مظاهرة في لندن أمام السفرة السودانية تضامنا مع لبنى

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09-03-2009, 01:09 PM

Sidgi Kaballo
<aSidgi Kaballo
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 1722

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مظاهرة في لندن أمام السفرة السودانية تضامنا مع لبنى (Re: Sidgi Kaballo)

    Press Release: Protest in support of Lubna Hussein

    Demonstration: Friday September 4th 2009
    Opposite the Embassy of Sudan, 3 Cleveland Row, London SW1 1DD
    13.00 – Speakers
    13.30 – Leaflet distribution

    Background 13 women were arrested on July 3rd 2009 in Khartoum, under Article 152 of the Sudanese Criminal Code. They were arrested for wearing trousers, and sentenced to flogging and bail of $100. Three of the women and journalist Lubna Hussein rejected the punishment and requested a lawyer and a trial. All four were granted a presidential pardon, which they refused, challenging the judge to eliminate Article 152 of the Criminal Code. Lubna Hussein’s trial is scheduled for September 7th.

    Article 152 stipulates that any conduct or clothing in violation of public decency should be punished with 40 lashes. But the Article is vague on what constitutes indecent clothing and stands against the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (2005) between North and South Sudan, which recognises the human rights of all Sudanese citizens. The Article is used to harass women in the streets of Khartoum and all over Sudan.

    Our protest The organisers are a group of women and men who are outraged about what has happened to Lubna Hussein and thousands of other women in Sudan. We want to show our solidarity with Lubna Hussein and to add our voices to those calling for an end to this barbaric treatment of women.

    The demonstration will be held on Friday September 4th between 13.00 – 14.00
    outside the Embassy of Sudan, 3 Cleveland Row, London SW1 1DD.

    • Dr Amal Sidahmed from Sudan
    • Ajok Wek Athian, Chair of Sudanese Women for Peace and Equality
    • Third speaker - to be confirmed

    Lynne Featherstone MP, (Liberal Democrat) and journalist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown are sending messages of support.

    We will distribute leaflets in Piccadilly and Green Park, urging people to sign
    the petition at: www.care2.com/news/member/338686546/1215811 and to contact their MPs; The Ambassador of Sudan, Omer Mohamed Siddig and David Miliband, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, asking them to:

    • condemn the whipping and punishment of women for wearing trousers in Sudan;
    • call for the elimination of Article 152 of the Sudanese Criminal Code;
    • ask President al-Bashir to implement the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and respect the human rights of all Sudan’s citizens.

    And send messages of support to Lubna Hussein’s campaign: [email protected]
    Initiative Against Women’s Oppression in Sudan.

    Contact: Carrie Supple (organiser) Tel. 07711199198
    Dr Amal Sidahmed (speaker) from Sudan Tel. 07554008332

العنوان الكاتب Date
مظاهرة في لندن أمام السفرة السودانية تضامنا مع لبنى Sidgi Kaballo09-03-09, 01:08 PM
  Re: مظاهرة في لندن أمام السفرة السودانية تضامنا مع لبنى Sidgi Kaballo09-03-09, 01:09 PM
    Re: مظاهرة في لندن أمام السفرة السودانية تضامنا مع لبنى فتحي البحيري09-03-09, 01:10 PM
      Re: مظاهرة في لندن أمام السفرة السودانية تضامنا مع لبنى Sidgi Kaballo09-03-09, 01:14 PM
        Re: مظاهرة في لندن أمام السفرة السودانية تضامنا مع لبنى أحمد أمين09-03-09, 02:06 PM
          Re: مظاهرة في لندن أمام السفرة السودانية تضامنا مع لبنى Sidgi Kaballo09-03-09, 11:13 PM
            Re: مظاهرة في لندن أمام السفرة السودانية تضامنا مع لبنى خالد جادين09-03-09, 11:57 PM
              Re: مظاهرة في لندن أمام السفرة السودانية تضامنا مع لبنى Adam Omer09-04-09, 00:34 AM
                Re: مظاهرة في لندن أمام السفرة السودانية تضامنا مع لبنى Sabri Elshareef09-05-09, 02:16 AM
                  Re: مظاهرة في لندن أمام السفرة السودانية تضامنا مع لبنى Sidgi Kaballo09-06-09, 12:40 PM
                    Re: مظاهرة في لندن أمام السفرة السودانية تضامنا مع لبنى Mohammed Haroun09-06-09, 01:04 PM
                      Re: مظاهرة في لندن أمام السفارة السودانية تضامنا مع لبنى Sidgi Kaballo09-09-09, 02:49 PM
                        Re: مظاهرة في لندن أمام السفارة السودانية تضامنا مع لبنى Sabri Elshareef09-09-09, 05:07 PM

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