Dose Islam bear Terror marks..?

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09-24-2005, 07:02 PM

صلاح شعيب
<aصلاح شعيب
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-24-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 2954

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Dose Islam bear Terror marks..?

    Since Jihadists are showing non- Muslim examples of horrible acts that let them to ask, if not convince, about whether Islam is a peaceful religion or not, a lot of western intellectuals, at the time of searching ways to fighting terror, have tried to depict Islam as a scaring religion that has a thing to do with terror. Moreover, some Western politicians believe that the majority of Muslims, not only jihadists, have extremely hated those believers in other religious dogmas. However, those who depicted Islam by that means justify their notion in that the holy Koran phrases bear motives against Christians, Jew, Buddhists, paganists and the like.
    these misguided western comments emerge despite that Islam is not demonstrating through the past centuries any sort of killing innocent people, hijacking planes and then destroying them in buildings full of civilians, torturing and slaying those who have been captured in war zones, and bombing well- occupied shopping malls, child schools, metro stations, and other civic activities. That what is clear is that extremists did all that types of terror with no thinking of Islamic peaceful path, and they didn?t think of how many child or elderly men and women, or even Muslims, exist in such places.
    From another side, the majority of non- believers in Islam don't know Islamic principles found through the holy Koran and the Mecca and Maddena approach the prophet Mohammed tried by to explain his god mission. The prophet Mohammed, through humane patterns in his life, had afforded to settle a system for those ignored Arab, and beside that his own utterances represented, then and now, enlightenment for other nations.
    What those believing in other religions need to for making sure judgment about Islam is that they have to read it upon its contextual history. They have to examine that peaceful, written principles and exercises the prophet Mohammed came by.
    Bluntly, to fairly judge whether Islam or Hinduism or Judaism are peaceful religions or the vice versa, one has necessarily know about them before doing comments. But those western minds have failed to do so. And then a misrepresentation of Islam there has come to be phenomenon.
    As a Muslim, I can't attackingly or defendingly speak of Christianity unless I understand such a faith, unless I inspect the holy bible studies that show me how the prophet Jesus, for instance, laid out the God message and purpose, and ?eventually- unless I separate between the holy bible teachings and ideological and political interpretations of Christian teachings.
    In terms of that it is a well-tested faith; Islam is having all its defenses that do not differentiate of other major faiths. In less, Islam is a religion that gives Muslims power to be courteous humankind- no matter what their races, countries, positions, gender, and social statuses are.
    It is a religion that respects your believe so long as you are satisfying by. To be sure, at the time of the prophet Mohammed, there were Christians, Jews and others. They had their church and synagogues, and no one announced the necessity of abandoning their teachings.
    More than that, those believers were part of that society, and they had all rights as Muslims did. In short, all non- Muslims were free to practice worship and free to not join the prophet Mohammed group.
    And historically Islam was, and is, getting new grounds universally through peaceful means, and that Muslims didn't impose their prophetic teachings on bases of ignoring dialogues and peacefulness as ways to spread Islam. All societies that have converted to Islam didn't experience killing or torture from Muslims. Therefore, terror is not part of Muslims? belief.
    And the reason is that Muslims have peacefully participated in shaping a major civilization all over history and played a key role in spreading enormous scientific advances, social virtues, and systems of ethical custom. But Muslims, because of following not Islamic teachings became very weak and losing any grounds to regroup themselves into the new age. Therefore ideology, not the real Islam, came to guide them to clash each other, expecting that killing is the only way to free society of those persons charged that they have deteriorated the nation of being not real Muslims. To that, Muslims started to wipe out every potential for progress in their environments, failing to be modernized and benefited of other civilizations. Since their weakness is sustaining to international politics that exploit the weak nations, in some meanings, such ready failures would continue. And so long as religion, in these conditions, becomes reasons to this furthermost dilemma among Muslims, those dogmatic and inflexible Muslims would continue to hijack Islam. In the long run Muslims need to show the other believers the real Islam in order to be not defined by those extremists.

    (عدل بواسطة صلاح شعيب on 09-24-2005, 08:38 PM)


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