للفائدة العامة : وثيقة حوار هايدلبيرج حول دارفور

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07-09-2010, 08:47 AM

صديق عبد الجبار
<aصديق عبد الجبار
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-07-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 9434

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للفائدة العامة : وثيقة حوار هايدلبيرج حول دارفور

07-09-2010, 08:52 AM

صديق عبد الجبار
<aصديق عبد الجبار
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-07-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 9434

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: للفائدة العامة : وثيقة حوار هايدلبيرج حول دارفور (Re: صديق عبد الجبار)

    وثيقة حوار هايدلبيرج
    حول دارفور
    تحتوي على مسودة مقترحات:
    للإتفاق المرتقب للسلام في دارفور
    معهد ماكس بلانك للقانون العام المقارن والقانون الدولي - هايدلبيرج - ألمانيا
    معهد أبحاث السلام - جامعة الخرطوم - السودان

    (عدل بواسطة صديق عبد الجبار on 07-09-2010, 08:53 AM)


07-09-2010, 09:25 AM

صديق عبد الجبار
<aصديق عبد الجبار
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-07-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 9434

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Re: للفائدة العامة : وثيقة حوار هايدلبيرج حول دارفور (Re: صديق عبد الجبار)

    عذراً .. فلقد إكتشفت أن هنالك مشكلة في الإقتباس من نسخة ال Adobe Reader (pdf المحفوظة بها الوثيقة >>

    سأعمل على حل هذه الإشكالية إنشاء الله


07-09-2010, 06:53 PM

صديق عبد الجبار
<aصديق عبد الجبار
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-07-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 9434

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: للفائدة العامة : وثيقة حوار هايدلبيرج حول دارفور (Re: صديق عبد الجبار)

    ما زلت أواجه مشكلة في تحويل الوثيقة إلى فايل قابل للنسخ ، إليكم المقدمة الإنجليزية لحين حل المشكلة:

    The Heidelberg Darfur Dialogue


    Since 2008, representatives of all political forces in Darfur, including
    representatives of civil society, have engaged in a dialogue addressing
    the root causes of the Darfur conflicts. The dialogue was organized by
    the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
    in co-operation with the Peace Research Institute of Khartoum University.
    The meetings took place in Khartoum and, mostly, Heidelberg
    (Germany) for which reason the process became renowned in the region
    as the Heidelberg Darfur Dialogue.

    The negotiations among the Sudanese participants were chaired by Prof.
    Dr. Al-Tayeb Haj Ateya (Sudan) and myself, and relied on the good
    offices of the international legal experts and mediators H. R. H. Prince
    Raad bin Zeid (Jordan), H. E. Prof. Dr. Tono Eitel (Germany), Dr. Kamal
    Hossain (Bangladesh), Prof. Rahmatullah Khan (India), H. E. Prof. Dr.
    Thomas A. Mensah (Ghana) and Judge Tafsir M. Ndiaye (Senegal).

    The process focused on enabling Darfurian citizens to develop together
    comprehensive solutions addressing constitutional, political, economic
    and social aspects of the conflicts in Darfur. The final result of three
    years of intensive negotiations is the Draft Darfur Peace Agreement, the
    Heidelberg Darfur Dialogue Outcome Document that the Max Planck
    Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law presents to a
    larger audience through the present publication which is launched in
    Berlin on 19 May 2010.

07-09-2010, 07:00 PM

صديق عبد الجبار
<aصديق عبد الجبار
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-07-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 9434

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: للفائدة العامة : وثيقة حوار هايدلبيرج حول دارفور (Re: صديق عبد الجبار)

    Quote: The Outcome Document

    The Heidelberg Darfur Dialogue Outcome Document is a Draft Darfur Peace
    Agreement. Equally it is a constitution for the Region/States of Darfur
    within Sudan. In legal language, it retains the Heidelberg Group's
    consensus on provisions to be included in a future comprehensive
    Darfur Peace Agreement. The draft includes criteria and guidelines for
    power sharing, guarantees for human rights, provisions to ensure
    Darfur’s effective participation at al levels of federal government within
    Sudan, provisions on wealth sharing, development and management of
    land and natural resources, provisions addressing transitional justice
    and concerning compensation for those who have suffered in the Darfur

    In detail, the Outcome Document foresees the possibility to establish, for
    an interim period, a Region of Darfur with its own competences and
    institutions as an additional level of government within Sudan. The
    internal organization of Darfur shall be based upon the rule of law and
    the principles of democracy and accountable government. At the same
    time, the Outcome Document contains provisions to strengthen local
    government. The document envisages as one of three offered
    alternatives that Darfur will be represented at the central government in
    Khartoum, possibly by a Second Vice President and a Senior Assistant to
    the President. The marginalization of Darfur shall be redressed through
    the inclusion of Darfurians at all levels and in all branches of
    government and public service, including the military.

    Human rights and fundamental freedoms in Darfur shall be reinforced,
    and their actual implementation shall be enhanced, through additional
    guarantees in a bill of rights that forms part of the final Darfur peace

    The sharing of wealth and public revenues within Sudan shall follow the
    principles of fairness and equitable social and economic development
    throughout the country. At the same time, the needs of rehabilitation,
    reconstruction and development of the war affected social and physical
    infrastructures in Darfur shall be taken into account. A Darfur
    Reconstruction and Development Board shall be responsible for the
    administration of funds and the sustainable management of regional
    development projects.


    Detailed provisions cover the assig

    of fiscal responsibilities, the

    attribution of revenue bases and intergovernmental transfers between
    the different levels of government, in particular between the centre and

    An extensive chapter addresses the development and management of
    land and natural resources with a view to ensure their fair and
    sustainable use. This chapter contains provisions on traditional and
    historical rights to land, community land, the allocation of land to
    individuals, communities and legal persons, and the development and
    management of land through a Darfur Land Planning Commission.
    Moreover, the Outcome Document introduces mechanisms and
    institutions to facilitate the peaceful settlement of disputes on land
    issues. With respect to the use of natural resources, specific provisions
    balance the national, regional and local interests with a view to enable
    their sustainable use in compliance with international environmental

    Provisions on transitional justice rely on traditional Darfurian values
    and the principles of justice, accountability and reconciliation as
    enshrined in customary, national and international law. The criminal

    responsibility of the most senior per

    responsible for grave acts of

    violence in conjunction with the ongoing armed conflict in Darfur is
    confirmed. Customary, national a international institutions are
    identified as competent bodies to adjudicate on specific acts of violence.

    Finally there is a chapter dealing with the question of compensation of
    those, individually or as group, have suffered during the Darfur conflict.


    The Heidelberg Darfur Dialogue and the publication of the Outcome
    Document was made possible through the generous funding by the
    European Union, the German Foreign Office and, mostly, the Max Planck
    Society for the Advancement of Science. It was facilitated by the committed

    administrative support of the Ge

    and the Sudanese public

    authorities, in particular the staff of the Sudanese Embassy in Germany
    and the German Embassy in Sudan. They helped us to make the
    meetings of the Heidelberg Group possible, and to make this document


    available to the ongoing peace process, thereby contributing to the
    building of sustainable peace in Darfur.

    Professor Dr. Rüdiger Wolfrum


07-09-2010, 09:53 PM

صديق عبد الجبار
<aصديق عبد الجبار
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-07-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 9434

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: للفائدة العامة : وثيقة حوار هايدلبيرج حول دارفور (Re: صديق عبد الجبار)


    ADB African Development Bank

    AU African Union

    CPA The Comprehensive Peace Agreement

    DPA Darfur Peace Agreement


    DRDB Darfur Reconstruction and Development Board

    DRDF Darfur Reconstruction and Development Fund

    FFAMC Fiscal and Financial Allocation and Monitoring

    FG Federal Government of the Sudan

    IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and

    ICC International Criminal Court

    IDPs Internally Displaced Persons

    INC Interim National Consti
    the Sudan

    of the Republic of

    JAM Joint Assessment Mission for Darfur

    MDGs Millennium Development Goals

    NCS National Civil Service

    NRA National Revenue Account

    NRF National Revenue Fund

    SAF Sudan Armed Forces


    UN United Nations


07-09-2010, 09:56 PM

صديق عبد الجبار
<aصديق عبد الجبار
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-07-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 9434

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: للفائدة العامة : وثيقة حوار هايدلبيرج حول دارفور (Re: صديق عبد الجبار)



    For the purpose of this Heidelberg Darfur Dialogue Outcome Document

    “Demobilization” means the process through which the parties of the
    armed conflict in Darfur begin to disband their military structure and
    former combatants begin the process of transformation into civilian life.

    “Disarmament” means the collection, control and disposal of small
    arms, light and heavy weapons and includes de-mining.

    “Displaced persons” means internally displaced persons or refugees.

    “The elections” means the subsequent general elections to take place
    throughout the Sudan.

    “Former Combatants” means former members of the Movements’

    “Interim Period” means the time period of 7-10 years after the day a
    future Final Peace Agreement for Darfur is signed.

    “Internally Displaced Persons” (IDPs) means persons or groups of
    persons who have been forced or obliged to flee their homes or places of
    habitual residence, in particular as a result of, or in order to avoid, the
    effects of armed conflict, situations of generalised violence, violations of
    human rights or natural or man-made disaster and who have not
    crossed an international border.

    “Movements” means the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army
    and the Justice and Equality Movement.

    “War-affected persons” means persons or groups of people who have
    suffered persecution during the conflict in Darfur as well as those whose
    life and livelihoods have been adversely affected as a result of the


07-09-2010, 09:58 PM

صديق عبد الجبار
<aصديق عبد الجبار
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-07-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 9434

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: للفائدة العامة : وثيقة حوار هايدلبيرج حول دارفور (Re: صديق عبد الجبار)


    The participants of the Heidelberg Darfur Dialogue

    COMMITTED to contributing to a sustainable solution for the conflict
    in Darfur and to overcoming Darfur’s marginalization within the Sudan;

    AFFIRMING the sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity of the
    Sudan and Darfur’s identity as an integral part of the Sudan;

    MINDFUL of the previous agreements concerning peace in Darfur;

    EMPHASIZING their commitment to the Interim National Constitution
    of the Republic of the Sudan of 2005 (to be amended according to a
    future Final Peace Agreement for Darfur); to the full implementation of
    a Comprehensive Peace Agreement of January 2005; and to the African
    Union Decisions and United Nations Security Council Resolutions
    concerning the need to reach a political solution in order to bring the
    conflict in Darfur to an end;

    CONDEMNING all acts of violence against civilians and violations of
    human rights, and stressing the necessi that all parties to the ongoing
    armed conflict in Darfur fully and unconditionally accept their
    obligations under international humanitarian law, international human
    rights laws, and relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions;

    CONVINCED that a future Final Peace Agreement for Darfur will have
    to be negotiated not only between the national government of Sudan
    and the Movements, but also needs to take into account the voices of the
    Darfurian civil society and of the Darfurian population;

    CONVINCED that a future Final Peace Agreement for Darfur will have
    to rely also on the solution of conflicts between the Sudan and its
    neighbouring countries that affect Darfur;

    ENDORSE a future Final Peace Agreement for Darfur and thus submit
    the following Heidelberg Darfur Dialogue Outcome Document,
    including its draft proposals for consideration in a future Final Peace
    Agreement for Darfur.


07-10-2010, 10:52 PM

صديق عبد الجبار
<aصديق عبد الجبار
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-07-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 9434

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: للفائدة العامة : وثيقة حوار هايدلبيرج حول دارفور (Re: صديق عبد الجبار)


    1. The Republic of the Sudan is an independent, sovereign State;
    sovereignty is vested in the people and shall be exercised by the State
    organs on behalf of the peoples of the Sudan in accordance with the
    provisions of the Interim National Constitution (INC) and a future Final
    Peace Agreement for Darfur.

    2. Religions, beliefs, traditions and customs are the source of moral
    strength and inspiration for the Sudanese peoples. The cultural and
    ethnic diversity of the Sudanese peoples is the foundation of national
    cohesion and therefore shall be promoted and developed. The Sudanese
    peoples share a common heritage and aspirations, and accordingly agree
    to work together.


    3. The Region [and the three States] of Darfur (i.e. Northern Darfur,
    Southern Darfur and Western Darfur,) is [are] and will remain an
    integral part of the Sudan.

    4. For an Interim Period (of 7-10 years) to overcome the present crisis
    and until the population decides on the final status of Darfur, Darfur
    will constitute a Region [presently composed of the three States of Northern
    Darfur, Southern Darfur and Western Darfur] within the united Sudan

    5. The Region of Darfur is committed to promoting democracy, the
    rule of law, the principles of good governance, the protection of human
    rights and the respect for ethnic, cultural and linguistic plurality, and
    equality between men and women on all governmental and
    administrative levels. It [They]is[are] further committed to formulating
    and implementing a repatriation, resettlement, rehabilitation,
    reconstruction and development plan to address the needs of those areas
    affected by the armed conflict. The Region [and the States]is[are] further
    committed to redressing the historical imbalances of development and
    resource allocation.

    6. The Region [and the States] of Darfur, in cooperation with the
    Federal Government of the Sudan (FG), is [are] committed to finding and
    implementing a comprehensive solution that redresses the economic
    and social deterioration of Darfur and promotes social, political and
    economic justice respecting the fundamental human and political rights
    of all peoples of Darfur.


    7. Without prejudice to the provisions of the Comprehensive Peace
    Agreement (CPA) relating to the North-South border and any
    international agreements in force between the Republic of the Sudan and
    its neighbouring countries, all borders of Darfur shall be demarcated
    according to the borderlines of 1 January 1956. A technical ad hoc
    committee shall be established to confirm the demarcation accordingly.1


    8. The peoples of Darfur have the right to control and govern their
    affairs in the Region [and the States]ofDarfur,andtoparticipate
    equitably in the FG, based upon fair representation which shall be
    proportional to the Darfurians’ percentage of the Sudanese population.

    9. TheNationalCivilService(NCS),theNationalArmedForces,the
    Police and the Intelligence Services shall reflect at all levels a fair and
    equitable representation of all citizens, including those from Darfur.
    During the Interim Period, quota shall ensure that citizens from Darfur
    are represented in the NCS,2the National Armed Forces, the Police and
    the Intelligence Services in proportion to their percentage of the entire
    Sudanese population.

    10. To remedy the under-representation of women in government
    institutions and decision-making structures, a future Final Peace
    Agreement for Darfur and a future Interim Constitution for Darfur will
    implement special measures to ensure women’s equal and effective
    participation in decision-making at all levels of the Region [and the


07-10-2010, 10:54 PM

صديق عبد الجبار
<aصديق عبد الجبار
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-07-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 9434

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: للفائدة العامة : وثيقة حوار هايدلبيرج حول دارفور (Re: صديق عبد الجبار)


    11. Power sharing is vital for national unity. Separation of the
    legislative, executive and judicial powers shall consolidate good
    governance, accountability, transparency and commitment to the
    welfare of the people. The rule of law shall prevail and the
    independence of the judiciary shall be guaranteed. The Constitutional
    Court shall have the competence to decide any disputes between levels
    or organs of government in respect of their exclusive, concurrent, or
    residual competences.

    12. The peaceful transfer of power on the basis of free and fair
    elections shall be the foundation for a democratic government in Darfur.
    Elections at all levels shall be based on free and direct voting, observed
    by neutral/international observers, with a view to ensuring fair
    participation of all Darfurians.

    13. A peaceful devolution of powers through democratic means is a
    guarantor for stability and unity of the country. A federal system of
    government, with an effective devolution of powers and a clear
    distribution of responsibilities between the centre, the Region [the States]
    and the local government is essential to ensure fair and equitable
    participation by the citizens of the Sudan in general, and those of Darfur
    in particular.


07-11-2010, 07:46 AM

صديق عبد الجبار
<aصديق عبد الجبار
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-07-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 9434

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: للفائدة العامة : وثيقة حوار هايدلبيرج حول دارفور (Re: صديق عبد الجبار)


    14. Darfurians shall be included at all levels of government and in all
    public institutions of the Republic of the Sudan.

    15. The inclusion of Darfurians at all levels of government and in all
    public institutions of the Republi of the Sudan shall be guaranteed
    through fair and equitable representation in proportion to their
    percentage of the entire Sudanese population.

    16. With regard to the civil service, the judiciary, the armed forces, the
    police, the intelligence services and all other organs of government, the
    principle of inclusion shall be respected while taking into account the
    required professional qualifications and competence. Special
    educational, training and public service employment opportunities will
    be provided to enable Darfurians to participate fully and equally in
    contributing to the welfare of the nation. During the Interim Period,
    action shall be taken in favour of Darfurians in order to enhance their
    representation in public services.

    17. In order to empower all sections of the population of Darfur and to
    bring government closer to the people, there is a need to integrate
    Darfurians into the administration of the political, economic, cultural
    and social affairs of Darfur. This policy shall be implemented
    immediately after the conclusion of a future Final Peace Agreement for
    Darfur. In this context, it is necessary to initiate programmes that shall
    help remedy the adverse effects of the conflict.

    18. The criteria and modalities for the exercise and/or the sharing of
    power after the subsequent election shall be determined by the result of
    the elections and in accordance with the provisions of the INC (as
    amended according to a future Final Peace Agreement for Darfur).

    19. In implementing a future Final Peace Agreement for Darfur, the
    parties to the armed conflict in Darfur shall act in accordance with the
    principles of good faith, transparency and accountability.

    20. In their relationships to each other or to other government organs,
    all levels of government, including local government, shall be based on

    respect for each others’ autonomy and on mutual assistance and
    collaboration concerning the task of governing and the fulfilment of
    their respective constitutional obligations.

    21. Government organs at all levels, namely the national, regional
    [State] and local government, shall perform their functions and exercise
    their powers so as:

    (a) not to encroach on the powers o functions of other levels,

    (b) not to assume powers or functions conferred upon any
    other level except as stipulated in a future Interim
    Constitution for Darfur,

    (c) to promote cooperation between all levels of government,

    (d) to promote open communication between all levels of

    (e) to render assistance and support to all other levels of

    (f) to advance good coordination of governmental functions,

    (g) to adhere to procedures of inter-governmental interaction,

    (h) to promote amicable settlement of disputes before
    attempting litigation,

    (i) to respect the status and the institutions of all other levels
    of government.

    22. The harmonious and collaborative interaction of the different
    levels of government shall be guided by the spirit of national unity and
    the achievement of a better quality of life for all.


07-11-2010, 07:49 AM

صديق عبد الجبار
<aصديق عبد الجبار
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-07-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 9434

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: للفائدة العامة : وثيقة حوار هايدلبيرج حول دارفور (Re: صديق عبد الجبار)


    23. The Republic of the Sudan, including all levels of government and
    administration, in particular the Region [and the States] of Darfur, shall
    protect and promote, guarantee and implement the Bill of Rights
    enshrined in the INC, a future Interim Constitution for Darfur, and a
    future Final Peace Agreement for Darfur.

    24. All rights and freedoms enshrined in international human rights
    treaties, covenants and instruments ratified by the Republic of the Sudan
    shall be an integral part of this Bill.

    25. Citizenship shall be the basis for equal rights and obligations for
    all Sudanese.

    26. Everyhumanbeinghasarighttolife,dignityandtheintegrityof
    his/her person. No person shall be arbitrarily deprived of his/her life.

    27. Every person is entitled to freedom, safety and security. No person
    shall be subjected to arrest, detention, deprivation or restriction of
    his/her liberty, except in accordance with measures prescribed by the
    law and Sharia law, in particular in accordance with measures
    prescribed by criminal procedural law or judicial orders.

    (a) An accused person is presumed innocent until proven
    guilty according to the law.

    (b) Every person who is arrested shall be informed at the
    time of arrest of the reasons for the arrest and shall be
    immediately informed of the charges held against
    him/her. An accused person has the right to defend
    himself/herself in person or through a lawyer of his/her
    own choice. Legal aid shall be assigned to him/her by the
    State where he/she is unable to defend himself/herself in
    serious offences.

07-12-2010, 08:43 AM

محمد ادم الحسن
<aمحمد ادم الحسن
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: للفائدة العامة : وثيقة حوار هايدلبيرج حول دارفور (Re: صديق عبد الجبار)


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