مساعدة مطلوبة بصفة عاجلة

الفاتح جبرا .. في ذمة الله
نعى اليم ...... سودانيز اون لاين دوت كم تحتسب د. الفاتح يوسف جبرا فى رحمه الله
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11-08-2005, 09:06 PM

القلب النابض
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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مساعدة مطلوبة بصفة عاجلة (Re: Khalid Osman Jaafar)

    لو حددت الموضوع يكون احسن لكن

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    History, 89, No. 546, April 1990, 153-56, 179-80.

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    No. 511, May 1986, 213-16, 231-32.

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    New York: Africana, 1981.

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    Boulder, Colorado: Rienner, 1990.

    ------. Sudan: Threats to Stability. (Conflicts Studies
    Series, No. 173.) London: Institute for the Study of
    Conflict, 1985.

    (Various issues of the following publications were also used
    in the preparation of this chapter: Africa Confidential
    [London]; Africa Report; African Defence
    Journal [Paris]; Economist [London]; Economist
    Intelligence Unit, Country Reports [London]; Joint
    Publications Research Service, Near East and South Asia;
    Keesing's Record of World Events [London]; Middle
    East International [London]; Middle East Journal;
    New African [London]; New York Times; and
    Washington Post.)
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