عشان يزيد الامل في الحصول على الوظيفة،لازم...

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09-27-2006, 10:00 PM


تاريخ التسجيل: 05-21-2002
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
عشان يزيد الامل في الحصول على الوظيفة،لازم...

09-28-2006, 03:34 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 03-19-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 347

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: عشان يزيد الامل في الحصول على الوظيفة،لازم... (Re: ensana)

    الاخت إنسانه

    شكرا ليك على إهتمامك و ممكن أضيف بعض المقتطفات من مواقع ممتازه مثل بايت

    Quote: Interview Tips
    Interview skills are learnt. Do your pre-interview homework, learn what questions you can anticipate and how best answer them. Practice and preparation are key for a successful interview.
    Your CV has impressed your research and networking activities have paid off and you have landed an Interview with your company of choice. Now to make sure you turn this Interview into a pot of gold and secure the job of your dreams. Below are some general tips and guidelines that should assist you through the Interview:
    1. Research
    Most of you will have researched your company of choice thoroughly in order to get to this point. For those who haven't, it is essential that you do some background research on the company and the job before you walk in that door. The Interviewer will expect you to know a little about the industry and the company and will be very impressed if you are familiar with specific events, news and concerns relating to the business. Newspapers, industry and trade magazines, local libraries and the Internet are all a good source of information. Feel free to pick up the phone and ask the company for their annual reports any marketing materials - most companies are more than happy to oblige. The very minimum information you will want to know is what the company does, what job you are applying for and any well-known news pertaining to the company e.g. Merger, big scandal, new CEO.
    2. Be prepared
    For those of you who were cub scouts, we are not suggesting ropes and a tent. We would however recommend you take with you a notebook and extra copies of your CV (in many cases the employer will have misplaced it, have an unclear copy or simply expect you to provide it). In many types of jobs, you may want to take with you examples of your work e.g. past creative work if you are in advertising, design or similar roles, architectural plans you are proud of if you are an architect, an example of something you have had published in a journal etc. Employers are usually very impressed to see examples of your work - it shows you have taken initiative and it makes their decision much easier.
    One other thing we recommend you bring with you for Middle Eastern job interviews is your college graduation certificate(s) where available. Employers often specifically request to see this, so you should be prepared.
    3. Dress for success
    Your first Interview is the first impression an employer will have of you and it is essential to make a favorable first impact. You should always plan to dress conservatively for the first Interview even if the job involves casual wear. You can always dress down in later meetings. Generally, the image you want that first meeting is clean, well-groomed and conservative.
    Men should wear dark suits, preferably in navy or charcoal grey. Pinstripes are fine. We recommend you wear a white shirt which should be crisply ironed with a conservative necktie. Socks and shoes should be dark, preferably black. Jewellery on men is usually not favorably looked upon at the Interview stage - you can always dig out the hairdye and that amethyst ring from your great granddad after you have secured the job.
    Women are also advised to wear dark suits for that first Interview. In the Middle East it is advisable that skirts are below the knee and not exorbitantly figure hugging. Trouser suits are more casual but quite acceptable these days. Blouses can be any colour but again we recommend they are on the conservative side in cut and print. As a general rule of thumb shoes should be dark, with a low-to-moderate conservative heel and no stilletos. If the weather permits (often not the case in the Middle East) it is highly advisable to wear skin-colour tights with your shoes. Excessive jewelery looks unprofessional and we would advise you to keep it to the minimum: earrings, wedding ring(s) and maybe a pendant or a brooch or a simple bracelet. Long dangly busy earrings are generally unprofessional looking. Finally, wear your hair cleanly washed and well-groomed; if it is long and unruly, we recommend sweeping it off your face in a simple style that will allow the Interviewer to see your face and eyes. The first interview will give you a feel for the company culture and you can choose to tailor your look accordingly thereafter.
    In the Middle East and other Asian countries, dress allowances are usually made for local attire in the domestic companies. A Kuwaiti man may be expected to show up for an interview at the National Bank of Kuwait in a Dishdash for example and the same may apply across the board in the Gulf. General Western dress code rules are often relaxed in Middle Eastern companies to allow for the diversity of our work cultures with Saris, Dishdashes and different types of headdress being very permissible and quite common in the local companies.
    4. Be punctual
    Make sure you arrive for the Interview a good 15 minutes early. Allow yourself plenty of time for any potential mishaps eg traffic jams, unclear directions, public transportation difficulties etc.
    5. Attitude counts
    This is the time to show off your interpersonal skills. Employers are looking for certain key character traits and you need to demonstrate them at the Interview. Keep the following in mind:
    • Listening skills. Make sure you let the Interviewer complete his sentences and you don't interrupt. At the same time, show interest in what he is saying and encourage him to talk and ask questions. Good listening skills and a friendly pleasant demeanor are key attributes in any job.
    • Enthusiasm. In many cases, you will not be ideally qualified for the position, or you may have a steep learning curve ahead of you. You need to demonstrate to the Employer that you are extremely interested in the position and love what you do! Enthusiasm is contagious and employers are always keen to add enthusiastic members to their team. Your positive attitude will also rub off on the interviewer as long as it is genuine and not overplayed and he will leave the Interview with a favorable 'feel' about you.
    • Eye contact. Maintain eye contact with the Interviewer. Looking away continuously suggests distractibility and disinterest. Looking down suggests shyness and lack of confidence. By all means though keep it natural and feel free to nod your head and smile and even laugh where appropriate.
    • Flexibility. You need to demonstrate to the Interviewer that you are flexible, ie willing and able to adapt readily to new environments, demands, people, work styles etc. The Interview is a good place to demonstrate this. Be sensitive to the Interviewer's personal style by paying attention to his general behavior, his demeanor, his office space and the types of questions he asks and tailor your answers accordingly.
    • Professionalism. Above all, BE PROFESSIONAL! Respect the Interviewer-Interviewee boundaries at all times and do not behave in an overly friendly or casual fashion with the Interviewer. Avoid bringing up any of your personal life unless in a directly relevant manner, do not comment on politics, religion or any other controversial topics dear to your heart, do not stray from the Interview topics unless you have a common interest such as golf, and keep your answers factual, honest and professional.
    6. Have the answers
    There is no telling what style an Interviewer will take and what questions he will come up with. Interviews range from the very structured and professional ones conducted by HR departments in multinationals and banks, to ad hoc conversations in small outfits where the employer may ask you to simply talk about yourself. In most large corporations however, certain questions are very standard and we recommend you take the time to really think about them, develop answers and find evidence to support your answers from past experiences and qualifications. Bayt has prepared a list of Common Interview Questions that you can start practicing on.
    Avoid Common Interview Mistakes
    Your professional CV and attention-grabbing cover letter are landing you interviews with your target companies yet somehow you are never able to make it past the interview stage. Make sure you are not suffering from the following career-blowing deficiencies.


09-28-2006, 03:45 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 03-19-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 347

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: عشان يزيد الامل في الحصول على الوظيفة،لازم... (Re: ELSUNNI)


    Quote: Lack of Professionalism
    You will not get a second chance to make a first impression so it is imperative that the way you look and act in the interview are in keeping with the professional context and not working against you.
    • Arrive at the interview on time. Nothing shows as much disrespect to the employer as arriving late and having no good reason for it. Aim to give yourself plenty of lead time; those precious minutes you spend waiting for the employer when you arrive early can be used to assimilate the new surroundings, read any company literature in the waiting area and get yourself in the right mood and frame of mind.
    • Arrive at the interview alone. This is not the time to bring along your children, spouse, domestic help or parents and it is surprising how many candidates bring along an uninvited significant other for moral support or other unjustifiable reasons.
    • Arrive properly dressed, perfectly groomed and with a professional smile and firm handshake that indicates you are happy to be there, happy to make the interviewer's acquaintance and mean business. There is plenty of literature available on dressing for the workplace so make sure you do not miss the mark. Dress conservatively and sensibly in a business suit that is not too tight or revealing and is appropriate for the industry you are interviewing for. Busy accessories, busy or revealing attire, attire that is too casual, or unclean, sloppy careless attire, excessive or inappropriate make-up will all send out the wrong message.
    • Bring extra copies of your CV in mint condition, and if relevant, your portfolio.
    • Be courteous. Listen to the interviewer attentively, smile politely and do not interrupt. Tailor your answers to the precise questions to show you are in fact listening and understanding all that is being said.
    • Watch your body language. Sit upright in the chair, maintain comfortable eye contact, smile and nod politely without staring the interviewer down or using aggressive, domineering, passive, bored, overly familiar or overly confident body language. Your voice, hand gestures and eye contact are all sending out signals to the interviewer; make sure you are aware of the impression you are making and that it is a professional and appropriate one. You need to come across as energetic, interested, confident, courteous, and happy to be there.
    Lack of Preparation
    If you are properly prepared, your answers and how you deliver them should be well rehearsed and very few if any questions should come as a surprise.
    • The interviewer is looking for the candidate who is most skilled, competent and generally appropriate in the context of a given job, company and industry and all your answers should be tailored accordingly. You should be very familiar with the skills and competencies the employer is looking for from your research activities and be able to demonstrate them in your answers.
    • You should know your CV inside out and support all your answers on personal strengths with directly relevant specific examples from your past work experiences and/or education.
    • You should be familiar with recent events in the company and conversant in industry trends and news if asked about them.
    • Avoid long rambling answers that do not specifically address the skills or experience in question. Be succinct and precise in the delivery of your response.
    • Don't forget to ask intelligent questions. Your questions should indicate that you have researched the company and industry thoroughly and are familiar with pressing issues and trends.
    Lack of Interest
    Your attitude can make or break the interview. Employers are looking for energetic professionals who will be positive and enthusiastic members of the team. Looking bored or tired or displaying lack of interest during the interview will work against you. Over-confidence, superiority, bragging or excessive name-dropping will also not go down well with the prospective employer. Negative comments about previous employers, bosses or peers are generally regarded negatively and you should refrain from them at any stage of the job search. Answer questions attentively, respectfully and in a manner that engages the employer and demonstrates your interest in the company and the job.
    Lack of Honesty
    Exaggerations and outright lies at the interview stage are more often than not glaringly obvious. Experienced employers will be more or less familiar with what the limits of your job would have been at your current or previous places of employment and will probably probe deep where they detect inconsistencies or fabrications. Make sure the dates and facts on your CV and cover letter are accurate and that your answers are brief, to the point and illustrate your strengths rather than weaknesses without resorting to lies.
    Lack of Follow-Up
    Many a potential job is lost by poor follow-up. Companies are interested in candidates who are interested in them and you need to reiterate and confirm this interest in a thank-you letter and diligent follow-up after the interview. Remember that employers are busy and may have been side-tracked from your application so don't assume it's over till you have received confirmation of the outcome of your application one way or another. Your first follow-up letter following an interview should thank the interviewer for their time, reiterate the skills, competencies and experiences that make you uniquely suitable for the job and give a time/date at which you will call the employer to follow up. More often than not, the employer is waiting for you to make that next move after the interview and your thank-you letter should be used to sell yourself again.

09-28-2006, 03:47 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 03-19-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 347

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: عشان يزيد الامل في الحصول على الوظيفة،لازم... (Re: ELSUNNI)

    Interview Don'ts
    Some interview pitfalls to avoid.
    1. Don't arrive at the interview late.
    2. Don't over or under dress or dress inappropriately for the position. First impressions do count and you want to be dressed to show that you fit into the desired role.
    3. Don't wear strong perfume.
    4. Don't forget to take with you extra clean copies of your CV as well as a notebook and pen with which to take notes.
    5. Don't forget to shake the hand of the Interviewer firmly - a limp or sweaty handshake will not be looked on favorably.
    6. Don't chew gum, smoke, eat or drink at the Interview.
    7. Don't act distracted. Look the Interviewer straight in the eye and give him your full and undivided attention.
    8. Don't let your body language send the wrong messages. Be aware of the nonverbal cues you are sending out! Sit upright and straight in the chair facing the employer and smile. Lean forward occasionally to express interest. Avoid crossing your arms or legs in front of you (suggests defensiveness), slouching in the chair (suggests sloppiness and lack of energy), leaning too far back (may be interpreted as being overly familiar and disrespectful), talking to the floor (lack of confidence) or flirting.
    9. Don't refer to the Interviewer by his first name unless he specifically asks you to do so.
    10. Don't talk about your weaknesses or failings or apologize for lack of education, experience, training etc. Everyone has weaknesses; the Interview is the time to showcase your enthusiasm and strengths.
    11. Don't make derogatory comments about previous bosses or peers. This is never acceptable and particularly works against you in the Interview.
    12. Don't act tired or jaded. Employers are invariably looking for someone to energize, inspire and uplift the team. Try to act enthusiastic and full of energy and motivation.
    13. Don't act unfocused and uncertain about what you want. Whatever interview you're in - you want THAT job.
    14. Don't lie. Answer briefly, truthfully and concisely.
    15. Don't interrupt.
    16. Avoid giving 'yes' or 'no' answers. Support your answers with examples and be as factual and concise as you can.
    17. Don't talk too much. Focus your answers on the particular question and on your related strengths. Watch for signals that the Interviewer is losing interest and stop talking immediately.
    18. Don't talk about your personal life. You have not been hired yet so keep it professional. This is no the time to talk about failed love lives, a husband who asked you to quit your job etc.!
    19. Don't treat questions as jokes or try to be too funny.
    20. Don't ask about holidays, perks, hours or compensation until you've actually been made a serious offer.
    21. Don't act overly confident or superior. Ultimately, unless you are applying to the very senior level positions, the Interviewer is looking for someone who is manageable and will fit into the team.
    22. Don't drop names of influential friends and acquaintances unless you are passing a message or someone has referred you. Be very careful and professional when you mention names of clients and make sure you are never giving out confidential information.
    23. Don't leave abruptly. Shake the Interviewer's hand firmly, thank him for his time and ask what the next step will be.

09-28-2006, 03:58 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 03-19-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 347

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: عشان يزيد الامل في الحصول على الوظيفة،لازم... (Re: ELSUNNI)

    Questions to Ask the Interviewer
    Here are some questions to ask to know what you're getting into.
    1. Why is this position open?
    2. What level of experience/ skill are you looking for in the person who fills this role?
    3. What kind of training would be available?
    4. What would my initial responsibilities on the job be?
    5. What would a typical day look like in terms of projects, responsibilities, deadlines etc?
    6. Can you tell me something about the team I would be working with?
    7. What objectives would you like the person in this role to accomplish?
    8. Is there a specific career progression path that I would have with your company?
    9. What are some of the more difficult problems I might face in this role?
    10. What resources would the person in this role have - in terms of support, budget etc.
    11. What significant changes do you foresee in the company in the near future?
    12. In what areas do you consider your company to have the greatest strength?
    13. How would my performance be evaluated in this position?
    Interview Q & A
    Some sample interview questions and answers.
    Common Interview Questions:
    1. Tell me about yourself.
    Keep your answer short and focused on your professional life. This is not the time to bring up relationships, childhood experiences, family etc. A brief history of education, career and special interests is what is called for here. End it with why you are interested in this particular job.
    2. Why are you applying for this particular job?
    Show interest and demonstrate that you have researched the job and know what you are getting into. Bring up evidence from past work/ studies that supports your interest in this role and any skills you have acquired in preparation for the role. You can say something like 'I would like to work for a leader in innovative network and telecommunications solutions and my college degree in computational mathematics have given me a solid background for this role. Mention the value-added you can bring to the job.
    3. What do you know about our company?
    Indicate what you have learnt from your research activities - from their annual reports, newspapers, word of mouth, other employees etc. Use this to flatter them and show that you have done your homework.
    4. What makes you qualified for this particular job?
    Again, explain that you are very interested in the job and demonstrate what it is about your past experiences, education and qualifications that makes you ideal for the job. Show enthusiasm and support your answers with evidence wherever you can (eg. my summer internship at Citibank gave me broad exposure to the area of equity analysis and I think I can apply many of the tools I learnt there in this job). Elaborate on all the past experiences and skill sets that make you suitable for the job.
    In cases where your past experience is not directly relevant, you can still find elements of it that can be useful. Play up teamskills, computer skills, leadership roles, specific courses and independent research activities that can be useful to the job at hand to show your initiative even where you don't have directly relevant job experience.
    5. What can you do for us that someone else can't?
    Demonstrate key strengths, skills and personal characteristics.
    6. Why should we hire you?
    See 3. Because you have all the experience/ traits/ credentials demonstrated in 3 and in addition to being qualified, you are enthusiastic, intelligent, hardworking, flexible and willing to learn. Also mention any key relationships you may have that may assist you in the job.
    7. What do you look for in a job?
    Be honest. Also mention keywords such as challenging, steep learning curve, good work culture, demanding, rewarding, opportunities for advancement and growth, team environment, opportunity to build and maintain client relationships etc.
    8. Why are you looking to make a career change?
    Mention your interests and make sure you bring up all skills/ experience however insignificant that can support your move in this new direction. It is quite common in this day and age to make a career switch. You need however to show that you have very carefully thought about the change, have a strong interest in the new career and can use some of your previous skills/ education/ relationships to make that move.
    9. Why did you leave your last job?
    Do NOT use this as an opportunity to badmouth past employers or peers or talk about a failure of any sort. Any of these answers are acceptable: you were looking for a new challenge, your learning curve had flattened out in the previous job and you were looking for a new learning opportunity, the company or department were restructuring, you were ready to start something new after achieving your career goals at the previous company etc.
    10. Why do you want to work for us (as opposed to the competitor companies)?
    Demonstrate that you know something about the company, that you believe they are leaders/ innovators in what they do, or you think their work culture is exactly what you are looking for, or you like their product(s) or you have friends who work there and have always been attracted to the company etc. Flatter the company and show you know something about it.
    11. How long will it take you to start making a meaningful contribution?
    Show that you are enthusiastic and willing to learn and will put in all the hours and effort necessary to learn the ropes and start making an immediate contribution. Indicate that you’re past experiences/ skills/ credentials will enable you to make an immediate contribution at some level while you quickly learn all new aspects of the job. An Interviewer wants someone who is willing and able to learn and will make a return on his investment sooner rather than later.
    12. What are your strengths?
    See 14 below. In addition, keywords such as good team-player, work very well under pressure, very creative, very strong quantitative or computer skills, and very strong client relationship skills may be appropriate depending on your chosen field.
    13. What are your weaknesses?
    Do NOT mention key weaknesses here. This is not the place to say you are bad at meeting deadlines or you never mastered high school mathematics etc. Turn this question around to your benefit. For example, you are 'overambitious' or 'extremely attentive to detail' or 'like to take on too many projects'. Make it sound positive.
    14. What are your career goals?
    Show you have thought forward and are committed to your career.
    15. How would you describe yourself?
    Any of these are good examples of attributes employers are looking for: intelligent, hardworking, quick to learn, enthusiastic, honest, efficient, productive, ambitious, successful, and compassionate (in the medical fields).
    16. How would your colleagues describe you?
    Do not bring up anything negative here.
    17. How would your boss describe you?
    They will check references anyways so bring up the most positive attribute you can think of about yourself eg hardworking, honest etc. and leave it to your Boss to say anything to the contrary.
    18. What did you most like/ dislike about your past job?
    Do not use this to badmouth past jobs/ employers. Keep it light and in your favour eg I outgrew the job, there wasn't a clear career progression, I wasn't learning anything new etc. Ideally, you will have loved your last job and would like to achieve the same kind of success and job satisfaction in a more challenging area as you have now 'outgrown' that job and are ready for 'new challenges'.
    19. Describe a situation in your past where you showed initiative?
    You could describe any new methods you came up with to do your job or to save money for the company or to turn around a bad situation. It can be something as simple as changing a filing system, or establishing a relationship with a vendor that saved your department a lot of money. If you are in sales, you may want to talk about how you brought in that big account. Creatives may talk about how they came up with that cutthroat image or design that brought in the business.
    20. What were your main responsibilities in your last job?
    Have these ready and list them all. Dwell on the ones that are most relevant to the new job. This answer should be smooth and practiced.
    21. What do you consider your greatest accomplishments?
    Many of us have one or two milestones in our career that we are very proud of eg. that early promotion, that 'huge' deal we brought in, the design we came up with, the costs we saved, the revenues we increased, the people we trained, a new invention or process we came up with etc. Examples of accomplishments may be: 'Reduced costs by X%; or renamed and repositioned a product at the end of its lifecycle, or organized and led a team to do do XYZ, or achieved sales increase of X% etc. If you are a fresh college graduate, talk about extracurricular activities, leadership roles and grades.
    22. Describe your management style (if relevant)
    No answer
    23. Do you work better in teams or independently?
    Show that you are a proactive team-player and like to bounce ideas off others and get input; however you are very capable of working independently (give examples).
    24. How do you work under pressure?
    Well. Give evidence.
    25. What other jobs have you applied for?
    Don't mention jobs in different career directions (eg advertising and investment banking). Do however bring up any other offers or Interviews from competing firms.
    26. How did you do in college?
    Keep it positive. It's okay to say you were very busy making the most of college and were very involved in sports, activities, social life etc. Employers want human beings not robots. Mention the areas you did very well in even if it was just one or two courses you excelled in. They will check for themselves.
    27. What kind of hours would you like to work?
    Employers want to see flexibility. Indicate you are willing to put in whatever hours are necessary to finish the job. Do however mention any constraints you have eg. you would like to be home to pick your kids up from school at 3:30. Most employers are willing to work around your constraints if you show flexibility on your side as well.
    28. Do you have any questions for me?
    YES you do. Questions engage the Interviewer and show your interest. Ask questions that show you know something about the company or the job, that you are planning ahead, that you are anxious and willing to learn the ropes and that you are committed to the position. See Questions to Ask the Interviewer for examples

09-30-2006, 01:55 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 03-19-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 347

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: عشان يزيد الامل في الحصول على الوظيفة،لازم... (Re: ELSUNNI)

    Self-Assessment Tests

    Standing at the career crossroads with no idea what direction to take? Why not start by taking a few self-assessment tests to aid you in mapping out your strengths and weaknesses.

    Are you still uncertain of what it is you really want to be when you grow up? Do you oscillate widely in your career preferences and wonder what profession you are really suited for? The decision on what road to take as you map out your career is often a difficult one and one which requires through self-analysis and much research. Self-assessment tests are a useful tool to explore as you stand at the career cross-roads as they can shed light on your personality, skills, strengths and motivations and help you find some focus and direction. While no single test will provide you with the definitive answer on who you are and what career to pursue, they are well worth exploring as part of a general self-analysis and as a means to fine-tune your career planning activities, highlight strengths and identify weaker areas that could use development.
    The advantages of taking tests:
    1. A quick, easy and reasonably accurate way to gauge your skills, interests, values, motivations and/or personality as a foundation for planning a career move or making career change choices.
    2. Tests can highlight areas of strength and weakness to aid you in your career choice as well as in your performance enhancement activities on the job.
    3. Many tests are totally free and most are available on-line with comprehensive results often ready almost immediately.
    4. A great way to explore career avenues you may not previously have considered and identify personality traits in yourself you may not have thought of before.
    Tips to remember when taking tests:
    1. There are very many tests available and some are much more professional and accurate than others. Make sure the tests you take are credible and highly rated. It is always better to take more than one test and compare results.
    2. Trust your intuition when interpreting test results. If something seems way off the mark, go with your gut instinct.
    3. Tests should be used as part of a more comprehensive self-assessment and career research effort. They are no substitute for talking to a career counselor and friends and peers in different industries. Use the tests to complement a much larger research and self-assessment framework.
    4. Remember that you have your own unique set of strengths, weaknesses, skills and values and while a test may succeed in placing you in an appropriate 'category', it cannot capture completely the essence of you and the full impact of your values, competencies and experiences, nor can it predict fully how you will react in different circumstances.
    5. Results are only as accurate as the accuracy with which you answer the questions. If you answer in terms of how you would like to behave instead of how you really would behave for example, or if you pick a random answer because none of the answers seem relevant to you, the results will be skewed accordingly and will misrepresent your true behaviour and motivations.
    Some of the better known tests are:
    MAPP (Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential)
    The MAPP focuses on measuring your motivations and interests and how these relate to your aptitude on the job. The goal is to aid you in identifying your motivations in order to leverage them to optimize your career and lifestyle engineering activities. Very detailed results for the test are sent via e-mail and for a small fee, you can opt to receive even more detailed results and guidance. The test is comprised of 71 questions and can be completed in less than an hour.
    Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
    The MBTI is one of the most widely used and administered personality tests in the world and is well known for its accuracy and effectiveness. The test analyzes your preferences in four main categories:
    • Where primarily you direct your energy (Extrovert versus Introvert)
    • How you prefer to process information (Sensing vs Intuition)
    • How you prefer to make decisions (Thinking vs Feeling)
    • How you prefer to organize your life (Judgement vs Perception)
    The test then categorizes your results into 1 of 16 personality types such as ESFP or ISTJ or ESTJ.
    The Birkman Method
    The Birkman Method plots four behavioural types (expediting, communicating, planning and administrating) and expresses possible career interests and work styles accordingly. The test is claimed to remarkably accurate and is original in that it does not assume behaviour is necessarily equated with motivational needs; in other words it does not assume the way you act is the way you would like to be treated. A shorter version of the test is available on-line for free and the full test which analyzes behaviour by four dimensions (interests, style, needs and stress behavior) can be taken for a fee.
    Holland Self Directed Search (SDS)
    Dr. John Holland's Self Directed Search is based on the theory that both people and work environments can be classified into 6 basic types and that people who choose careers that most match their types are most likely to achieve success and job satisfaction. The 6 types are: Realistic, Conventional, Enterprising, Investigative, Artistic and Social. An online version of the very popular and highly respected test is available for a small fee and takes 15-20 minutes to complete. The results are summarized on a detailed personalized on-line report.
    Keirsey Temperament Sorter
    The Keirsey Temperament Sorter is related to the Myers Brigg Type Indicator and gives results in the form of Myers Briggs types based on Carl Jung's theories of psychological type. The four broad 'Temperaments' are classified as: Guardians, Artisans, Idealists and Rationals. The 70 question test is available on-line for free.
    ImproveNow Jobstyle Indicator and Personal Style Indicator
    The two tests measure job style and personal style respectively and the results are provided in the form of a very detailed report with an even more detailed report available for a fee. The Jobstyle Indicator (JSI) seeks to improve job performance and satisfaction by helping you to identify and articulate behaviour styles pertine/nt to the specific job. The PSI gives you a profile of your personal style and analyzes the relative influence on your work and personal life of four 'dimensions' of personal style: Behavioral (ACTION), Cognitive (ANALYSIS), Interpersonal (HARMONY) and Affective (EXPRESSIVE).
    Ansir's 3 Sides of You Self Perception Profiling System
    This lengthy test (168 questions), is a 3 part self perception test that helps users identify dominant personality styles in three realms, Thinking, Working and Emoting. The test is based on the ancient premise that human beings are three-sided beings and recognizes intuitive and spiritual personality styles. The Ansir 3 sides of You methodology recognizes 2,744 personality style combinations. The test is available for free and yields very comprehensive results.

    The Power CV

    Tips and tools to creating a winning CV that will get you noticed.

    Your CV is your gateway to the universe of career opportunities and investing in the right focus, structure, phrasing and syntax at this early stage of the job search process will reap tremendous rewards in opening doors to the next critical stage: the Interview. Below we have identified some of the key factors that differentiate a successful CV from those that never make it through the search.
    A good CV shows clarity of vision. The jobseeker knows what it is they are looking for and has clearly highlighted what attributes/ skills/ experience they have that will enable them to succeed in that direction. You will win the interview primarily on the strength of your skills/experience and their direct relevance to the job at hand. Vague/ fuzzy statements in the Title, Objectives or Experience sections will detract from the impact of your CV and raise questions rather than opening doors.
    Exaggerated claims on CVs are easily detected, if not immediately, then upon reference checks at a later date in the process. To avoid embarrassment, you should be as factual and accurate as possible. Ommit details that don't make you look good at the CV stage (eg. a less than attractive GPA or the fact that you were terminated from a job) but do not present facts that cannot be substantiated. Do highlight your areas of strength in the best possible light (hobbies/ interests/ skills can be embellished); however, do not provide glaring misrepresentations.
    The structure of the CV is critical and a sound CV follows these simple guidelines
    1. Clearly defined and catchy objective that makes an employer want to read more
    2. Work experience arranged in chronological order to clearly show career progression with strongest and most recent positions getting the most attention. Job descriptions should be concise and impressive using strong action verbs and data to support claims wherever possible.
    3. Education and Qualifications should be organized to maximise impact and relevance. Wherever possible, they should show a commitment to career development eg. ongoing courses, seminars, workshops related to job.
    4. Achievements and affiliations details will highlight professional roles above and beyond direct job responsibilities (eg. Active Member of European Entrepreneur's Association, Chairman of University Student Union etc.) This area is particularly important for fresh graduates who do not have a lot of direct job experience.
    The most impressive content will barely get gleaned over if the general layout is not user-friendly. Some simple rules:
    1. Avoid clutter.
    2. Use short sentences and bullet points wherever appropriate.
    3. Headings and dates should be clearly differentiated from other text
    Avoid the jargon and flowery anecdotes. Deliver the message in the most concise, impressive and relevant light. A successful CV will be well-researched and will be honed down to contain many of the exact skills and attributes an employer has utilized in his job search description.
    Keep in mind that an employer is hiring a human being not a robot. Do include skills, hobbies and qualifications that will make your CV stand apart from the crowd and may endear you to the employer. Most employers will sift through countless CVs while trying to weed out Interview candidates so make your CV interesting and memorable.

    Salary Negotiations: the Basics
    Some basic tools to use when you ask the employer to show you the money!
    Congratulations! You've landed the job. Now to take home the package that is most commensurate with your skills, ability, experience and the job responsibilities. Bayt reveals some basic tools to use when you ask the employer to show you the money!
    1. Negotiate
    Yes, do negotiate. Employers actually EXPECT you to negotiate your package even when they pretend they don't so don't deprive them, or yourself, of that pleasure.
    2. Negotiate After You Have An Offer
    The time to negotiate your salary is after the employer has decided he wants you on board and has made you a concrete offer - not in the elevator on the way up to the Interview or after an interview question you think you've particularly aced. An offer indicates that the employer wants you on board and is convinced you have the skillset and potential to be a valuable addition to the team. You now have the upper hand and should use it to secure a compensation package commensurate with your worth. It is far easier to negotiate a satisfactory package at this stage when the employer really wants you and is focused on getting you on board, than after you are on board and firmly entrenched at a given salary level and job description. It is unlikely you will ever be in a better position to negotiate a good package than you are at this stage.
    3. Establish Job Responsibilites
    Clarify your job responsibilities before beginning to negotiate the compensation. Make sure you have all the facts pertaining to the new position and are very clear about your role, responsibilities and the job title. This detailed knowledge of the position will come in handy as you negotiate your package.
    4. Determine Your Salary Range Beforehand
    Before you can begin negotiating, you need to determine a salary range that you can base your discussions with the employer on.
    Firstly, determine the minimum salary you could possibly accept, and make sure this is a salary that you can survive on. This minimum is not to be revealed to the employer in your negotiations.
    Next, determine a reasonable mid-point salary based on what the job responsibilities are, what you have to offer the employer and what you are worth in the market. To get a realistic idea of what the position is worth, research the market. Look at published annual salary surveys and job ads for similar positions in newspapers, magazines and on internet job sites and talk to friends in the industry and recruitment agents. If you are applying to a position at the right level, there should not be a large discrepancy between what the position is worth based on your research and what you are worth based on your experience, education, compensation history and what you have to offer the position.
    Finally, determine an extremely generous salary level that is not too unrealistic for the position and that you would be extremely ecstatically happy to receive.
    5. Get the Employer to Reveal his Hand First
    Always get your employer to reveal his hand first to avoid pricing yourself out of the game or limiting the discussions prematurely. If you are first to put a number on the table, you run the risk of being perceived as 'overqualified' if your range is too high or casting doubts on your professional abilities and track record if you shortsell yourself. Revealing your expectations or salary history will limit your negotiating range and remove a lot of the leverage you otherwise have.
    Often, the employer will make you a verbal offer and throw the salary ball into your field by asking you what salary you expect, or what salary you made in your previous position. Try to throw the ball right back in the employer's field by countering with another question, such as "What do you think someone with my track record, experience and skills could make in this position?" or "You now have a good idea of my skills and track record and potential. What do you think is a fair salary given the job's requirements and responsibilities?"
    Do not reveal your previous salary if you can possibly help it. Focus the discussion instead on what your background, responsibilities and potential contributions are worth in this position. Your goal should be to maximize your worth and potential value to this employer through effective negotiation - the value your previous employer placed on you should be irrelevant. Remember, what you are worth to this employer is a function of the value-added you can bring to this particular job and your potential contributions in the new role, not a function of how your skills were utilized (or misutilized) in the last job.
    If absolutely pressed for a number and the employer will not give you an idea of his target range despite all your best efforts to gain the upper hand, you can present the employer with the range you have determined beforehand. The 'expected' salary range you reveal will have what is really your midpoint as the minimum, with the upper bound representing your 'dream' salary. Make sure you always start your negotiations with a range, not a specific salary level.
    6. Let the Games Begin
    You are now officially at the starting line, equipped with a verbal offer, your own well-studied salary range and a solid understanding of your job responsibilities in this new role. The negotiations will be fired either with the employer revealing his salary range for the position or, despite all your best efforts to reverse the roles, you revealing your predetermined 'expected' salary range first.
    Best case scenario: You have played your cards right and the employer extends you an offer that is at the upper bound or significantly above your expectations. Your downside risk has been eliminated and you can now focus your discussions on making a good situation even better. If your predetermined salary range was $75,000-$90,000 and the employer has offered you $90,000 - $95,000, you can counter with something akin to "That is close to the range I had in mind. My expectations given my background and the job responsibilities were closer to $95,000 - $105,000 with $95,000 really having been my very minimum. How much flexibility do you have on the upside?"
    Worst case scenario: You have prematurely limited your negotiating range by revealing your hand too soon and the employer counters with a lower range, or the employer starts the negotiations with an offer below your expectations. This is where your negotiating savvy really comes into play.
    Before you begin to negotiate, make sure you and the employer are roughly in the same ballpark. If your well researched and well thought out range of $75-90,000 was met with an offer of $50-55,000 from the employer, you have either misconstrued the job responsibilities or the employer is paying significantly below the market. This is where your minimum salary comes in. Does the range meet your minimum threshold? If not and your negotiations don't bring you upto that minimum requirement, this may well be the wrong position and/or company for you!
    7. Justify Your Counter-Offer
    Your $75-90,000 range was met with a $70-75,000 offer from the employer. All is not lost. You will keep the discussion alive by coming back with a sell proposition along the lines of "Well let me see, the job's responsibilities as I understand them are ABC" at which time you carefully recite in detail all the various aspects of the job. "I really feel that someone with my track record and qualifications could be making a minimum of $75,000 on the job. I was actually looking for a salary much closer to the $80,000 mark." You then proceed to justify your range. Confirm to the employer that you are very interested in working with the company and that you feel you would really fit into the team and could make a significant contribution there. Recap on your most relevant work experience and mention again the skills you will immediately put to productive use on the job. Mention that you feel your ideal salary is actually very realistic given your experience and the job requirements.
    8. Gain Leverage by Negotiating the Job Responsibilities
    If the employer's range is carved in stone despite all your well-rehearsed negotiation tactics, move to another stone. You do this by altering the role, albeit modestly to justify a higher salary. This is where your detailed knowledge of the position comes in.
    You can do this in three ways. Firstly, you can add to the list of job requirements a task or responsibility you have thought of beforehand; one that you have either read about, thought of yourself or heard about from a friend in the industry. Secondly, you can seize on one of the problems the employer mentioned during the Interview and offer a solution that you would personally be responsible for. Thirdly, you can ask the employer outright, what added responsibilities he would ideally like to have the person holding this job ultimately assume if they were brought upto speed quickly enough. Another way to pose the latter question is what added responsibilities or areas does the employer wish your predecessor had taken charge of. Asking the question "What are some of the areas you would like improved on" or "What are some of the problems that my predecessor faced" during the Interview comes in useful at this stage of the negotiations as you try to establish additional value-added ground.
    The 'business solution' or added responsibility you come up with need not be monumental; in fact you should refrain from making any big promises. It can be something as simple as a Marketing Executive offering to arrange a brief monthly newsletter for the firm's clients, or a database that would speed client reporting up, or a slightly revised format for the monthly reports that would be more visually appealing. The important thing is that once you have elevated the position to a slightly higher plateau, you can then proceed to justify your 'ideal' salary as commensurate with the increased responsibilities. You can go back to the employer with "From what I understand, my role in this position would be XYZ. However, I am also bringing to the job the following function(s) and responsibilities . . . " at which point you recant the additional responsibilities.
    Justifying your desired salary as being commensurate with a higher level of responsibility is an excellent way to jumpstart stalled negotiations.
    9. Negotiate the Package not just the Salary
    You should be ready to negotiate the entire package, not just the salary. Remember that you can enhance a less than stellar salary by negotiating the perks. If your most ardent, well-rehearsed salary negotiation tactics were ineffective at boosting the starting salary, you can try to gain the lost ground at this stage of the game. Your discussions can include medical insurance, car and housing allowance, children's education, plane tickets home for expats, club memberships and further education and professional training for yourself. Try to get any courses, seminars or further education you intend to take included in your package. In many industries you can negotiate a guaranteed bonus at a given date or a sign-up bonus. You can try to secure a commitment to a minimum salary increase and/or title promotion at a prespecified date in the future providing you meet certain performance criteria. At the very minimum, you can ask for a performance (and salary) review a few months after joining. Make sure you ask at this point what the opportunities

    النقاط أعلاه تساعد بنسبه كبيره جدا ان تتحصل على الوظيفه
    امل ان اكون قطيت معظم الجوانب

    لك إحترامي إنسانه

10-03-2006, 10:51 PM


تاريخ التسجيل: 05-21-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 1897

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Re: عشان يزيد الامل في الحصول على الوظيفة،لازم... (Re: ensana)

    thanks bro rashid

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