: sheep and goats. We did not put up any resistance and only one person was killed. The same day, the Janjaweed continued northward, and they also attacked the villages of Hidjer and Eid al-Ghanam. Sunday, some of us felt that things went too far and needed to go. The following Thursday, most villagers had left to come here [to Daguessa] or to win the Sudan. "

            A resident of the village of Barungo near Harraza

            "All the faithful were kneeling in prayer to 6 pm 30 am when the Janjawid entered this 1erdécembre 2005 by the two doors of the mosque. They were more than 50 and as soon as they had penetrated inside, they started shooting at people. It was the stampede, people ran in all directions, four people were killed in front of me, three others were injured. My younger brother, Mahamat Adam, was shot in front of me. A bullet entered through his one eye and is reflected by the throat. He also received a bullet in the kidneys. The Janjawid pushed dinghies and we were treated as slaves. At one point I heard saying: "The slaves are gone, plundering the village." Around 18-19 hours, we went to Koloy [two hours walk from Djedid]. We buried our dead to Hadjarbeïd. We stayed at Koloy for one month but are quickly returned because of fear of attack. "

            A resident of the village of Djedid, Canton Koloy

            "The village of Haraza was attacked for the first time by the Janjawid in October 2002. They returned in February 2005 and in September the same year. The first time they arrived around 6 am in number 20, they killed three people guarding their flock in Ferrick: Haroun Bakhit, thirty-five years, father of six children; Mahamat Yahya, forty years, father eight children, and Ibrahim Hassan, twenty-five years, father of two children. They brought horses and troupeaux.Après the third attack, the villagers sought refuge at the nearby village of Koloy but they were again forced to seek another place in the aftermath of an attack by the Janjaweed. They had arms, they wore turbans. At the time of the attacks, the Chadian army was Adé and Modaina but his arrival was delayed. Haraza village is surrounded by Ferrick, and Dajos share the same space with the Arab herders. However, during these attacks, only Dajos are victims of robbery and extortion. The Arabs speak the same language as the Janjawid
              The Janjawid first attacked ferrickspuis they headed toward the village. We noticed a collaboration between the Mimis and the Ouaddaïens against Dajos. Masalit, the Mimis and Ouaddaïens were received as a result of famine in 1984/85. The Dajos are natives of this region, the land has been distributed to their ancestors by the Sultan. The land was offered to newcomers by the village chief with the consent of the canton chief. "

              The village chief of Haraza

              "In this country, with its diverse population, if you give weapons to a group, you make the brothers against each other. It is a very dangerous situation. And who did this? It is the Sudanese government. "

              The Sultan of Dar Sila

              "We did not come here for fun. We came because we saw the blood flows like water in our village. They killed all the men and we were left without resources. The men feed us. Now, nobody can help us. They have slain men with a knife and killed defenseless people. [It does not even eat in our own country now.] They say they take care of refugees, but they seem not to understand that we're refugees in our own country. We do not rest, even in our country. They have asked us to move and they want to divide us to send in five different locations. [Imagine all these people without education worthy of the name, no school, nothing.] We asked them for food and they say they can not give us. So how could they give us schools? "

              A displaced woman in Goz Beida

              "If a man goes to the farm, he gets killed. If it is a woman, she is physically assaulted and raped. [Two, three, four, five women have been raped recently.] We can do nothing to stop them because they would kill us. "

              The village chief of Djimeze

              "They killed my son, my husband and my brother. They took everything I had and then they shot me. They told me everything. "

              A displaced woman who lost a leg

              "We heard gunshots. We come to see what was happening. We found our fathers and brothers died. They had taken our cattle. We gathered and went looking for them. He was 5 h 30 in the morning. They killed four or five of us. We could not beat us. They were heavily armed and we had our traditional weapons. Honestly, I thought we Janjawid stole our cattle by simple greed. But they manage to kill so many people it is incomprehensible. It completely transcends us. When the motives are clear, we can more easily understand what is happening. But that it happens in another country. We heard about and then suddenly this happens with us. It could be a political issue, but we are not safe. "

              A villager moved

              "We do not move here if they do not provide us security, food, water, schools and even hospitals. We will stay in Goz Beida for our own safety. "

              A resident of the village of Modaina

العنوان الكاتب Date
مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-26-09, 10:29 AM
  Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-26-09, 10:31 AM
    Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-26-09, 10:42 AM
      Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-26-09, 10:46 AM
        Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-26-09, 10:57 AM
          Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-26-09, 11:09 AM
            Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-26-09, 07:29 PM
              Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-26-09, 07:36 PM
                Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-26-09, 07:56 PM
                  Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-27-09, 01:49 PM
                    Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-27-09, 05:06 PM
                      Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-27-09, 05:20 PM
                      Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-27-09, 05:20 PM
                      Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-27-09, 05:26 PM
                        Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-27-09, 05:40 PM
                          Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة Mahjob Abdalla05-27-09, 05:53 PM
                            Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-27-09, 06:57 PM
                              Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة على عجب05-27-09, 09:03 PM
                                Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-28-09, 06:23 PM
                                Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-28-09, 06:27 PM
                              Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-28-09, 06:26 PM
                            Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-28-09, 06:23 PM
                              Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-28-09, 06:32 PM
                                Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-28-09, 06:45 PM
                                  Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-28-09, 07:04 PM
                                    Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-28-09, 07:21 PM
                                      Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-28-09, 07:35 PM
                                        Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-28-09, 07:39 PM
                                          Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-28-09, 07:44 PM
                                            Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-28-09, 07:48 PM
                                            Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-31-09, 12:38 PM
                                            Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-31-09, 01:07 PM
                                            Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-31-09, 01:14 PM
                                          Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-28-09, 07:51 PM
                                            Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-30-09, 05:34 PM
                                        Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-31-09, 12:49 PM
                      Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-31-09, 12:30 PM
                        Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-31-09, 01:13 PM
                          Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة نصر الدين عثمان05-31-09, 02:38 PM
                            Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing05-31-09, 07:21 PM
                              Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-31-09, 09:35 PM
                                Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-31-09, 09:43 PM
                                  Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-31-09, 09:48 PM
                                    Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-31-09, 10:10 PM
                                      Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف05-31-09, 10:20 PM
                                        Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing06-01-09, 00:00 AM
                                          Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing06-01-09, 00:10 AM
                                            Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing06-01-09, 00:28 AM
                                              Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف06-01-09, 11:16 AM
                                                Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing06-01-09, 11:25 AM
                                                  Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف06-01-09, 02:55 PM
                                                    Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف06-01-09, 08:48 PM
                                                      Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing06-02-09, 08:39 AM
                                                        Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف06-02-09, 10:35 AM
                                                          Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف06-03-09, 08:44 AM
                                                            Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف06-03-09, 09:09 AM
                                                              Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة أنور أدم06-03-09, 10:02 AM
                                                                Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف06-03-09, 01:58 PM
                                                                  Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف06-03-09, 02:53 PM
                                                                    Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة أنور أدم06-03-09, 03:11 PM
                                                                      Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف06-03-09, 07:02 PM
                                                                        Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف06-04-09, 06:07 PM
                                                                          Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة HAIDER ALZAIN06-10-09, 03:34 PM
                                                                            Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing06-12-09, 08:18 AM
                                                                              Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف06-12-09, 08:40 AM
                                                                                Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة AnwarKing06-14-09, 05:08 AM
                                                                                  Re: مقالات سودانية عن معسكرات النازحين بدارفور...مقارنة مع المقال الفائز بجائزة الصحافة مؤيد شريف06-14-09, 06:02 AM

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