اكثر من 80 عضو/ة فى البرلمان البريطانى يطالبون قادة الG8 بعدم نسيان السودان وخاصة لاجئى دارفور

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07-06-2005, 03:21 AM

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
اكثر من 80 عضو/ة فى البرلمان البريطانى يطالبون قادة الG8 بعدم نسيان السودان وخاصة لاجئى دارفور

    Parliamentarians urge G8 Leaders not to abandon Sudan

    Tuesday 5 July. British Parliamentarians are joining together to send a strong message to G8 leaders, urging them not to abandon the people of Sudan. They are calling for immediate action to protect millions of displaced people in the war torn region of Darfur and full backing to implement a peace agreement in the country as a whole.

    Referring to a speech by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, David Drew MP, said:

    “Time is running out for the people of Darfur. Two years in to the conflict the failure to protect has left millions of people imprisoned in displacement camps, insecurity, a deteriorating humanitarian situation, malnutrition and disease continue to kill tens of thousands every month. We would like to see a statement from the G8 Leaders outlining a plan of action to resolve the worst humanitarian and human rights crisis anywhere in the world. ”

    Over 80 MPs, across all political parties have signed a parliamentary statement calling for rapid deployment of thousands more African Union peacekeepers, to bolster tiny numbers of troops on the ground, financial, military and logistical support from wealthy nations and a stronger civilian protection mandate for the African Union mission in Darfur.

    “Death, violence, intimidation, harassment and detention are daily occurrences. Systematic rape is being used as a weapon of war to destroy families and community ties. This pain, suffering and humiliation must be stopped, said John Bercow MP.”

    “The displacement camps in Darfur are slowly becoming permanent settlements. The African Union, United Nations, European Union and NATO should to do everything in their power to provide a safe and secure environment that will allow the voluntary and safe return of people back to their villages. G8 leaders have a moral duty to ensure that the landscape of Darfur doesn’t remain changed for ever,” said John Barrett MP.

    The statement calls for the need to prioritise peace talks on Darfur, being held in Abuja, Nigeria and demands adequate levels of humanitarian and development assistance for Darfur, the South and other marginalised areas in Sudan.

    “Despite the declarations of concern from world leaders Darfur and parts of Southern Sudan are dangerously close to famine. The international community is turning its back on the people of Sudan. The $4.5 billion promised by donors to support peace between the North and the South is sadly not materialising. Those people who have made the difficult journey back to the South after decades of war are finding themselves without basic services and face a situation of dire poverty,” said Dr. Jenny Tonge.

    “Sudan, Africa’s largest country is home to the longest running conflict in the continent and is locked in a cycle of poverty and underdevelopment, lacks infrastructure and basic services, is facing environmental degradation, competition over dwindling resources and is burdened with enormous debts. G8 leaders have a golden opportunity to show their commitment to making poverty history by helping to secure peace and good governance, and delivering the benefits of development to one of the poorest countries in Africa”, said David Drew MP.

العنوان الكاتب Date
اكثر من 80 عضو/ة فى البرلمان البريطانى يطالبون قادة الG8 بعدم نسيان السودان وخاصة لاجئى دارفور nada ali07-06-05, 03:21 AM
  Re: اكثر من 80 عضو/ة فى البرلمان البريطانى يطالبون قادة الG8 بعدم نسيان السودان وخاصة لاجئى دار nada ali07-06-05, 03:22 AM
  Re: اكثر من 80 عضو/ة فى البرلمان البريطانى يطالبون قادة الG8 بعدم نسيان السودان وخاصة لاجئى دار nada ali07-06-05, 04:24 AM
  Re: اكثر من 80 عضو/ة فى البرلمان البريطانى يطالبون قادة الG8 بعدم نسيان السودان وخاصة لاجئى دار nada ali07-06-05, 04:24 AM

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