زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA

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05-12-2004, 05:45 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-26-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 3920

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA

    هذا البوست لكل من يرغب للجلوس لامتحان زمالة المحاسبين القانونيين الاميريكية

    ويحتاج لمعرفة معلومات عن الامتحان والمقرر وخلافه

    وسوف أقوم بسرد كل ما يتعلق بهذا الموضوع من كيفية التسجيل للامتحان

    كيفية تقييم الشهادات الاجنبية

    وما هي الولايات التي لا تزال تقبل درجة البكلاريوس كحد ادني للجلوس الامتحان

    ونظام الامتحان الجديد بالكمبيوتر وكل ما يتعلق بتغيير نظام الامتحان

    المقرر الاكاديمي

    الكتب واسعارها وايها افضل

    رسوم الامتحان

    والله الموفق


05-12-2004, 06:49 AM

<aWaD OmI
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-26-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 995

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)

    انا راغبه في الجلوس لهذا الامتحان

    واتمنى معرفة التفاصيل الدقيقه جدا

    بس في مشكله وواحده لو عندك ليها حل

    ماعندي اي علاقه بمجال المحاسبه


05-12-2004, 08:01 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 09-05-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 4141

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)

    الاخ اسعد ابراهيم

    الله يديك العافية ،،،، فبالله العلى العظيم ابحث عن هذا الامر منذ
    مدة طويلة . ارجو ان تفيدنى بالامر بالتفصيل وجزاك الله خير

    اليك عنوانى [email protected]

    وتقبل تحياتى

    محمد عبدالله ـ الزنجي
    دبي ـ الامارات

05-12-2004, 08:12 AM


تاريخ التسجيل: 01-10-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 206

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)

05-12-2004, 12:39 PM

الصادق خليفة
<aالصادق خليفة
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-13-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 2351

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)

    الاخ / اسعد ابراهيم

    تحياتي و يعطيك الف عافية ، نأمل الافادة وبأسرع ما يمكن و نكون شاكرين لك حتى الثمالة .
    ودمت وسلمت اخي الكريم

05-12-2004, 03:06 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-26-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 3920

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: الصادق خليفة)

    الاعزاء الزنجي وعوض خليفة شكرا للاهتماما بالموضوع وسوف اقوم بتكملته باسرع وقت انشاء الله

    الاخ عوض شكرا علي الموقع,

    العزيزة نوف ما عندك مشكلة بنشوف ليك حل .

    الخطوة الاولي اعزائي هي تقييم الشهادة التي بحوزتكم للحصول علي ما يعادلها امريكيا

    احد المراكز التي تقوم بعملية التقييم، وهي كثيرة ، هو

    Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc

    P.O.Box 514070

    Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203-3470 USA


    هاتف 14142893400

    فاكس 14142893411

    بريد الكتروني [email protected]

    سوف اضيف انشاء الله عدد اخر من العناويين للمراكز التي تقوم بعملية التقييم


    (عدل بواسطة ASAAD IBRAHIM on 05-12-2004, 03:11 PM)


05-12-2004, 07:43 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-26-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 3920

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)

    ادناه موقع يحوي معلومات عن طريقة التقديم وشروط القبول القبول لجميع الولايات ويحتوي ايضا معلومات اخري مفيدة عن الموضوع




    NASBA serves as a forum for the 54 U.S. boards of accountancy. NASBA sponsors a variety of

    programs and services designed to enhance the effectiveness of its member boards.

    من خلال البحث توصلت الي ان هنالك اثنين من الولايات ما زالت تقبل حاملي البكلاريوس وهما

    ولاية كلورادو وولاية نيومكسيكو

    بالنسبة لعملية تقييم الشهادات اليت ذكرت اعلاه يجب علي الراغب في الامتحان للزمالة ان يحدد

    الولاية التي يريد الامتحان بها وكتابة ذلك الي الجهة المقيمة للشهادة حتي تقوم بارسال نسخة من

    تقييم الشهادة الي الجهة المعنية.

    ونواصل انشاء الله

05-12-2004, 08:06 PM

ahmed haneen
<aahmed haneen
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-20-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 7982

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)

    الأخ اسعد لك جزيل الشكر علي هذة الأفادات
    ونرغب في المزيد
    اولا ما هي شروط توثيق الشهادات
    وكيف ترسل؟ وماهي المبالغ المطلوبة لتقييم الشهادات
    ورسوم الجلوس للأمتحان
    ولك الشكر

05-12-2004, 08:36 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-26-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 3920

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ahmed haneen)

    العزيز احمد

    يمكنك اجراء التقييم لشهاداتك عبر هذا الموقع


    واذا لم يفتح معك يرجي كتابته بدلا من النقر عليه

    وهذا هو المطلوب


    Checklist for Required Documentation:

    Originals of official educational credentials issued in English beginning with the final year of secondary school, and one complete set of photocopies.

    Please note: if photocopies are not included, a $15 fee must be paid to have photocopies made at ECE.

    ستجد صورة من APPLICATION FORM


    بعد تعبئة الطلب وارفاق الشهادات والصور المطلوبة يتم ارساله لهم علي عنوانهم البريدي

    الموضح باعلي الطلب، بعد الانتهاء من التقييم والذي عادة يستغرق فترة اسبوعين سيت ارسال صورة من التقييم زائدا شهاداتك التي ارسلتها لهم اليك ، وسيتم ارسال صورة من التقييم للجهة التي تود الامتحان بها "الولاية"


    $85 U.S. Dollars

    $135 U.S. Dollars

    Subject Analysis
    $175 U.S. Dollars

    Catalog Match
    $225 U.S. Dollars

    Health Professions Licensure
    $250 U.S. Dollars

    وفي حالة الزمالة تحتاج للنوع التاني من التقييم


    $135 U.S. Dollars



05-13-2004, 02:49 PM

رقم صفر
<aرقم صفر
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-06-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3005

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)


05-13-2004, 04:55 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-26-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 3920

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: رقم صفر)

    ابتداء من ابريل 2004 تم تحويل نظام الامتحان من النظام التحريري "ورقة وقلم" الي الكمبيوتر

    computer-based test (CBT)

    من خصائص النظام الجديد

    CPA Computer-Based Examination FAQs

    What is the status of the Uniform CPA Examination’s transition to a computer-based test (CBT)?

    Beginning April 5, 2004, the Uniform CPA Examination will be delivered in a computer-
    based format at Prometric and state-board authorized test centers across the United States. For general test center information, or to use the Test Center Locator & Scheduler, go to www.prometric.com/cpa. From this site, CPA candidates can quickly determine the most convenient center at their chosen location, and schedule or "reserve" a seat and time.

    How often will the revised Uniform CPA Examination be offered?

    As of April 5, 2004, the computer-based CPA Examination will be offered up to six days a week, during two out of every three months throughout the year (the "testing windows"). In most jurisdictions, eligible candidates will be able to take any or all sections of the exam during any testing window. However, you will not be allowed to take the same section more than once during any testing window.

    What are the testing windows for the computerized CPA Exam?

    During the first four testing windows, the exam will be available:
    April - May 2004
    July - Aug ust 2004
    October - November 2004
    January - February 2005

    Do I need to take all four sections at the same time?

    Generally, you do not. In most jurisdictions, eligible candidates will be able to take any or all sections of the exam during any testing window. However, you will not be allowed to take the same section more than once during any testing window. Candidates are encouraged to contact the state board in the jurisdiction in which they plan to test to get specific requirements.

    When a board approves a candidate to test, is there a time limit on when the candidate has to test?

    It depends on the requirements of your jurisdiction. However, once you pass a section(s) of the examination, most jurisdictions will allow you a maximum of 18 months to pass all remaining sections in order to retain credit on the passed section(s).

    How will my current conditioning change under the computer-based CPA Exam (CBT)?

    Each state board will set the amount of time their candidates who have earned conditional credit will have to complete the examination (transition period). For example, upon the launch of CBT, if you have three examination opportunities remaining that you earned under the paper-based examination, you will likely have three opportunities under the computer-based test to pass the remaining sections.

    Will I lose credit for sections passed under the paper-based exam? You

    will retain credit for sections of the examination you have already passed. You will not lose credit for sections previously passed, provided you pass the remaining sections in the time or number of attempts allowed (transition period).

    How will my current credit transfer?

    Current examination credit will be transferred to credit on certain sections of the computer-based test (CBT) as follows:

    Credit on paper-based exam for: Will earn CBT credit for:

    Auditing (AUD) Auditing & Attestation
    Law & Professional Responsibilities (LPR) Business Environment & Concepts
    Accounting & Reporting (ARE) Regulation
    Financial Accounting & Reporting (FARE) Financial Accounting & Reporting

    How soon after taking a section of the computer-based CPA Exam will I receive my grade? Distribution of scores is the responsibility of the Boards of Accountancy. Initially, advisory scores and diagnostic information will be sent from the AICPA to NASBA at the end of each testing window. For example, scores for candidates who take the examination during the first window, April 5, 2004, through May 30, 2004, will be sent to NASBA by June 30, 2004. NASBA will then forward advisory scores to the Boards of Accountancy for distribution to candidates usually within one week. Each Board of Accountancy sets its own schedule regarding the frequency with which it will approve and release scores.

    Will the CPA Examination's administrative process change when the computer-based test is launched? Much of the process will remain the same; what will change is where and when the examination is given. Individual state boards of accountancy will continue to determine if a candidate meets the requirements to take the CPA Examination in its jurisdiction.

    Candidates will apply for the examination as they do now – through a state board or its designee (NASBA). After the candidate has been determined eligible to sit for the examination, the state board or its designee will send the candidate a Notice to Schedule (NTS). The NTS will remain valid for six months. That means candidates will have six months from the date the NTS is issued to schedule and take the examination section(s) for which they have applied.

    Approved candidates will then register directly with a Prometric testing center, either by phone or via the Internet, to take one or more sections of the CPA examination. After the candidate takes the examination, the AICPA compiles and forwards advisory grades to the state boards. State boards advise candidates in their jurisdictions of their grades. Check the Uniform CPA Examination Candidate Bulletin for further details. The bulletin can be downloaded from www.cpa-exam.org.

    What assistance will be provided to candidates to help them prepare for the computer based Uniform CPA Examination? A tutorial for the computerized Uniform CPA Examination is available on the exam web site www.cpa-exam.org. The tutorial is intended to familiarize students and CPA candidates with the functionality and types of questions and responses used in the computer-based test. The tutorial will not be available at the test centers, so CPA Examination candidates are strongly encouraged to review this tutorial prior to taking the computer-based examination.. A sample test that contains a few sample multiple-choice questions and simulation for each applicable section (BEC will not contain simulations at launch) will be available in early 2004 at www.cpa-exam.org. Correct answers will be given at the end of each sample test. The sample tests will use the same software used in the test centers.

    Will the transition to a computer-based test (CBT) affect the number of candidates taking the CPA Examination? We don't know. Before the launch of CBT, CPA candidates may have some concerns about the new examination. This may result in more candidates than usual taking the examination in the paper-based format in an effort to complete it before the implementation of CBT. It is also possible that some candidates might take a "wait-and-see" approach to CBT. If this occurs, the initial volume under CBT will be below historical levels. Other factors, such as the 150-hour requirement and enrollments in accountancy programs, may also affect volume.

    Will international candidates be able to test outside of the fifty-four jurisdictions?? No. International candidates will continue to be required to test within the fifty-four jurisdictions that currently administer the CPA Examination.

    Will all candidates take the same examination, or will each candidate take a different test? Candidates will take different, equivalent exams. In the computerized testing environment, each candidate's examination will consist of items drawn from a pool of test questions according to defined specifications. Although candidates will take different tests, the specifications will ensure that the results are comparable. The specifications will also include "exposure controls" to limit the extent to which examinees are administered the same sets of questions.

    With candidates taking different tests, how do you ensure that each candidate is being correctly assessed? The test delivery system will ensure that all tests meet content and psychometric specifications. The testing package delivered to test centers will contain not only test items, but also the rules for the administration of tests drawn from that collection of items. All items will be classified according to their content and statistical properties before they are administered in an operational test. The testing software will then administer items according to the specifications to ensure that each candidate is administered a test of appropriate content coverage and difficulty.

    Who will be responsible for certifying someone as needing accommodations at a test center? State boards will continue to be responsible for determining if a candidate needs accommodations or is an ADA candidate.

    Will Sarbanes-Oxley and PCAOB be tested on the new computerized CPA Exam when is starts on April 5, 2004? The Sarbanes -Oxley Act of 2002 is eligible for testing on the computerized CPA exam. For the present, the Act will only apply to questions specifically directed at SEC reporting companies. For all other questions dealing with professional responsibilities, the AICPA standards still apply.


05-13-2004, 07:37 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 09-04-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 862

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)

    مكرر ...

    (عدل بواسطة samo on 05-13-2004, 07:44 PM)


05-13-2004, 07:59 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-26-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 3920

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: samo)

    الاخ سامو

    يسعدني جدا ان احاول الاجابة علي اسئلتك الهامة واتمني ان تنفعك اجاباتي

    Quote: اولا ..فيما يخص ولاية الامتحان ..مطلوب في الورق العندى تحديد ولاية الامتحان .. او المراد الامتحان عندها .وانت زكرت ولايتين فقط مازالو بيعتمدو البكالريوس ..هل ده بيعنى انى اكتب في الجهة المراد ارسال التقيم لها واحد من الولايتين ديل(كلورادو او نيومكسيكو فقط ؟؟ ) ..؟؟؟ مع العلم انى حامل بكالريوس ؟؟

    انا ايضا احمل بكلاريوس وقد قدمت في ولاية كلورادو ، وبما اني تعاملت معهم فشروطهم ميسرة

    ومتساهلين جدا، نعم يمكنك كتابة العنوان التالي للجهة المقية لشهادتك

    Colorado State Board of Accountancy
    1560 Broadway
    Suite 1340
    Denver, CO 80202

    واذا احببت الاتصال تلفونيا او ارسال فاكس لهم فالارقام هي

    Phone: 303-894-7800

    Fax: 303-894-7802

    الموقع الخاص بهم


    هنالك طلب لابد من تعبئته لهم مع ارسال الرسوم المقررة واعتقد ان هذا يتم بعد استلامك لنسخة التقييم .

    نقطة هامة للغاية: بما ان الامتحان اصبح علي الكمبيوتر فانه يمكنك التسجيل بولاية

    كلورادو والجلوس للامتحان في اي مكان تختاره داخل الولايات المتحدة الاميريكية ، وهذا يتم بعد

    ان يتم اخطارك بواسطة الولاية ان طلبك قد تم قبوله والخطوة التي تليها هي اختيارك لمركز

    الامتحان من المراكز المتوفره تقريبا في جميع انحاء الولايات المتحدة.

    ولاية كلورادو تقبل الطلاب الاجانب

    طريقة دفع المبلغ تكون بشيك معتمد باسم الجهة المقدمة للخدمات

    Quote: انت كاتب اسم مركز للتقييم ..وجانى ورق من مركز تانى ..؟؟ ايهما الاكثر جدية ..؟؟

    واكثر سرعة واقل هدرا للوقت ..؟؟وهل ممكن ارسل الشهادات للمركزين في نفس الوقت ...؟؟

    اعتقد ان كل المراكز لديها نفس الجدية ما دمت قد ارسلت كل الوثائق المطلوبة والرسوم المقررة

    ، المركز الذي كتبته هنا افضله لانني تعاملت معهم من قبل. ولكن يمكنك التعامل مع المركز الاخر.

    التقييم المطلوب للشهادة هو Course by course

    ارجو ان اكون قد افدتك اخي الكريم

    بالنسبة لترجمة ما هو مكتوب باللغة الانجليزية انشاء الله قريبا

    وعلي استعداد لكل الاستفسارات والمساعدة

    ولك ودي

05-13-2004, 07:41 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 09-04-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 862

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)

    بسسسسسسس ...
    والله بوستك ده جانى في جرح ..
    لي فترة بكابس في نفس الموضع ..بي مساندة اخوة اعزاء في الولايات المتحدة ..ولهم الشكر الجزيل
    وارسلو لى مشكورين ..اوراق من معهد لتقييم الشهادات ..مركز التقييم ده اسمو ..
    Foreign Academic Credentials Service,Inc - FACS
    وهو في ولاية IL

    الان الاوراق دي في حوزتى ..لم ارسلها بعد ..

    ومدام فتحت الموضوع ..المهم جدا ده ..ياريت تتفضل وتوضح لى بعض النقاط ..المبهمة في الموضوع ..ويخيل لي انو الناس البيهمهم الموضوع كتار في المنبر ..غير الزوار ..ياريت تشد حيلك معانا شوية وتخلى نفسك طويل (في حد قالك افتح الموضوع )

    اولا ..فيما يخص ولاية الامتحان ..مطلوب في الورق العندى تحديد ولاية الامتحان .. او المراد الامتحان عندها .وانت زكرت ولايتين فقط مازالو بيعتمدو البكالريوس ..هل ده بيعنى انى اكتب في الجهة المراد ارسال التقيم لها واحد من الولايتين ديل(كلورادو او نيومكسيكو فقط ؟؟ ) ..؟؟؟ مع العلم انى حامل بكالريوس ؟؟

    تانيا ..عرفت انو ماكل المراكز يمكن فيها التقديم من خارج الولايات المتحدة ..يعنى الاجانب محدد ليهم ولايات او ولاية بالاسم ..هل ..هذه الولاية ضمن الولايات التى تقبل بالكالريوس كحد ادنى للتقيم ..؟؟ وماهى هذه الولاية او الولايات ..؟؟

    انا مقيم في المملكة السعودية ..كيف اقوم بدفع المبلغ
    المطلوب ...؟؟ شيك ..ام حوالة ..ام (اخت القروش في ظرف وارسلو ؟؟؟)

    انت كاتب اسم مركز للتقييم ..وجانى ورق من مركز تانى ..؟؟ ايهما الاكثر جدية ..؟؟ واكثر سرعة واقل هدرا للوقت ..؟؟وهل ممكن ارسل الشهادات للمركزين في نفس الوقت ...؟؟

    بعدين عايزين نعرف طرق تقييم الشهادات ..وماتقول لي خش المواقع الزكرتها ..لانى لا افقه في الانجليزى التكتح .. وياريت كل ردودك تكون بالعربي .. لانو كلامك اكترو مافهمناهو ..؟؟ ..اخر مشاركة الكلها انجليزى دى ..فيها معلومات هامة جدا ..بس مامفهومه كلها ,,, ياريت ..لو تترجم ..اذا سمح ليك وقتك ...

    ما زال هناك الكثير اود الاستفسار عنه ..

    وساعود لحين ردك على الوارد اعلاه ..

    شكرا ليك على الموضوع ... المفاجئ ..

    مع تحياتى ....

    معتصم عمر محمد
    المملكة العربية السعودية

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    (عدل بواسطة samo on 05-13-2004, 08:02 PM)


05-13-2004, 08:04 PM

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: samo)

    بالنسبة لمركز التقييم يمكنك ان تفاضل بينها حسب الرسوم المقررة حيث ان الاسعار ليس موحدة

    المركز الذي اشرت له هنا


    $135 DollarsCourse-by-Course

    رسوم للتقييم المطلوب "course by course هو مبلغ 135 دولار


05-13-2004, 08:33 PM

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)

    كلام جميل اخي اسعد ..

    بس كدى وااااااااحده واحده ..

    الان معاى اوراق للتقييم من المركز الزكرتو انا ..
    هل ..
    املا الاوراق دى وازكر العنوان الزكرتو واللي هو
    Quote: Colorado State Board of Accountancy
    1560 Broadway
    Suite 1340
    Denver, CO 80202

    ..هل اكتب العنوان ده على اساس انو الولاية التى اريد الامتحان منها ؟؟

    على العموم ..ارجو ..للتوضيح اكثر ..ان يكون هناك وسيلة للتواصل ..
    الايميل او تلفون ..

05-13-2004, 08:39 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-26-2003
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Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: samo)

    العزيز سامو

    تلفوني هو XXXXXXXXXX

    الايميل [email protected]

    ومرحب بيك

    (عدل بواسطة ASAAD IBRAHIM on 05-14-2004, 00:19 AM)


05-14-2004, 06:36 AM

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Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)

    نأتي الان الي المواد المقرر الامتحان فيها

    المادة الاولي والتي تم ادخالها كمادة جديدة هي

    Business Environment and Concepts

    واقسامها هي :





    Modules and Abbreviations:*

    38 Business Structure.

    39 Information Technology.

    40 Economic Concepts.

    41 Financial Management.

    42 Risk Management and Capital Budgeting.

    43 Performance Measures.

    44 Cost Measurement.

    45 Planning, Control, and Analysis.




    صورة الكتاب المرفق هو من منشورات وايلي "WILEY" وهو من الكتب ذات اللغة السهلة والمبسطة

    سعر الكتاب 49.95$ ويمكن شراؤوه عبر الانترنت من موقعه وهو


    ونواصل بقية الاجزاء

    (عدل بواسطة ASAAD IBRAHIM on 05-14-2004, 06:38 AM)


05-14-2004, 06:47 AM

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)

    المادة الثانية هي

    Financial Accounting and Reporting

    واقسامها هي :





    Modules and Abbreviations:*

    7 Basic Theory and Financial Reporting.

    A. Basic Concepts.

    B. Error Correction.

    C. Accounting Changes.

    D. Financial Statements.

    8 Inventory.

    9 Fixed Assets.

    10 Monetary Current Assets and Current Liabilities.

    11 Present Value.

    A. Fundamentals.

    B. Bonds.

    C. Debt Restructure.

    D. Pensions.

    E. Leases.

    12 Deferred Taxes.

    13 Stockholders’ Equity.

    14 Investments.

    15 Statement of Cash Flows.

    16 Business Combinations and Consolidations.

    17 Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities.

    18 Miscellaneous.

    A. Pe rsonal Financial Statements.

    B. Interim Reporting.

    C. Segment Reporting.

    D. Partnership Accounting.

    E. Foreign Currency Translation.

    19 Governmental Accounting.

    20 Not-for-Profit Accounting.

    Outlines of Accounting Pronouncements.




    كيفية الحصول علي الكتاب وسعرة مثل سابقه

05-14-2004, 06:53 AM

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Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)

    المادة الثالثة هي

    Auditing and Attestation

    واقسامها هي :






    Modules and Abbreviations:*

    1 Engagement Planning.

    2 Internal Control.

    3 Evidence.

    4 Reporting.

    5 Audit Sampling.

    6 Auditing with Technology.

    Outlines of Professional Standards.

    Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements.

    Statements on Auditing Standards.

    Government Auditing Standards.

    Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services.

    Information Technology Supplement.




05-14-2004, 06:58 AM

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)

    المادة الرابعة والاخيرة :


    واقسامها هي:




    Chapter 5. REGULATION.

    Modules and Abbreviations:*


    21 Professional Responsibilities.

    22 Federal Securities Acts.

    23 Contracts.

    24 Sales.

    25 Commercial Paper.

    26 Secured Transactions.

    27 Bankruptcy.

    28 Debtor-Creditor Relationships.

    29 Agency.

    30 Regulation of Employment and Environment.

    31 Property.

    32 Insurance.


    33 Individual.

    34 Transactions in Property.

    35 Partnership.

    36 Corporate.

    37 Gift and Estate.




05-18-2004, 06:27 AM

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Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)


05-18-2004, 09:35 AM

mohamed elshiekh
<amohamed elshiekh
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-12-2003
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Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)

    الاخ اسعد
    لك التحيه والتقدير على هذا الجهد العظيم

    ارغب انا فى الجلوس لCFA والتى تناسب تخصصى رغم اننى اعمل الان محاسب وكنت قبلها اعمل لدى مكتب مراجعه .
    اكن شاكرا ومقدرا ان مددتنى ببعض المعلومات لهذة الشهادة

    ولك اطنان من الود الصافى

05-18-2004, 03:47 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-26-2003
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: mohamed elshiekh)

    الحبيب محمد الشيخ

    اولا اسف جدا لتأخر الرد

    ثانيا احاول ان اجمع لك كل المعلومات التي طلبتها

    وسافيدك بها قريبا

    مع معزتي لك

05-18-2004, 08:13 PM


تاريخ التسجيل: 11-04-2002
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)

    الصديق أسعد
    شكراً على الافكار النيرة والتى تعيد لهذا البورد بعضاَ من اهدافه التى كادت ان تضيع وسط شكلات لا تسمن ولا تغنى من جوع المهم ما علينا

    أول المساهمات فى هذا الموضوع أميل أرسله صديقى دفع الله هذا الصباح عن تجارب شحصية للذين جلسوا لاول مرة لامتحان الكمبيوتر

    أتمنى ان تكون مفيدة للجميع ( او بمعنى أصح للذين يرغبون فى الامتحان)

    Abo Morwan,

    I hope you're doing all right.Here is some good stuff
    to share for the exam.Please share with all the
    brothers and forward it to Khalid Omar also because I
    don't have his email.


    --- tariq sirour wrote:
    > Date: Thu, 6 May 2004 11:45:24 -0700 (PDT)
    > From: tariq sirour
    > Subject: Fwd: CPA LESSON 6.5--WHAT'S THE NEW CPA
    > To: [email protected]
    > --- Joe Hoyle wrote:
    > > From: "Joe Hoyle"
    > > Subject: CPA LESSON 6.5--WHAT'S THE NEW CPA EXAM
    > > To: [email protected]
    > > Date: Tue, 4 May 2004 20:55:39 -0400 (EDT)
    > >
    > >
    > > MAY 4, 2004
    > >
    > >
    > > Kaplan CPA Review
    > >
    > > LESSON 6.5---SPRING 2004
    > >
    > > From: Joe Ben
    > >
    > > Obviously, I normally send out lessons only once
    > > every week or two. However, I know that a lot of
    > > our subscribers will be taking the new
    > computerized
    > > CPA Exam very soon and they would like to have as
    > > much insight as possible. In Lesson Six that I
    > > sent out this past week-end, I asked people to
    > tell
    > > me about their experience with the new exam. I
    > got
    > > some great responses and thought I would forward a
    > > couple of them along to everyone.
    > >
    > > So, instead of a new lesson, this is really just
    > an
    > > extension of Lesson Six. If you are planning to
    > sit
    > > for the exam soon, I hope what these folks have to
    > > tell you about the new computerized exam will be
    > > helpful. After you take the exam yourself, please
    > > send me a note telling me about your experience so
    > > that I can share it with others. Remember,
    > > send any confidential information about specific
    > > questions but everyone would just like to know
    > what
    > > it was like.
    > >
    > >
    > > FROM FRANCISCO: I didn't have a time problem with
    > > audit. My experience was pretty good. I will say
    > > that 1 minute to maybe 1.5 minutes for some
    > multiple
    > > choice questions is okay, since you will need at
    > > least 1 hour for each simulation. Do yourself a
    > > favor and do the practice test on
    > > it helps a lot. I felt like I had already done the
    > > test before because I did so many Kaplan drill
    > > questions and the testlets while I was studying.
    > It
    > > really helps to practice a lot in test mode. I
    > > would not be worried about the research part of
    > the
    > > simulations if you are pretty good at searching
    > > stuff on the Internet. It took me only minutes to
    > > find the answers, but I will tell you that they
    > need
    > > to improve the computer programs they are using.
    > > When you go to the Authoritative Literature and
    > find
    > > what you need, you have to go to the tab asking to
    > > copy and paste the information, but since you can
    > > only copy one paragraph at a time when you go back
    > > to the Authoritative Literat
    > > ure, it doesn't take you back to where you left
    > > off. It kind of takes you to the beginning of the
    > > page. I will let you know what happens, after
    > July
    > > 1, 2004.
    > >
    > >
    > > FROM JAMES: I did the exam about three days ago.
    > > The multiple-choice part and simulations were not
    > a
    > > problem, but I had a lot of problems with the
    > > research problem. I knew what they were asking,
    > but
    > > the pasting was the problem. I spent too much time
    > > trying to paste the information. At last, I was
    > only
    > > able to paste in two of the paragraphs. The other
    > > paragraphs refused to paste.
    > >
    > >
    > > EDITORIAL COMMENT FROM JOE BEN: As everyone can
    > > see, the research part of the exam gets a lot of
    > > attention. I realize that this is a real concern
    > > but I want everyone to keep the research in
    > > perspective. The AICPA told us that (for all
    > parts
    > > except BEC which will only be multiple-choice for
    > > the first year or so) that the multiple-choice
    > > questions would count 70 percent of the grade and
    > > the simulations would count the remaining 30
    > > percent. Of that 30 percent, 10 percent would be
    > > assigned to the written communication questions
    > (the
    > > writing of a memo, for example). That only leaves
    > > 20 percent of the overall grade for all of the
    > rest
    > > of the simulation questions. Given the varied
    > > content of the simulations, it is my guess (and it
    > > is only a guess) that the research component makes
    > > up 2 to 5 percent of your overall grade. And, in
    > > the first year, until people get used to doing
    > this,
    > > I would bet that it is closer to 2 percent.
    > > Obviously, every point is important but the
    > researc
    > > h questions as a whole are probably equivalent to
    > > 3-4 multiple choice questions as far as point
    > value.
    > > So, even if the research sounds like a problem,
    > do
    > > keep it in perspective: it抯 about the same
    > my
    > > guess is correct) as 3-4 multiple-choice questions
    > > as far as the impact on your grade.
    > >
    > >
    > > FROM ANNE: I just took the FARE exam last week
    > and
    > > I just wanted to share my experience. Time
    > > management was a real issue for me with these new
    > > testlets. I don't like having to make the
    > decision
    > > at the end of each testlet as to whether to move
    > on
    > > or go back and review my answers. I finished the
    > > exam with 5 minutes to go. Since I had taken the
    > > FARE exam last November, I knew approximately how
    > > many multiple choice questions there are, so I
    > used
    > > that as a basis when taking this exam to manage my
    > > time. But for those who are not familiar at all
    > > with the exam, you will need a time guideline of
    > how
    > > long to spend on each testlet before moving on.
    > The
    > > simulations were not a problem, but because they
    > > were new to me and I was crunched for time, I was
    > in
    > > a bit of panic mode when I got to these. Once I
    > > knew what they were looking for and was able to
    > > navigate through all of the tabs and buttons, the
    > > problems weren't too bad. Filling in the
    > statements
    > > was not easy, but the memorandu
    > > ms and research portions were straightforward. I
    > > would let people know on the research portion, NOT
    > > to submit the overall standard, but to look for
    > the
    > > specific piece of the standard that relates to
    > their
    > > question. I made that mistake on the first
    > > simulation, and didn't realize what I had done
    > until
    > > I got to the second simulation. I did not find
    > > myself doing a lot of computations on the FARE
    > exam.
    > > I primarily studied your note cards which I felt
    > > was the way to go. It seemed like more of a
    > theory
    > > test than computational like the written exam used
    > > to be in the past. There were a lot of topics
    > that
    > > weren't even on the exam which I found strange. I
    > > also got asked the same question 2 times, but with
    > > different numbers (this happened twice) I'm not
    > > sure what that was about. Overall I like the
    > > computerized test much better, I like how you can
    > > focus on one section at a time and schedule it on
    > > your own. I have passed the LAW and AUD portions
    > > under the old exam, so I have to
    > > take REG at the end of this month and hopefully
    > > that will be it. We'll see!
    > >
    > >
    > > FROM LYN: I did take the FARE section of the exam
    > > on Friday. It was not really that bad. Overall I
    > > think the computerized exam is better than the
    > paper
    > > and pencil exam. I think I would probably have
    > > passed everything by now if I had been taking it
    > > this way the whole time, especially since I
    > > experienced a 75 on one section a couple of times
    > > before I finally got 2 sections passed. I did not
    > > really see anything that I had not seen before.
    > > Your study recommendation of going through all of
    > > your true-false questions, going through the
    > > problems book questions, and practicing on the
    > > testlets and simulations was a great plan. Time
    > was
    > > an issue for me. I think we still need the 4.5
    > > hours that we used to have for FARE because I
    > really
    > > think it is the same amount of material. Although
    > > if you spend 45 minutes on each of the 2
    > simulations
    > > and 3 testlets and take a total of 15 minutes in
    > > breaks that really should be enough time. I think
    > > it is easy to get bogged down at the beginni
    > > ng and use too much time. I did not have too
    > much
    > > of a problem with the research portion. I think
    > it
    > > is one of those things that you either find the
    > > answer right away or it takes a while. I did not
    > > really practice on this all that much. Overall
    > the
    > > Prometrics center where I took the exam was fine.
    > > The people there were really helpful. They did
    > not
    > > seem to have any temperature issues. It was nice
    > to
    > > go to a nice clean place (they actually had soap
    > in
    > > the bathroom) rather than the grungy test center
    > > from last fall. Noise was not really an issue.
    > > They issue earplugs if you need them. Thanks. I
    > > hope I have good news for you in July.
    > >
    > >
    > > FROM GEMMA: I recently took the CBT for audit and
    > > found the computerized format a little bit easier
    > > than the paper and pencil exam. Time management
    > is
    > > needed for allotting enough time to each testlet
    > and
    > > the simulations. I had to just let go of each
    > > testlet and proceed to the next part since I
    > didn抰
    > > know how much time would be needed for the
    > > simulation; this is very tricky. I like the
    > > searching stuff though, but it is, indeed, time
    > > consuming. There are some pre-test questions
    > > included in the examination which are not
    > identified
    > > but are not graded and that keeps me from having a
    > > good feel for how I did. It抯 a little bit
    > to
    > > wait for the results, but I am hanging in here.
    > >
    > >
    > > FROM NNG: I took Regulation today. The time went
    > by
    > > so quickly. I wish that we could go back and look
    > at
    > > all the testlets at the end of the exam. Time
    > > management is important. I would recommend doing
    > the
    > > written communication question first in the
    > > simulations
    > >
    > >
    > > FROM BECKY: I took the CPA exam for FAR and REG
    > > yesterday and today. I don't feel like I did well
    > > on FAR, but REG I feel pretty good about. The
    > > research portion of the exam I found to be
    > extremely
    > > easy. I signed up with the AICPA to get the
    > > practice materials you had mentioned in one of
    > your
    > > email lessons but they never confirmed my order to
    > > be able to do the practice. So, I went in with no
    > > practice for that part at all and it was a breeze.
    > > I like the fact that on the computer exam it take
    > > less time to answer questions (clicking a button
    > > takes less time than completely filling in a
    > > bubble), but I don't like how on the exam you must
    > > go in a specified order and cannot look back at
    > any
    > > of the previous testlets you have finished. On
    > the
    > > paper and pencil exam, if I knew one of the essays
    > > very well, I would do that one first to give me a
    > > boost of confidence, but you can't do that on this
    > > exam-you don't even know what those essays are
    > going
    > > to be. Therefore, you can't try to
    > > pick up clues from multiple-choice questions for
    > > an essay you might not know so well. You can
    > > definitely tell they are making sure you
    > understand
    > > the material and didn't just memorize things. I
    > > found the FAR much harder than before. I'll let
    > you
    > > know how I did, maybe they'll surprise me and I
    > will
    > > have finally passed the thing!
    > >
    > >
    > > And, finally, I also got the following e-mail
    > > yesterday. It is not from a person who has taken
    > > the computerized exam so far but I liked the note
    > > and decided to pass it along.
    > >
    > > FROM APRIL IN CALIFORNIA: Interesting you would
    > > send out the weekly lesson (Six) while I was
    > > watching your Audit lecture video on Fraud. (I
    > must
    > > say that I do like the videos. You are doing a
    > > wonderful job and it helps me retain better when I
    > > can watch you speak. That was one of the problems
    > > with the well-known course that I took last fall.
    > I
    > > was so busy following their highlighting and
    > > underlining that I didn't get to just sit back,
    > > watch, and try to understand the material. I have
    > > been meaning to write to you but figured I would
    > do
    > > it at the end of this review. However, besides
    > > being a way to procrastinate (naaaa, I don't do
    > > that!) I really wanted you to know how I felt
    > about
    > > your review class. I took that other popular
    > > 5-month course last year and sat for all parts of
    > > the exam the first time in November.
    > Unfortunately,
    > > I am re-taking all four parts but I came "really
    > > close" in three. I am not disappointed with the
    > > results because I feel I gave it my best shot.
    > > I made a promise to myself that I was going to
    > give
    > > it 100% with NO regrets. The problem I
    > encountered
    > > was that by the time I got to the test, I had no
    > > more room left in my brain to hold all the
    > > mnemonics, tricks, sample questions, etc. It was
    > > truly overwhelming. After the exam (when I came
    > up
    > > for air) I realized I still didn't truly
    > understand
    > > most of the material and had already started to
    > > forget the things I was supposed to memorize.
    > What
    > > brought me to you? Well, during my prior review
    > > course, I was subscribed to your lessons. I
    > enjoyed
    > > reading them, they offered motivation I was not
    > > getting and they helped me understand more of the
    > > material. In fact, a little past the half-way
    > mark
    > > of that review course, I found myself going to
    > your
    > > site for more clarification. I even ordered the
    > > computerized flash cards and started to depend on
    > > them. Since I was a "good girl" and did 100% of
    > my
    > > assignments for the prior review course, I
    > qualified
    > > to take the class over for jus
    > > t the price of books. I lasted one week before I
    > > was bored and uninterested in the "highlighting,
    > > underlining, memorizing, etc.." that I had already
    > > encountered. Did it once? Try doing it
    > > again...your brain just wants to scream! I looked
    > > up your program and saw that you had joined
    > Kaplan.
    > > I was excited about the new online program and
    > > decided to give it a shot. Boy did I make the
    > right
    > > decision. I am very interested in your lessons.
    > > You are a wonderful motivator. I find myself
    > > understanding the audit process with each lecture
    > or
    > > assignment. I feel confident! I will highly
    > > recommend your courses to anyone I know that is
    > > considering taking the CPA exam. If you can make
    > > the FARE exam as understandable, I will be
    > thanking
    > > you forever! Now, let's get it done!
    > >
    > DAY!!!
    > >
    > >
    > > I do hope all of the information from folks all
    > > around the country has been helpful to you
    > > especially if you are on the verge of taking the
    > new
    > > computerized exam. There抯 obviously a bit
    > > difficulty with the new approach but, all and all,
    > > these people went and did it and did not seem to
    > > suffer any long-lasting side effects. At some
    > > point, you just have to grit your teeth and go get
    > > it done. Isn抰 it about time for you to
    > > getting this thing finished?
    > >
    > >
    > > Now, in closing, here is all of the legal stuff
    > that
    > > I need to tell you.
    > >
    > > --If you would like to subscribe to these weekly
    > > lessons (and we抎 love to have you and you
    > you),
    > > scroll all the way to the end of this lesson and
    > > click on the appropriate link.
    > >
    > > --If you feel a need to leave us, we will miss you
    > > but we don抰 want to fill up your e-mail box
    > > needlessly. Again, just scroll to the end of this
    > > lesson and click on the unsubscribe link and
    > you抣l
    > > be removed.
    > >
    > > --And, as always, remember that you can use any of
    > > this information that you find to be helpful.
    > > However, the use of any of this information for
    > > monetary gain is strictly prohibited by the
    > > author---and that抯 me. (It抯 free
    stuff and I
    > want
    > > it to remain free to help anyone and everyone.)
    > >
    > >
    > PASS
    > >
    > > I抣l be back next week with a real lesson.
    > >
    > > Joe
    > >
    > > Joe Hoyle
    > > Kaplan CPA Success
    > > Box 0065
    > > Richmond, VA 23173
    > >
    > > 揥e want you to PASS!!!?> >
    > >

05-18-2004, 08:30 PM


تاريخ التسجيل: 11-04-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 310

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Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: Abdelaziz)

05-18-2004, 09:02 PM

nassar elhaj
<anassar elhaj
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-25-2003
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Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: Abdelaziz)

    مساهمة مهمة جدا اخي أسعد محي الدين
    وبحق جديرة بالمتابعة والاهتمام...
    وربما توقظنا
    لنبدأ هذا الطريق


    لتظل أعلى دائما..

05-18-2004, 09:21 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-26-2003
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Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: nassar elhaj)

    الصديق عبد العزيز

    شكرا للمساهمة القيمة وارجو ان يستفيد منها الاخ محمد الشيخ

    الاخ نصار الصادق

    مرحب بيك اخي

    تعرف والله العتب علي الذاكرة المتعبة

    مخاطبتك لي ب "أسعد محي الدين" فتحت في ذاكرتي كوة من الوهج والايام الحلوة

    لك حبي وودي

05-25-2004, 03:03 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-26-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 3920

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: زمالة المحاسبيين القانونيين الاميركية CPA (Re: ASAAD IBRAHIM)


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