العلاقه بين اكتشاف امريكا واحتضار دوله الاندلس

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10-29-2004, 06:48 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-12-2003
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
العلاقه بين اكتشاف امريكا واحتضار دوله الاندلس

    السلام .. الاخوه والاخوات ..

    هل هنالك علاقه بين انتهاء دوله الاندلس في الاول من يناير 1492 وبين اكتشاف الارض الجديده امريكا بواسطه "البحار " كرستوفر كولمبوس" بعد سته اشهر في نفس العام 1492 ..

    قد لاتبدوا هنالك علاقه مباشره ..ولكن الشيخ "يوسف استات" من تكساس
    القس المسيحي الاسبق ومن اشهر المستنيرين المسلمين كافركان امركان اليوم ..يري بان هنالك علاقه وثيقة .. يري سيخ يوسف بان "كرستوفر" قد استفاد من خبرات "الحكومه او الدوله الاسلاميه السابقه في اسبانيا" حيث الخرط التي رسمها العلماء المسلمين ساعدث كرستوفر كثيرا ..

    حتي ان الشيخ يوسف اقر بان "السفن" الثلاث" كانت تبلغ نت العمر اكثر من "ست اشهر" فهذا يعني ان السفن كانت مملوكه لدوله الاسلام في الاندلس قبل "زوالها" ..

    الاخوه الافاضل .. فد تكون روايه الشيخ "يوسف" غير صحيحه بنسبه عاليه فارجوا المشاركه بالرائ ...

    هوامش علي ضؤ الموضوع ..

    بما ان الحديث عن الاندلس .. اود ان اطرح هذه المقاله التي تلخص ما حدث في الاندلس ..منذ البدايه الي النهايه ..

    تقر هذه المقاله بان السنه التي انتهت فيها اخر الامارات الاندلسيه ارسلت ملكه اسبانيا المسيحية كرستوفر لكي يكتشف الطريق الي الهند "وبالصدفه" اكتشف "امريكا" ..

    Pre Islamic Spain

    After having been colonized by the Phoenicians in 1100 B.C., colonized by Celts from 1000-500 B.C and influenced by Greek traders in 237 B.C. Carthage conquers Spain. After the Second Punic War the Carthegians are defeated by the Romans who then get to rule Spain for some 600 years.

    In the 3rd century after Christ, Christianity reaches Spain. Then comes a period in which the power of Rome breaks and in which Spain (like most of Western Europe) is overun by Germanic tribes (who are themselves fleeing from the Huns). From the 6th century until 711 Spain is ruled by the Visigoths - also a Germanic people, making the city of Toledo their capital.

    The Muslim conquest

    By the year 700 there was chaos throughout Spain with famine disease and an opressing aristocracy. The Visigothic kingdom was falling appart. This made a Muslim conquest of the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal) much easier. After the Arabs had conquered North Africa (including Morocco) in the 7th century and taking Islam with them, the Visigothic govenor (count Julian) of Ceuta (an enclave in Morocco) asked the Muslims for help against the Visigothic throne. And so it was that in the year 711 Musa Ibn Nusair (the Arab governor of northwest Africa) ordered Tariq Ibn Ziyad the governor of Tangier, to conquer Spain. (Tariq was an Amazigh: commonly called Berbers, but who prefer to be called Amazigh since the name Berber comes from the word Barbarian).

    Tariq landed in Gibraltar (which comes from Jebel Tariq, which means "mountain of Tariq") with about 10,000 men, some Arabs but mostly Amazighen. The army of Roderick - king of the Visigoths - was destroyed and within a few years almost all of the Iberian peninsula came in Muslim hands. Only the far north of Spain remained in Christian hands. Now the picture that most people see here is a bunch of barbarian Muslims wielding the sword to bring Spain to its knees right? Wrong, wrong dead wrong! Nothing could be farther from the truth, the fact is that most ordinary people were badly treated during Visigothic rule especially the Jews. So when the Muslims came they were seen as LIBERATORS in many places and not as OPRESSORS. Many people who were slaves under the Visigoths were set free and land was equally divides among the local people according to Islamic rules. No one was forced to become a Muslim, as some would like you to believe, since there is NO compulsion in Islam. The Christians and Jews living in Muslim contolled land were allowed to practice their religion, they only had to pay a special tax but this was far less then under the Visigoths. These, among others are the reasons that Spain was conquered in such a short time, for should the Muslims have encountered a fierce resisting population they would have had a far more difficult time conquering and holding positions in Spain.

    The Cordoba Caliphate

    At first Al Andalus, as the Muslims called Spain (and Porugal), was a province of the Emirate of Ifriqiya (North Africa) part of the Caliphate of Damascus (Syria) which ruled all Muslim lands. After 750 however the ruling family (the Umayadds) were overthrown by a rival family the Abbasids. Only one member of the Umayadds could escape, Abd ar Rahman I, and reached Spain to establish himself as Emir of Al Andalus. He began construction of the great mosque of Cordoba. In 929 Abd ar Rahman III, named himself Caliph beginning the Caliphate of Cordoba. In Al Andalus there was now a civilization far superior to anything Spain had even seen. The Muslims reigned with wisdom and justice,tolerance was a keyword, with a result that many non-Muslims (Christians and Jews) embraced Islam. Trade and agriculture was improved, science, arts flourished and Cordoba became the most sophisticated city in Europe.

    During the Caliphate of Cordoba, Cordoba had a population of some 500,000 (compared to 38,000 in Paris). According to chronocles of the day, the city had 700 baths, 900 public baths, 70 libraries (with some 500,000 manuscripts) and lots of palaces. Did you know Cordoba had street lights? Some five miles outside the city was the residence of the Caliph called Madinat Al-Zahra. It was one of the wonders of the age encredibly lavish and impressing it was destroyed in the 11th century.


    However, as the saying goes: All good things must come to an end certainly applied to Al Andalus. The Muslims in cooperation with their fellow country men and woman of other religions made Al Andalus such a great place also caused it to decline. For the Islamic teachings of respect, tolerance and a detachement of worldly possesions were neglected. The Cordoba Caliphate that united Al Andalus, collapsed and was split into several warring kingdoms that with emirs that placed cared more for their own interests than for that of the people. This loss of unity among the Muslims made things easier for the Christians in the north who had started their Reconquesta from the time the Muslims came to Spain. The Christian kingdoms expanded and united, while the Muslim kingdoms lost territory and fragmented.

    The Muslims were losing so much territory that they had to call for help from North Africa. The Almoravids a North African Amazig dynasty came to Andalusians aid. The Almoravids came and defeated the Christians, but eventually seized control themselves of Al Andalus. They were fanatical in their interpretation of Islam, persecuting non-Muslims which was very un-Islamic and a sharp contrast to the first Muslim rules of Al Andalus who tried there best to follow the REAL Islamic teachings of tolerance and respect. In 1147 the Almoravids were defeated by another Amazigh dynasty called the Almohads. Unfortunately they handled themselves in much of the way of Almoravids.

    Meanwhile the Muslims lost more and more land to the Christians and by the 13th century the Muslims had but a few scattered kingdoms deep in the Andalusian mountains where, for some 200 years longer they would not only survive but would in fact flourish.

    The last Muslim kingdom in Spain

    It was in the deep south east of Andalusia that the Muslims of Spain (Moors as they are called by the West), created the beautiful kingdom of Granada. And it was in Granada that the Muslims would build another lasting monument the Alhambra ("the red one" in Arabic) complex. It was begun in 1238 as a fortress but as time past by slowly got more and more lovely buildings. In 1482 Muslim Granada too split up into two Muslim factions that fought each other making it easy for the two Christian sovereigns ( Ferdinand and Isabella), who together rules all of Christian Spain, to take Granada in 1492 (The same year they sent Columbus to find a route to India, while sailing west he "discovered" America). Now all of Spain was under Christian control and the last Muslim king of Granada (Boabdil) rode weeping into exile when his mother told him "Weep like a woman for a city you could not defend like a man!".

    The Generalife gardens (next to the Alhambra complex)

    The Mudejares and the Moriscos

    At first, most Muslims stayed in Spain (they were called the Mudejares), because they had lived their for almost eight centuries so it was their home. The Christian rules treated the Muslims with tolerance as how the Muslims had treated the Christains. Muslims were free to own land, work and to practice Islam. However this situation soon changed when the Spanish Inquisition started and all those who did follow the Catholic faith would be persecuted (Muslims, Jews and later Protestants). So the rights of the Muslims were withdrawn their lives became more and more difficult. Many were forcibly expelled, mostly to Morocco, but those who could not afford it or who refused to give up their lands were either massacred or forcibly converted (they were called the Moriscos). But they were only Christian on the surface, they continued to practice Islam in secret.

    After a series of revolts of these Moriscos who lived in the Alpujarras (mountain area in the south east of Spain), triggered because they were not allowed to use Arabic names, speak Arabic or dress in a Muslim style the remaining Moriscos were deported to other parts of Spain. And so in the early 17th century the Spaniards had eliminated Muslim culture, or so they thought, for Muslim culture has left such a deep imprint on Spain that it is visible until this very day. See the "Present day" section for more about the Muslim legacy of Spain.


10-29-2004, 07:17 PM


تاريخ التسجيل: 04-12-2003
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: العلاقه بين اكتشاف امريكا واحتضار دوله الاندلس (Re: Muhib)


    This is quite interesting, I will try to help and do some research on this will let you know

10-30-2004, 11:59 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-07-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 10673

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: العلاقه بين اكتشاف امريكا واحتضار دوله الاندلس (Re: Muhib)

    الأخ محب
    الدولة الأسلامية في الأندلس نهضت وتطورت كثيرا في المضمار
    الثقافي والأدبي ... ولكنها تأكلت وضمرت وتحولت لشيع
    وطوائف متناحرة يكيد بعضها لبعض في القرنيبن الأخريين
    ضعف أسهامها العلمي كنتاج لذلك ..وأصبحت في حالة
    هبوط متواصل الي أن سقطت ..في ذلك الوقت صعد نجم
    أسبانيا والبرتغال وأصبحت في مصاف الدول العظمي بلغة
    اليوم ..وأحتضنت عروش هذه الدول العلماء وشجعت
    الكشوف....وهنا لابد لي من وقفة
    حركة الكشوف يا محب أرتبطت بعصر النهضة ونهاية عهد
    الأقطاع وفصل الدين عن الدولة
    ـ الكنيسة يا محب
    كانت تري أن ساحل الأطلسي هو نهاية الدنيا وليس هناك
    ما بعده..وكانت تقتل أصحاب النظريات العلمية مثل
    بعض العلماء الذين قالوا بكروية الأرض...
    أذا أن الكشوف الجغرافية هي الأبن الشرعي لحركة النهضة
    والأصلاح في أوربا
    الدولة الأسلامية الناهضة والصاعدة في ذلك الوقت
    كانت تركيا التي أحتلت الجذء الشرقي لأوربا وأسقطت القسطنطينة
    العاصمة الشرقية لأوربا المسيحية 1453 وكان لها ضلع
    في البحار ـ كان يمكن أن نفهم أن يقال أن الأسبان
    أستعانوا بخبرات تركية.. أو حتي خبرات من مدن ومواني بحر
    العرب التي كانت تشهد حركة نشطة..
    وبالمناسبة أستعانت الكشوف الأوربية ببعض العرب
    في الكشوف الشرقية أي المتجهة للهند لأن العرب كانو\
    أدري بالشرق ولم يكن أي من هولاء البحارة من الأندلس
    كان من أهم البحارة أحمد بن ماجد الملقب بأسد البحر والذي ساعدهم في الوصول للهند
    .... يقول التاريخ أن عرب الأندلس حرقوا السفن التي
    نقلتهم لأوربا لقطع طرق العودة ولكنه لم يتحدث عن
    بناء سفن وحركة كشوف قام بها عرب الأندلس..
    ooo تعليقات لها علاقة بالموضوع..
    أكتشاف الأمريكتيين جاء بالصدفة المحضة .. حينما أنطلقت
    الكشوف الجغرافية كان هدفها الوصول للهند عن طريق
    المسار الغربي.
    .بعد أن تأكدت نظرية كروية الأرض وتأكد
    معهاأمكان الوصول للهند بالأتجاه شرقا وغربا أيضا
    لم يكن يدر في خلد الأوربيين أن تلك البلاد قارات جديدة
    لذا أطلقوا علي سكانها الهنود الحمر... ولكنهم أكتشفوا
    فيما بعد أن هذه دنيا جديدة وأراضي جديدة...
    ooملحوظة.... أسبانيا والبرتغال دول قائمة قبل
    أكتشاف أمريكا.. بسنين طويلة سقوط أخر دويلة ومعقل
    عربي كان في نحو تاريخ الكشوف وكانت تلك الدويلة -وأعتقدأنها دولة بني الأحمر- أخر الممالك العربية سقوطا .. فقد سبقها وعلي مدار مئات
    السنين ممالك أخري ...والكشوف تم الأعداد
    لها قبل هذا التاريخ فقد أحتضنت هذه الدول مكتشفيين
    من خارج دولهم مثل المكتشف أمريكو فاسوبيتشي..
    الأيطالي الذي كمل ما بدأه كولمبس...
    ...oooهذه الكشوف مرتبطة كما قلنا بعصر النهضة وتقدم العلوم وتحرر العقل الأوربي من أغلال أوربا...ولم تقتصر
    النهضة علي الكشوف وأنما شمل الأداب والفنون وظهر
    علي أثرها مايكل أنجلوا ودافنشي ...وتمددت لتشمل
    حقل العلوم الطبيعية...

    (عدل بواسطة kamalabas on 10-30-2004, 02:55 PM)
    (عدل بواسطة kamalabas on 10-30-2004, 03:23 PM)


11-13-2004, 05:38 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-12-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 4084

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: العلاقه بين اكتشاف امريكا واحتضار دوله الاندلس (Re: kamalabas)

    شكرا استاذ كمال .. شئ اود قوله علي عجاله ..وجدث في اكثر من مكان ان اكتشاف امريكا تم بعض زوال اخر الامارات الاسلاميه في الاندلس بعد سته اشهر من ذاك العام .. اتفق معك ان اكتشاف امريكا كان بمحض الصدفه وان الهدف كان اكتشاف الطريق الي الهند .. بعض الاصوات تقول بان هنالك من وصل الي امريكا قبل كولمبس بوقت طويل من مناطق عده ليست بالضروره اروبا .. شكر استاذ كمال معلومات قيمه حول الموضوع ..

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