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مدخل أرشيف النصف الثاني للعام 2004م
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07-13-2004, 03:02 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 09-22-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 30182

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
عضــو فى الكونقــرس الأمريكى يعتقل أمام السفـارة السـودانيـة

    تم إعتقال العضـو شـارلس رانقل، عضـو الكونقرس، أمام السفــارة الســودانيـة بواشنطـون، ضمن حملـة يقوم بهـا مجمـوعـة من أعضـاء الكونقرس للإحتجـاج على سياسـة الإبادة فى دارفـور.. وهناك مجمـوعـة من الأعضـاء فى الطـريق، يريـدون أن يحتجـوا لدى السفـارة ويرابطـوا هناك حتى يتم إعتقالهـم..

    Congressman Charles Rangel Arrested at Sudanese Embassy
    t r u t h o u t | Breaking Report
    Tuesday 13 July 2004

    Congressman Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) was arrested at the Sudanese Embassy,
    2210 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington D.C., at 12:35 (EST).
    Congressman Rangel, along with other members of the Congressional Black
    Caucus (CBC), are calling for an end to the genocide in Sudan. The CBC is
    demanding sanctions against the government of Sudan. Many of the protesters
    are planning to get arrested. In addition to being arrested, radio talk show
    host and civil rights leader, Joe Madison, will launch a hunger strike.
    Madison demands an immediate end to the Sudanese government's obstruction of
    humanitarian aid to victims of the Sudanese genocide. Madison says if trucks
    filled with food and medicines are not allowed through to the victims before
    rainy season begins hundreds of thousands of people could die needlessly.

    Sudan Campaign organizers pledge to continue demonstrations until the
    Sudanese government stops the genocide and returns over one million
    displaced civilians to their homes. Demonstrations are also planned in
    Boston, New York City, San Antonio, San Diego, and Toronto. On Wednesday,
    July 14 the Hon. Robert Edgar, former Member of Congress and current
    President of the National Council of Churches will be arrested in front of
    the Sudanese Embassy at noon.

    The Sudan Campaign calls on the Security Council of the United Nations
    to adopt Chapter 7 sanctions on Sudan, to suspend the membership of the
    government for Sudan on the U. N. Human Rights Commission, and to enable
    slave and other victims of the Sudanese government's declared jihad against
    Black Africans to return to their homes.

    The Sudan Campaign is the direct action effort of a coalition of
    organizations working on behalf black Africans in Sudan that have suffered
    violence and slavery at the hands of their government. Partner organizations
    include The Center for Religious Freedom at Freedom House, the Institute on
    Religion and Democracy, the American Anti-slavery group, the Wilberforce
    Project, Christian Solidarity International and others.

العنوان الكاتب Date
عضــو فى الكونقــرس الأمريكى يعتقل أمام السفـارة السـودانيـة Abureesh07-13-04, 03:02 PM

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