عاجل عاجل ..هدية أوباما للعلمانيين : الدين شريك الحكومة في تحديد الأولويات الوطنية

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07-03-2008, 06:24 AM

Ahmed Elmardi
<aAhmed Elmardi
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Re: عاجل عاجل ..هدية أوباما للعلمانيين : الدين شريك الحكومة في تحديد الأولويات الوطنية (Re: Ahmed Elmardi)

    Obama Touts Faith-Based Initiative Plans

    Barack Obama on Tuesday visited Zanesville, a small city in the heart of Ohio's eastern Appalachian region won handily by Hillary Clinton in that state's Democratic primary, to tout his plans for expanding the direction of public social service funding to religious groups. Media reports portrayed the move as another effort by Obama to position himself for the general election.

    The AP reports, "Taking a page from President Bush," Obama said "he wants to expand White House efforts to steer social service dollars to religious groups, risking protests in his own party with his latest aggressive reach for voters who usually vote Republican." The Washington Post reports Obama "proposed strengthening the White House program assisting faith-based social service organization Tuesday, while insisting that those groups not discriminate against aid recipients or aid workers." Obama's "proposal for a $500 million-a-year Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships would also create 1 million slots for summer jobs and education programs."

    Among the networks, ABC picked up the story in a full segment, while CBS and NBC ran briefs. ABC World News reported Obama's speech was "designed to appeal to religious and evangelical voters. He not only embraced President Bush's program of faith-based initiatives, he promised to expand faith-based initiatives if elected." The CBS Evening News reported, "Obama visited children at an Ohio ministry today and pledged to expand one of President Bush's programs, the faith-based initiative which steers federal dollars to social service programs run by religious organizations."

    NBC Nightly News reported, "Obama said he's made the connection between public service and religion in his own life. He said it makes sense for faith based organizations to help, because, as the argument goes, they know the people who are hurting and where to find them."

    The Los Angeles Times reports, "Mollifying some critics in his party, Obama distanced himself from some controversial aspects of the Bush program." He "signaled he would not fund church groups that make hiring decisions based on an applicant's religion and would make sure federal money was not used to proselytize. He also echoed critiques from two ex-officials of Bush's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives who had charged that it was exploited for partisan purposes -- to build GOP support in battleground states -- and served as a convenient 'photo-op.'"

    The Financial Times reports Obama "continued his steady march towards the political centre by announcing on Tuesday that he would expand George W. Bush's controversial programme to contract out welfare assistance to religious charities and treat it as the 'moral centre' of an Obama administration."




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عاجل عاجل ..هدية أوباما للعلمانيين : الدين شريك الحكومة في تحديد الأولويات الوطنية محمد عبدالقادر سبيل07-02-08, 06:43 AM
  Re: عاجل عاجل ..هدية أوباما للعلمانيين : الدين شريك الحكومة في تحديد الأولويات الوطنية عمر صديق07-02-08, 10:06 AM
    Re: عاجل عاجل ..هدية أوباما للعلمانيين : الدين شريك الحكومة في تحديد الأولويات الوطنية عماد موسى محمد07-02-08, 09:18 PM
  Re: عاجل عاجل ..هدية أوباما للعلمانيين : الدين شريك الحكومة في تحديد الأولويات الوطنية Deng07-02-08, 02:02 PM
    Re: عاجل عاجل ..هدية أوباما للعلمانيين : الدين شريك الحكومة في تحديد الأولويات الوطنية Ahmed Elmardi07-02-08, 10:10 PM
      Re: عاجل عاجل ..هدية أوباما للعلمانيين : الدين شريك الحكومة في تحديد الأولويات الوطنية Ahmed Elmardi07-03-08, 06:24 AM
        Re: عاجل عاجل ..هدية أوباما للعلمانيين : الدين شريك الحكومة في تحديد الأولويات الوطنية محمد عبدالقادر سبيل07-03-08, 09:21 AM

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