إمام جبهجي في أمريكا.. محمد حاج ماجد!!! "It's time for Islam in America to be American,"

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11-30-2006, 12:03 PM

Yasir Elsharif
<aYasir Elsharif
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-09-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 49601

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
إمام جبهجي في أمريكا.. محمد حاج ماجد!!! "It's time for Islam in America to be American,"

    شكرا للأخ عبد الله عثمان لتوفير الموضوع هنا:
    Re: ظاهرة د. محمد وقيع الله والتسلق

    Moderate Muslim clerics in the U.S. tend to their faithful--and help the FBI fight terrorists

    Posted Monday, Nov. 14, 2005
    IT WAS ON SEPT. 10, A DAY SHY OF THE fourth anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center, that Imam Mohamed Magid met terrorism's victims face to face. He was presiding at the funeral on Long Island for the daughter and son-in-law of Bangladeshi Americans from his Sterling, Va., mosque. The children, who were at work in the North Tower, perished in the Sept. 11 attack, but not until this past August had medical examiners identified enough of their charred tissue and bone fragments for the parents to hold a funeral. Staring at the two wooden boxes covered with green embroidered cloth and surrounded by grieving family members, the Muslim cleric was gripped by both sadness and rage. "The terrorists who kill in the name of Islam claim they are the martyrs," Magid told TIME later, the anger still roiling him. "But the victims are the martyrs. The terrorists are the murderers, and God will deal with them on Judgment Day."

    From his mosque in Virginia, Magid, like many of the some 600 full-time imams across the country, is fighting his own war against radicals trying to hijack his religion. For Magid that has meant not only condemning terrorism but also working closely with the FBI in battling it. He regularly opens doors for agents trying to cultivate contacts in his Muslim community, and he alerts the bureau when suspicious persons approach his congregation. That puts him in a precarious position: How does he maintain credibility as a spiritual adviser while, in effect, he is informing on fellow Muslims? To understand that balancing act, TIME spent two weeks following Magid as he raced from prayer to prayer, meeting to meeting, in the strange new world of American Muslim ministry.

    Breaking with tradition hasn't bothered Magid. Born 40 years ago in the northern Sudanese village of Alrakabih along the Nile River, he studied Islam under African Sunni scholars, who included his father. Magid immigrated to the U.S. in 1987, when his ailing father came seeking medical treatment. Unlike many foreign imams, who find America's open society too jolting and withdraw to their mosques, he reveled in the cultural diversity. "I never had a Jewish friend until I came to the U.S.," says the gregarious imam. "And the questioning of all religions here helped me strengthen my own beliefs."

    Magid reached out, taking college courses in psychology and family counseling, teaching classes on the Koran at the Islamic Center and Howard University in Washington. One of his African-American students at Howard--Amaarah Decuir, who had recently converted to Islam from Catholicism and was getting a master's degree in education--eventually became his wife and educated him on women's issues. In 1997, Magid became imam of a mosque just west of Washington called ADAMS, an acronym for All Dulles Area Muslim Society. An imam can be a layman sufficiently versed in the Koran to lead daily prayers, but larger, more established mosques hire professional imams, comparable to Christian ministers or Jewish rabbis, who are trained in Islamic seminaries or mentored by scholars.
    Of the some 1,500 mosques in the U.S., ADAMS is one of the more progressive. Its $5 million center in Sterling serves 5,000 mostly middle- and upper-middle-income Sunni and Shi'ite families from more than a dozen ethnic backgrounds. In many mosques abroad and in the U.S., women are required to pray in rooms separate from the men. At ADAMS, women not only pray in the same room with the men (although in a partitioned-off section in the back), they hold four of the 13 seats on the mosque's board of trustees and chair a majority of its committees.

    An American imam becomes de facto mayor of his Muslim community. A line of congregants often stretches outside Magid's office filled with followers asking for all kinds of help. Finding love, for example, can be difficult for observant Muslims scattered in U.S. cities; Islam forbids physical contact in dating or cruising for mates in nightclubs that serve alcohol. A breathless young man once phoned Magid in the middle of the night to ask if he could perform a marriage in a parking lot "right now" so the suitor and the woman in his car wouldn't feel guilty about what they wanted to do next. "I'm not a 7-Eleven," the imam barked into the phone. To help with romances, Magid and his wife run a matchmaking service, holding daylong retreats at which young Muslim men and women can mix under the watchful eye of chaperones.

    Magid has no qualms about grappling with problems that Muslim families often don't deal with openly. He has organized mosque programs to treat depression among Muslim teens and stocks the women's restroom at ADAMS with brochures on where to get help if they have an abusive husband. Teenagers and young adults come to him with questions about everything from underage drinking to premarital sex to whether the Koran allows a woman to have a bikini wax. He advises abstaining from alcohol and sex before marriage but knows his advice won't always be followed, so he also counsels on safe sex and the health dangers of binge drinking. As for the bikini wax, Islam's rules on female modesty allow it, he decided--if a wife's husband will be the only one to see the result. "He's not some big, scary imam sitting in his office passing judgment," says Zohra Atmar, a 25-year-old legal assistant who is a mosque member.

    But Sept. 11, 2001, "changed the role of the American imam for good," Magid believes. Muslims in this country found their religion under attack. His female congregants who wore the hijab, or traditional scarf, on their head were harassed at shopping centers. Last year a man shouted "Terrorists!" at the mosque's Girl Scouts as they sold cookies at a nearby grocery store. And since 9/11, the ADAMS center has been vandalized four times and the graffiti GO HOME painted on its walls.

    But this is home, and Magid began mobilizing his mosque to protect it. "There's no way you can be a quarter-citizen in this country," he told his congregants during Friday prayers soon after the Sept. 11 attacks. "You have to be a full citizen and defend it." For Magid, that meant working with the FBI. In early 2002, leaders of two Arab-American organizations who had been conferring with the agency on counterterrorism programs asked Magid and other local imams if they too would work with the bureau. The lawmen badly needed contacts among Washington's Muslims to help them check out leads and alert them to anything out of the ordinary, but they were getting nowhere in setting up those ties because "there was so much fear and animosity toward the FBI in that community," says an agent.

    Magid was willing to cooperate, but he knew he would have to convince his congregation that getting cozy with the FBI was in their interest. Some members--particularly those who had come from countries with repressive regimes where the security service was an organization to be avoided--were uneasy. The imam invited agents to the mosque to explain how Muslims could help, but the initial meetings were heated, and the lawmen had to sit through "some very harsh questioning," says Uzma Unus, vice president of the ADAMS board of trustees. The congregants vented about law-enforcement profiling, which they felt targeted all Muslims as suspects. Agents were showing up at their workplaces to make routine inquiries about anyone they might want to report, and some Muslims were fired because of the public stigma of being questioned by the FBI.

    The agents promised to be less heavy-handed in investigations, and over the next three years relations improved. Now Magid often serves as an intermediary, coaxing reluctant congregants who might have useful information about unusual activities in their neighborhoods into meeting with the FBI and advising the bureau on how to be more culturally sensitive--for example, by having male agents schedule interviews with women only when their husbands could be present. Magid regularly tips off the bureau when a stranger with a questionable background wanders into his center. In one case, mosque members alerted him to a newcomer who dealt only in cash and wanted to list the ADAMS-center address as his home on his driver's license application. The next time the imam saw the man in his mosque, he kept the newcomer in his office until agents showed up to question him. In the end, the FBI cleared the man. It turned out he had gone through a messy divorce in another state and was simply trying to start a new life in Virginia.

    So far as Magid knows, no terrorist has tried to infiltrate the mosque, but he always worries that one might. ADAMS prides itself on being an extremist-free zone. Newcomers who mutter thoughts of jihad quickly discover they are not welcome. During Ramadan, guest speakers for evening prayers were carefully screened to make sure they preached religious tolerance.
    Magid keeps close watch on younger members of the mosque who might be drawn to the diatribes of radical clerics. Before 9/11, he recalls, a teenager who had read a fatwa on an extremist website walked into his office and asked whether the Koran sanctioned suicide bombings. "Absolutely not!" he sternly told the boy. Since the attacks, no young person has approached him with that kind of question, but Magid constantly lectures in Koran classes: "Don't blindly follow how any religious leader interprets Islam--even me." After last July's bombings in London, which were carried out by young British-born Muslims who had turned to extremism, ADAMS parents came to him fearful that their children could be similarly swayed. Magid says he convened more classes with his younger congregants to talk "about using democratic means--not violence--to convey their frustrations and disagreements with U.S. foreign policy." As riots by mostly disaffected young Muslims swept France this month, he preached the same message of nonviolence in his youth classes.

    Distrust remains. The collaboration between the FBI and the imam "has not been popular in certain wings," concedes Michael Rolince, the Washington field office's special agent in charge of counterterrorism. The bureau has come under fire from hard-line pundits, who charge that it is reaching out to American Muslim leaders sympathetic to extremists. "They are providing an endorsement of these individuals, which enhances their credibility," says Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum, a conservative think tank in Philadelphia. (The FBI insists it works only with moderates like Magid.) But some ADAMS members are still uncomfortable about their imam's talking to an intelligence service, while other conservative clerics have complained to Magid that he is selling out. Although they keep those reservations private for fear they will be investigated, Magid says, "they ask, 'How can you open a dialogue with the government when it has been so hostile to Muslims?'"

    But progressive imams like Magid realize they are on the front line between the Muslim community and a country awakening--often fearfully--to the knowledge that it has a Muslim community. "It's time for Islam in America to be American," he says. For the FBI, that kind of thinking may be one of its best weapons in the war on terrorism. •


11-30-2006, 01:42 PM

فاروق حامد محمد
<aفاروق حامد محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-07-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 4648

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إمام جبهجي في أمريكا.. محمد حاج ماجد!!! "It's time for Islam in America to be American (Re: Yasir Elsharif)

    Quote: But some ADAMS members are still uncomfortable about their imam's talking to an intelligence service, while other conservative clerics have complained to Magid that he is selling out. Although they keep those reservations private for fear they will be investigated, Magid says, "they ask, 'How can you open a dialogue with the government when it has been so hostile to Muslims?'"

    But progressive imams like Magid realize they are on the front line between the Muslim community and a country awakening--often fearfully--to the knowledge that it has a Muslim community. "It's time for Islam in America to be American," he says. For the FBI, that kind of thinking may be one of its best weapons in the war on terrorism. •

    الأخ ياسر

    هو محمد حاج ماجد وحده الذي يبيع ما البشير

    وتابعه قوش باعوا حتى ناسهم المعاهم وباعوا

    عدد من المسلمين المستجيرين بهم بل وسرقوا

    أموالهم ومتاعهم وسلموهم ل FBI على عينك ياتاجر!!!!

11-30-2006, 04:08 PM

د.أحمد الحسين
<aد.أحمد الحسين
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-17-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 3265

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إمام جبهجي في أمريكا.. محمد حاج ماجد!!! "It's time for Islam in America to be American (Re: فاروق حامد محمد)

    ولله حاجة غريبة.... البمتحنوا الله بفضحوا بس دي أكبر من فضيحة

11-30-2006, 04:42 PM

Salah Musa
<aSalah Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-29-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 891

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إمام جبهجي في أمريكا.. محمد حاج ماجد!!! "It's time for Islam in America to be American (Re: د.أحمد الحسين)

    الأخ دكتور ياسر
    بعد أحداث سبتمبر فتحت المباحث الفيدرالية التقديم لوظائف لأشخاص يجيدون اللغة العربية فكان جل المتقدمين من جماعات الهوس إما خوفا أو لدرء الشبهات وحاج ماجد هذا نموذج بسيط من النماذج التي تلعق الأحذية هنا في هذا الغرب المسيحي وإستغرابي الشديد لمحمد وقيع الله خريج الجامعة الإسلامية ماذا يفعل في هذة البلاد أو ا لم يتعلم أن تكفير الآخرين نفسه من أسلحة الإرهاب الممنوعة هنا وأنا بدوري أسأل هذا الوقيع الله لماذا يضرب أكباد الطائرات ليتعلم هنا في أمريكا أما كان ألأجدر به أن يذهب للدراسة في جامعة أم القري في مكة المكرمة أو الأزهر الشريف في القاهرة فشهادات الدكتوراة توزع بالقفاف أحب أن أؤكد لهذا الوقيع اللة أننا جئنا لأمريكا مهاجرين لا لسبب سوي أنها بلد الحرية بلد يمكنك فيها أن تبدل حتي دينك وأنت آمن من أن يطل لك خريج حامعة إسلامية يكفرك ويصادر حياتك أذكر في السبعينات من القرن الماضي أصدر الأخوان الجمهوريون كتيب عن جامعة أمدرمان الأسلامية إسمه طوروها حتي تصير جامعة أم درمان واقصد أن هذا الضرب من التعليم الإسلامي يخرج طلاب تكفيريين ضيقي ألأفق ومتحجري الخيال أمثال المكاشفي طه الكباشي والمهلاوي حظهم من العلم مبخوس يا هذا الوقيع عد الي السودان حيث بإمكانك أن تعيش أنت وتفرخ وتعشعش أفكارك هناك وأترك لنا بلاد الكفر فنحن نحبها

12-01-2006, 10:30 AM

Rawan Hamid

تاريخ التسجيل: 10-25-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 291

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: إمام جبهجي في أمريكا.. محمد حاج ماجد!!! "It's time for Islam in America to be American (Re: Salah Musa)

    لأخ دكتور ياسر
    بعد أحداث سبتمبر فتحت المباحث الفيدرالية التقديم لوظائف لأشخاص يجيدون اللغة العربية فكان جل المتقدمين من جماعات الهوس إما خوفا أو لدرء الشبهات وحاج ماجد هذا نموذج بسيط من النماذج التي تلعق الأحذية هنا في هذا الغرب المسيحي وإستغرابي الشديد لمحمد وقيع الله خريج الجامعة الإسلامية ماذا يفعل في هذة البلاد أو ا لم يتعلم أن تكفير الآخرين نفسه من أسلحة الإرهاب الممنوعة هنا وأنا بدوري أسأل هذا الوقيع الله لماذا يضرب أكباد الطائرات ليتعلم هنا في أمريكا أما كان ألأجدر به أن يذهب للدراسة في جامعة أم القري في مكة المكرمة أو الأزهر الشريف في القاهرة فشهادات الدكتوراة توزع بالقفاف أحب أن أؤكد لهذا الوقيع اللة أننا جئنا لأمريكا مهاجرين لا لسبب سوي أنها بلد الحرية بلد يمكنك فيها أن تبدل حتي دينك وأنت آمن من أن يطل لك خريج حامعة إسلامية يكفرك ويصادر حياتك أذكر في السبعينات من القرن الماضي أصدر الأخوان الجمهوريون كتيب عن جامعة أمدرمان الأسلامية إسمه طوروها حتي تصير جامعة أم درمان واقصد أن هذا الضرب من التعليم الإسلامي يخرج طلاب تكفيريين ضيقي ألأفق ومتحجري الخيال أمثال المكاشفي طه الكباشي والمهلاوي حظهم من العلم مبخوس يا هذا الوقيع عد الي السودان حيث بإمكانك أن تعيش أنت وتفرخ وتعشعش أفكارك هناك وأترك لنا بلاد الكفر فنحن نحبها
    Mr Salah Musa
    I respect your opnioin, well said
    thank you

12-02-2006, 02:52 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 06-15-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 3433

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إمام جبهجي في أمريكا.. محمد حاج ماجد!!! "It's time for Islam in America to be American (Re: Yasir Elsharif)

    الدكتور المحترم ياسر الشريف وضيوفه...ارجو التكرم بترجمة الموضوع كى تعم الفائده ونفهم معاكم الحاصل شنو!
    واضح انو الموضوع هام!!

12-02-2006, 08:08 AM

Yasir Elsharif
<aYasir Elsharif
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-09-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 49601

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إمام جبهجي في أمريكا.. محمد حاج ماجد!!! "It's time for Islam in America to be American (Re: Yasir Elsharif)

    عزيزي مكي،
    لك التحايا
    أرجو أن يتمكن أحد من ترجمة المقال كاملا.. ولكني سأحاول من جانبي أن ألخصه وأرجو ألا يكون في ذلك إخلال..

    يقول الكاتب أن الإمام ماجد التقى بأقرباء ضحايا هجوم الحادي عشر من سبتمبر في ذكراه الرابعة ومنهم بنغلاديشيون.. علق ماجد بأن الإرهابيين الذي يقتلون هؤلاء الأبرياء يزعمون أنهم سيكونون شهداء ولكن الشهداء هم ضحايا الهجوم.. بينما الإرهابيون هم المجرمون.. وأن ماجد، بجانب 600 من الأئمة المتفرغين للإمامة، يعمل لمحاربة الإرهاب والإرهابيين، ويتعاون مع الإف بي آي FBI في محاربته للإرهاب.. وقد فتح الطريق بانتظام لعملاء الإف بي آي لمراقبة الناس في الجماعة التي يرعاها مسجده في فيرجينيا..

    والقصة طويلة والحكي كتير..


12-02-2006, 11:03 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 06-15-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 3433

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إمام جبهجي في أمريكا.. محمد حاج ماجد!!! "It's time for Islam in America to be American (Re: Yasir Elsharif)

    شكرا المحترم ياسر الشريف على الرد...
    نسال برضك من هو إسم حاج ماجد بالكامل لأن هناك من زاملنى بالثانوى بنفس الاسم

12-02-2006, 11:51 AM

Yasir Elsharif
<aYasir Elsharif
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-09-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 49601

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إمام جبهجي في أمريكا.. محمد حاج ماجد!!! "It's time for Islam in America to be American (Re: mekki)

    محمد حاج ماجد حاج موسى..

    Born 40 years ago in the northern Sudanese village of Alrakabih along the Nile River, he studied Islam under African Sunni scholars, who included his father. Magid immigrated to the U.S. in 1987, when his ailing father came seeking medical treatment.

    يبلغ من العمر 40 سنة ، مولود في قرية في الشمالية "الركابية" على نهر النيل.. درس الإسلام على يد شيوخ منهم والده.. ماجد جاء إلى الولايات المتحدة عام 1987 مرافقا والده الذي كان مريضا وقتها، ويبحث عن العلاج هناك..

12-02-2006, 06:33 PM

عبدالله عثمان
<aعبدالله عثمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-14-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 19192

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إمام جبهجي في أمريكا.. محمد حاج ماجد!!! "It's time for Islam in America to be American (Re: Yasir Elsharif)


    The Fiqh Council of North America wishes to reaffirm Islam's absolute condemnation of terrorism and religious extremism.

    Islam strictly condemns religious extremism and the use of violence against innocent lives. There is no justification in Islam for extremism or terrorism. Targeting civilians’ life and property through suicide bombings or any other method of attack is haram – or forbidden - and those who commit these barbaric acts are criminals, not “martyrs.”

    The Qur’an, Islam’s revealed text, states: "Whoever kills a person [unjustly]…it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind." (Qur’an, 5:32)

    Prophet Muhammad said there is no excuse for committing unjust acts: "Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well, and that if they do wrong you will do wrong to them. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong (even) if they do evil." (Al-Tirmidhi)

    God mandates moderation in faith and in all aspects of life when He states in the Qur’an: “We made you to be a community of the middle way, so that (with the example of your lives) you might bear witness to the truth before all mankind.” (Qur’an, 2:143)

    In another verse, God explains our duties as human beings when he says: “Let there arise from among you a band of people who invite to righteousness, and enjoin good and forbid evil.” (Qur’an, 3:104)

    Islam teaches us to act in a caring manner to all of God's creation. The Prophet Muhammad, who is described in the Qur’an as “a mercy to the worlds” said: “All creation is the family of God, and the person most beloved by God (is the one) who is kind and caring toward His family."

    In the light of the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah we clearly and strongly state:

    1. All acts of terrorism targeting civilians are haram (forbidden) in Islam.
    2. It is haram for a Muslim to cooperate with any individual or group that is involved in any act of terrorism or violence.
    3. It is the civic and religious duty of Muslims to cooperate with law enforcement authorities to protect the lives of all civilians.

    We issue this fatwa following the guidance of our scripture, the Qur’an, and the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him. We urge all people to resolve all conflicts in just and peaceful manners.

    We pray for the defeat of extremism and terrorism. We pray for the safety and security of our country, the United States, and its people. We pray for the safety and security of all inhabitants of our planet. We pray that interfaith harmony and cooperation prevail both in the United States and all around the globe.



    1. Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi
    2. Dr. Abdul Hakim Jackson
    3. Dr. Ahmad Shleibak
    4. Dr. Akbar Muhammad
    5. Dr. Deina Abdulkadir
    6. Shaikh Hassan Qazwini
    7. Dr. Ihsan Bagby
    8. Dr. Jamal Badawi
    9. Dr. Muhammad Adam Sheikh
    10. Shaikh Muhammad Al-Hanooti
    11. Shaikh Muhammad Nur Abdallah
    12. Dr. Salah Soltan
    13. Dr. Taha Jabir Alalwani
    14. Shaikh Yahya Hindi
    15. Shaikhah Zainab Alwani
    16. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Shah
    17. Dr. Mukhtar Maghraoui
    18. Dr. Nazih Hammad


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