لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير

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07-22-2004, 06:15 PM


تاريخ التسجيل: 04-12-2003
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لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير


    This question is for the Darfur war mongers in the board, others are welcomed too
    Thank you

07-23-2004, 02:23 AM

fasil dousa

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-07-2004
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    Simply we don’t want that!! Darfur is a part of Sudan and will be, for ever ………..
    And that goods its nasty we never bought it……….

07-23-2004, 05:34 PM


تاريخ التسجيل: 04-12-2003
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)


    The right of self determination does not mean seperation.Contrary to what you seem to think self determination is only the right where if and should you decide to seperate or enter into a union you can use it.

    What would happen if the military struggle would not achieve its goals?x

07-24-2004, 02:34 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 06-18-2002
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    انا فى راى السنيارو لم تكتمل حلقاته لسع ، وحيجى اليوم الى يتم فيه ذلك ، اتوقع قريبة حتصبح دارفور منطقة حكم ذاتى بعيدا عن الدولة السودانية بعد ان تحظر عليى حكومتها وطائراتها مثل مناطق الاكراد فى العراق .......ز

07-24-2004, 05:45 AM


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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    Those who ruled us for decades,are running out of stincy tricks
    Enough is Enough,NO more foolings

07-24-2004, 06:45 AM


تاريخ التسجيل: 04-12-2003
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)


    I am not sure that what you have written is well understood. We are discussing the right of self determination here. Members of the board from eastern Sudan have expressed their interest in this right for their region. South Sudan have long ago had this right. What I am trying to say is that all regions in Sudan should have the right of self determination. North or south west or east. The right of self determination merely gives you the chance to seek independence or unity should the people of a province or region decide that. Personally I would love to see the regions of the central and north have the right of self determination so that at a later point they decide whether they want to stay in a united Sudan or go their own seperate way. I am asking the fighters of Darfur why not seek in your negoiations with the government to secure this issue. Thank you

07-24-2004, 08:09 AM

fasil dousa

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-07-2004
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    When u mention the right of self determination comes to main separation, because we are in unity already, if we wanna or seeking good for Sudan, we have to find anther gateway, that is to solve the problems, which those on the regime create it from the eve of our independence up to now with same intellectual manner, so the time of the rights had come now not tomorrow

07-24-2004, 07:36 AM

Mohamed Adam
<aMohamed Adam
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-21-2004
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    مين البيحدد تقرير مصيره الغرابه الذين جابهوا الأستعمار أم الذين ادخلوه.
    ارجع وأقرأ التاريخ جيدا عند تكوين السودان القديم وان كان معظمه مزور.
    الناس البيحكموا وحكموا السودان منذ
    1956 والي هذا اليوم أين كانت بدايه تأريخهم.هل هم ساهموا في مجابهه المستعمر كما تصدوا له ناس الغرب أم هم الذين دخلوه للسودان؟.فالسودان قام علي جماجم الغرابه فهم أجدر من غيرهم بجمع الاخر الذي يود تقرير المصير.

07-24-2004, 07:50 AM


تاريخ التسجيل: 04-12-2003
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    Nobody decides for the Gharaba what they should do and what they should decide. They and only THEY should decide into matters affecting them, and their well being. This is called self determination. Your inherent right to determine in all matters affecting your life.

    By not calling on that you are simply relinquishing your own rights and putting your fate on someone else'e decision. Having said that please stop nagging of who brought the colonizer or who fought it. Instead of giving me lousy diatribe on this just look at yourself now. Who wants to bring foreign forces into Sudan these days?

    Yes I want people from the north and central Sudan to seek the right of self determination as much as people from the east and south do. There is nothing wrong in that. Should we at anytime fare better within seperation then be it. It is a new Sudan after all, or the prospects of a new Sudan are only what YOU see only.

    Thank you

    (عدل بواسطة zoul"ibn"zoul on 07-24-2004, 07:52 AM)


07-24-2004, 08:28 AM

أحمد أمين
<aأحمد أمين
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    من منو؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

07-24-2004, 08:45 AM


تاريخ التسجيل: 04-12-2003
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    Salaam Ahmed

    If you made your question clearer then people will be able to answer it in details.Thank you

07-24-2004, 09:22 AM

أحمد أمين
<aأحمد أمين
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3371

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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    لماذا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير؟
    سؤالى من منو؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

    أرجو الا أن تقول لى من الحكومة الحالية
    التى يفترض أن تقرر هى مصيرها بعد الخراب والضرر الذى خلقته فى البلاد
    فهى حكومة غير مؤهلة أخلاقيا أو شرعيا أو أنسانيا أن تقرر مصير أى كان، حلنا الوحيد من قبحهم هى تخليهم عن السلطة

07-24-2004, 10:14 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-12-2003
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: أحمد أمين)

    Dear Ahmad
    I think there had been a misunderstanding on here. I believe the question goes as this.

    لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير

    Dear Zol

    I might make a comment later on!

07-24-2004, 10:01 AM


تاريخ التسجيل: 04-12-2003
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)


    Thank you for the clarifications. The right of self determination is not about seperation as you seem to think it is. It is about people in a region running their own affairs and determining their own destiny. They can choose to seperate or choose to remain in a union or choose whatever they feel necessary for the benefit of their region. To narrow it down on seperation issue only is mere narrow mindness only. I think each region in Sudan should have the right of self determination to be able to run its affairs and determine its destiny. It should not be an exclusive right for the east or south only. Thank you for stopping by

07-24-2004, 10:49 AM


تاريخ التسجيل: 04-12-2003
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    Dear Muhib

    Thank you for the clarification for Ahmed and you are welcomed to visit and comment at any time

07-24-2004, 11:46 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-12-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 4084

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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    شكرا العزيز زول

    اولا _البوست جيد ولكن لا اخفي بعض التحفظات .

    بالطبع _ انا مع اعطاء حق تقرير المصير لكل منطقه في السودان _ وهنا ينتابني شعوران. شعور اول بالالم والحسره ذلك ان السودان قد
    يتشتت الي عده دول لاني من مناصري الوحده _ شعور اخر ينم انفراجا وذلك بان مشكله السودان يمكن ان تحل عبر انفصال الاجزاء التي تري ان في الانفصال حلول لمشاكلها.

    دعني اذهب الي منطقه اخري في حديثي لااستهدف شئ اخر _

    وحده السودان _ خيار افضل وجميل _ ولكن علي اي اساس تتم الوحده _

    هل علي اساس دوله دينيه
    او مدنيه علمانيه اي لا دينيه

    اظن بعد الاتفاق علي هذه النقاط _اظن في امكاننا رؤيه مايمكن فعله .. فماتري ..قد تكون هذه الجزئيه بعيده عن موضوع البوست _ولكن اود ان اعرف رائيك .. والسلام

07-24-2004, 11:46 AM

Mohamed Adam
<aMohamed Adam
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-21-2004
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    Quote: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير

    رغم تعديلك لهذا السؤال لن يتغير المضمون فظل السؤال قائم قائم وانا أوافق اخونا أحمد في سؤاله:
    من منو؟؟؟؟ومنو البتتوفر فيه الأهليه؟وأنا له تلك الشروط ؟

07-24-2004, 04:28 PM


تاريخ التسجيل: 04-12-2003
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)


    Ya Mohamed Adam I told you before the right of self determination does not mean seperation. It is only the mechanism through which you can decide on your own destiny than it being decided to you. Is this hard to understand. Still with all the self detrmination you can have you can choose whatever option that serves your interest or the interests of any region Long live self detrmination for all Sudan regions
    Thank you.

07-24-2004, 05:25 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-11-2002
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    hello Zoul
    It is obvious from the responses that the folks even hate the idea of self-determination, leave alone the separation. It is hard for them to distance from the Nile. In fact no wise man would prefere inclosure in the desert, while the nile is at his sight, even if his land was flooded with oil.

    The serious problem is that Sudan will be forced to unite eventhough all features of integrity in the country have almost vanished. The psychlogical gap that has built up between the ethnic darforians themelves has reached a no-return point, which means even if darfur separates it will have to split between ethnic arabs and africans.

07-24-2004, 06:01 PM


تاريخ التسجيل: 04-12-2003
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    Salaam Muhib

    I replied quickly to Mohamed Adam and come back to answer your first comment. But found your second one. Thank you first for visiting the posting and enriching it with your comments. Here are my thoughts to your comments

    Self determination for all the people of Sudan should be an inherent right no compromise on that. It is going to be the mechanism through which each ethnic or geographic group decide on its own fate and destiny. While people long ago debated the right of self determination for the south they should also note that people in the north and central Sudan as well have the right of self determination. The same applies to people of the east and west.

    This is the main purpose of this posting is to discuss and assert the importance of self determination with paricular in Darfur. Wheteher after that we remain united or decide to seperate is not the issue. The issue here is to assert this right for everyone in Sudan in any new Sudan or even the old Sudan should it remain longer. The repercusions of course of this are that we might see certain regions going their own way. Should that happen so be it. It is their own choice. In a similar way I will for my own region choose what best serves my political, economic, social interests and historical heritage. Should these factors fare well in either way or unity or seperation then I will choose based on that. This is my stand on unity or seperation to answer your question. In future posting I will be calling for self determination of the north and central Sudan hopefully. Thank you again

07-25-2004, 01:15 AM


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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    Greetings Zoul Ibn Zoul
    Events turning faster than Junta's brains,many phases and chapters of this conflict
    still far beyond their understandings...at the moment there're very clear and simple
    conditions from the rebels to negotiate any political agendas....it's time to put an end
    to the sufferings...Then the answers to the a likes of your Q will find it's way..
    My personal Idea...if we can't live together peacefully,If the governament can't protect it's own citizens not from invaders but from it's own citizens..then let's seperate

07-25-2004, 05:26 AM


تاريخ التسجيل: 04-12-2003
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)

    Salaam Kobista

    You summarized it all nicely and well written when it come to seperation or union. Peaceful co-existence together or peaceful seperation to stop any further sufferings
    Thank you

07-25-2004, 03:44 PM


تاريخ التسجيل: 04-12-2003
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Re: لماذا لا يطالب مقاتلى دارفور - بحق تقرير المصير (Re: zoul"ibn"zoul)


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