مؤتمر شركاء السودان في برلين نهاية يونيو

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06-08-2020, 07:56 PM

نعمات عماد
<aنعمات عماد
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-08-2014
مجموع المشاركات: 11404

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
مؤتمر شركاء السودان في برلين نهاية يونيو

    07:56 PM June, 08 2020

    سودانيز اون لاين
    نعمات عماد-khartoum
    رابط مختصر

    الأخبار تبدو مبشرة
    منذ ساعتين

    ألمانيا تستضيف مؤتمر “أصدقاء السودان” نهاية يونيو

    الخرطوم: أعلن السودان، الإثنين، موافقة ألمانيا على استضافة مؤتمر “أصدقاء السودان” بنهاية يونيو/ حزيران الجاري، عبر دائرة تلفزيونية مغلقة.
    وقال الناطق الرسمي باسم الحكومة السودانية فيصل صالح، في مؤتمر صحافي بمقر مجلس الوزراء في الخرطوم: “اكتملت الترتيبات لانعقاد مؤتمر أصدقاء السودان في برلين نهاية الشهر الجاري” عبر الإنترنت، بسبب جائحة كورونا.
    وقال صالح: “تم التحضير للمؤتمر عبر عشرة لقاءات سابقة داخل السودان وخارجه، حتى وافقت ألمانيا على استضافته نهاية الشهر الحالي”.
    ومن المنتظر أن يُعقد المؤتمر بمشاركة دولية واسعة، بحسب المسؤول السوداني، متوقعا إعلان المساهمات التي سيقدمها شركاء السودان خلال المؤتمر، لإنجاح برنامجه الخاص بالإصلاح الاقتصادي.
    وفي مايو/ أيار الماضي، أعلن أصدقاء السودان عزمهم تقديم دعم مالي للسودان بمقدار 100 مليون يورو (110 ملايين دولار) بالاجتماع السابع لأصدقاء السودان، الذي عقد في فرنسا عبر الإنترنت بمشاركة 22 دولة ومنظمة دولية.

    وتأسس “ملتقى أصدقاء السودان” في 2018، كمجموعة غير رسمية لتنسيق الدعم السياسي والاقتصادي للسودان.
    وتعاني البلاد من أزمات عدة، أبرزها أزمة نقص الخبز والطحين والوقود وغاز الطهي، نتيجة ارتفاع سعر الدولار مقابل الجنيه في الأسواق الموازية إلى مستويات قياسية.


06-08-2020, 08:00 PM

محمد على طه الملك
<aمحمد على طه الملك
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-14-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 10624

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر شركاء السودان في برلين نهاية يونيو (Re: نعمات عماد)

    دا الشغل المفيد يا دكتوره.

06-08-2020, 08:31 PM

نعمات عماد
<aنعمات عماد
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-08-2014
مجموع المشاركات: 11404

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر شركاء السودان في برلين نهاية يونيو (Re: محمد على طه الملك)


    مراحب مولانا الملك
    وزير الإعلام /المتحدث الرسمي بأسم الحكومة استاذ فيصل صرح بأن شركاء السودان

    سوف يدعموا برامج الإصلاح الإقتصادي و السياسي. سوف يشارك الأمين العام للأمم

    المتحدة، صندوق النقد، البنك الدولي الإتحاد الأوروبي و الدول المصنفة صديقة للسودان.

    يرأس المؤتمر رئيس وزراء المانيا و بمشاركة السيد حمدوك و السيد ابراهيم البدوي.

    سيتلقى السودان إعانات لمكافحة الكورونا. و قد يستفيد أيضاً من برنامج إعفاء

    ديون الدول الفقيرة HPIC Initiative

06-08-2020, 08:33 PM

نعمات عماد
<aنعمات عماد
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-08-2014
مجموع المشاركات: 11404

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر شركاء السودان في برلين نهاية يونيو (Re: نعمات عماد)


    يرأس المؤتمر وزير خارجية المانيا.

06-08-2020, 08:46 PM

محمد البشرى الخضر
<aمحمد البشرى الخضر
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-14-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 28869

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر شركاء السودان في برلين نهاية يونيو (Re: نعمات عماد)

    Quote: دا الشغل المفيد يا دكتوره.
    الليلة متفاءل يا مولانا ان شا الله خير

    تحياتي دكتور نعمات

06-08-2020, 09:04 PM

علي عبدالوهاب عثمان
<aعلي عبدالوهاب عثمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-17-2013
مجموع المشاركات: 12484

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر شركاء السودان في برلين نهاية يونيو (Re: محمد البشرى الخضر)

    د . نعمات تحياتي
    المهم أننا بدأنا ندخل المنظومة الدولية
    بعد أن كان السياسيين يهربون من البشير وكأنه فيروس كورونا
    هي خطوة اولى لندخل في المنظومة الدولية وهذا اهم حتى من الدعم الاقتصادي
    المانيا ما قصرت مع السودان وكانت زيارة الرئيس الالماني خطوة نحو الاندماج
    في النظام الدولي .. ( شكرا المانيا .. شكرا اختنا ميركال )
    د. نعمات .. ما دام اختنا ميركال تشرف على الموضوع ما في خوف وهي تعتبر
    أنجح رئيسة دولة عبر التاريخ الحديث .. كفاءة نادرة .. تصرفت بطريقة راقية وبحنكة
    مع أثنين من أكثر المتهورين اليوم هم ترامب اميركا وجونسون بريطانيا وحافظت على هيبة اوربا

    التحية لاختنا ميركال ..

    تحياتي د. نعمات

06-08-2020, 09:24 PM

نعمات عماد
<aنعمات عماد
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-08-2014
مجموع المشاركات: 11404

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر شركاء السودان في برلين نهاية يونيو (Re: علي عبدالوهاب عثمان)

    أهلين محمد البشرى

    الخبر يدعو للتفاؤل، ليس فقط منح ماليةمن اصدقاء السودان، ولكن زي ما قال

    السيد فيصل هي دعوة لشراكة في الإستثمار آت طويلة المدى.


06-08-2020, 10:16 PM

نعمات عماد
<aنعمات عماد
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-08-2014
مجموع المشاركات: 11404

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر شركاء السودان في برلين نهاية يونيو (Re: نعمات عماد)

    تحياتي استاذنا علي عبد الوهاب

    اسمح لي بإقتباس جزء من مقابلة مع سفير الإتحاد الأوروبي بالخرطوم في شهر مايو
    يتحدث فيه عن دعم للإتحاد للتحول الديمقراطي و الإصلاح الإقتصادي.
    Online Q and A with the European Union Ambassador on the occasion of Europe Day 2020
    Khartoum, 13/05/2020 - 12:03, UNIQUE ID: 200513_7

    Introduction from the Ambassador

    First of all, let me thank you all for your good wishes on the occasion of the Europe Day. I would like to also thank you for your questions, which are very well thought through, diverse and which touch on the political, development cooperation and humanitarian roles of the European Union in Sudan. The questions you have asked shows your deep interest in the Sudanese-European relations and this very much encourages me to continue to endeavour for ever improving our relations.

    Some of the questions were repeated more than once. Some of you have asked more than one question. I will answer as many questions as I can. We will work to repeat this interaction to ensure our Facebook page becomes even more interactive and we have a two way communication and that the European Union is more transparent and understandable for all.

    Q 01: Bash Salm asked how will the EU support Sudan to end its historical political crisis؟

    A: The EU strongly supports Sudan’s transition based on the Constitutional Declaration of 2019. We are preparing programs, together with our partners to ease the impact of the economic crisis in Sudan. In June we will co-organise with Germany and the UN a conference to support Sudan, look out for announcements there.

    Q 02: Ismael Hassan asked how can the EU support the democratic change in Sudan؟

    A: EU supports Sudan’s democratic change politically but also with concrete programs like the EIDHR, the European Instrument for Democratization and Human Rights. This program provides support to local and international organizations to organize fair and free elections, training to political parties, journalists, human rights, judicial reforms and constitution writing.

    Q 03: Mohamed Boss, Osman Yaccoub, Ibrahim Hasan, Al Mohamady Ahmed, Mohamed Boss, Hamza Abdilhai and Mohamed Suleiman asked what the EU is doing for peace in Sudan؟

    A: The EU is talking to all the Sudanese parties and is encouraging them to reach peace. We also facilitated the talks through video conference during the COVID 19 crisis. We are also talking to regional and international partners to support the peace process. We are also funding the humanitarian projects to support the IDPs and the refugees in neighbouring countries.

    Q 04: Moaz Mohamed and Tahir Abdalla asked why is the EU support to Sudan on COVID little compared to other countries in the region؟

    A: The support of 80 million Euros was granted based on the calculations and coordination with other donors. It is not a negligible amount and it came fast. As you know, the whole world suffers from Covid, so resources are more and more becoming scarce. Europe is also in a difficult situation. Our contribution to fighting the virus in Sudan would greatly benefit the Sudanese people taking all the well-known preventive measures of hygiene and social distancing, and following the advice of authorities to observe the lockdown hours.

06-08-2020, 10:27 PM

محمد على طه الملك
<aمحمد على طه الملك
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-14-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 10624

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر شركاء السودان في برلين نهاية يونيو (Re: نعمات عماد)

    Quote: الليلة متفاءل يا مولانا ان شا الله خير

    ههههه ما لقيت يدك في بوست الدكتورة قلت تضقل بي ؟
    الالمان ديل جيرانا بعدين الاوربين عموما صادقين ما زي صحاب صاحبك مستهبلين.

06-08-2020, 10:59 PM

نعمات عماد
<aنعمات عماد
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-08-2014
مجموع المشاركات: 11404

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر شركاء السودان في برلين نهاية يونيو (Re: محمد على طه الملك)

    Quote: المهم أننا بدأنا ندخل المنظومة الدولية
    بعد أن كان السياسيين يهربون من البشير وكأنه فيروس كورونا
    هي خطوة اولى لندخل في المنظومة الدولية وهذا اهم حتى من الدعم الاقتصادي
    المانيا ما قصرت مع السودان وكانت زيارة الرئيس الالماني خطوة نحو الاندماج
    في النظام الدولي .. ( شكرا المانيا .. شكرا اختنا ميركال )
    د. نعمات .. ما دام اختنا ميركال تشرف على الموضوع ما في خوف وهي تعتبر
    أنجح رئيسة دولة عبر التاريخ الحديث .. كفاءة نادرة .. تصرفت بطريقة راقية وبحنكة
    مع أثنين من أكثر المتهورين اليوم هم ترامب اميركا وجونسون بريطانيا وحافظت على هيبة اوربا

    التحية لاختنا ميركال ..

    فعلاً استاذنا علي
    زيارة الرئيس الألماني و المؤتمر الذي عقده وزير خارجية فرنسا يوم 7مايو وخاطب فيه
    شركاء السودان وضعتنا داخل المنظومةالدولية كما تقول.
    التحية لي شركاء السودان و لي المستشارة انجيلا ميركل.
    آمل أن يستوفي السودان شرطي الإعفاء من الديون تحت بند HIPC Initiatives
    Heavily indebted poor countries

06-08-2020, 11:52 PM

نعمات عماد
<aنعمات عماد
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-08-2014
مجموع المشاركات: 11404

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر شركاء السودان في برلين نهاية يونيو (Re: نعمات عماد)

    جزء ثاني من الأسئلة و الأجوبة مع سفير الإتحاد الأوروبي بالخرطوم.

    Q 04: Moaz Mohamed and Tahir Abdalla asked why is the EU support to Sudan on COVID little compared to other countries in the region؟

    A: The support of 80 million Euros was granted based on the calculations and coordination with other donors. It is not a negligible amount and it came fast. As you know, the whole world suffers from Covid, so resources are more and more becoming scarce. Europe is also in a difficult situation. Our contribution to fighting the virus in Sudan would greatly benefit the Sudanese people taking all the well-known preventive measures of hygiene and social distancing, and following the advice of authorities to observe the lockdown hours.

    Q 05: Mohamed Al Nour asked a question about the differences between the EU MS on how to support Sudan transitional period؟

    A: Of course every country has its own perspectives, interests and traditions. EU member states are no exception. So, in the day to day practice our approaches may have different accents and focusses. However, there is no difference about the fundamental values of our international commitment and there are no disagreements between the member states of the European Union on supporting Sudan. The Union and its member states jointly support the transition process which was started after the glorious and peaceful revolution and which reflects the will of the people to govern this country democratically and equitably. EU Ambassadors in Sudan and diplomats meet very regularly to discuss and evaluate the developments in Sudan and to shape a joint partnership approach to the transitional government, which deserves our support. We also coordinate our cooperation to Sudan to avoid overlapping and to ensure we have one, consistent policy and approach in Sudan.

    Q 06: Mussad Abdullah, Al Nawi Tandob, Asia Awad, Adam Suleiman, Hatem Abdullah, Omer Kamal and Fathi Ahmed Mahmoud asked what did the EU achieve so far and how it will support the transitional period؟

    A: Politically, we are keeping Sudan and its plight on the agenda of all the international forums and platforms. The Friends of Sudan group of countries and international organisations just had a meeting with Sudan last week. Many high level European diplomats have been coming to Sudan until the lockdown to discuss cooperation after more than 30 years of isolation. In parallel, we have more than 60 development and humanitarian projects implemented by international organizations and NGOs. Finally, we play a very important role in mobilizing political and financial support from the region and advocating for unlocking financial support from the International Financial Institutions in the face of economic and Covid hardship.

    Q 07: Abu Al Teb Abakar asked is the EU is happy with the government؟ Does the non-commitment to EU pledges is a message that the Europeans are no longer happy about the government؟

    A: The EU stated at many occasions that it supports the transitional government and called on its partners to do the same. Many high level EU officials visited Sudan to discuss the priorities for help. We allocated 80 million Euros just for the response to COVID and now we are in the process of implementing the projects and designing new ones. The EU and its member states are strongly supporting the transitional government and the people of Sudan, on the way to democratic transition, on the way to peace, freedom and justice for all.

06-09-2020, 11:59 AM

نعمات عماد
<aنعمات عماد
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-08-2014
مجموع المشاركات: 11404

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر شركاء السودان في برلين نهاية يونيو (Re: نعمات عماد)

    الجزء الثالث /سفير الإتحاد الأوروبي بالسودان

    Q 08: Ahmed Idris and Parima Damoka asked what does the EU request from Sudan؟ What are the conditions to continue to support Sudan؟

    A: There are no pre-conditions dictated by the EU in Sudan. The EU is a community of values, and we want to promote and defend these values, which evolve around human rights, equality of people, multilateralism and sustainability for future generations. Our work to promote and defend these values becomes much easier if Sudan attains peace, stability, security, working institutions, transparency, fast decisions, clear laws, attractive environment and democratic regime that respect human rights.

    Q 09: Abdel Aziz Abdullah asked do you have real good intentions to build a real partnership with Sudan؟

    A: Of course we have real good intentions. Our intentions are based on solidarity and defending the basic humanitarian values. For 30 years it was difficult to build a strong relationship with Sudan but now a historic opportunity has arrived. The EU has no hidden agenda. A strong EU-Sudan partnership will benefit both sides. Building a real partnership is a two way process. We need a transparent, accountable, credible and open side to work with.

    Q 10: Ali Osman asks why the European businesses and banks are not coming to Sudan and why the EU is contributing to the international isolation of Sudan؟

    A: The biggest trade partner to the EU is the United States. This means if European companies and banks work in Sudan, they will face difficulties in working with the US. So the way to increase EU investments in Sudan is to lift Sudan from the US state sponsors of terrorism list. After that investments still need a stable political system with no internal conflicts and functioning institutions and attractive investment laws and infrastructure. The EU is working hard to support the country to be delisted from the SSTL as soon as possible. This is, however, a matter to be addressed first and foremost by the government of the United States.

    Q 11: Ahmed Najm Al Deen, Nuaman Al Amin, Omar Ali, Mustafa Al Tayeb, Ismail Al Nour, Mohamed Suliman, Mawoya Ali and Mohamed Al Gizouli asked can the EU say no to the US in Sudan؟ And what is the role of the EU to help the removal of Sudan from the terrorism list؟

    A: The EU and US are allies. They are the biggest trade partners. We have a lot of common interests. The EU will continue to advocate with the US for the lifting of Sudan from the SSLT. Our prime goal is to have mature, bilateral strategic partnership with Sudan. And, we continue to consult other countries about their partnership with the country, such as the US, the UK, Norway and others.

    Q 12: Rawan Mohamed Ismael Hassan and Rashed Mohamed is asking how will the EU support the Sudanese collapsing economy؟

    A: First of all, the Sudanese must decide and agree on a clear economic plan to fix the broken economy. We are aware that there are many discussions on the economic reforms by some political bodies. However, the country needs to find a way out of this economic hardship by restructuring the economy, just as it needs to reform the political structure into a democratic system. Therefore, the outcomes of the national economic conference are all important. If and when the government manages to find common ground with all political groups and agrees with the international community on a way forward to restore the economic sanity of the country, the international community, and not in the last place the EU and its member states, will stand ready to support the country with political, financial, technical and economic support.

    Q 13: Hatem Al Amin, Mohamed Heiba, Mohamed Mamoun asked how can the EU support the small and private businesses in Sudan؟

    A: The EU has been supporting small, private and medium enterprises in Sudan, mostly through building capacities through sector studies, trainings, workshops and supporting entrepreneurship through micro credit.. We are currently preparing programs which aim at improving private sector development and investment climate, ultimately contributing to sustainable job creation and decent work. Another forecasted program will enhance economic opportunities for youth and women by creating a conducive environment for the economic empowerment of the most vulnerable women, employment conditions for the youth and strengthening the gum Arabic value chain.

    Concomitantly, the EU is working on the establishment of the European Chamber of Commerce in Sudan (ECCS), together with European and Sudanese companies. The chamber will provide a platform for information, training and investment opportunities and aims at improving trade between the EU and Sudan, which will also have a concrete impact on SMEs. If the chamber was delayed for two years because of the conditions related to the revolution, stability and the coronavirus crisis, it is on track to be operational in 2020.

    Q 14: Mohamed Eshag and Hazem Farh asked what the barriers to big EU investments inside Sudan؟

    A: The main barrier to big investment in Sudan is the war in Darfur, Blue Nile and Kordofan. The lack of a stable political system without corruption and transparent policies, modern banking and attractive investment laws and excellent infrastructure with constant electricity, fuel and well trained labour. Achieving real and lasting peace is thus the most important instrument for investment promotion!

06-09-2020, 12:47 PM

محمد البشرى الخضر
<aمحمد البشرى الخضر
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-14-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 28869

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر شركاء السودان في برلين نهاية يونيو (Re: نعمات عماد)

    Quote: ههههه ما لقيت يدك في بوست الدكتورة قلت تضقل بي ؟
    العفو يا مولانا بس تعليقك هنا متفاءل على عكس "الخط" العام لتعليقاتك الخاصة بعلاقة السودان و المجتمع الدولي

06-09-2020, 10:21 PM

نعمات عماد
<aنعمات عماد
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-08-2014
مجموع المشاركات: 11404

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر شركاء السودان في برلين نهاية يونيو (Re: محمد البشرى الخضر)

    أعتذر لطول الجزء الأخير من إجابات سفير الإتحاد الأوروبي.

    Q 15: Safa Al Sheikh: What is the EU doing to increase Sudanese exports؟

    A: The EU projects are training farmers to produce bigger quantities in smaller areas without degrading the soil. For example, we are helping in the vaccination of the Sudanese livestock which is exported to many countries in the region to bring millions of USD to the Sudanese economy.

    Q 16: Ahmed Ali asked a question why the EU projects are not visible for the Sudanese people؟

    A: We implement our projects through our partners: international organizations and NGOs. So there is sometimes no awareness that a certain project is funded by the EU. In addition most of our projects are located in East and West Sudan and the two areas were there are vulnerable communities especially with the IDPs.

    Q 17: Abu Non Sharf asked does the EU implement projects based on its interests or the interests of the Sudanese people؟

    A: Both. The EU, like any political entity, has its interests, as we are a community of values, which we want to promote and defend throughout the world. But, when we do projects we have to agree with the implementing organization about the goals and results, which have to get the acceptance from the Federal and local governments. At the end we work with the guidance, approval, support and facilitation and welcome of the Sudanese government.

    Q 18: Ahmed Haroon Ahmed and Ayoub Emam said Why the EU is not pledging to its commitments؟

    A: This is not true. We actually spend many millions of euros in the country annually. The EU support goes to projects implemented through local and international organisations. We do not support the government directly. We do not invest in projects with dual use for example we will not build a road that can transport people and transport army. Or we will not build a building that can be used as a hospital or security detention. We have to make sure all our projects respect human rights.

    Q 19: Abul Bashar Ali and Mo Al Saffy are asking Why the EU role is limited in Sudan؟

    A: The EU role in Sudan is political, development and humanitarian. We actually do much more than many countries, while we are not a country. If there is no EU in Sudan, there will be an absence of European role in Sudan and there will be less development and humanitarian assistance to Sudan.

    Q 20: Osman Al Tayeb is asking what challenges face the EU work in Sudan؟

    A: There are many operational challenges we face in Sudan from getting the visa to enter Sudan, to travel permits between states to logistical costs like fuel and electricity and access to remote areas. Sudan is a country in the size of a continent. But we are very hopeful that with the new, transitional government the situation will improve.

    Q 21: Asad Abdel Haleem asks How the EU provides support to Sudan and is the EU coordinating with MS؟

    A: The EU Ambassadors and ######### of cooperation meet regularly to make sure all our policies are coordinated. We also meet often with UN and like-minded countries like UK, Norway, USA and Canada to make sure our assistance complete each other and not compete each other. The most important thing about coordination is, however, that the government should take the lead in this. The EU is a strong supporter of government ownership of aid coordination and we also support the Prime Minister's office and the Ministry of Finance and Planning to take up that role more strongly than before.

    Q 22: Yousif Mouhialdeen, Mohamed Hamid and Shadia Dawoud asked about how can the EU support Sudan on the debt relief؟

    A: The debt situation of Sudan is very problematic and urgently needs to be addressed. Debt relief, however, is a long term process, involving many different players, such as the ''Paris Club'' of official creditors, the International Financial Institutions and of course the bilateral donors. The EU countries are all members in the Paris Club. The EU and its member states fully support the efforts of the Government to fulfil all the conditions to start a debt relief programme under the HIPC initiative. We are in permanent consultation with the government and all the other players how to bring about the so called ''HIPC decision point'' where the country will be officially declared eligible for debt relief. We will have to work on a lot of issues to reach that point. To mention the most important ones: Sudan needs to finalize a so called Poverty Reduction Strategy, which is well underway currently; and an arrangement needs to be agreed with the IFI's to clear the arrears Sudan has with these institutions. Also, the country needs to agree on a so called Staff Monitored Program with the IMF. Last but not least, Sudan also needs to be removed from the US list of States Supporting Terrorism. The EU and its member states continue to advocate with the United States for swift action in this respect. In parallel, it is very important that Sudan continues its transition based on the Constitutional Declaration of 2019 and makes firm steps on establishing stable democratic and civilian political reforms and begins a process of essential economic reforms. The EU and its member states work continuously with all relevant players to support Sudan on all these aspects to the best of their abilities.

    Q 23: Mariam Ali Eissa, Kamal Yousif and Fadi Kinane asked about how are you supporting Sudan on education, culture, music, research and training؟

    A: The EU is supporting various projects such as strengthening primary education (implemented by UNICEF), rehabilitating vocational centres (GIZ) and conducting Erasmus Scholarships and exchange programs. We are also supporting Sudan on the reform of the curriculums and the European cultural centres are teaching various European languages and other capacity building trainings. To do more, the Sudanese academic institutions could submit proposals for projects through international organizations or European academic bodies.

    Q 24: Sabah Ahmed is asking what is the EU doing to support teachers in Sudan؟

    A: The EU is funding projects with UNICEF to reduce of primary students drop out from schools especially in Darfur States. We are also funding the British Council to train the teachers and improve the curriculums in the schools.

    Q 25: Al Tohami Abboud asked why the EU is not granting any scholarships؟

    A: Through Erasmus, the EU aims to modernise and support the development of higher education. It does this through funding programmes offering a range of opportunities to higher education institutions, students, doctoral candidates and university staff across Europe and the rest of the world. Since 2009, 11 higher education institutions in Sudan have participated in Erasmus Mundus joint master Degrees (University of Khartoum and Kordofan, Ahfad University for women to name just a few). In 2019, 8 Sudanese students have been selected to study in prestigious, integrated, international study programme in 7 European universities and for a period of two years maximum.

    Students should apply online and the process is very transparent. Visit our website for more information.

    Q 26: Daffalla Al Bashir, Ahmed Abdul Bagie, Mohamed Hamdy, Kamal Yousif and Malak Abu Al Galaa asked questions about does the EU plans to increase training for young people and cultural activities؟

    A: Young people are the most important asset of Sudan, so to have them trained is crucial. The more projects proposals we receive, the more we could fund. We normally fund projects through international organizations and civil society organizations. For instance, the Youth, Employment and Skill program (with GIZ) aims at economically empowering youth and providing the Sudanese economy with employable skilled professionals. But there are also important areas we would like to focus on like health, food security, climate change, democracy and human rights.

    Q 27: Najm Al Deen Mohamed, Ahmed Wahba and Omar Adam asked what are you doing for the young people in Sudan؟ The young people see no change؟

    A: The EU is providing funding to various educational, training and capacity building projects. I see and I understand the frustration of the Sudanese young people but real change takes time and without real peace and political stability there will be less progress in Sudan.

    Q 28: Hisham Rahma asked how can you support the troubled health system؟

    A: The EU is funding projects for the WHO, Italian Aid Cooperation and other organizations in improving the health clinics, access to medicine, training medical and government staff to collect information to make better policies and decisions. We will support the WHO with 10 million Euros to provide medical and technical support on COVID 19.

    Q 29: Tawfeg Bakri, Suhaib Al Bassir and Mohamed Boss are asking how is the EU supporting the agriculture and production sectors؟

    A: The EU is funding a number of organizations which promote sustainable agriculture and support rural beneficiaries, such as smallholder farmers. They aim at improving agricultural production, reducing post-harvest losses and increasing water availability for crops. For instance, in one EU project, 14,000 households benefited from water availability, 1,280 training sessions were conducted for the fishermen and 2,195 for horticulturalists.

    Q 30: Fathi Mahmoud, Taj Al Sir Fadol and Yousif Moreeno asked about the EU announced pledges to support Sudan, where are those amounts, we do not see any improvement in our daily suffering؟

    A: The EU and its member states have indeed pledged committed and spent substantial amounts in humanitarian assistance, development cooperation and financial support to the transition process of the country. The effects of this support are clearly visible. The humanitarian support contributes substantially to the supply of food, medicine and other essential materials to vulnerable sections of the population, particularly refugees, internally displaced people and rural poor people. Many schools, health clinics and other public service institutions have benefitted from development cooperation initiatives of the EU and also its member states. The large sums already committed to support the transition process will to a large extent also be aimed at improving the situation of vulnerable families, to promote job opportunities for women and youth and to improve the say ordinary Sudanese have in the government through democratic development. The road to a better life for all, however, is long and we will have to continue to support the people of Sudan on this road for no short while. That is why the strategic partnership of the EU with the transitional government is so important for the prosperity of the country and its people.

    Q 31: Ahmad Hassan asked is the EU providing job opportunities for EU citizens in Sudan؟

    A: we are offering job opportunities to both Sudanese and EU citizens. We advertise the jobs on our website and social media and newspapers. Also we advertise job opportunities of our partners, so keep looking at our Facebook page and website.

    Q 32: Mohamed Abdullah why there is no exchange programs between European and Sudanese institutions to pass experience and technology؟

    A: All the international organizations implementing our projects in Sudan are working with locals and Sudanese civil society organizations. They are passing lots of experience and technology

    Q 33: Mohamed Mustafa asked how will the EU support the young people to integrate into the global world؟

    A: The EU encourages the Sudanese young people to apply to the Erasmus Plus scholarships. We also encourage the Sudanese universities to apply for exchange projects with European universities and international educational organizations. Erasmus is one of the most successful programs of the EU and young Sudanese should use it to the most possible extent.

    Q 34: Hatim Wagiallah asked what the EU is doing for climate change in Sudan؟

    A: The EU is funding projects on clean solar energy, we are training farmers on better agricultural practices to protect the land and environment, we are funding projects on water management and harvest, we are supporting awareness campaigns on environmental issues and we are encouraging Sudanese young businesses to invest in environment and green solutions. The EU and its member states will continue to advocate for green, sustainable investment by the government and the private sector alike.

    Q 35: Kamal Mohamed, Mohamed Al Tahir and Gadora Adam said the EU hands are filled with blood of the RSF victims؟ Why the EU is supporting them؟ Why did you support the RSF in the sit-in massacre؟

    A: This is a major disinformation in the Sudanese-European relations. The EU does not support the army or the militias in Sudan or any part of the world. Those allegations were made to poison the relations and to put pressure on the EU to quit Sudan. We will not quit Sudan, because we will stand by the people of Sudan in the struggle to create a democratic Sudan, with peace, freedom and justice for all.

    Q 36: Nada Ali: What is the current status of the Khartoum Process؟

    A: The Khartoum Process was created by the former regime to open dialogue between the countries of the region to fight human trafficking. The same traffickers who are smuggling humans are the same smuggling flour and fuel and arms which is a threat to your economy and security now. Some people try to portray the process as benefiting Europe only. The idea, however, is to discuss safe and sound ways to stop irregular migration and thus fight violations of human rights.

    Q 37: Amar Mohamed Ali is asking what is the EU doing to support refugees inside Sudan؟

    A: Many EU projects support refugees in Sudan and Sudanese refugees in other countries. For example we support IOM projects to train the refugees to find jobs or return to their countries to start a small business. We also work on improving the living water and sanitation and health and education facilities inside camps or societies which hosts refugees. The biggest support in the end is the achievement of a real and lasting peace, allowing people to return to their homes and start building their own future again, contributing to the prosperity of the country and its people.

    Q 38: Fathi Suleiman and Azza Obaid are asking Why all these complications for a Sudanese when s/he wants to obtain a visa to enter the European Union to spend his leave or to attend a scientific conference؟

    A: In the past there were some applicants who got the visa and travelled to Europe and then stayed there. This has implications on the security, economy and welfare systems of the European countries. We are not against migration but we are against irregular migration. People have to follow the rules to ensure legal and correct access. The member states embassies manage the visa issues and not the EU.

    Q 39: Ayman Eissa asked a question about how the EU can provide a strategic and long term support to Sudan.

    A: First and foremost, I want to mention that the EU wants to be a strategic partner of Sudan. A true partner on an equal footing. Therefore, we are working with the transitional government to establish a strategic dialogue, where we can discuss all the issues of common concern collectively, openly and genuinely. We look forward to shape this structural partnership in the context of the new European instrument for international partnerships, which will be negotiated and introduced for the coming 7 year period.

    Q 40: Omer Mahjoub and Ibrahim Ombdi asked if the EU Ambassador is optimistic about the future of Sudan؟ What are his recommendations؟

    A: I was born an optimist. And yes, for Sudan we continue to be optimistic. The Sudanese people made this revolution and now they continue support the transitional government and remain united. The solutions will not be easy and it will take time and effort.

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