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08-07-2006, 01:04 AM

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
الصين و دارفور

    افتتاحية نيويورك تايمز الصادرة في الرابع من اغسطس الجاري بعنوان " الصين و دارفور " ولاهميه ما جاء في المقال وملابسات الصراع حول وجود قوات اممية و مصالح الصين في السودان وسجلها في حقوق الانسان المعروف بسوءه وحتي نرتقي بحوارنا ومسئوليتنا كسودانيين الي حوار جاد وليست ملاسنات او دونكشوتيات لا تفيد اهلنا في دارفور ولا تفيد السودان عموماوحتي لا نبكي علي لبن نهرقه يوميا واطفال السودان ودارفور في حاجة الي قطرة منه اقتبس ما جاء في المقال ادناه املا في مساجلات وحوار مفيد فالامر فيه مصيبة سوف لا تنتهي بدارفور ولكن كل شبر من السودان فيه بئر بترول ( لعنة زماننا ) ودمتم

    Quote: August 4, 2006
    China and Darfur

    A strong United Nations force is needed to halt the genocide in Sudan’s
    Darfur region. If it is not sent soon, it may be too late for many thousands
    of potential victims. The immediate cause of the delay is the refusal by
    Sudan’s president, Omar Hassan al-Bashir, to agree to a U.N. force, which he
    preposterously claims would attempt to recolonize his African nation. He is
    able to get away with this largely because China, a permanent member of the
    Security Council, continues to protect him with the threat of using its veto.

    One reason Beijing stands behind Mr. Bashir is oil. China is trying to
    diversify its oil sources beyond the crisis-prone Middle East, and Africa is
    one obvious alternative. Already, some 7 percent of China’s imported oil
    comes from Sudan.

    Another factor is Beijing’s extreme sensitivity to any U.N. encroachments on
    national sovereignty. China fears that by assenting to U.N. intervention in
    Darfur over the protests of the Sudanese government, it might open the door
    to unwanted meddling in its own affairs — with regard to Tibet, for example.
    No such precedent would be established, however, if China used its influence
    with Mr. Bashir to win his agreement to a U.N. force.

    China is generally pretty thick-skinned about human-rights criticisms. Its
    practices at home leave much to be desired, and it does business with more
    than its share of unsavory regimes abroad. But genocide is different, and
    Beijing knows it. China is already embarrassed by its support for Mr.
    Bashir. When Prime Minister Wen Jiabao visited Africa recently, he pointedly
    did not go to Sudan.

    Surely Beijing does not want the world to see it as the main obstacle to
    sending a U.N. force to end the killing in Darfur. But right now, that is
    exactly the case. Other countries, like Russia, are also hanging back. But
    if China dropped its objections, they would probably follow its lead.

    Washington, for its part, needs to build up its own pressure on Mr. Bashir.
    With the recent departure from government of Robert Zoellick, the
    administration’s highest-ranking diplomat working on Darfur, there is a real
    danger that crucial momentum will be lost. President Bush needs to appoint
    an envoy to Sudan right away, before the genocide’s toll — already more than
    200,000 deaths — grows still larger.

    Copyright 2006 The New York Times Company

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