هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!!

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02-09-2008, 06:11 AM

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Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! (Re: ثروت سوار الدهب)

    اعلنت الإنتخابات العامة في محافظة البرتا
    و بدات الحملة
    End 'corrupting' corporate donations, NDP says

    Last Updated: Friday, February 8, 2008 | 11:23 AM MT
    CBC News
    Surrounded by Calgary's corporate towers, Alberta's NDP leader called for a ban on donations from big business and unions to the province's political parties.

    Calling corporate donations to Alberta's Liberal and Conservative parties "a corrupting influence on democracy," Brian Mason proposed legislation be brought in to abolish the monetary gifts.

    Alberta NDP Leader Brian Mason hopes his party will see its first elected Calgary MLA since 1993.
    "Imagine how Alberta families could benefit from oil and gas if we didn't have a government beholden to oil and gas," Mason said at a news conference in a downtown hotel Friday morning.

    He said the NDP's rival parties received about $1.5 million from corporations in 2005 and 2006.

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    "Those funds come with strings attached," Mason said. "Those donations mean lower royalties, corporate tax cuts, and business friendly labour laws."

    The Alberta NDP received $18,368 in 2006 from unions. Mason said his party would "gladly" stop accepting those donations if other parties did not receive business money.

    NDP hopes for breakthrough in Calgary
    Mason hopes the NDP's platform for Calgary, a Conservative party stronghold, will lead to the party's first seat in the city since 1993.

    At a news conference Thursday, Mason outlined his party's priorities for Calgary, including:

    Making Alberta more affordable through lower housing and health-care costs.
    Introducing a green energy plan that includes more solar and wind power.
    Increasing oil and gas royalties.

    Don Herring, president of the Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors, said the government's royalty hike's lead to uncertainty in the industry, so the NDP's position on increasing royalties is not popular with oil and gas companies.

    Mason, meeting one of his Calgary candidates Thursday, has called for greater oil and gas royalties.
    "A suggestion from another party that there's even more that could be taken leaves us very concerned," he said.

    But Mason dismissed those concerns: "I'm not sure that they were our biggest fans in the first place."

    "One of things that we're really promoting is community, creating relationships right now, letting people know that there is someone out there that cares," said Julie Hrdlicka, the NDP candidate in Calgary-Fort.

    Bob Hawkesworth, who won Calgary-Mountain View for the NDP in the 1986, 1989 and 1993 elections, said the party is still recovering and rebuilding.

    "It's a party of influence, maybe more than a party of government," he observed.

    Barry Pashak was the other NDPer Calgary voters last sent to the legislature in 1993.

العنوان الكاتب Date
هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! Tragie Mustafa01-29-08, 00:47 AM
  Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! Tragie Mustafa01-29-08, 00:50 AM
    Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! HAYDER GASIM01-29-08, 01:36 AM
      Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! ثروت سوار الدهب01-29-08, 03:39 PM
        Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! Tragie Mustafa01-29-08, 11:53 PM
          Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! ثروت سوار الدهب01-30-08, 00:40 AM
            Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! Tragie Mustafa01-30-08, 04:43 AM
              Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! HAYDER GASIM01-30-08, 05:23 AM
                Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! ثروت سوار الدهب02-03-08, 02:36 AM
  Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! Tragie Mustafa02-03-08, 03:07 AM
    Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! ثروت سوار الدهب02-07-08, 03:41 PM
      Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! ثروت سوار الدهب02-09-08, 06:11 AM
        Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! HAYDER GASIM02-09-08, 06:48 AM

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