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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
سؤال بائس من محامٍ عتيق يائس! بقلم: الدكتور أيوب عثمان

  • Independent Civil Society in Sudan stage a one-day sit in and suspension of work 02-18-15, 02:15 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
  • South Sudan Warns Media Not to Publish Rebel Interviews 02-17-15, 04:29 PM, Voice of America
  • Sudanese press massacred in Khartoum 02-17-15, 03:29 PM, Radio Dabanga
  • Sudan’s journalists protest against confiscation of (14) papers 02-17-15, 03:27 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • Sudan seizes print runs of 13 newspapers: watchdog 02-16-15, 04:05 PM, AFP Agence France Presse
  • Northern Sudan farmlands sold to Syrian investor 02-15-15, 04:12 PM, Radio Dabanga
  • Sudanese journalist disappears under mysterious circumstances 02-15-15, 03:57 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • Opposition's symposium stopped by Sudan security 02-07-15, 03:44 PM, Radio Dabanga
  • Sudan and Arab League discuss providing assistance to Darfur 02-04-15, 05:00 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • Another South Sudan Newspaper Ordered to Close 02-04-15, 04:58 PM, Voice of America
  • Thirst in North Darfur’s Shangil Tobaya camps 02-04-15, 04:51 PM, Radio Dabanga
  • Sudanese Journalists Union rejects confiscation of the newspapers 02-04-15, 03:49 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • Red Sea state, eastern Sudan, imposes tourism support fees 02-03-15, 03:13 PM, Radio Dabanga
  • Sudan’s government warns those who seek to disrupt the elections 02-03-15, 03:11 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • Sudan: Detention of Abu Eisa, Madani extended for two weeks 02-03-15, 03:10 PM, Radio Dabanga
  • AU mediation puts forward a new approach to negotiations in Sudanese conflict 02-03-15, 03:06 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • Sudanese opposition starts Leave! campaign 02-03-15, 03:01 PM, Radio Dabanga
  • Press Release from Sudanese Writers Union (SWU) 02-02-15, 08:08 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
  • Liberation and Justice Movement -LJM apology to people of Darfur 02-02-15, 04:40 PM, Radio Dabanga
  • EU expresses its concern at the difficulties facing Sudan’s national dialogue 02-02-15, 03:44 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • NCF to launch campaign against Sudan’s April elections 02-01-15, 04:09 PM, Radio Dabanga
  • Zuma finalizes an agreement for co-operation in a number of fields with Sudan 02-01-15, 04:07 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • 10th anniversary of The Massacre marked in Port Sudan 02-01-15, 04:06 PM, Radio Dabanga
  • South Sudan security orders to shut down a newspaper 01-17-15, 04:23 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • Letter to the UN on the ICC sent today:Re the ICC arrest warrant for President al Bashir 12-22-14, 03:29 PM, بيانات سودانيزاونلاين
  • Security raids NGO in Sudan’s capital, detains journalist 12-22-14, 02:48 PM, Radio Dabanga
  • U.S .Embassy in Sudan questions Parliament about the journalists’ situations 12-07-14, 02:01 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • Nairobi Declaration on combat of Hate Speech In and the Republics of Sudan and South Sudan 10-21-14, 09:18 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
  • Press Release from U.Sudan Peace and Development Foundation 09-24-14, 05:20 AM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
  • Report of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Sudan, Mashood A. Baderin 09-23-14, 07:18 PM, تقارير سودانيزاونلاين
  • Security service confiscates Al-youm al-tali newspaper 09-15-14, 06:28 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • Sudanese Journalists Network boycotts Sudanese journalists union 09-09-14, 04:27 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • Boycott of Federation of Sudanese Journalists’ elections 09-09-14, 04:26 PM, Radio Dabanga
  • Sudanese journalists speak-out on World Press Freedom Day 05-05-14, 07:59 PM, Radio Dabanga
  • Sudanese newspapers distribution declines by 32% 05-04-14, 02:56 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • Sudan security confiscates print runs of three newspapers 04-03-14, 04:35 PM, Radio Dabanga
  • First student conference on media freedoms concludes sessions in Khartoum 04-03-14, 04:33 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • Sudan journalists protest over Egypt holding Jazeera staff 02-27-14, 04:44 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • Information Committee at Parliament to hold workshop on new press law 02-26-14, 10:58 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • Sudanese advocacy group affirms continuity of violations against freedom of expressions 02-05-14, 04:24 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • Journalists: Sudanese government is not committed to constitution 01-16-14, 05:31 PM, SudaneseOnline News
  • Her Majesty and walking on edge of the abyss Report: Hussein Saad 01-16-14, 05:05 PM, Hussein Saad
  • Sudan's most popular daily back after ban during demos 11-03-13, 07:45 PM, AFP Agence France Presse
  • Sudan woman risks flogging over uncovered hair 09-08-13, 06:11 PM, Agence France Presse
  • Sudanese Columnists Banned From Writing After Criticising Muslim Broth 09-06-13, 02:50 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release


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