Southern Sudan and indeed the whole of Sudan has lost its beloved son

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08-02-2005, 00:52 AM

Murtada Gafar
<aMurtada Gafar
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-30-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 4726

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Southern Sudan and indeed the whole of Sudan has lost its beloved son

    أدناه نص النعي الرسمي للقائد سلفاكير ميارديت

    Quote: August 20065
    Southern Sudan and indeed the whole of Sudan has lost its beloved son, Dr John Garang De Mabior. The First Vice President of the Republic of Sudan and the President of South Sudan was on official visit to Uganda during the period 29th - 30th July 2005 when the helicopter he was traveling in crashed near New Kush on his return last Saturday.

    I take this opportunity to assure the Southern Sudanese in particular and the Sudanese people in general that we in the SPLM/A Leadership will continue the vision and the objective of the Movement that Dr John Garang De Mabior has articulated and hoped to implement. We also want to assure everone that the Leadership and all cadre of the SPLM/SPLA will remain united and strive to faithfully implement the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). In this regard I have ordered the former members of the SPLM Leadership Council to assemble at New Site, Kapoeta County for an emergency meeting.

    I am now on my way to New Site to join the rest of the Leadersip and the family of Dr John. I call upon all members of the SPLM and the entire Sudanese nation to remain calm and vigilant.

    Cdr. Salva Kiir Mayardit,
    Vice Presiden,
    Government of Southern Sudan and
    Deputy Chairman of the SPLM

    النص موجود في الرابط التالي

    المجد و الخلود لروح القائد الملهم الدكتور جون قرنق دي مابيور أتيم، العزاء لقيادة و أعضاء الحركة الشعبية و مقاتلي الجيش الشعبي و أسرة القائد و لقطاعات الشعب السوداني المهمشة و لتتواصل المسيرة نحو السودان الجديد

    مرتضى جعفر

العنوان الكاتب Date
Southern Sudan and indeed the whole of Sudan has lost its beloved son Murtada Gafar08-02-05, 00:52 AM
  Re: Southern Sudan and indeed the whole of Sudan has lost its beloved son Murtada Gafar08-02-05, 00:58 AM
    Re: Southern Sudan and indeed the whole of Sudan has lost its beloved son Murtada Gafar08-02-05, 01:13 AM
      Re: Southern Sudan and indeed the whole of Sudan has lost its beloved son salah elamin08-02-05, 01:30 AM
        Re: Southern Sudan and indeed the whole of Sudan has lost its beloved son Adil Al Badawi08-02-05, 02:21 AM
  Re: Southern Sudan and indeed the whole of Sudan has lost its beloved son nada ali08-02-05, 03:03 AM
    Re: Southern Sudan and indeed the whole of Sudan has lost its beloved son Murtada Gafar08-02-05, 01:24 PM
  Re: Southern Sudan and indeed the whole of Sudan has lost its beloved son بهاء بكري08-02-05, 04:22 PM
    Re: Southern Sudan and indeed the whole of Sudan has lost its beloved son Murtada Gafar08-04-05, 00:59 AM

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