هل حقاسوف يعود المسيح الي الارض لنصره الاسلام في آخر الزمان ?ماهي الادله التي تدعم هذا الحديث? ادله عقلانيه تلغي وتنفي عوده المسيحاولا المسيح نبي ورسول من ا" /> هل حقا سوف يعود المسيح يوما ماء? هل حقا سوف يعود المسيح يوما ماء?

هل حقا سوف يعود المسيح يوما ماء?

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
هل حقا سوف يعود المسيح يوما ماء?

    قبل فتره قصيره دار في منتدي سوداني نقاش ومناظره حول عوده المسيح عليه الصلاه والسلام> هل حقاسوف يعود المسيح الي الارض لنصره الاسلام في آخر الزمان ?
    ماهي الادله التي تدعم هذا الحديث?

    ادله عقلانيه تلغي وتنفي عوده المسيح
    اولا المسيح نبي ورسول من المولي
    النبي محمد نبي وهو آخر المرسلين
    كون محمد آخر الانبياء اذن ليس هناللك مببر لعوده المسيح>> عوده المسيح سوف تلغي نبوة الرسول محمد << رسائل الله اكتملت مع اكتمال نزول القران علي
    النبي محمد اذن كلمات الله تامه ولاتحتاج لارجاع رسول توفاه الله ورفع روحه كالمسيح عليه السلام <


    Intro by Muhib

    3:54 Behold! Allah Said: "O Isa! I shall cause you to die and I shall exalt you towards me and I shall clear you of those who reject Faith, and I am going to make those who follow you above those who reject Faith - until the day of Awakening. Then towards Me is your return, so that I shall decide among you as to in which you used to differ.

    The above verse is from "sora Al Umran" and it has been used as an opening statement in a debate took place in a Sudanese Forum (Sudan.net). The debate was about "the return of Isa" Is he back or is he not back? . It is known that Muslims believe that Isa will come back on earth to accomplish a mission. One party claimed that Isa isn't back and clearly the other party disagreed. I'm interested in the viewpoint showed that Isa isn't back.If you are a Muslim and have never gone over something like that ,please read the following article on. I believe this is the truth and it has to be shown to as many of you as possible. The following essay isn't only asking you to follow it ,but also asking you to think deep as to make your mind. I'm sorry that I'm using English ,but it is much easer for me since I'm struggling with the Arabic keyboard. Moreover ,this article itself is in English . I hope that isn't going to be a problem and I'm hoping to see a translation applied by anyone of you. Attention ! The following words were not written by me ,however , I do believe they represent the truth regarding this matter "The truth about the return of Isa or Jesus". .

    ادله قرآنيه تلغي عوده المسيح

    Natural Death of Jesus(pbuh)

    This is by Ayman c/o Zaytoon

    We have taken our time to compile this reserach and information....so please READ it and verify it if you want to respond...NO TIME WASTERS PLEASE

    c/o Zaytoon

    Muslims all over the world uphold the Christian faith that Jesus(pbuh) is alive. The whole foundation of the Christian faith is rested on this concept and most Muslims overtly support their viewpoint. Somehow the Christian concept has infiltrated in Muslim faith long ago and now it seems it is part and parcel of Islamic concept.

    Muslims take the help of two sites from the Holy Quran to obtain support for their viewpoint. The verses are 3:54 from Surah Al-e Imran and 4:157-158 from Surah An-Nisa’.

    We will give you correct translation of the verses, word for word, so that you can get the point. It is a sad that many Muslims blame the correct translation to be false and cite incorrect translations as authentic. We will show you several examples of correct and incorrect translations so that any sensible person can find out the true picture.

    Analysis of the verse 3:54 from Surah Ale Imran

    In the verse 3:54 Allah says:

    3:54 Behold! Allah Said: "O Isa! I shall cause you to die and I shall exalt you towards me and I shall clear you of those who reject Faith, and I am going to make those who follow you above those who reject Faith - until the day of Awakening. Then towards Me is your return, so that I shall decide among you as to in which you used to differ.

    They key words here are : Ya Isa, inni mutawaffika wa rafi’uka ilaiya
    Meaning: "O Isa! I shall cause you to die and I shall exalt you towards me….."

    Interpretation of the word ‘wafat’:

    The key word here is "wafat" . The most correct meaning of "wafat" is death, or take away soul. If soul is taken away from a person, it is nothing but death. The problem arises with regards to this verse, when Muslims refuse to interpret the meaning of "wafat" as death. Irony is that all scholars who translated the Holy Quran do agree "wafat" means death.

    Each and every scholar translated the word "wafat" as death in at least 20 different instances in their translations. However, in this particular verse, they interpreted the meaning as ‘take away’ and insinuate physical ascension.

    These translators did not hesitate to twist the actual meaning of the word of Allah to support Christian faith and to some extent weak Hadith narrated by Wahab bin Munnabba, Kab Akbar and one isolated Hadith by Abu Hurairaa.

    While the Quran is the word of Allah, Hadith is word of a person. Hadith is not the words of Allah. A person can err, Allah can not err. That is why we often refer to some Hadith as Sahih Hadith - i.e. True Hadith. Because some Hadith may not be true. We don’t say the same thing about the Quran that some of its verses are Sahih verse and some are doubtful! This fact itself indicates that a few Hadith are not absolutely correct.

    Hadith is the sayings of prophet Muhammad(pbuh), but the prophet himself did not write down the Hadith. Several generation after the death of the prophet, Hadith was compiled by scholars. In this process hundreds of Hadith were rejected as they appeared to be false. In the end when the scholars agreed that a particular Hadith is correct, it was compiled into a book.

    In spite of this we consider some Hadith to be true and some as weak. Some Muslims even say that for one correct Hadith there are thousands of false Hadith. This boils down to the fact that there are few Hadith that are not true. Fact remains that Hadith is a collection of words of a person, by persons. Please don't misunderstand, I am not saying reject all Hadith.

    My contention is that the position of the Quran is superior to Hadith. Whenever a Hadith comes to contradict a Quranic verse, the Quran must prevail, not the Hadith. But to most Muslims, the argument is Hadith has to be correct no matter what, because so many scholars unanimously certified that those are Sahih or True!!!

    So to ratify a Hadith, let the Quran become wrong or let one verse of the Quran contradict another verse, who cares? Let Allah’s word be confusing and contradictory, a Muslim is happy because to him Hadith is absolute!!! What a shame!

    In the verse 3:54, two conditions are stipulated about Jesus(pbuh):
    first, Allah will cause his Death,
    second, he will be raised.

    The second condition can not take place till the first condition is met. In other words, before Jesus(pbuh) can be raised, first, he must die. Let us see various translations of the same verse.

    Correct translation : "O Isa! I shall cause you to die and I shall exalt you towards me…"

    Yusuf Ali : "O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself…"

    Pickthall : "O Jesus! Lo! I am gathering thee and causing thee to ascend unto Me..."

    Rashad Khalifa : "O Jesus! I am terminating your life, raising you to Me….."

    Mohammad Sarwar : He told Jesus, "I will save you from your enemies, raise you to Myself..."

    M. H. Shakir : "O Isa! I am going to terminate the period of your stay (on earth) and cause you to ascend unto Me"

    Al-Hilali & M. Khan "O 'Iesa (Jesus)! I will take you and raise you to Myself…."

    Farooq-i-Azam Malik: "O Isa (Jesus)! I am going to recall you (from your mission) and raise you up to Myself...."

    Ahmed Ali: "O Jesus! I will take you to Myself and exalt you….."

    Yusuf Ali: "take thee" is not the appropriate meaning of "wafat". ‘Take thee’ may mean death in a literal sense, but looks like Yusuf Ali avoided the debate whether it was death or physical rising. Thus he left the issue with plenty of conjecture.

    Elsewhere, wherever the word "wafat" was used in the Holy Quran, Yusuf Ali translated the word as "take soul" "die" or "death". But in this case he is in utter confusion. Rating ***

    Pickthall: "Lo!" is an extra word interpolated in the Quran. "I am gathering" is way off the closest meaning of "wafat". Allah uses a future verb here, use of "I am" is grossly incorrect. Similarly, "causing" is a present verb and is wrong. By using "ascend" Pickthall is insinuating a physical rising rather than exalt in honor. Rating **

    Rashad Khalifa: Use of present verb "I am" is wrong. Similarly, "terminating" and "rising" are present verbs and are wrong, however, use of terminating as meaning of death is more accurate than 'collect' or 'recall'.

    Mohammad Sarwar: He left out the word "O Jesus" in the translation. Here Allah addressed Jesus(pbuh) by name. To translate the word as Allah told Jesus is inappropriate. "Save you from the enemies" is extra word interpolated in the Quran! Sarwar totally omitted the word "warafiuka" in his translation, instead interpolated his own thoughts in the translation. Rating * or worse.

    M.H. Shakir: "terminate the period of your stay (on earth)" is verbose. This could very well mean death, but when he added ‘on earth’ in parenthesis, his intention is obvious. He is not referring to death. Rather, Shakir is clearly referring to Jesus’(pbuh) tenure on the earth is over and now he is spending the rest of his life in the outside of the earth.

    Al-Hilali & M. Khan: Translation is identical to that of Yusuf Ali. "take you" is not the appropriate meaning of "wafat". ‘Take you’ may mean death in a literary sense, but looks like Hilali & Khan avoided the debate whether it was death or physical rising. Thus he left the issue with plenty of conjecture.

    Elsewhere, wherever the word "wafat" was used in the Holy Quran, they translated the word as "die" or "death". Rating ***

    Farooq Malik: Strong denial to use 'death' as the meaning - instead there is obvious suggestion that Jesus's mission is temporarily stopped, to be resumed in future! Far too many unwarranted words to justify his conditioned faith learned during childhood or in heresy. Use of 'recall from your mission' is nothing but clear suggestion that death did not occur.

    Ahmed Ali: Utter confusion and awkward denial to use the word 'death'. Ali admits that Jesus will be exalted in status, but confused about what happened prior to exaltation. First Jesus will be taken to Allah and then exalted. Ali failed miserably in translating the sentence as presented by Allah. Rating *

    From this analysis we can see how these scholars have changed the words of Allah according to their own will and to support what they learned during their childhood and now they are conditioned to think that way. Some have mistaken the correct use of verbs(Pickthall, Khalifa).

    Some have omitted key words and interpolated fabricated words (Pickthall, Sarwar, Malik) and passed it over as Allah’s word! To derive a remote synonym for a word is one thing (Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Al-Hilali & M. Khan. Malik) but to fabricate additional words and omit key words are gross act of negligence and corruption.

    The most correct meaning of the word "wafat" is death. Wherever in the Holy Quran the word "wafat" is used, all these translators derived the meaning as death, except in this verse 3:54, where they don’t see "wafat" as death!!!!

    What is the problem here?

    Why are they contradicting the meaning of 'wafat'?

    What stops them from translating the words of Allah in its true context?

    They are seeing imaginary words only to support heresy they learned during their childhood.

    Here are some of the verses in the Holy Quran where Allah used the word "wafat". The verses are 2:234, 2:240, 3:193, 4:15, 4:97, 6:61, 7:37, 7:126, 8:50, 10:46, 10:104, 12:101, 13:40, 16:28, 16:32, 16:70, 39:42, 40:67, 40:77, 47:27 etc.

    In each of the instances, all these scholars translated the word "wafat" as death, or a word very close to death but none of them used a word to mean take away in alive condition. Let us examine some of the verses and see how these translators derived the meaning of "wafat" in these instances.

    Verse 3:193 Yusuf Ali: "…and take to Thyself our souls in the company of the righteous"

    Pickthall: "…and make us die the death of the righteous."
    Khalifa: "…..let us die as righteous believers"
    Sarwar: "…let us die with the righteous ones."
    Shakir: "….and make us die with the righteous."
    Hilali & Khan: "……and make us die in the state of righteousness…."
    Farooq Malik: "…And make us die with the righteous."
    Ahmed Ali: "…And grant us (the glory of) death with the just."
    Verse 4:15
    Yusuf Ali: "…until death to claim them…."
    Pickthall: "…until death take them…."
    Khalifa: "…until they die,…"
    Sarwar: "…until they die…"
    Shakir: "….until death takes them away…"
    Hilali & Khan: "…until death comes to them…"
    Farooq Malik: "…until they die..."
    Ahmed Ali: "…until death ..."
    Verse 7:126 Yusuf Ali: "…and take our soul unto thee as Muslims!"
    Pickthall: "…and make us die as men who have surrendered."
    Khalifa: "…And let us die as submitters."
    Sarwar: "…let us die Muslims (submitted to God)."
    Shakir: "…and cause us to die in submission."
    Hilali & Khan: "…And cause us to die as Muslims."
    Farooq Malik: "…And cause us to die as Muslims."
    Ahmed Ali: "….that we may die submitting (to You)."
    Verse 10:46 Yusuf Ali: "…or We take thy soul…"
    Pickthall: "…cause thee to die,…"
    Khalifa: "…or terminate your life…."
    Sarwar: "…or you die…"
    Shakir: "….or cause you to die…."
    Hilali & Khan: "…. - or We cause you to die,- ….
    Farooq Malik: "…Or cause you to die…."
    Ahmed Ali: "…or take you to Ourself,..."
    Verse 12:101
    Yusuf Ali: "…take Thou my soul (at death) as one submitting…"
    Pickthall: "… Make me to die muslim (unto Thee), …"
    Khalifa: "…Let me die as submitter…"
    Sarwar: "…cause me to die as a Muslim…"
    Shakir: "…make me die a Muslim…."
    Hilali & Khan: "…cause me to die as a Muslim…"
    Farooq Malik: "… make me die as a Muslim …"
    Ahmed Ali: "…let me die submitting to You."

    You many go ahead and verify the translations of all other verses. If you do so, you will start discovering an emerging corruption (pardon me) by all the scholars. They misguided you by not translating a word correctly. Given all these facts, may we conclude that Jesus(pbuh) must die first before he can be raised?

    Some Muslims say that ‘wafat’ here means death of Jesus(pbuh) after his descent from the Heavens in the later years. Good thing is that these Muslims do agree that 'wafat' means death! Please note, the verse here clearly denotes his relationship with his own people and not with any other people of the later days. The people of the later days would admittedly be followers of Muhammad(pbuh) and not of Jesus(pbuh).

    اود ان اعرف رائ الاخوه الجمهورين لو سمحتم وكل المسلمين
    للحديث بقيه

    يتبع انشاء الله

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هل حقا سوف يعود المسيح يوما ماء? Muhib12-27-04, 04:39 PM
  Re: هل حقا سوف يعود المسيح يوما ماء? Muhib12-27-04, 04:44 PM
    Re: هل حقا سوف يعود المسيح يوما ماء? Muhib12-27-04, 04:52 PM
      Re: هل حقا سوف يعود المسيح يوما ماء? Muhib12-27-04, 04:55 PM
        Re: هل حقا سوف يعود المسيح يوما ماء? Muhib12-27-04, 04:56 PM
          Re: هل حقا سوف يعود المسيح يوما ماء? Muhib12-27-04, 04:57 PM
            Re: هل حقا سوف يعود المسيح يوما ماء? Muhib12-27-04, 05:03 PM
              Re: هل حقا سوف يعود المسيح يوما ماء? Muhib12-27-04, 05:10 PM
                Re: هل حقا سوف يعود المسيح يوما ماء? Muhib12-30-04, 05:21 AM

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