البي بي سي :الطيران المدني يوقف سفريات سودانير لمدة شهر

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
البي بي سي :الطيران المدني يوقف سفريات سودانير لمدة شهر

    البي بي سي تقول ان الطيران المدني عاقب سودانير بايقاف سفرياتها لمدة شهر نتيجة لفحص تم في مايو الماضي وان حادث حريق الطائرة يوم العاشر من يونيو لا علاقة له بذلك !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sudan crash airline is grounded
    By Amber Henshaw
    BBC News, Khartoum

    Sudan's national airline has been banned from flying for a month for failing to comply with aviation rules.

    Sudan Airways has been told that it will not be allowed to fly domestically or internationally from Monday.

    It comes less than two weeks after a Sudan Airways plane burst into flames after landing at Khartoum International Airport, killing 30 people.

    However, the Civil Aviation Authority said the decision had nothing to do with the accident on 10 June.

    Its director of safety and flight operations, Mohamed Hassan al-Mujammar, said Sudan Airways had failed to undertake measures outlined by the Authority in an annual audit carried out at the end of May.

    He said it was time to stop this type of non-compliance with international standards.

    Safety record

    As a result the company's Air Operators Certificate has been suspended from Monday, which will affect all international and domestic flights.

    Mr Mujammar said the national carrier said it had been too preoccupied by the crash to take the actions urged by the CAA.

    The airline has one month to appeal against the suspension or to carry out the necessary improvements.

    No-one was available for comment from Sudan Airways.

    An investigation into what caused the accident in June is under way.

    Sudan has a poor reputation for air safety, especially on domestic flights.

    Story from BBC NEWS:

    Published: 2008/06/21 15:22:57 GMT


العنوان الكاتب Date
البي بي سي :الطيران المدني يوقف سفريات سودانير لمدة شهر abubakr06-21-08, 04:37 PM
  Re: البي بي سي :الطيران المدني يوقف سفريات سودانير لمدة شهر abubakr06-21-08, 04:40 PM
    Re: البي بي سي :الطيران المدني يوقف سفريات سودانير لمدة شهر Sobajo06-21-08, 04:47 PM
  Re: البي بي سي :الطيران المدني يوقف سفريات سودانير لمدة شهر abubakr06-21-08, 05:06 PM

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