ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English"

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03-15-2005, 11:15 AM

Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir
<aDr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-25-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 5328

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" (Re: Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir)

    Protocol on Power Sharing: 2.2.8

    Provisional Orders

    125. (1) The President of the Government of Southern Sudan while Southern Sudan Legislature is not in session, and upon a decision of the Southern Sudan Government Council of Ministers or as he may decide, on an urgent matter, issue a provisional order having the force of law; however, such provisional order shall be submitted to the Assembly as soon as it is convened in a period not later than two weeks. Where the Southern Sudan Legislature ratifies the provisional order as is, it shall be promulgated as law, but where the same is rejected by the Assembly or where the parliamentary session ends without it being ratified, the provisional order shall lapse with no retrospective effect,

    (2) The President of the Government of Southern Sudan shall not make any provisional order on matters affecting the Peace Agreement, the Bill of Rights, the decentralized system of government, general elections, or financial regulations, or international conventions or agreements affecting the borders of Southern Sudan;

    (3) Every law which was repealed or amended pursuant to a provisional order that later lapsed, shall revive into force as it is, starting from the date when the provisional order lapsed,

    The Constitution: Article 90.

    Allocation of Resources and Revenues Bill

    126. The Southern Sudan Council of Ministers shall present to the Southern Sudan Legislature, before the beginning of the financial year, the bill of the allocation of resources and revenues in accordance with the provisions of this Southern Sudan Interim Constitution.

    Protocol on Power Sharing: 2.2.6

    Southern Sudan Budget

    127. (1) The Southern Sudan Council of Ministers shall present to the Southern Sudan Assembly before the beginning of the financial year the bill of the general budget of Southern Sudan, including a general evaluation of the economic and financial situation of Southern Sudan, detailed estimates of the proposed revenues and expenditure for the coming year compared with the practice of the previous year, a statement of the general balance of the budget, any reserve funds, transfers thereto or allocations therefrom, and explanations of any special budgets or financial statements, policies or measures to be taken by Southern Sudan in the financial and economic affairs relating to the general budget,

    (2) There shall be submitted to the Southern Sudan Assembly by the Southern Sudan Council of Ministers proposals of total expenditure entered into the budget as an appropriation bill; there shall also be submitted the proposed taxes, fees and other levies as financial bills, and there shall also be submitted any proposals for borrowing, investment or saving bonds by the State as financial bills,

    ( 3) The Southern Sudan Assembly shall pass the bill of general budget, chapter by chapter including the schedules, and it shall pass the total appropriation bill. Where the law is passed, detailed estimates as specified in the general budget shall not be exceeded save by a supplementary law. Surplus funds over revenue estimates and funds out of the legal reserve shall also not be spent save by a supplementary appropriation law;

    The Constitution: Article 91.

    Private Financial Bills

    128. No member of the Southern Sudan Assembly shall by a private initiative, outside the context of the deliberations of the draft general budget, present any private financial bill which requires imposition or rescinding of any tax, fee, or public revenue; or necessitates an appropriation or levy upon public funds other than service fees or pecuniary penalties.

    The Constitution: Article 92.

    Provisional and Supplementary Financial Measures

    129. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article…, the President of the Government of Southern Sudan may, upon the decision of the Council of Ministers, wherever he deems that public interests so require, make a provisional decree having the force of law, providing that the imposition of any tax, or fees or the amendment thereof shall come into force, pending submission of the bill requiring the same to Southern Sudan Assembly. When the financial bill is adopted or rejected, the force of the provisional decree shall cease without the rejection or amendment of the bill having retrospective effect,

    (2) Where the procedure of passing the general budget, and the appropriation law have been delayed beyond the beginning of the financial year, expenditure shall continue pending passing the general budget in accordance with the estimates thereof for the year which has elapsed as if the same has been appropriated by law for the new year,

    (3) The Council of Ministers may during the financial year, whenever new circumstances occur or a matter of public concern proved not to be satisfactorily addressed by the general budget and the laws thereof, present a financial bill, a supplementary appropriation or an allocation out of the reserve funds; to which shall apply the same provisions set out with respect to the general budget bill and its related bills;

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ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:02 AM
  Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:05 AM
    Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:11 AM
      Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:14 AM
        Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:16 AM
          Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:18 AM
            Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:21 AM
              Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:23 AM
                Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:26 AM
                  Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:29 AM
                    Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:31 AM
                      Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:34 AM
                        Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:36 AM
                          Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:38 AM
                            Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:40 AM
                              Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:42 AM
                                Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:44 AM
                                  Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:46 AM
                                    Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:49 AM
                                      Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:51 AM
                                        Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:54 AM
                                          Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:56 AM
                                            Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 10:58 AM
                                              Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 11:01 AM
                                                Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 11:04 AM
                                                  Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 11:06 AM
                                                    Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 11:08 AM
                                                      Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 11:10 AM
                                                        Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 11:12 AM
                                                          Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 11:15 AM
                                                            Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 11:17 AM
                                                              Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 11:19 AM
                                                                Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 11:21 AM
                                                                  Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 11:23 AM
                                                                    Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 11:26 AM
                                                                      Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 11:28 AM
                                                                        Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 11:30 AM
                                                                          Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 12:07 PM
                                                                            Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 12:11 PM
                                                                              Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 12:15 PM
                                                                                Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 12:17 PM
                                                                                  Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 12:20 PM
                                                                                    Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 12:23 PM
                                                                                      Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 12:29 PM
                                                                                        Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir03-15-05, 12:32 PM
          Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" برير اسماعيل يوسف03-15-05, 10:23 AM
            Re: ممسودة الدستور المقترح لجنوب السودان - "English" برير اسماعيل يوسف03-16-05, 05:18 AM

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