بابا الفاتكان يهاجم الاسلام

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09-15-2006, 08:14 AM

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Re: بابا الفاتكان يهاجم الاسلام (Re: هجو الأقرع)

    إلى ذلك أعلن فضيلة الشيخ الدكتور يوسف القرضاوي رئيس الاتحاد العالمي لعلماء المسلمين، أنه فوجىء مثلما فوجىء المسلمون في العالم بتصريحات البابا المسيئة للإسلام والمسلمين وللنبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، وطالبه بتفسير وباعتذار لأمة الإسلام عن الاساءة إلى دينها.

    الاعزاء...ان يتفاجئ العامة من المسلميين فامر وارد اما ان يتفاجئ "رئيس الاتحاد العالمي لعلماء المسلمين، فهذا امر غريب ... في يوليو من العام الفائت وردا علي سؤال صحفي عن الاسلام نشر في صحف كثيرة رفض البابا ان يوصف الاسلام بانه " دين سلام " وان الاسلام وفق وجهة نظره ليس قابلا "للاصلاح" و تفادياللخلط اورد ما نشر في ينائر الماضي :

    Quote: Pope believes Islam
    incapable of reform?
    Priest reports pontiff's thoughts
    from private gathering

    Posted: January 24, 2006
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    © 2006 WorldNetDaily.com

    Pope Benedict XVI

    Pope Benedict XVI believes that unlike other religions, Islam cannot be reformed and, therefore, is incompatible with democracy, according to a Catholic leader who participated with the pontiff in a secretive meeting on the subject.

    Fr. Joseph Fessio, provost of Ave Maria University in Naples, Fla., and founder of the publishing house Ignatius Press, spoke with talk-radio host Hugh Hewitt Jan. 5 about the gathering with the pope's former theology students, which took place last September at Castelgondolfo in Italy, the papal summer residence.

    The pope, according to Fessio, believes Islam cannot become compatible with democracy because a radical reinterpretation of the religion would be required, which is "impossible, because it's against the very nature of the Quran, as it's understood by Muslims."

    In July, when asked by reporters, Benedict refused to declare Islam "a religion of peace", a phrase often invoked by President Bush.

    "I would not like to use big words to apply generic labels," the pope replied at the time. "It certainly contains elements that can favor peace, it also has other elements: We must always seek the best elements."

    Fessio said that at the Castelgondolfo meeting, Benedict was replying to Fr. Christian Troll, an expert on Islam in Europe, who asserted that Islam can enter into the modern world if the Quran is reinterpreted. This can be done, the priest said, by going back to Islam's original principles and "then adapting it to our times, especially with the dignity that we ascribe to women, which has come through Christianity, of course."

    Describing Benedict's response, Fessio said: "And immediately, the Holy Father, in his beautiful calm but clear way, said well, there's a fundamental problem with that, because, he said, in the Islamic tradition God has given his word to Muhammad, but it's an eternal word. It's not Muhammad's word."

    In contrast, the pope said, according to Fessio, there's "an inner logic to the Christian Bible, which permits it and requires it to be adapted and applied to new situations."

    Another priest in attendance at the meeting – Jesuit scholar of Islamic studies Samir Khalil Samir – contended the pope was less pessimistic about Islam, reported the Italian Catholic website www.chiesa.

    Samir said the pope sees a meeting between Islam and democracy as possible, but "on the condition of a radical reinterpretation of the Quran and of the very conception of divine revelation."

    The author of the www.chiesa article, Sandro Magister, noted the discussion is not merely theoretical, but "has significant geopolitical repercussions."

    "America's overall strategy in Iraq and the greater Middle East is founded precisely upon the possibility of democracy's birth and growth in those Muslim regions," Magister said.

    "It also involves the future of Muslim immigrants in Europe. An Islam reconciled with democracy would allow their integration. An Islam incapable of distinguishing between God and Caesar would trap them in a state of "alienation."

    كان اجدر بعلماء المسلميين ومفكريها حينئذ - واليوم كذلك- ان يدعو البابا الي حوار هادئ - وليس ردة فعل لاحقة - وهو استاذ كان يدرس اللاهوت في نفس الجامعة التي تحدث فيها عن الاسلام امس وله طلاب كثيرون ...
    ردود افعال غاضبة او ساخطة او اعتذار من البابا تحت تلك الظروف ليس يعني ان قناعته ذهبت عما قال امس ولكن حوار عاقل باثبتات وبينات هو المطلوب وفتح لابواب بلاد المسلميين للبابا لياتي اليها ويتبين الحقيقة وليس العكس .. بين المسلميين ملايين من المسيحيين يعيشون معهم في وئام وسلام وهم الحقيقة والبيان وهذا لا ينفي تجاوزات شيطانية لكثيريين من المسلميين حكاما وغيرهم اساءت للاسلام وسط المسلميين قبل ان تسئ اليه بين غير المسلميين ...
    هنالك علماء مسلمين قادرون علي رسم صورة واضحة جلية ومتابعون ولا يتفاجئون وامس قراءت لعالم مسلم سوداني لقاء صحفي في صحيفة نيجرية كان فيها واضحا ونشرت المقال في منبر اخر في هذا المنتدي ...
    الحجة بالحجة والبرهان سيد الادلة ..
    والله المستعان


العنوان الكاتب Date
بابا الفاتكان يهاجم الاسلام هجو الأقرع09-15-06, 03:24 AM
  Re: بابا الفاتكان يهاجم الاسلام برير اسماعيل يوسف09-15-06, 04:28 AM
    Re: بابا الفاتكان يهاجم الاسلام هجو الأقرع09-15-06, 05:31 AM
      Re: بابا الفاتكان يهاجم الاسلام abubakr09-15-06, 08:14 AM
        Re: بابا الفاتكان يهاجم الاسلام HOPEFUL09-15-06, 12:25 PM

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