شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي

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08-06-2003, 09:11 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
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Re: شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي (Re: doma)


    You may mean well, but your ability to look at this thing before us needs a revisit. I am all for politeness, seriousness, and open debate. The latter is different from deliberate lies, innuendo, and provocation.

    The SCP and DF are Sudanese organizations that recruit the willing among the Sudanese. No coercion is involved and the right to leave – quietly or otherwise – is not constrained in any way.

    I differ with you in your assessment of what we have before us for the the following reasons, which I hope you take the time to read very carefully! (I have no red lines except the truth)!

    1. Expressed in the content of the fatawa (I submit Bayan) is a clear deliberate falsehood ascribed to Yousif Hussain, accusing him of things he did not say. Moreover, he did correct the record with a public statement.

    2. The deliberate mixing of the DF membership of that of the SCP. Not every DF members is communist not every communist is/was a member of the DF. Haq is not a socialist/communist organization.

    3. The statement fails to establish the culpability of either the SCP or the DF in what is ascribed to them – this culpability has to visit the programs of each, which they do submit to the people of the Sudan! This is where a genuine inquiry should emanate from. The two have official organs, news outlets ...etc. You will not find a single pejorative word against religion or the spiritual beliefs of the Sudanese! If these pseudo Ulamma interpret Marx in a particular way that is their folly not ours! After all what is an Aalim without free inquiry! Similarly, conditions of membership in both organizations do not call for nor condone disrespect of religion or call for atheism. Moreover, how does one establish Kufir among those supposedly “innately” Moslem except by asking them –one-by-one if they have recanted their faith (I don’t see how/why these men could be allowed to so).

    4. These men may make religion look straightforward and easy to mold into their worldly endeavors. However, this kind of depravity led in the past to

    جلد الإمام مالك، وحبس وتعذيب الإمام ابن حنبل وسجن وتعذيب الإمام أبو حنيفة وتحريم فلسفة ابن رشد ونفيه واغتيال الحلاج – كل هذه الممارسات تمت في عهود الانحطاط والجمود أيام التقاذف بتهم الردة والمروق والزندقة وما احسب عهد الإنقاذ هذا - قبل أو بعد الترابي - هو غير ذلك. وقبلهم كان السفاح نميري وأمثالهم من قتل الأستاذ محمود محمد طه وجلد الحوامل وقطع ايادى الفقراء من أبناء شعبنا

    5. Who are these individuals that solicited the original statement – don’t the accused have any rights in this Islam of the Islamists?

    6. Truth and honesty are very perishable commodities – Why is the Islamic Brotherhood of Sadiq Abdul Majed working with a murderous thieving regime like the Ingaz (Issam Al Basheir is a Federal Minister)?

    7. The accusations leveled against the DF should be adjudicated in a court of law – they do represent violations of the law as it stands today – why have these so honorable politicians not dared to do so!?


    You may consider this very transparent attempt to slander the DF and the SCP a learning exercise –your proactive- to the rest of us it is a cowardly deceitful act from men who ought to know better. Sometimes the best answer is no answer if the question is so contemptible as is this document! As for Nizar, he has every right to espouse any revolting thought he wishes! If he wanted to inform the board he could just say so, but no he involved himself as one with this rubbish and it is just that – revolting rubbish.

    You want civility and politeness then stop condoning referring to us as
    العصابة الشيوعية وواجهتها التي تمثلهم في الجامعات باسم "الجبهة الديمقراطية"

    شيوعيين ساقطين

    أولاء الشيوعيين الأشـرار

    ردة الشيوعيين هؤلاء, دون الوقوف بجلاء على حقيقة سوءتهم

    لأن الشطط من العصابـة الشيوعيـة وطعنهم في الديـن ليـاً بألسنتهـم أمـر معتاد منهم يعرفه القاصِي و الـداني

    والكـل يعلـم عنهـم يقينـاً أنهـم الهمـازون المشـاؤون بنميـم , والواشون الذين لا يلبثون أن يصدعوا العصاة , والغـواة الذين لا يدعون أديماً صحيحاً

    Now ya Murtada if someone ever accused you (without any truth) of all of the above would you not be offended? Until then don’t expect things to be different for the willing servants of the Ingaz – who have shown an uncanny capacity to confuse the truth with their political proclivities!

    As for the individuals who issued these statements - In this world they are men like us! In the Sudan they are our compatriots and we will not let them-Ingaz or not- assume a false moral high ground, particularly as they seem so willing to embrace this form of debauchery.

    وفي الختام نقول لهم لن يحكمنا الهوس الديني


    Sudan for all the Sudanese ..السودان لكل السودانيين

    (عدل بواسطة sultan on 08-06-2003, 02:19 PM)


العنوان الكاتب Date
شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي خالد العبيد08-04-03, 06:23 PM
  نزار خالد العبيد08-05-03, 12:41 PM
    Re: نزار عاطف عبدالله08-05-03, 03:59 PM
  Re: شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي elsharief08-05-03, 04:00 PM
  Re: شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي bushra suleiman08-05-03, 09:32 PM
    Re: شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي murtada08-06-03, 00:04 AM
      Re: شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي doma08-06-03, 07:37 AM
        Re: شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي sultan08-06-03, 09:11 AM
  Re: شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي BAKTASH08-06-03, 12:23 PM
  Re: شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي bushra suleiman08-06-03, 04:09 PM
    Re: شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي murtada08-06-03, 05:06 PM
      Re: شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي sultan08-06-03, 06:50 PM
        Re: شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي murtada08-06-03, 09:06 PM
          Re: شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي sultan08-08-03, 12:17 PM
          Re: شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي sultan08-08-03, 12:17 PM
  Re: شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي Elnadeef08-08-03, 01:16 PM
    Re: شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي sultan08-08-03, 07:23 PM
    Re: شيخ نزار .. وفتوى لوثة العداء للحزب الشيوعي sultan08-08-03, 07:23 PM

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