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05-21-2003, 03:09 PM

Ibn Lutfi

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين

    Sallaamaatt All

    Fear is a primal feeling that arises within us when our physical
    survival is threatened. It is a feeling that is designed to move us to "fight
    or flight" in order to support our survival. It has played a large part
    in the survival of the species.

    But as we became more sophisticated and moved more and more into the
    mind and its world of thought and emotion, fear entered inappropriately
    into that world. The fight or flight response started to occur whenever
    we felt emotionally threatened. If someone criticizes, insults or
    rejects us, the ego mistakes that for a threat to our survival and we go
    into a flight or fight response, but that response has become disguised
    and distorted in so many ways that we are unaware of it. It also often
    occurs at an unconscious level.

    Fear also comes into play around future imaginings. It is possible to
    create intense fear by imagining what might happen in the future. The
    more present you are, the less fear will arise in your life, because you
    are only responding to what is actually happening now.

    If in the moment, your physical survival is at risk, you will not think
    about it. You will not become incapacitated with fear. You will simply
    respond with fight or flight. And it is quite rare that this situation
    will arise in your life.

    There is another kind of fear. When people are unwilling to feel their feelings fully, whether those feelings are of hurt, anger or rage, they disconnect from themselves and this creates a kind of fear within them. It often manifests as anxiety or panic. When they allow themselves to feel the feelings fully, the fear or anxiety disappears.

    So what are you to do about fear? The obvious answer is to be more
    present in your life and fear will rarely arise. Also, be sure to be honest
    and authentic and feel your feelings fully and express your feelings
    responsibility and fear will not be an issue for you.

    There is a good book I would like you to read if you are interested in the subject.....FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANY WAY.

    I can't remeber the author, but you can find it from amazon.com insha allah

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