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07-12-2004, 09:25 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 09-22-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 30182

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
أمريكـا تعلن "السبــاق ضـد الموت" فى دارفـور

    اليـوم الإثنين، حثت الولايـات المتحـدة، الأمم المتحـدة لتكون على إستعـداد لفرض عقـوبات على الســودان.

    WASHINGTON, July 12 (Reuters) - The United States said Sudan's government has not done enough to end an unfolding humanitarian crisis in Dafur and urged the United Nations on Monday to be ready to act against Khartoum if it fails to stop Arab militia attacking African villagers in the remote region.

    Almost two weeks after Secretary of State Colin Powell flew to Sudan to demand the Sudanese government disarm the militia, Washington showed its impatience.

    It called on the United Nations prepare for a resolution that would sanction militia leaders and could pave the way for action against Sudan's government in what Powell calls "the race against death."

    "We've seen more words than action at this point," said State Department spokesman Richard Boucher. "We think the (Security) Council should be ready to move on a resolution if it becomes clear that the Sudanese government is not carrying out its pledges and its promises to take action."

    The Security Council has been divided over a resolution with Pakistan, Algeria, Brazil and others said to be wary of any embargoes. Veto-holders China and Russia also have doubts.

    No U.N. action against Sudan appeared likely until council members hear later this week from Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who is abroad on a trip that has included a visit to Sudan.

    "We're looking forward to hearing from the secretary general when he returns ... And in the meantime, we'll continue to prepare the resolution with other members of the Council," Boucher told reporters.

    U.S. officials hope the threat of the resolution will spur Sudan to end what it says is ethic cleansing that has driven more than a million villagers from their homes and killed tens of thousands.

    Khartoum has lifted travel restrictions for aid workers, cooperated with the African Union, which is deploying cease-fire monitors in the region, and there have been reports of some arrests of militia fighters, said Boucher.

    But he called it a "mixed picture" and said there are still reports of violence and obstacles to humanitarian relief.

    Marauding government-backed militias known as Janjaweed have put hundreds of thousands at risk of death from starvation or illness as the rainy season approaches, U.S. officials say.

    Khartoum, which denies it backs the militia, has pledged to disarm the Janjaweed, remove them from areas near refugee camps and provide a police force for the border areas between Sudan and Chad, where tens of thousands have fled.

07-12-2004, 09:27 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 10-03-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 14875

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: أمريكـا تعلن "السبــاق ضـد الموت" فى دارفـور (Re: Abureesh)

    Quote: اليـوم الإثنين، حثت الولايـات المتحـدة، الأمم المتحـدة لتكون على إستعـداد لفرض عقـوبات على الســودان.

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