US declares 'genocide' in Sudan

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
US declares 'genocide' in Sudan

    US declares 'genocide' in Sudan Militia forces have destroyed many homes in the Darfur region.

    23 July 2004
    Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) News

    The United States Congress has passed a resolution declaring that genocide is taking place in the Darfur region of western Sudan.

    A Sudanese Government-backed militia has forced more than 1 million people from their homes in Darfur and thousands have been killed.

    US Congress appeared to face no difficulty in describing what is happening in Sudan as genocide.

    The resolution giving the violence in Dafur that title was easily passed in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

    Congress hopes it can now put further pressure on the international community to intervene.

    According to the United Nations Genocide Convention, countries are obliged to take action to stop genocide wherever it is taking place.

    The congressional motion turns the heat up on the Sudanese Government, the Bush administration and the United Nations.

    The UN is still discussing a US-sponsored resolution on Sudan.

    The motion which has passed Congress goes so far as to call on the Bush administration to intervene unilaterally, should the United Nations Security Council fail to act.


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