Darfur Community in New York ( USA ) رابطة ابناء دارفور بنيوبورك الكبرى

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05-31-2004, 08:19 PM

nahar osman nahar
<anahar osman nahar
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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Darfur Community in New York ( USA ) رابطة ابناء دارفور بنيوبورك الكبرى

    Darfur Community in New York ( USA ) رابطة ابناء دارفور بنيوبورك الكبرى

    The Darfur People Union in United States is appealing to all those
    who are in a position to assist to act expediently to call on the
    Sudanese Government, the United States and United Nations Security Council
    to take immediate steps to:
    1) An immediate abolition of all hostilities by all armed combatants of
    the Republic of Sudan, the Sudan Liberation Army, Justice and Equality
    Movement, paramilitary, and or militia groups (Janjawiet).
    2) Immediate installation of international peace-keeping forces and
    U.N. peace observers to maintain order and compliance of cease-fire by all
    3) The Sudanese government and opposition groups must permit and assist
    international humanitarian/human rights NGOs and staff in both
    providing medical care, food relief to displaced persons within the territorial
    confines of Sudan, and allowing for thorough examination of the
    humanitarian needs by human rights workers.
    4) The immediate inclusion of the Darfur region populations and
    movements therein in a revised and expanded peace protocol for the resolution
    of the conflict in Sudan.
    5) Sudanese government must assure that displaced populations from the
    Darfur region must be assisted in resettlement in their place of origin
    without regard to persons or populations presently domiciled on land
    abandoned due to conditions of war. The right of return must be extended
    to the Darfur refugees in Chad.
    6) The government of Sudan must provide a resettlement plan for
    alternative living space for alien/non-native stateless populations, presently
    occupying land belonging to Darfurians displaced by the conflict. Any
    viable relocation scheme must not deprive indigenous Darfurian
    populations of their arable or pastoral land, water rights, or urban space, nor
    should these populations due to an existing state of enmity be settled
    near or adjacent to Darfurians.

العنوان الكاتب Date
Darfur Community in New York ( USA ) رابطة ابناء دارفور بنيوبورك الكبرى nahar osman nahar05-31-04, 08:19 PM

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