Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the people

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01-10-2004, 12:31 PM

Abdel Aati
<aAbdel Aati
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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl (Re: Deng)

    العزيز دينق

    لا اعتقد ان المسألة تتعلق بتطور السياسة في جنوب السودان؛ بقدر ما هي تتعلق بالسياسة عموما في السودان. كما انك لم تأت من كتابات الكاتب؛ باي مقاطع يتضح منها مجانبته للحقائق او الوقائع ؛ اما التحليلات فهذه مجال اخد ورد.

    ليست لي ولا لدكتور عكاشة مشكلة شخصية مع قرنق؛ ولا نتحدث عنه الا ككمثل لتيار بعينه في السياسة السودانية ؛ تماما كما نتحدث عن الترابي وعلي عثمان والبشير والصادق المهدي الخ الخ

    لا احمل جون قرنق المسؤولية وحده فيما يحدث؛ وانما حملتها لكل النخب الحاكمة والمعارضة ؛ وقلت ان جون قرنق يتاجر فيما بينها؛ والمسالة مسالة خيارات؛ وهذه هي خياراته؛ وارجوك ان تبتعد عن النهج التبريري ؛ والذي لا يؤدي الي حكمة ؛ ومنه دفاع البعض حتي الان عن مصالحة الصادق المهدي للنميري؛ بدواعي فجة وبسيطة؛ وعدم قدرتهم علي القراءة العميقة لمعاني الحدث

    نحن هنا لا نناقش هذا الاتفاق بعينه؛ وانما نعالج المنهج العقائدي - والذي تمثله الانقاذ والحركة الشعبية - ؛ والذي لا يمكن الا ان يؤدي الي مثل هذه النتائج ؛ ونحن نناقش مآلات السياسة السودانية ؛ رغبة منا في بلورة البدائل الواقعية والمدنية والممكنة


العنوان الكاتب Date
Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the people Abdel Aati01-06-04, 11:43 PM
  Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abureesh01-06-04, 11:57 PM
    Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Bashasha01-07-04, 01:04 AM
  Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Deng01-07-04, 01:57 AM
    Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Adil Osman01-07-04, 02:40 AM
      Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-07-04, 02:52 AM
        Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-07-04, 02:53 AM
          Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-07-04, 02:55 AM
            Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-07-04, 02:56 AM
              Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-08-04, 10:38 PM
                Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-08-04, 11:08 PM
      Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-13-04, 00:01 AM
  Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Deng01-08-04, 10:48 PM
    Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-08-04, 11:28 PM
      Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Bashasha01-09-04, 06:19 AM
        Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-09-04, 09:25 AM
          Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl aymen01-09-04, 01:35 PM
            Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-09-04, 10:15 PM
              Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-09-04, 11:41 PM
                Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-10-04, 00:41 AM
                  Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-10-04, 01:22 AM
                    Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-10-04, 02:50 AM
                      Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-10-04, 03:54 PM
                        Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-10-04, 08:03 PM
                          Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-10-04, 08:48 PM
                            Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-10-04, 11:32 PM
                              Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-11-04, 00:15 AM
            Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-12-04, 11:56 PM
  Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Deng01-10-04, 06:09 AM
    Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-10-04, 12:31 PM
  Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Emad Batran01-10-04, 10:04 AM
    Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-10-04, 12:33 PM
  Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl نصار01-11-04, 00:38 AM
    Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Bashasha01-11-04, 02:51 AM
      Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-11-04, 08:29 AM
    Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-12-04, 11:52 PM
  Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Bashasha01-11-04, 10:53 PM
    Re: Do We Have to establish a Garaang Sultanate at the expense of the peopl Abdel Aati01-12-04, 11:48 PM

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